It’s a deliberate attempt to undermine morale and readiness, and screen out thinkers, so that they can make the military a useful police tool against our own citizens and nothing more.

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Completely agree! Brandon has been a catastrophe.. Woke madness...our Military preparedness sinks daily because of POTUS mandated poison jabs.. our Military Leaders should be forced to resign their commissions.. if we find they forced their troops to get the jab.. no exceptions...

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I don't see this trend ending. Thanks to distributed digital media, red state Americans that historically provided most of the cannon fodder for the GAE now realize that joining the military is not an honorable way to serve a grateful country, but instead a chance to become killed and maimed on behalf of the stock portfolios of an elite that deeply hates them. The military is beginning to hollow and it won't stop until it is a brittle shell.

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The military's focus is to protect the citizens. We don't need woke junk in the mix. Evil and stupid. Anyone with these issues should not be in the military.

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Agree. Here in Australia we have an ex SAS officer now a Federal politician (Liberal) who thankfully has been calling out the absurdity of woke/political correctness creeping through the military. It is frankly an astonishing embarrassment and nonsense they’ve been representing. https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/national/2021/04/14/andrew-hastie-work-defence/amp/

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To think anyone who knows the corruption in government reaches all aspects of our lives, why would one join a government regulated institution that is forced to take an experimental gene therapy. Our soldiers who are jabbed could fall dead while on duty or in action. What would happen to people being rescued for example if the pilots suddenly had heart attacks at the same time because of a blood clot coming loose during stressful situations. Remote sure, but within the realm of possibility because of insane practices by government. Even our passenger air line pilots have had to take the experimental gene therapy, does not seem good to me. How would you feel if you knew the people trying to save your life or flying the jet you are in were physically compromised? I realize also, the woke ideals they want to push on them are another reason to reconsider joining. We have to many stupid ideas being pushed to the front of our most important institutions, impeding even the functioning of the institution its applied to. How could one work beside someone who may look at you differently just because you are a different race. How is it rational people could even consider pushing yet another insanity on the military that makes it less affective, unless that's their goal. Maybe the people behind this want to weaken the military as part of the plan to destroy our countries, as it seems they are doing right now. This is like some science fiction horror movie playing out in front of our eyes in real time. I can't help but wonder why all of these insane people haven't been rounded up last year and put where they no longer do any more harm. It's plain as the nose on our faces they have deliberately killed millions of people with millions more who may be on their way out that don't know they have done serious harm to themselves for believing the fear tactics around the so-called pandemic. How much longer do we have to watch this waking nightmare continue before there is justice for the human race. Is there no one out there with the intestinal fortitude to stop this, are they all against the human race? How is it no one in the police force or other law enforcement areas don't see what's going on to stop this insanity. It's like the entire world has gone crazy. If the people who are in positions where they can end this insanity, can't end it, then what do we do? We see moral people calling the criminals out and telling them to their faces, that it's known they have committed crimes against humanity. In parliament and in Canada, the same thing. Yet, no one in law enforcement has responded. For those who took the oath to serve and protect, don't serve and protect, what then? This is beyond belief. Could they be held back somehow? If so, how? Could the commanding officers, commissioners' etcetera be corrupt and bought off? We the people who are awake to the truth, are not getting the truth to all who need to see and hear it. What can we do? Walk the streets and stand on street corners to shout it out? Or will that make us look like the wing nuts the evil are trying to paint us to look like? God Help us.

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deletedOct 27, 2022·edited Oct 28, 2022
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Followed by Julian Assange.

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He has been treated horribly and his health is so poor.

Trump should have gone to bat for him.

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Our entire country is being destroyed by the woke and I think some of it is the CCPs doing.

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Gotta check those pronouns first!

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This "leadership" is lacking in essentially every category of government alphabet soup agencies as well as the vast majority of big companies.

The ultimate goal is of course, the capitulation of the United States to foreign power.

There never has been any other international goal, once the US is "took down" there will be absolutely nothing to stand in the way of the globalists to dictate any and all policies to every single citizen on earth.

Check this page out of the NWO "playbook."


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The CIA, along with all other world Intel Agencies, are the ones implementing the plan!

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