It seems odd that nobody ever reported or cried out for the innocent civilian killed by the bombing of civilians in the Dombas by Ukraine starting in 2014, or the use of white phosphorus grenades the by the Israelis on the Palestinians, etc, etc.
I've read some of the first-hand accounts of White Russians (modern-day Belarus), where Bolsheviks skinned people alive in public, cut off limbs, absolute barbarity. Yes, you never read about it.
Yes it's deliberately hidden from us .There's a book Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day, who was over there, might have gotten into it (worth a read IMO)
I'll go take a look. Thank you. I worked with a woman whose godmother was White Russian, escaped with her baby in arms, by taking a 3rd-class train, took her 3 days, dressed in poor peoples clothing. She always had her hands concealed, because they were a noble woman's hands. She didn't eat or drink but a few sips, so she wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. Terrifying.
Exactly, great point Sandra. Someone that knows real history and not propoganda fed to children in thier government controlled indoctrination camps.
The Jews of today are not Judean, they are Japhetite, meaning they are not Semetic as they claim. The Judeans were wiped out by the Romans in 70AD. Japhetite=Ashkenazim=Scythians=Khazarians=bolsheviks.
Get a clue... It doesn't matter to God, and His opinion is the only one that matters. He CREATED the Jews out of Chaldeans. And surprise, surprise, He created them to be a SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. The genetics are incidental. He doesn't care.
He also always allowed converts, with conditions. That's why there Ethiopian Jews, and many of other nations. Not many (because men had to be circumcised as a condition), but enough.
BTW, the linguistic and DNA testing & analysis of the Ashkenazi Jews shows enough haplogroup presence to indicate Semetic ancestry.
I have to laugh at you buffoons who get your information from Jared Taylor and the other Jew-haters. Your ignorance is profound.
Read the Bible, it will tell you everything about God's purpose in creating the Jews.
Which bible? The word JEW wasnt in the bible until 1775.
Nope DNA tests dont show that. Dr Elhaik’s work is a must read regarding that European Jews are not Semites. They are decendants of the Ashkanazi or Turkik group. Dr. Elhaik is Jewish and a geneticist. These Europeans have little or no DNA linking them to Middle Eastern ancestry.
“On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates….'” Genesis 15:18
By descendants God definitely meant the same biological bloodline, the same DNA, actual grandchildren of Abram/Abraham. Not spiritual progeny. As even a cursory study would show, those today who are known as Jews are not remotely bloodline descendants of Abraham.
They are in fact the non-Semitic and non-Israelite Ashkenazim and Sephardim, who in later times joined small numbers of other races that converted to Judaism/Pharisaism: Polish, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. These latter ones form a minority known as European Jews who, when coupled with the Ashkenazim, constitute a majority against the darker-skinned Samaritan, Sephardic, and African Jews; and none of these groups can claim to be of Abraham’s bloodline.
However, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about the majority of converted Jews, the people known as Ashkenazim and Sephardim, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite; 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews); 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists, and their land inheritance expired with them.
“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20
For God's sake, the ACTUAL Khazarians left the scene by year 1000 AD, most by 950. There's not a lot of archeological evidence left.
Now listen...Jews are not primarily a GENETIC PEOPLE, they are a SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. Do you understand the difference?
They were originally from Chaldea, a people in the Tigris-Euphrates area. They were CHALDEAN. Abraham was called by God to take his family, to go where God would lead him. He didn't even know why or where, but he believed God, and obeyed.
They are uniquely a CREATED PEOPLE, BY GOD, AND HIS SPIRITUAL PURPOSES. If their identity as Jews was genetic, then there could never be converts, because the gene pool could not be altered, there could be no conversions.
But God clearly allowed conversions, so there are black Ethipean and Nubian Jews, Polish Jews, Chinese Jews... Yes, Chinese.
Read some actual history, instead of the ignorant, vile, racist crap you post. Ignorance.
Just like the "safe and effective" bullshit COVID narrative or the Russia invaded innocent Ukraine lie; we have to constantly counter this on the only forums we citizens can participate in - social media
I have said from the beginning of this incident... WAIT. Look for reports from trustworthy news sources, no knee-jerk reactions, and certainly NO MONEY.
Palestinians are beheading babies and that’s okay with you, raping woman and young girls before lighting them on fire. You’re insane if you except this. Just this year so far 5,000 missiles have been launched from the Gaza Strip. They launch from hospitals, schools ect..
Already proven to be, false jew news. OTOH, jews are bombing 2M people, they have kept in a concentration camp for almost 50 years. Fuck off yid, Hasbara have anyone smarter than you to argue with?
Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.
During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)
Do not get caught up in this orchestrated Pearl Harbor-like attack. The big picture we need to worry about is the loss of our Freedom because if we let them manipulate us, Psy-Op us once again the plan is to set off sleeper cells inside the USA so Martial Law can be declared and the loss of our Freedom.
Been concerned about that myself... Any excuse for another "emergency", and Munblemooth BiteMe is getting to where he can't even speak a whole sentence coherently.
I agree that this latest attack on Israel can be called Israel's 9/11 becuase like 9/11, this seems to be a false flag attack, or at the very least Israel had advanced warning of the attack and let it take happen, in order to trick people, like Dr. Alexander, into supporting Israel in a war with Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran. Please note that Israel helped create Hamas and likely has undercover agents inside Hamas.
You could trick this guy with a $2 bill! Paid shill. He will do or say anything, to help the next Drumpf Admin break every new campaign promise. No integrity. Zero.
Yes it could because the same people that orchestrated that false flag also created this one. Look at the original images and video and you can see its all lies and propaganda. The masses are so easily swayed by what they see and hear. Government controlled youth indoctrination camps doing their job i see.
Create a new Israel in the USA. The ancestral homeland of most the Jewish people is in Europe but there is rising hostility toward them there. It's convenient for Europe to have Israel exist in the middle-east because it's far away from Europe. There was an attempt in the early 20th century to create a new Jewish homeland in north-Western Australia but it never succeeded and the Jewish people were resettled in the middle-east instead. It's abundantly clear that the neighbors of the Jewish people in Israel are not going to accept them in the middle-east and conflict is, unfortunately, going to continue. The US is the biggest supporter and defender of Israel and the Jewish people. Many US leaders are Jewish, and many Jewish people already reside in the US, so there is a cultural connection. If the US gives up sone if its land to enable the creation of a New Israel then Israel will have all the resources needed to ensure its survival close at hand. The US as the biggest supporter and defender of Israel spends trillions of USD in supporting and defending Israel. Much of this money could be saved and diverted toward helping the Jewish people in other ways if Israel existed onnwhat is currently US land. This change would be cheered by the middle-east and much of Europe and the middle-east conflict would become a thing of the past. It really is the best option moving forward.
Notice we don't get any videos of the civilians and civilian infrastructure killed and destroyed on the Palestinian side.
That's why this b.s gets zero sympathy from me anyone with an IQ above room temperature
This is propoganda designed to elicit an emotional response and wash away the sins of one side in the quest for a greater goal ( likely land grab and settlement expansion)
Nettenyahu promised Dr. P. 3 Palestinians houses, right next to the forthcoming Ben Shapiro Farm & Holohoax Museum in Gaza. After 2M Palestinians are re-settled in Montana.
Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.
During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)
There's not much to destroy at this point. In 2005, when Israel gave Gaza to the pseudo-Palestinians, it had working public utilities, hospitals, malls with middle-class goods, decent streets, etc. Halas turned it into a sh*thole, like every other jihadi place. So nnn Hamas beat the Israelis to it.
Alex, you’re really pushing sides here today. Do you not see this is the DeepState’s purpose? They want you to take a side and argue it and put it on social media and head to the local watering hole to share your opinions. Stop! They did this with Covid and masks and racism and transgenders and a. Multitude of other issues. They want us divided so we don’t look at their misdeeds and terror campaigns. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Stop falling for it. You look silly.
There is a need to wait and access properly. Some vids will be real some not. It all very confusing except to the false flag people, they already have it all figured out. Them and bigfoot.
Dr Alexander, with all due respect, I follow you for covid data, which you are very good with, not to be bombarded with global war propaganda. Stick with your purpose or I will be unsubscribing.
Then don't read these posts. He tells you in the headline what the subject is.
He's a high energy, passionate, righteous man. He has righteous anger, and that's a good thing. And it's not just about COVID, it's about wrongdoing to humanity. It's just part of who he is.
Everybody's a mixed bag, right? He doesn't have to get every detail right. We're all struggling to deal with it. Would you prefer that he's callous, like so many around us these days? I'm grateful for his passion, energy, and willingness to be on the battlefield. I wish we had more.
It’s called feedback and I have every right to give it, no matter what your opinion is. Take your own advice and ignore mine Karen. I will push back against propaganda BS no matter where I see it.
Most, if not all Gazan rockets, have no warheads and no guidance systems. Thus, a hollow, empty steel tube lands damaging only that which it lands directly on. The headlines are written to deceive the reader into imagining, incorrectly, that Gazan rockets are similar in destructive power to Israeli or US guided missiles. They aren’t. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
In 2014, headlines would report a Gazan missile strike, then use an image of an Israeli bomb strike. EXCEEDINGLY deceptive since the Gazan rocket lands as a simple hollow, empty tube and the Israeli bomb can be filled with 1000 pounds of high explosive capable of destroying a city block.
Don’t take for granted that anything implied in news coverage is actually true.
These reports of "atrocities" are all false, as 2M people, imprisoned in a concentration camp for 50 years try to break free. But I so thoroughly detest the jews, and the asshats who shill for them, I wish they were true.
Firstly, until you damn jews began to ship Muslims here by the millions, I had no beef with them. So, I reject all three of your choices. But, you nasty pricks calling for the nuking of 2M people, are not fond of alternate choices.
I do like the idea of a White Sharia though, tossing degenerates off buildings, and building large, strong, white families seems like a good idea to me.
You have got to be kidding. Depopulation is well under way in Israel. I think the citizens have more concerning things to worry about. The citizens of Israel should be aware by now that they were conned by a massive propaganda machine. Now they are in the middle of a war when their government with the tightest security ever and it was easily breached. They are now immunocompromised from their previous shots. So let’s get them jabbed with the latest booster because if not they may get sick & infect others when they have to take to the bomb shelters. So they can protect Grandma.
How do we know if any of these claims are true. I know that back in the earlier days of the Global war of terror after the 9/11 false flag, there were fake beheading videos. They have CGI and all sort of technical tricks of deception.
Question how could the Palestinians attack Israel 🇮🇱 or even get close to the barracks or even the wall without them knowing. The technology that israeli has its not possible. This is what you call a false flag, parachuting over the wall really? I’m surprised that U would believe this. Israel is and has always been The aggressor 2.5 million people living in ghettoes water 💦 and electric is rationed by the israeli government.
Dr. Alexander...I love ya guy...I love your intelligence and piss and vinegar.
But please show some discernment. In the last few days re the Hamas/Isreal situation you've been sucked in by some unsubstantiated information.
It's no different than the fear mongers did re Covid.
I'm not condoning what was done, apparently by Hamas. Innocent people died. Innocent people have been dying in Gaza as innocent people died in Eastern Ukraine...for decades.
There's more at play than meets the eye and going off half cocked with an emotional reaction not only hurts your reputation but furthers division...which is exactly what the bad guys want.
Either stay in your lane...medical...or at least wait until you get full information before getting emotional and forming an opinion.
You've done such a good job building a following and enriching your reputation over the last few years to risk it all in these circumstances.
Then don't read these posts. He tells you in the headline what the subject is. If you don't like it, don't read it.
He's a high energy, passionate, righteous man. He has righteous anger, and that's a good thing. And it's not just about COVID, it's about wrongdoing to humanity. It's just part of who he is.
Everybody's a mixed bag, right? He doesn't have to get every detail right. We're all struggling to deal with it, to sort out truth from fiction.
Would you prefer that he's callous, like so many around us these days? I'm grateful for his passion, energy, and willingness to be on the battlefield. I wish we had more.
A lot of this is state sponsored propaganda
We have seen this before
It seems odd that nobody ever reported or cried out for the innocent civilian killed by the bombing of civilians in the Dombas by Ukraine starting in 2014, or the use of white phosphorus grenades the by the Israelis on the Palestinians, etc, etc.
Only certain victims matter. only certain genocides matter. Notice we are never taught about the Bolshevik slaughter of 66 million Christians.
I've read some of the first-hand accounts of White Russians (modern-day Belarus), where Bolsheviks skinned people alive in public, cut off limbs, absolute barbarity. Yes, you never read about it.
Nor the genocide of Armenians by the Turks.
Yes it's deliberately hidden from us .There's a book Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day, who was over there, might have gotten into it (worth a read IMO)
I'll go take a look. Thank you. I worked with a woman whose godmother was White Russian, escaped with her baby in arms, by taking a 3rd-class train, took her 3 days, dressed in poor peoples clothing. She always had her hands concealed, because they were a noble woman's hands. She didn't eat or drink but a few sips, so she wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. Terrifying.
Horrifying and all hidden from us.
Exactly, great point Sandra. Someone that knows real history and not propoganda fed to children in thier government controlled indoctrination camps.
The Jews of today are not Judean, they are Japhetite, meaning they are not Semetic as they claim. The Judeans were wiped out by the Romans in 70AD. Japhetite=Ashkenazim=Scythians=Khazarians=bolsheviks.
Get a clue... It doesn't matter to God, and His opinion is the only one that matters. He CREATED the Jews out of Chaldeans. And surprise, surprise, He created them to be a SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. The genetics are incidental. He doesn't care.
He also always allowed converts, with conditions. That's why there Ethiopian Jews, and many of other nations. Not many (because men had to be circumcised as a condition), but enough.
BTW, the linguistic and DNA testing & analysis of the Ashkenazi Jews shows enough haplogroup presence to indicate Semetic ancestry.
I have to laugh at you buffoons who get your information from Jared Taylor and the other Jew-haters. Your ignorance is profound.
Read the Bible, it will tell you everything about God's purpose in creating the Jews.
Which bible? The word JEW wasnt in the bible until 1775.
Nope DNA tests dont show that. Dr Elhaik’s work is a must read regarding that European Jews are not Semites. They are decendants of the Ashkanazi or Turkik group. Dr. Elhaik is Jewish and a geneticist. These Europeans have little or no DNA linking them to Middle Eastern ancestry.
“On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates….'” Genesis 15:18
By descendants God definitely meant the same biological bloodline, the same DNA, actual grandchildren of Abram/Abraham. Not spiritual progeny. As even a cursory study would show, those today who are known as Jews are not remotely bloodline descendants of Abraham.
They are in fact the non-Semitic and non-Israelite Ashkenazim and Sephardim, who in later times joined small numbers of other races that converted to Judaism/Pharisaism: Polish, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. These latter ones form a minority known as European Jews who, when coupled with the Ashkenazim, constitute a majority against the darker-skinned Samaritan, Sephardic, and African Jews; and none of these groups can claim to be of Abraham’s bloodline.
However, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about the majority of converted Jews, the people known as Ashkenazim and Sephardim, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite; 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews); 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists, and their land inheritance expired with them.
“The LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight… And the LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of spoilers, until he had cast them out of his sight.” 2 Kings 17:18,20
Cite your sources. Very poor scholarship.
Most of them are NOT JEWS, they are Khazarian.
The leaders like Bibi, for certain
For God's sake, the ACTUAL Khazarians left the scene by year 1000 AD, most by 950. There's not a lot of archeological evidence left.
Now listen...Jews are not primarily a GENETIC PEOPLE, they are a SPIRITUAL PEOPLE. Do you understand the difference?
They were originally from Chaldea, a people in the Tigris-Euphrates area. They were CHALDEAN. Abraham was called by God to take his family, to go where God would lead him. He didn't even know why or where, but he believed God, and obeyed.
They are uniquely a CREATED PEOPLE, BY GOD, AND HIS SPIRITUAL PURPOSES. If their identity as Jews was genetic, then there could never be converts, because the gene pool could not be altered, there could be no conversions.
But God clearly allowed conversions, so there are black Ethipean and Nubian Jews, Polish Jews, Chinese Jews... Yes, Chinese.
Read some actual history, instead of the ignorant, vile, racist crap you post. Ignorance.
The main stream news media were able to pull off this garbage before social media.
Now? Not so easy.
Just like the "safe and effective" bullshit COVID narrative or the Russia invaded innocent Ukraine lie; we have to constantly counter this on the only forums we citizens can participate in - social media
I have said from the beginning of this incident... WAIT. Look for reports from trustworthy news sources, no knee-jerk reactions, and certainly NO MONEY.
WAIT AND SEE. The truth will come out eventually.
Because the Palestinians do not own Central Banks, the shitty, oft expelled jews do. So, guys like Dr. P. can be bought fairly easily.
Palestinians are beheading babies and that’s okay with you, raping woman and young girls before lighting them on fire. You’re insane if you except this. Just this year so far 5,000 missiles have been launched from the Gaza Strip. They launch from hospitals, schools ect..
Already proven to be, false jew news. OTOH, jews are bombing 2M people, they have kept in a concentration camp for almost 50 years. Fuck off yid, Hasbara have anyone smarter than you to argue with?
Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas
Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.
During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)
Please share!!
What propaganda are you referring to.
Do not get caught up in this orchestrated Pearl Harbor-like attack. The big picture we need to worry about is the loss of our Freedom because if we let them manipulate us, Psy-Op us once again the plan is to set off sleeper cells inside the USA so Martial Law can be declared and the loss of our Freedom.
Been concerned about that myself... Any excuse for another "emergency", and Munblemooth BiteMe is getting to where he can't even speak a whole sentence coherently.
I agree that this latest attack on Israel can be called Israel's 9/11 becuase like 9/11, this seems to be a false flag attack, or at the very least Israel had advanced warning of the attack and let it take happen, in order to trick people, like Dr. Alexander, into supporting Israel in a war with Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran. Please note that Israel helped create Hamas and likely has undercover agents inside Hamas.
You could trick this guy with a $2 bill! Paid shill. He will do or say anything, to help the next Drumpf Admin break every new campaign promise. No integrity. Zero.
You’re a fucking brainwashed libtard who suffers from TDS.
Well said. He's a complete moron.
Donny Drumpf is a former Democrat, who drinks Rothschild jujucum. he is too Leftist for me, fuckwit.
I've gotten to report you multiple times today! Oh joy!
Sounds very masculine.
Yes it could because the same people that orchestrated that false flag also created this one. Look at the original images and video and you can see its all lies and propaganda. The masses are so easily swayed by what they see and hear. Government controlled youth indoctrination camps doing their job i see.
Create a new Israel in the USA. The ancestral homeland of most the Jewish people is in Europe but there is rising hostility toward them there. It's convenient for Europe to have Israel exist in the middle-east because it's far away from Europe. There was an attempt in the early 20th century to create a new Jewish homeland in north-Western Australia but it never succeeded and the Jewish people were resettled in the middle-east instead. It's abundantly clear that the neighbors of the Jewish people in Israel are not going to accept them in the middle-east and conflict is, unfortunately, going to continue. The US is the biggest supporter and defender of Israel and the Jewish people. Many US leaders are Jewish, and many Jewish people already reside in the US, so there is a cultural connection. If the US gives up sone if its land to enable the creation of a New Israel then Israel will have all the resources needed to ensure its survival close at hand. The US as the biggest supporter and defender of Israel spends trillions of USD in supporting and defending Israel. Much of this money could be saved and diverted toward helping the Jewish people in other ways if Israel existed onnwhat is currently US land. This change would be cheered by the middle-east and much of Europe and the middle-east conflict would become a thing of the past. It really is the best option moving forward.
Notice we don't get any videos of the civilians and civilian infrastructure killed and destroyed on the Palestinian side.
That's why this b.s gets zero sympathy from me anyone with an IQ above room temperature
This is propoganda designed to elicit an emotional response and wash away the sins of one side in the quest for a greater goal ( likely land grab and settlement expansion)
Nettenyahu promised Dr. P. 3 Palestinians houses, right next to the forthcoming Ben Shapiro Farm & Holohoax Museum in Gaza. After 2M Palestinians are re-settled in Montana.
Netanyahu Bragged About Zionist Support for Hamas
Scott Horton, the editorial director of the Antiwar website, has found further evidence that Hamas is an Israeli-controlled terror organization. Horton points to a recent post at the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. The article is locked up behind a paywall. However, it is posted on the website.
During Netanyahu’s fraud trial, writes Gidi Wewitz, the prime minister is quoted as declaring,
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” he told a meeting of his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. “This is part of our strategy—to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (Emphasis added.)
There's not much to destroy at this point. In 2005, when Israel gave Gaza to the pseudo-Palestinians, it had working public utilities, hospitals, malls with middle-class goods, decent streets, etc. Halas turned it into a sh*thole, like every other jihadi place. So nnn Hamas beat the Israelis to it.
Alex, you’re really pushing sides here today. Do you not see this is the DeepState’s purpose? They want you to take a side and argue it and put it on social media and head to the local watering hole to share your opinions. Stop! They did this with Covid and masks and racism and transgenders and a. Multitude of other issues. They want us divided so we don’t look at their misdeeds and terror campaigns. It’s the oldest trick in the book. Stop falling for it. You look silly.
Stop with the atrocity porn. Some of these stories have already been debunked.
There is a need to wait and access properly. Some vids will be real some not. It all very confusing except to the false flag people, they already have it all figured out. Them and bigfoot.
Dr Alexander, with all due respect, I follow you for covid data, which you are very good with, not to be bombarded with global war propaganda. Stick with your purpose or I will be unsubscribing.
Then don't read these posts. He tells you in the headline what the subject is.
He's a high energy, passionate, righteous man. He has righteous anger, and that's a good thing. And it's not just about COVID, it's about wrongdoing to humanity. It's just part of who he is.
Everybody's a mixed bag, right? He doesn't have to get every detail right. We're all struggling to deal with it. Would you prefer that he's callous, like so many around us these days? I'm grateful for his passion, energy, and willingness to be on the battlefield. I wish we had more.
Was I talking to you?
It’s called feedback and I have every right to give it, no matter what your opinion is. Take your own advice and ignore mine Karen. I will push back against propaganda BS no matter where I see it.
Most, if not all Gazan rockets, have no warheads and no guidance systems. Thus, a hollow, empty steel tube lands damaging only that which it lands directly on. The headlines are written to deceive the reader into imagining, incorrectly, that Gazan rockets are similar in destructive power to Israeli or US guided missiles. They aren’t. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
In 2014, headlines would report a Gazan missile strike, then use an image of an Israeli bomb strike. EXCEEDINGLY deceptive since the Gazan rocket lands as a simple hollow, empty tube and the Israeli bomb can be filled with 1000 pounds of high explosive capable of destroying a city block.
Don’t take for granted that anything implied in news coverage is actually true.
Which is why I think it's good to WAIT. Knee-jerk reactions of things like this never lead to wise decisions. Never.
Look at Ukraine. Prime example.
jews have 2-3 superpowers.
1) Lying.
2) Degeneracy.
3) Hypocrisy.
These reports of "atrocities" are all false, as 2M people, imprisoned in a concentration camp for 50 years try to break free. But I so thoroughly detest the jews, and the asshats who shill for them, I wish they were true.
Hail Victory. Fuck Israel.
3 choices
1 convert to Islam.
2 become a slave
3 be killed.
Which would you like to pick ?
Firstly, until you damn jews began to ship Muslims here by the millions, I had no beef with them. So, I reject all three of your choices. But, you nasty pricks calling for the nuking of 2M people, are not fond of alternate choices.
I do like the idea of a White Sharia though, tossing degenerates off buildings, and building large, strong, white families seems like a good idea to me.
You are a giant pussy.
Use your real name
Sure Schlomo! Hahahahaha! 110 is my real name. This time we count.
Are all the people in your great white race as chicken shit as you ?
We are actually all like the Romans of 72AD Chomo.
This is complete extremism by media. See The Duran with Alastair Cooke on the background to this conflict.
You have got to be kidding. Depopulation is well under way in Israel. I think the citizens have more concerning things to worry about. The citizens of Israel should be aware by now that they were conned by a massive propaganda machine. Now they are in the middle of a war when their government with the tightest security ever and it was easily breached. They are now immunocompromised from their previous shots. So let’s get them jabbed with the latest booster because if not they may get sick & infect others when they have to take to the bomb shelters. So they can protect Grandma.
How do we know what is true?
How do we know if any of these claims are true. I know that back in the earlier days of the Global war of terror after the 9/11 false flag, there were fake beheading videos. They have CGI and all sort of technical tricks of deception.
Question how could the Palestinians attack Israel 🇮🇱 or even get close to the barracks or even the wall without them knowing. The technology that israeli has its not possible. This is what you call a false flag, parachuting over the wall really? I’m surprised that U would believe this. Israel is and has always been The aggressor 2.5 million people living in ghettoes water 💦 and electric is rationed by the israeli government.
What can the Non-Jew do when terrorist Israhell is bombing civilians?
It is to early to behead soldiers, I don't believe it but they should do it strategically to mitigate the Israeli terror onslaught.
-"ISIS "what a joke, Israel and Saudi Arabia created ISIS to fight Hezbollah according to General Wesley Clarke:
-ISIS asks Israel for forgiveness:
-Israel pays salaries:
-ISIS declares war on Hamas:
-Israeli colonel caught in the ranks of ISIS talks deep esotertic Kaballah:
-Israeli soldiers caught sniping and killing US troops in Iraq for anti-Islam propaganda clip:
Gen. Clarke is a known liar and not credible. Outright leftist.
Dr. Alexander...I love ya guy...I love your intelligence and piss and vinegar.
But please show some discernment. In the last few days re the Hamas/Isreal situation you've been sucked in by some unsubstantiated information.
It's no different than the fear mongers did re Covid.
I'm not condoning what was done, apparently by Hamas. Innocent people died. Innocent people have been dying in Gaza as innocent people died in Eastern Ukraine...for decades.
There's more at play than meets the eye and going off half cocked with an emotional reaction not only hurts your reputation but furthers division...which is exactly what the bad guys want.
Either stay in your lane...medical...or at least wait until you get full information before getting emotional and forming an opinion.
You've done such a good job building a following and enriching your reputation over the last few years to risk it all in these circumstances.
Then don't read these posts. He tells you in the headline what the subject is. If you don't like it, don't read it.
He's a high energy, passionate, righteous man. He has righteous anger, and that's a good thing. And it's not just about COVID, it's about wrongdoing to humanity. It's just part of who he is.
Everybody's a mixed bag, right? He doesn't have to get every detail right. We're all struggling to deal with it, to sort out truth from fiction.
Would you prefer that he's callous, like so many around us these days? I'm grateful for his passion, energy, and willingness to be on the battlefield. I wish we had more.