the CCP and Xi are not using covid lockdowns to control covid. THe lockdowns have nothing do to with covid. In China the CCP has FACTIONS. Xi is part of a fanatical reactionary communist faction, the more liberal open factions are based in the cities like Shanghai and hong kong. These lockdowns are A PRETEXT to weed and out murder the political opposition. THe population is scared and angry and distracted with having to find food and comply with all these rules, meanwhile the CCP secret police is out rounding up anyone who dissents from the current regime.

China and the CCP is not a strong country, they are a weak unstable degenerate dictatorship which could fall at any moment. They project an image of cohesion and strength, they spend a great deal of effort spinning this propaganda and so many people belive it. But china is weak

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I was just about to send in an almost identical comment. This is a convenient distraction from the awful economic and other conditions in China. Also, I understand that record numbers of people are NOT renewing their CCP memberships (oddly, I'd have thought this was mandatory). This suggests that people are willing to step out of line all of a sudden and Xi simply cannot have that, so he locks 'em down often and heavily. People will probably be cowed into retaining and/or rejoining the CCP as they are forced to become more compliant by way of continued threats of lockdown among other things.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Thats right. Covid 19 is simply not that dangerus. And 98 % of it was political brinksmanship

Vaccine and mask mandates in the US were for the same reason

The identified a divisive wedge issue and used it as a weapon to identify and demonize the political opposition

Anyone who participated in this should be in prison

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Ever since Thatcher came to power in 1979 the main game has been to divide the 99% over anything and everything.

The whole Tory / Labour thing is a farce too as Tony Blair was more Tory than Thatcher and he was supposed to be Labour.

The whole thing feels like a play or a show where we watch but nothing we do in terms of voting makes it difference.

It is a facade of democracy, a fucking joke.

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Ive felt that way anout the US (i live in northern NJ usa) since the mid 90s and i 55 years old

Voting is like facilitating an alcoholic. We don’t really have any choice. We’re choosing between being beaten up with a fist or being beaten with a club

Has a Libertarian I try never to vote and I try to convince everybody else not to vote

More people have to realize that the system is completely hopelessly broken and everyone has to stop participating

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Well, the COVID shots must also not be dangerous with 98% of all this political brinksmanship. The main component in them is what was spread starting in the beginning. A lot of people on the right, center, and left have taken these shots.

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The Covid shots are dangerous in the sense that first of all they don’t work and they have hurt and killed not in significant number of people who otherwise I would’ve just gotten natural Covid and recovered

So the risk benefit ratio of these shots is very large and for the vast majority of people it doesn’t make any sense for them to even take this medication

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Hidden dragon.

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Thanks for the insight.

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Came to the comments to say something similar. Luckily you said it first, and way better than I could have.

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Kindred spirits. Maybe this new crop of conservative politicians in the United States will start laying out the truth about China and the CCP. The fact that the people over there is Chinese is irrelevant. They are being victimized by a ruthless murderous dictatorship.

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China has moved to a war time economy. This was obvious two years ago. The lockdowns are a pretext for them to move materiel around as a false flag under cover of "Covid relief. It stops the population from seeing what is happening and deceives signal intelligence generated by satellite.

This is the same country that had zero Covid because it said so, two years ago. You don't lock down millions of people for a few cases of Omicron. Sure, it's a pysop, I agree, but it's a different psyop this time.

As eugyppius told me a couple of weeks ago in his comments, "you don't kill your own economy to start a war", this is very naiive. The CCP would happily kill tens of millions of its citizens to extend its power. It has before and it will again.

The stated goal of the CCP and PLA is to invade America. Once China invades the US, do you really think the short term pain will be remembered?

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I disagree. It's difficult to know the real truth with all the propaganda. This is what I think is happening over there.

Under the prior leader, the Chinese enjoyed a lot of freedom. After assuming office, Xi Jinping enacted ever increasingly more oppression and control except in the largest cities. Since nearly the beginning of the "pandemic," China has had a health QR code system in place. They've had lockdowns somewhere almost the whole time.

At some point, social unrest started with protests breaking out in various places. Average people have almost all their wealth tied up in real estate. That enormous bubble is now deflating hurting the financial system as well as others. The young started a protest movement against hard work and materialism called "Lying Flat" then later "Let it Rot." Many people were fleeing the country.

So, the CCP took total control of everyone using zero COVID as an excuse and the health QR code system already in place. They've built thousands of isolation camps with prison-like rooms all over the country and plan to build thousands more. A few million are locked up in these camps at any time and another tens to hundreds of millions more in cities.

There is no need to hide movements or distract their own people. They only know what the government allows anyway. There's no need to hide movements from the US. American profiteering warmongers have wanted a direct war with China and Russia for my entire life.

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"you don't kill your own economy to start a war", this is very naiive.

They are not killing just their economy, it is killing ours too.

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Jabsinister Hardern locked New Zealand down hard and caused so much damage to the economy and now a massive summer wave of the latest variants has commenced in New Zealand despite a high double and triple rate of the Fizzer jibby jab https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/477518/covid-19-new-omicron-infections-jump-by-1500-in-24-hour-period

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It’s cold season and if China is using a bogus PCR test to lock down again it’s just a sign of stupidity coupled with severe mental illness at work.

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400,000 cruise ship passengers will visit New Zealand over summer bringing the latest Covid variants straight in to NZ - the first one to arrive has a major Covid outbreak on board and very sick people turned up to pharmacies in the small town of Picton with no masks on - no testing on these cruise ships each time they arrrive at a destination https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/middayreport/audio/2018864367/ship-came-into-harbour-carrying-covid

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"It's" = "it is" ALWAYS.

It's is NEVER possessive.

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Yep. Unless, of course, someone changes their name to “It” just to offend grammar people, in which case, It’s scheme is simply nefarious.

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You just broke my brain.

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Is it lunacy? Or do they WANT to reduce their elderly and more dependent populations? Pay attention to their growth grinding down and their demographics blowing up in their faces.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

Maybe they know something we don't know. Just sayin'. Our sources are liars, originally Trump minimized the threat of Covid verbally to the public while preparing Operation Warp Speed to jab everyone. Just as one would expect to quash panic during biological warfare. We could be right smack dab in the middle of the first massive biological warfare campaign. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the pandemic was caused by an artificial virus. If China is going balls to the walls in space suits, lockdowns, disinfections, contact tracing, there might be a reason. A reason we will not be told.

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in a twisted way there is sage here too. in other words, they know the seriousness of what they created (with players in the US of course), the poison pills.

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Yes, I'm fairly certain that this is a lot worse than advertised. And we won't be given the facts in regards to the vaccines which force people to create in their own bodies the appalling proprietary spike which seems to be the agent of harms. The Chines use a common well tested type of vaccine, none of this mrna or dna glop. SO it's very possible that they recognize the vector of destruction and are trying to mitigate the damages for their people. China itself may have been unwitting in the WW2 Mengele style experiments done on their soil after Obama Administration forbade it here. I mean, if you look at the demographics of the harms, first it's taking out elderly and comorbid. Hitler would have loved getting rid of useless eaters. Secondly, it's taking out the poor, who statistically are at risk. Thirdly, it's taking out combat age men. Fourthly, it has a long fuse. These are commonalities between the infection AND the vaccine which is made to cause our cells to produce the Wuhan spike. Notice that the much touted BIVALENT that has been tuned for Omicron oddly also contains instructions for the WUHAN spike. WHY??? Notice which countries are the most vaccinated. Perhaps those countries are the most resistant to NAZI control. Because certainly these are the goals of Nazis, historically. They don't want to take out a few Jews. Huge issues were made early on to get this garbage into their bodies, both here and in Israel. And because of the long fuse sequelae from taking the vax or catching the disease, we will keep our hospitals at maximum capacity during and after waves of infection pass. It was sheer NAZI genius to fire non compliant first responders and medical teams. Because now we have B Team first responders and medical teams on duty for the long fuse sequelae, and every time I check, our hospitals are full of non Covid patients. And all these diseases are caused by Wuhan Spike if you look into it. Cancers, Kidney failure, heart disease, vascular disease, GI inflammation, the list goes on of sequelae that are claimed to have no relation to Covid or the vaccine, but which actually do. SO someone designed this horror to be inflicted upon our country, and other major countries so very well that it could not have been a more perfect biological weapon. And you have to look at who in the world lied about both the virus AND the vaccines. Every time I see Dr. Fauci smirking on the tv, I think of Josef Mengele. He's happy about it. Gloating. It's appalling. And the most tragic thing I have ever witnessed.

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Is this China’s peaceful depopulation strategy? Shots are part if it, of course. Too many shots mean immune suppression ... the virus (and other viruses) never clear. They reside in the gut. Lockdown can’t help because the virus is “with you always” to use scripture out of context. Oh.. and masks. They will periodically reinfect your respiratory tract with the viruses you are carrying around. And with each new infection you rappel another 50ft down a rope into the abyss of “immune escape.” That was van der Bosche’s term ... what a brilliant metaphor for AIDS! So we’ll see how China’s social experiment works out.

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They killed their pets too. One way to get rid of possible food say it has the virus so it has to be killed! Another, give it a virus like the 100k cows in India

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I got Covid buy I’m on hydroxychloroquine. I used all the recommended natural supplements plus anything that could help. It actually seemed most things helped more than the jab. No jab, multiple co-morbidities! I didn’t see a doctor except I asked about a rash using email. Unfortunately, my son-in-law and the rest of the family got the jab over many objections backed by data. He had a stoke in his early thirties. He had another condition they say caused it. My response is they knew it so he shouldn’t have received the jab. What medical conditions get you out of the jab? None!! That right there should wake people up!

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Every time I read of the lockdowns in China I can't help but think it is a message by the CCP to controlled Western leaders that it wants them to do in the UK, Europe, North America and Australasia what it is doing in Chinese cities.

I do wonder if China, through hacking, has dirt on most of the Western leaders? Remember that Chinese gmail account that supposedly the Clinton server was sending data to? That was hushed up and has been quietly forgotten about.

When I see those internment camps build recently in China I wonder who are they for? Chinese people? Taiwanese after an invasion? Or for Westerners rounded up and flown around the World when the Great Reset begins?

Midnight ramblings here in the UK.

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Are the camps not for the Uyghur people of China?

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Well maybe/hopefully it will stall their march towards World financial, military and political dominance, giving the 'democratic' free world an opportunity to strenghten and re-group, unless of course the WEF and incompetent politicians foul that up too.

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This is a must see video - very disturbing rundown on the damage the multiple covid reinfections are causing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwt93_Lg128&t=0s

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I heard that they lockdown the workers in the factories to keep production going.

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