Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Really, the entire Muslim relocation project is nothing but planned destruction of Western Civilization using brutal, very screwed up human beings from a culture with rampant pedophilia and abuse, including factions that ritualistically genital-mutilate their daughters. The abused often grow up to in turn be abusers, and Islam makes a fine art of perpetuating such generational evil and abuse.

People call it a religion, but it is not! It is a fraud, plagiarizing the religions "of the book". Real religions were attempts to describe or explain the lives and works of realized spiritual Teachers or Masters, such as Jesus and Buddha who were pure and good, but Mohammed was absolutely nothing like that! He was a monster! A disgusting and vicious, lying, raping, mass-murdering, con-artist pedophile theif! He made up Islam as a way to get his thieving, murdering army of fellow criminals to obey him by fooling them into believing that he was getting messages from the Angel Gabriel. I've got news for people: Angels DON'T tell anyone to go out and commit heinous crimes!

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Much can be discerned about it when you take a look at the symbolism. The black cube of Saturn, their kaaba, is right out in plain sight. Imagine taking it apart on paper; when you unroll the sides of the cube and lay it out flat in your mind, you see that it becomes a black cross; a perversion on the symbolism of Christianity. Interestingly.....the so-called 911 Memorial in New York also has this same symbolism in the black cubes that are there. This is a very powerful occult symbol, and it is wormhole technology. The amount of loosh that is generated by the anguish and fear in that place, refreshed every day that more people go there and remember the terrible things that happened is enormous.....it feeds some very dark, dimensional entities. The mask of Islam the religion hides a monster indeed.

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Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth


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Yep! "Religion of peace". What a crock!

It is actually quite tragic, though. Imagine all of those brainwashed adherents when they depart their bodies and discover that instead of of getting 72 virgins, that they have an energy body with no genitalia, and then they get presented with their Life-review and have to experience all the pain and trauma that they inflicted on others!

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I haven't told many people this but please listen to this.

My friend and colleague when I lived in Dubai had a brother who wanted to join the US Military and get citizenship. These people were amazingly good people and were from Iraq.

I was contacted by the US Military to provide a reference, which I willingly gave.

I later found out through the grapevine that a lot of not-so-nice Iraqis were doing the same.

This may be a nothing-burger at this point, but it just goes to show what is happening behind the scenes.

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A mentally deranged person attacks a Police Officer, and you intimate it is religious war.

Meanwhile, you were in the White House under a President who is part of the Deep State, Military Operation to deploy what most scientists now believe is a bio-weopon. He's in the Order, he knows what he's doing. These people move in the Epstein circles, whether in the Order faction or the "Dragon family" faction.

Please wakeup, they are going to divide and conquer now in every nation to bring in a world system, and all the lego parts are in place.

So Dr. P are you against this? What is your position when they roll up a digital ID and currency tied to vaccination in every nation?

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not interested in no id, no digital crap, as you would know from my writing, this was no insane person, bull shit, this is 9th century jihadists. always was, the metal illness is crock.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Sometimes we argue from the ego, not from fact. Nobody wants to be wrong. They create all sides of the war. Evidence is in a litany of books & testimonies you did not read but this painting in Epstein's apartment is worth 1000s of words.


This is your first go around, we had to dig out of the last world-wide sham.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

All govs & agencies world-wide help organized crime which are often corporations and their owners. The complexes "Cabals" create the enemy, you are so afraid of.

Wars are military operations to run drugs, arms, gene therapies, dollars.

When an African nation may try to raise up out of it, say in Libya, they decimated it. Nobody is allowed out of the system. Yes, they import foreigners to cause tension in the west, and more tension more chance of civil war. But it could easily be vx vs unvx, red vs blue, black vs white, christian vs muslim. They love to trick us into fighting each other.

An "insider" says war is modern human sacrifice, https://youtu.be/FUDdOR618xE?t=7514

Time to learn what you did not about how the world works. We were at the same point you were once.

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Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with the massive criminality and attacks taking place by muslim migrants in Europe. The numbers are staggering. Look up muslim population by country then look at prison population. Sweden welcomed these people. Muslims are 8% of the population and 70% of the prison population. The stats are very similar throughout the European that allowed mass migration. Rape has skyrocketed in Sweden. Do you remember what took place in Cologne Germany on new years eve 2015? A big part of the problem is that government and msm will not call out what is taking place. We are told it a religion of peace . Their doctrine certainly isn't peaceful, nor there actions. The peaceful ones should be left alone. The rest should be deported!

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Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth


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Interesting. How do you know he is in the order? I remember he was rolling out 5G because he wanted to beat China. Does he know? The pics at the Playboy Mansion, and with Ghislaine and Jeffrey? Also , reported he had invested 2 million in Pfizer for the Covid shot serum. The pics with the hand gestures, Space Force? Devils horns. All could be coincidence? Or... someone please explain. So much contradiction... :( i know the mil ops are saving children. So confusing

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see my comment above with the youtube video, anyone at that level has been to the "Grove"

I'm sorry, very dark people are misleading the nation(s) to destruction.

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Who are you talking about?

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Problem is look at the rot that surrounded Trump. What was he to do?

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Look at the alternative. Do people really think Hillary would have done better. Trump got rid of ISIS and was preparing to take on the vile, criminal regime that bashes young women to death for wearing loose fitting head scarves. What's Brandon doing?

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Yes, I'm serious. The bogeyman led to $14 Trillion in spending at least, according to Brown University: https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/

How many lives does $14 trillion save. A deranged person shouting anything does not mean your nation is under attack. The media (read deep state) rolls it out every so often.

These are the people that locked the world in their homes. You have enough evidence in front of you.

Eat the red pill.

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There is a certain demographic over-represented in the 'refugee' populations in many western nations.

Can't quite put my finger on it but something is different compared to every other refugee influx in the history of the world (probably). Has been different since the most recent regime change wars (Libya, Syria, etc). Indeed, books have been written on it.

There is even a word for it, though fact checkers agree that is just a silly misinterpretation.

Hijrah: Invasion by immigration.

Ghaddafi talked about it - well before he was murdered by the Empire - how they didn't have to fire a shot they would in 50 or 100 years outnumber Europeans in Europe. Simply based on disparate TFRs. I believe he saw it as a more traditional movement where family units travel together, not just fighting age males, but I'm not a historian.

Erdogan used waves of these 'refugees' as a battering ram against his neighbour and other EU nations. Laid on extra flights from North Africa in fact, so they could walk across from Asia to Europe - and often not stop until arrival at the UK. Of course, the 'Civil War' that everyone supported in Syria was the MSM pretext for the flows through Turkey, but one wonders how did that impact North Africans?

One wonders, what collective psychosis has gripped the heads of state in EU nations? The Woke Agenda alone can't account for such a suicidal policy approach. Merkel was a huge champion of it. From memory, in some of these countries someone writing about the facts of what has happened can be arrested and charged for a greater sentence than a monster who has preyed upon a child.

What it does to the ethos of governments and police departments is another matter. As we saw in the UK, systematically turning a blind eye to industrial scale grooming and abuse, for fear of being called 'racist'. Talk about insane. Betraying oaths, failing to protect your own citizens - over years - because of a Woke Agenda?

Biden also has declared it is an unstoppable wave that will wash across the USA's southern border. Though maybe that insane policy would be reversed if the inflows more resembled UK, Italy, and Sweden? Or perhaps the people would have reversed it more directly.


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I’ve written a response to this before this was all pre- planned and organised by WEF, deep state whatever you like to call it. Sometimes life imitates art imitates life. There was a message vie released in 2005 called Charlie Wilson’s war.the moment vie is about the CIA’s in Olmert in Afghanistan. It was due for release in 2002, but was decided that was too clear se to 9/11. The CIA were trading weapons for heroin. Deep state US was also heavily involved with ISIS. The white hats in Syria were funded by the UK and they also created the false flag gas attacks. The question- who exactly created/ engineered this situation.

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Certain fingerprints seem to show up all over the world. One even meddles in the USA down to the district level, apparently.

It takes a whole lot of thumbtacks and yarn - and a really big wall - but there is a unifying ideology behind these events and trends, and more than one evil hand. Socialism. An ideology that aligns with what the WEF stands for. Which will result in neo-feudalism for us as cattle in their 4th IR.

Destabilisation of our societies is a big part of it. They want to break everything, so they can replace everything with their solutions. Financial Markets. Entire Industries. Political/Governance Systems. Welfare Systems. Everything must go*, because given a choice no-one would choose their solutions^.

Glad you could see the White Helmet Production Company chemical psyops for what they were. Most people I know believe the Empire narrative about Syria.


*- Including guns.

^- Or so I thought. The Plandemonium has shown that people are not as independent as they often believe, and more resemble livestock than is comfortable to admit.

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See I hate labels because what I mean by a label (I am English) is often totally different to what other people mean by the same label.

This is an especially noticable issue when comparing UK v USA v Canada v Australia v NZ.

You say that the WEF is about "socialism" but I would say the label "fascism" is more appropriate.

I am almost certain that this is nothing more than me and you not having the exact same understanding of the word "socialism" because of our different upbringings.

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Language is indeed fraught.

I should have used authoritarianism or collectivism, to cut across that issue. Bolshevik 2.0 is another that I favoured, since the vision then and now is eerily similar. But now with Technology(TM) it will work perfectly!

The ideological underpinning is all the same, in my amateur understanding. Window dressing differences. Likewise, when I use Woke in a post here it is equally fraught, but regrettably used to save space and time.

Simplistically, they see there are being the ruling elite with everything, and everyone else with nothing. The most lopsided power dynamic in history, compelled to compliance because they will have taken away every avenue of rebellion. Digital Gulags this time around. How it is sliced and administered is really less important to me. Tessa Lena has done a great breakdown of the Great Reset on Substack. They are playing for every piece on the globe.

For those reasons (and because the history books are less political from the era in question) I prefer to use Neo-Feudalism. Because that is what it will be. Slaves living at the sufferance of their betters. We will own nothing. We will have no freedom. Picture any of 100 dystopian movies and that will be us if this all unfolds the way they intend.

If that is not any clearer, or if you have a different interpretation I am keen to read your views. There aren't many chances to have these sort of exchanges in my daily life. Most people I know are NPCs.


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I think we are both on the same page.

What I love about people on SubStack is that you can actually converse with people and it is so educational and people are able to have different opinions.

I am loving that you have given me several alternative terms to use now which I thank you for.

Just one thing., remind me again of what NPC stands for I know that it is something to do with gaming (my son called Liz Truss a real-life NPC) but I am being dense right now.

Totally agree about real life people now in that so many of them are BBC and Daily Heil believers and nothing can shake those beliefs, no curiosity or investigation allowed.

Nice to meet you BTW.

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Hi PC,

Non-Player Character, used here like it sounds. I'm not a gaming person, life on the treadmill trying to keep up takes too much time for that. But I was struck by the use in a TV series where there were VR bots in a scene, just to make it seem busier. The human character could only interact with the non-NPC types. The rest were puppets. Picture an android before the OS is loaded.

I use it to grip up that freaky trend where people seem to be unable to engage in a human way. To learn new things. To have a civil discussion. To change their mind/programming on a given topic.

Critical thinking has taken a huge hit, extrapolated from my samples.

The Menticide, war on the mind, had been relentless for nearly 3 years. The biggest psychological operation in history. And long before that we have been ingesting, inhaling, injecting, and bathing in neurotoxins for the past century. It isn't just the autistic victims that have vaxx injuries. I fear it will actually be the majority of us, once we actually look for the signs.


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Bloody hell mate you speak (type) so much sense especially about the critical thinking.

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CIA trading weapons for drugs???

Never, not in a million years.

Iran-Contra Affair anybody??

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The direction all this was going in was evident 20 years ago. You were warned. We were ignored and/or laughed at.

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They come to kill infidels. Sooner than later something has to implode. People just go on with

their day to day lives not paying attention. The sickening part about it is that our Communist

Regime that is trying to run our Country is the ENABLER. Churches and other agencies are

given money to handle these people. Our guns have to overpower their knives. You see

what happened to Minnesota. Obama flooded that State with Somalis. Just look who we

got Omar, in the US Congress, a bigoted Somali Islamist.

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Stop believing that mental crap. What you are saying is NEVER going to happen in the US.

Obama, JOE, Fauci, and his male pal Collins know where the Bio- weapon labs are located.

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Watch yr necks folks! 🔪It's surely coming in picket fence North America too! Sharia law etcetc

Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth


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Totally agree with what you’re saying . I’m n the other side of the planet. In Dan Andrew’s dystopian totalitarian state. Looking from outside the box and reading / podcasts etc it would appear mostvUS security agencies FBI CIA FEMA etc have been corrupt since inception and are directed against the USPopulation. Charlie Wilson’s war is a movie- sorry for the typos. There is also a YouTube video might pique your interest called JFK to 9/11. I also saw a cartoon recently depicting Rishi Sunak as the first AI WEF installed head of state - loved it

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We were just in Bruges but took a train and had to change trains in Brussels. Belgium/Bruges was a lovely place. The Belgians we encountered were kind, courteous people. Compared to London, Belgium appeared to be a calm, gentle place.

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