Dr Alexander, Do you ever sleep? This is truly frightening data you are putting forth but not surprising given all that you and the other hero doctors have warned us about. Thank you for your tireless efforts to save humanity. I’m praying that more people will wake up to the reality of this global health crisis and start to fight back against these evil doers! Prayers for your health and safety. 🙏

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Had covid in Sept. Just finishing a “cold” now. Unvaxxed. Have not had a “cold” in three years. Covid was different from a cold in that it came with bad productive cough and severe fatigue. Will new variants behave in a similar fashion? Still use Quercetin, zinc, Vit c and d daily. Have covid packs (ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc) on hand for covid. Will the unvaxxed be as vulnerable to new variants as the vaxxed with compromised immune systems? When idiots in every health agency continue to push experimental biologicals this will never end.

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It's a biowarfare attack that's designed to never end as you say, they're manufacturing this poison in unimaginable quantities, extermination is their only business plan.

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"Consult with your personal clinician".

This is exactly what is sending most people down this horrendous path.

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022

I thought that virus variants always got weaker with each replication. I hope you live to be 1,000 years old, because there will be a new variant to write about every week for 1,000 years. I ignore all this variant stuff because if some boogie man is going to get me, I really don't care what he's called.

Is big pharma going to chase these variants forever with new mRNA gene altering poisons every 3 months into eternity? I would imagine that unvaccinated people would have good immunity from all this nonsense by now. So, I don't worry about it.

There is nothing I can do to help the poor souls who trusted big pharma, the media and their leftist governments and got injected up the wazoo. Unfortunately, that is the majority. Maybe if they survive they will learn to trust no authority blindly...even self-appointed medical gods like fauci.

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Will this new sub-variant be a problem for those who are unvaccinated but have had Covid-19 & recovered from it?

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Even within here, I see so much confusion. People not understanding that unvaxxed are just as compromised. Vaxxed are in a worse position, and are not going to live as long (they will most likely die of a costly and miserable experience). Each infection will gain a stronger foothold on to our immune systems. Long Covid is real. Mild previous infection doesn't mean you aren't in danger. THIS IS A BIOWEAPON! We need to be vigilant with keeping our immune systems strong. Take antibiotics only as a last resort and use as much natural medicine/ supplements/vitamins as possible. Make 2023 the year you do what's best for you!

I'm not anyone in the science field but I read. I read everything and follow so many that have been taken off social media and are now here on Substack. Look at Walter Chestnuts page. There are many others. Happy New Year! We will make it! There are plenty of us who will keep trying and not give up. Fear and worry only gives the evil a stronger grasp. Live and enjoy. Be kind. ❤️

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Are we just tracking the common cold at this point?

How would these reports and statistics be different if we just traced all coronaviruses and rhinoviruses and classified them by their strain and reported the exact migration and virulence of each?

People are being pushed into fear by what they don’t understand. You put fancy nomenclature on everyday occurrences and you get panic.

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Well I still never had Covid neither did my family. I do wonder how a first time covid infection might be for us. But maybe this hydrogen rinses I do anytime I just feel something coming on do help. I prefer the hydrogen and swab out the nose with soaked qtip.

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What is driving this? I thought most people had eschewed the bivalent boosters? Or were they super keen on them in NJ and NY?

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The never ending emergence of variants is intentional. They don't want it to end, too much money in endless Covid.

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Thank you for keeping us informed daily about anything you figure out!!

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The VFR ("vaccine" fatality rate) > IFR

As I have written about for 2+ yrs.

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🤡💉🙀100 years?🙀💉🤡

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Thanks. I gather that the repeated vaccine induced driving of viral, immune escape variants is one of the formulas suitable for use as a bioweapon. It’s not sterilising for a start - against a coronavirus! Guaranteed to Mutate Faster🚀Than The Speed Of Science!!! Cytotoxic synthetic, etc, Wuhan spike protein induced mess up in the nucleus of the cells regarding DNA repair and the immune system, etc, ect, 🤩 Grab them while they’re hot!

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I thought that only a small percentage got the second booster.

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