I’ve used XClear whenever inside in groups for 2-3 years. It absolutely works.

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It works, absolutely. We've been using either XLEAR or Betadine Cold Defense (carrageenan) just as you mentioned, in crowds or traveling, throughout this mess. Save the dilute povidone iodine spray (homemade per flccc) for when we actually tested positive - along with the rest of the flccc protocol.

Anyone with discernment knew this was off from the get-go. 👍🏻

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I use it when I’m in public. ( whatever shedding is, bothers me)

My doctor uses it for patients who have marcons infection. Doesn’t have any chemicals that I’m sensitive to.

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not to be used excessive, IMO once there is suspected exposure and or you have symptoms

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I agree. I’d use straight saline if I wanted something daily. My grandmother used to snort salt water every night before bed (in the 60’s-70’s. She was never sick.

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I use it up to 4 times a day . Doing mold protocol, on a vascular peptide spray. If I’ve been exposed to anything that sets off chronic inflammation response, I use the spray a half hour before my peptide spray.

Working on getting rid of the mold related plaque in my leaky brain.

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But yes, use everything in moderation!

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This guy is a pharmafia pushing ijjit

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Pharma shill, just like TWC.

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You need some new material. You out yourself.

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Ya, it had to be the XLEAR. I mean, come on, man?

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Cue the virus deniers 🤣

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Xylitol is incredibly nasty stuff for your gut microbiom and you brain. Absolute garbage.

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objective...could you provide any studies showing that it is nasty stuff for your brain or your gut microbiome. I can provide many studies showing it is rather beneficial for both.

throughout human history, up until about 300yrs ago non-hexose sugars like xylitol, erythritol, etc were the most common sugars we humans ate. these sugars are present in nearly every plant material that we ever ate, these non-hexose sugars were the staples of our diet. It wasn't until we stated processing out the easily accessible 6 carbon sugars(sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc) and then adding them to our foods that this changed. The 6 carbon sugars that are now the staple of our diets are truly the nasty things for our gut and our brains.

you should read some of Otto Warburgs papers on how bad 6 carbon sugars are for us humans.

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When used for oral care, it does save teeth........

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Like fluoride?

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Fluoride in water is toxic to bones, brain, organs.....etc.

Naturally occurring in an area's soil/water is good - organically occurring fluoride is not the same as fluoride from aluminum production waste.

But I'm guessing you know this.

(Do you have an opinion on Dr Ellie?)

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I cannot express how grateful I am for commenters like you who provide useful information for humanity. This goes a long way believe it or not. Thank you for helping us. Thank you so very much! 🙏

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This is a really sweet, unexpected, unusual thing to say!

Thank you for writing.

I love your profile Sunny Reads, " I trust in God and God alone ......".

I couldn't agree more!

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I've always wondered what Hunter was sniffing here. Maybe it was xlear spray.


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I will stick with hydrogen peroxide or Mms.

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Xylitol sprays taste great vs peroxide’s burn and ho hum taste.

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I hope this is true.🙏🏻

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It is . I watched an interview with the owner of the company Nate Jones . Guess who is trying to shut them down ?? Yep the government so that tells you there it works ! He was on the Highwire with Del Bigtree this last week. Great interview wish I knew how to link it here but one of you fine savoy folks can do it:)

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They did the same thing with Zinc nasal swabs that were marketed by Zicam. They worked really well! Funny thing was that they were big paid advertisers for the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Conservative news of course. The FTC doing their dirty work to take down Conservatives. https://www.rn.com/blog/headlines-in-healthcare/zicam-alert-fda-recall/

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I recently purchased Xlear from Dr. Paul's link. I got the regular saline and zylitol rinse, and the one that has a nasal decongestant. I have had stuffy sinus and nasal passages on my left side, and the decongestant spray works immediately to open it up so I can breathe better. I stopped using over the counter nasal sprays several years ago, but I'm glad I tried these.

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I didn’t know they went after zicam , that was good stuff.

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Yes it was! What really gets me is that the government claimed that the product harmed people’s ability to smell. Has the government gone after the industry for the dangers of home PCR tests? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2022/02/22/covid-19-rapid-home-test-reagent-poses-toxic-threat-poison-centers/6880996001/

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It was an excuse. Similar to the berkey water filter struggle.

Remember when Amazon wouldn’t sell NAC ? Because it works! And isn’t patented.

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Yep, they gotta have a tyrannical hold on every decision we make. Instead, they are pushing the muscle wasting shot Ozempic.

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Thanks . I knew someone could do it!

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