Igor Chudov has a lot to say about repeat infections from the jabbed on his Substack. He’s has covered this topic extensively recently.

Welcome to VAIDS.

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The tide may very well be turning! I shared the powerful Open VAERS database tool on social media! https://leemuller.substack.com/p/wow-the-tide-may-very-well-be-turning

So everyone get back in the trenches and keep spreading the truth wherever you have presence. Keep building momentum. - rightingthewrongs.org

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Yes Mam! lets dig in, Nuremberg trials part 2 getting closer everyday. 3 new contacts a day at least 5 days a week...my personal goals.. we just have to Persist.. we will get this done!

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According to the story I read in the BBC, she got a positive PCR test the first time, but no symptoms. So I'm suspicious whether she was really infected. They did do further testing to confirm the strains, apparently.

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“The woman, who has been kept anonymous, became infected in December 2021, 12 days after she received her Covid booster vaccine.” So this was right after she received a booster. https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2022/0421/1293404-coronavirus-world/ . Given she was a healthcare worker, it seems possible she might've taken Paxlovid--as Chudov has noted, it could be that just temporarily suppresses the virus and then it comes back. Whatever happened here, if this was 12 days after her booster, this is not a problem of natural immunity.

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After the 5th booster there will be no risk of covid, as covid will become a permanent feature of the living organism...if this organism is still living. Get your damn booster!!!

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Not in Utah at least: https://drflurmgooglybean.substack.com/p/when-in-utah-dont-get-boosted?r=r6d2x&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Efficacy looking to be zero now, and boosters maybe making it worse! (low stats though)

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If something is now happening that did not happen previously with viral epidemics and the only difference is the vaccine....

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Yes good observations. I believe additional causes for over counts of positives.

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all we are trying to do is to think undependably, and not let the media and the idiotic experts confuse us...we as people are uniquely powerful, smart, capable, can think on our own and we must be brave...brave to say what we think and be willing to defend it.

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Agree. Also see Dr. Bridle's latest post. He is doing same. https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/a-moratorium-on-mrna-vaccines-is

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I just read Dr. Bridles latest post. I was aware of his first discussion regarding the Japanese research results but the latest ones he refers to only confirms that one and more. The shot contents thanks to their delivery system appear to override the immune system in order to gain access to our cells and it seems that they gravitate to all parts of the body. It seems to appear worse in females regarding the uptake in the ovaries. It's a fascinating read and Dr. Alexander, if you read our comments I would love to hear your take on this. I know you have a great deal of respect for Dr. Bridle.

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Ok. You send out too many stacks. They're like a viral contagion of my, and others, inbox.

Also you seem either incapable, or unwilling, to consider the possibility that viruses in the wild do not exist. That they need a weapon (think sharp pointy things) as a delivery mechanism.

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This is from the official UK gov. health :


.....then drops to almost no effect from 25wks after the second dose ( Astra Ze neca)

....Down to around 15% by 25 wks after second dose (Pfizer and Moderna)

....dropping to almost no effect from 20+ wks after the booster."

This is from a few days ago.

No need for any speculation, you'd have to be really very silly to consider "protecting" yourself today, all the other

(eg.adverse reaction, possible loss of life etc) consequences apart.

Am I missing something? Has the original "infliction" being declared 50% deadly or, does 99.9% survival rate still applies? How could it be that shotting is still in place and promoted?

With so much damage already inflicted it is truly beyond comprehension.

Today one doesn't have to look beyond the official, legitimate various govs' sources to see that it does not make any sense as a "health measure". IMHO

Thank you dr.A I appreciate your work.

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My non-professional opinion is that if someone got symptomatic COVID (up through delta variants) before being "vaxxed" they have decent immunity for all the strains up through delta, but not necessarily omicron. If they got omicron before getting "vaxxed" their covered for all omicron related strains. For people who got "vaxxed", they may be getting COVID over and over and over, until they die from ADE'd COVID or a booster.

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Number nine, number nine.

We have irrefutable evidence that the vaccines do damage *AND* (coz you like all caps) viruses area a means to vaccines.

Which implies that if there was no such thing as a virus then the vaccine companies would make them up. And then employ some as 'limited hangouts' to try and HODL.

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I think after reading this: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354150168_Letter_to_Nature_Subjective_science_in_times_of_COVID-19_fallout_effects_from_false-positive_PCR_testing

I started wondering to what extent could you manufacture a pandemic like thing through false positives in testing and contact tracing as a spreading agent. I think you can get similar behavior untill you saturate the dialing fingers of the tracers maybe. How much of asymptomatic (?) cases are from this sort of ‘virtual pathogen’?

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"Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria. Some can cause illness, but many simply coexist with you." - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/viruses-can-help-us-as-well-as-harm-us/ Epstein-Barr virus can remain dormant and become reactivated the remainder of one's life, as just one example. I am certain there are many more examples. Likely it is a matter of keeping in check and in balance, as a healthy, miraculous body and immune system does quite well. (In other words, time to run X number of cycles in a PCR test is perhaps the only real factor in getting a positive once a virus has circulated around enough. I have yet to take a single test. Hoping not to have to participate in this experiment.)

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Guess I’m saying though that you don’t even necessarily need any of those 380 trillion be involved (clearly they’re busy anyway). But, say if you have a bogus flakey test, like I don’t know… one made in The Covid Mother Country that the USPS hands out (hypothetically). And say it goes positive half the time randomly. Then add to that people who call up some number more to get tested for every positive test… voila, you cascade an epidemic of fake positive case counts… I’m wondering how much of the statistics I’ve been scratching my head over for months now are meaningless numbers from that sort of thing…

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Your point is a good one though. It would lead to overcounts. My alma mater requires in-person college students to receive boosters. It is so upsetting to me. Apparently, they recognize that you can still carry the virus for a while and grant a 60-day exemption after testing positive. But after the 60 days, you still have to get a booster, which to me ranges from ludicrous to disastrous, since you would have gotten natural immunity. A booster could cause hyperimmunity and autoimmune disease.

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To me it is criminal. And needs to be prosecuted.

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I only pay much attention to death rates, and adverse reactions -- and not cases -- whether excessive deaths or through VAERs (not covid deaths because of reporting tested positive as opposed to died from, which some argue could have been prevented given proper treatment).

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And then if some fraction of the case count numbers we have are these false positive generated pseudo infections, are Those the asymptomatic “spreaders” everyone is supposed to mask up for and fear?

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Biologists also say we have billions of bacteria in and on our body and so many of them are beneficial. Our immune system works quite well in tandem with them. Why do we continously try to upset the apple cart? Our immune systems are one of the most amazing and complex systems in our body. And yet, the so called medical system has done everything it can to discredit this amazing gift we all possess. I often think of my immune system as a garden. Feed and water and apply nutrients when necessary and keep an eye out for invaders.

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LOL. 380 trillion viruses.

I guess that means we are the virus aye?

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Number not types, but we are a great assemblage of many things that co-exist. Hopefully in balance and in a mutualistic way.

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Until 2020 this was (somewhat) true. From 2020 it is a lie.

And yes I know you're talking about the human body rather than Earth's homo sapien sapien denizens but to me these things are like a russian set of dolls, one inside the other.

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Asymptomatic means there's nothing wrong with you. It's newspeak for 'well' or 'in good health'. So the correct answer is 'zero'.

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Don't you just love how healthy became asymptomatic? We humans are so silly.

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If by that you’re saying they shouldn’t have been cases, yes. Guess I’m trying to understand if there was a thing there that I’m not seeing

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Not that I'm aware of. But who knows what the unconscious gets up to.

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From Spain? N = 1??

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China had a story like that early one ... something like a guy was released from the hospital after covid...went home and had it again like a week later. I think the virus takes a while to clear. And it tries to fight back more than other viruses.

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I really appreciate this posting. A systematic listing of possible reasons for misdiagnosis.. Thank you Paul!

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Also it’s entirely possible for a non vaxxed person to get reinfected even in a short period of time. Immune responses are not binary and are also likely to be quite sensitive to large initial viral loads. The 1 month scenario is likely to be exceeding uncommon but not impossible. Maybe only 1 in a million, struck by lightening uncommon, but possible nonetheless. Finding such a case in no way invalidates natural immunity. It’s just a silly game of gotcha.

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