Who started this with massacres, destructions of hundreds of villages, rapes (not the ones Israel pulls out of their propaganda assholes, but real rapes, admitted to by the Israel codgers interviewed recently about what they did. Some of these guys gloat over it.

You have no perspective on who started this crisis with vast amounts of terrorism, who has kept committing cold-blooded murders as an almost every day thing, and who is lying to the whole world about virtually every detail. How bad? The 40 decapitated babies story got all the way to the POTUS before a retraction so faint that probably none of those driven into a murderous frenzy by it realize they were lied to.

Stow the murderous rage and incitements to amateur and professional, military-grade mass-murder until you get a grip on the psychosis Zionists have implanted.


How would you like for you and ALL your living relatives to be blamed for murders committed by aggressors who have hated your family, who have been murdering them and stealing their land, and who have held them all in a concentration camp for decades?

“Israelis murdering civilians like Nazis at Baba Yar”


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Fred, I and many here know the history...my background is arab...in case you did not know...

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and we love you...whomever you are, entitled as each here is, to an opinion...no violence, no hatred...we debate...we try to find a way out.

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I admire your courage to confront the myriad lies and crimes surrounding COVID. But, as easy as it is for me to say, I wish for you to feel free to criticize US and Zionist crimes in the mideast, which have orphaned, maimed, widowed, displaced and murdered MILLIONS of people since 9/11 - all the wars preconceived in Israel by a strategist named Oded Yinon. This plan left a paper trail from Tel Aviv to DC through neocons we can name, including a think-tank called PNAC where they conveniently predicted a New Pearl Harbor a year in advance of 9/11.

If I were an Arabic person, relatively new to the USA, I know that I’d be fearful of being critical of our wars and bogus policies. At least initially.

But our duty to the country is to confront lies, crimes, criminals and mass-murderers no matter who they are or how high their stations.

Do not fear to investigate Zionist crimes. Do not rush to agree with the war-lust triggered by the eruptions of propaganda after apparent terrorist events. Things are often VERY different than the cartoon versions presents as news.

Love and good will to you, Paul.

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Then stop the genocide. Stop the occupation. Stop the apartheid. Stop stealing other people’s land and resources. Stop raping and bombing and pillaging. Which parties are guilty of this? Israel and NSTO. That is the answer.

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What's your real name "Lucy"?

You hide behind a fake name (?).

Does that give you courage to spew such antisemitic garbage?

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It would help if people were prepared to understand that the largest terror organisation on the planet is the American Military. Check the body count and destruction. I do not mean the American people but the small number of lunatics who use the American military to club smaller nations into submission. Who do you think caused the war in Ukraine? You can listen to V Newland deciding who they want to run Ukraine, if you are prepared to look. Or the European Minister saying that both sides in the protest were shot with the same bullets during the CIA sponsored coup. The media is just narrative control to divide and conquer. You can if you wish check the body count of both sides at the UN. One would think that one of the sides is trying to bring about Armageddon. Did the Israeli Minister get sacked for suggesting that they could use nukes on Gaza? No, just suspended.

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Thanks be to God that RUSSIA is in this game, albeit behind the scenes at the moment. They are allies with Iran & Syria, & of course China. But only the Russian Bear is capable of smacking down the bloodthirsty zionist co-op - Israel & the United States. The zionists are the only true supremacists and consider the non-jew essentially as cattle to do with as they please.

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I agree. I have read many articles that say Iran has had nuclear weapons for quite awhile. Israel and NATO will finally be stopped from their evil ambitions.

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Genocide of innocent civilians is a war crime. Period.

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No. Iran probably does not yet have nukes. After Trump, under pressure from all the Zionists that controlled him, ditched the JCPOA, Iran STILL held to the agreement out of the hope Trump would return to reason and tell his Zios where to go. And before Trump ditched JCPOA, the National Intelligence Estimates : compilations of data & analysis by sixteen agencies... reported every year from 2003 on that Iran was NOT working on one.

First, the Ayatollahs issued fatwas on all WMDs, bio, chem and nuclear. And second, no matter how obvious it is that Israel is a billion times the threat to world peace than Iran, Iran probably thinks that they might be safer without them.

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Russia will NEVER allow the destruction of Iran or Syria. So all this talk is pipe dream. Without us Israel wouldnt be standing.

The way they treat hassidics who are anti Zionism is a small window into how they treat Palestinians

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Shop shilling for the Rogue State. There are two countries in the ABSOLUTE wrong here and neither of them are Arab.

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Biden/Obama has brought us to this tipping point. They are doing the bidding of the puppet masters. We need Trump back to deescalate tensions in the mid-east, secure our southern border, tell Zelenskyy to take a long walk off a short peer, and finally rid us of the Marxists in DC.

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BOOM, Lucy did not hget the memo, Israel could have removed every arab nation from the face of the earth, and I am not discussing who is right and wrong, just that I applaud Israel for holding back...we are at the brink...the next wrong move will be devastating...Lucy you should be silent on this....my stack was a warning that this must stop as someone will push someone too far....this is not who is right anymore, its surving what can happen next....but we are indded here due to the Obama Biden agenda and I am afraid the blood of many today, Israel and Palestinians are on their hands. I want no pain or death of no one, no innocents, no children, no arab or Israli child...none

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Pakistan has nukes and has offered them to Turkey if the need arises. Israel may attack other states but they will go down too in the process.

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I read that Rothchild is responsible for the creation of Israel. Is it true that the Rothchild family is 20 trillion in value? Are they Zionists? Not so familiar with this ,all new to me, just curious. But something tells me Rothchild , Bill Gates, UN , WEF are the driving forces behind this Coved fraud.

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Plus BlackRock and Vanguard, if , as I read, they mostly Jews is it Jews who are largely behind this population control bioweapon "vaccine"?

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Israel is a Rogue State, a law-breaking, murderous, genocidal, lying, conniving, thieving state if there ever was one. At some point they are going to have to be stopped, whether it is now or further down the track. If it comes to them launching nukes it will be on them. What is the world supposed to do, just stand by and not do anything? They have finally been exposed to the entire world for what they are, hopefully for all time this time and they fully deserve to become a pariah nation with ZERO friends in the world. If the USA stick with them like they have been then the USA will unfortunately find itself in the same boat, which would be an incredible shame as the USA once stood for something. NOBODY with an ounce of human consciousness can tolerate what Israel - and the USA for supporting them - are doing. It is evil, racist supremacy on the part of Israel. This country needs to be dismantled and undone to what it was before 1948 (actually no, earlier, before the Zionists started problems) where Muslims, Christians and Jews all lived together without any of the problems that started only after Zionist supremacists got involve. A true society that existed, not this horrible monstrosity which is an absolute stain on humanity.

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'...but you must find a way, for civilization'.

Unfortunately, these people are still in the Middle Ages so civilisation, or the loss of it, holds no threat or implications.

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Correct but nonetheless Yemen meets all the criteria for being attacked and invaded by the US. Smaller even than Iraq with a population of 33 million vs the US with 333 million. Backward, undeveloped. The US would have no hesitation in going in and butchering up to a million civilians like it did in Iraq. After raping the children and decapitating babies and cutting out the genitals of women to make jewelry and gouging out eyes like US servicemen did in Vietnam and probably also in more recent conflicts the US will be defeated by the local peasants like it always is. Meanwhile, North Korea and China will get stronger and the US will tremble and wet the bed and return to its values of pride parades, child gender transitioning and pedophilia. Oh, and it will proclaim its support for human rights and an international rules based order. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was.

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Sink 1 or 2 air craftr carriers and force projection is over and done with

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Nuclear armed means nothing. Israel is IN the region. She dropes a nuke it's going to affect her too. The Samson option is just that mutually assured destruction. Biblical Samson perished when he brought the house down.

This bluster talk is laughable. Where was it a decade ago and change ago when Hezbollah drove Israel out of Southern Lebanon

Better make peace before it's too late.

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Amazing how posters who hide behind a fake name/avatar, because they have no courage, can spew such antisemitic garbage.

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Sadly, I am hesitant about the USA teaming up with Israel! Why you might ask? Because those in power “HATE ISREAL”! That’s why! IMO, our nuclear sub with its 24 nukes may inadvertently take out Israel! God Forbid! It wouldn’t shock me in the least! I have never witnessed so much distain and hatred for America’s biggest ally in the Middle East. While the world is burning and the Karen’s of the world go around shouting people down and an elderly Jewish man gets beaten to death, IN AMERICA, this is why I am so concerned about Israel! Nothing shocks me anymore, everything this illegitimate administration has done since they STOLE POWER HAS BEEN DONE ILLEGALLY!! Why stop at Israel? We’re living in the most dangerous of times, I won’t rehash all the craziness happening here and abroad, what I will say is this, AMERICA IS RESPONSIBLE, more precisely, this illegitimate administration!!

May God bless America and the entire world!


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Seems to me that Israel and the USA who may not want to push Iran, Russia, China, Turkey and the Arab states too far because there's a good chance it will be the IDF and Uncle Sam's military that has their asses handed to them, along with the rest of us who are forced to pay for this mess. The USA couldn't even defeat the Taliban.

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Pentagon is woke and weak.

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IMO, the battles will be fought elsewhere not in Gaza. As densely populated as Gaza is, any army walking into the area faces a Guerrilla war with no victory in sight — just look at Vietnam, Northern Ireland, Beirut, etc. Israel’s options are very limited. Netanyahu needs to hire an ad agency to demonstrate he’s up to something. And that’s all he can do without causing a genocide.

The Arab states have been ganging up forever and in retrospect, we can see this was coming the moment Ukraine war began. There will be no long drawn war. US doesn’t have the cachet nor the internal support it used to. After Iraq and Ukraine they elicit zero trust in their claims. The Arab countries will most likely get their way.

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1) our bases are in Arab states 2) Ukraine has depleted our stock 3) this isn't 1945 other state actors have nuclear weapons and their own interests (BRICS) to preserve. 4) one has a $400b oil trade deal with Iran and Naval vessels in the area at the moment (PRC)

Powder keg

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