Sorry, I have never gotten past Biden's warning that " this will be a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated "....

He has been nothing but divisive throughout his term - he may have won the 2020 election, but ask him where the missing 15- 20 million votes are, as they finish counting votes now.

Worst president in history, imho.


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Yes. I still struggle with the resentment I harbor for the terror I felt as an American citizen during the Biden Administration, under threat to receive what I truly believe to be a biological weapon.

I sincerely did not recognize how deeply that threat impacted me until it lifted once it became clear Trump had soundly defeated Harris. I feel safe again.

(And I still don't believe Biden "won" in 2020.)

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He didn't win. My guess ? He may not even know it.

They cheated their way to a biden "victory" - and I would not be at all surprised if he was never informed of the vote-padding.

Now ? He's not aware of much, it would appear.

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He did not win the 2020 election. New data following the 2024 election clearly indicates they fabricated 18 to 20 million Biden votes in the 2020 election.

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New data ?

Heck, look at the numbers, the past several elections. 2020 totals stick out like a (VERY) sore thumb.

No one will EVER convince me that, after the tremendous amount of turmoil and divisiveness of this most recent campaign - that there were NOT more votes cast in the 2024 election than in the 2020 election.....yet, the numbers ( or, as you say - the "data" )- say something different.

Pretty damned obvious what they did.

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Faulty reasoning by Biden and his team (of course they know it)

Just because you lost or the other candidate won doesnt mean and is no proof of an system with integrity. Just because you accept the loss doesnt mean the system has integrity. Accepting the loss in itself might have value, but you cant INFER/INDUCE then that your merely acceptance of the loss PROVES that the past election was not rigged. But they (dems) try to portrait it that way. "We acccept the loss, look... the system has integrity, even the past one"

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I think he called it "A Dark Winter"...

Worst President in history in my opinion too up to today. Will something change tomorrow - I absolutely doubt it! This man has had the same horrible personality for at least fifty years.

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He, and Jill, hated Harris, Obama and Pelosi more than he hated President Trump. Retribution must have been sweet even if he did stick it to his entire party.

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That's great. But, JOE and his family walks away with all the money they stole during his entire political career.

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if wrong was done and there was certainly to Trump, 47 must deal with it legally using Justice department...go back for Clapper, Brennan, Obama, all of them

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Good luck on that one. Those snakes are still around.

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Time will tell, but a pardon for Hunter seems likely.

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Why I would not be surprised that we see a President Harris before 20 January. Even if she doesn't pardon Hunter, I think they'll install her as president before the inauguration. I hope I'm wrong. Even one day of that vacuous scoundrel as president would be too much.

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I made this prediction too....bang on, we very well may

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By WHO? Daddy O JOE....

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maybe Harris

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he did

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Biden and Pelosi are organized crime families with the usual petty rivalries.

I think I dislike Jill more than Joe. Joe is a product of his system. What, some 48-50 years in Washington? He played the game and he was handsomely rewarded for it.

Diane Feinstein was another old-timer. Is it any wonder why these old geezers stay in politics? It's too lucrative for them to leave, and it's probably not just from investments or the stock market.

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nice: Biden and Pelosi are organized crime families with the usual petty rivalries.

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Hard to believe that the Biden who just delivered that speech is the same Biden who appeared in the debate with Trump.

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It's easy to believe when you understand he is a psychopathic liar and will do/say anything to advance his current standing/position. Don't believe anything he/they say, observe their what they actually do/watch their actions.

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I agree with that statement!

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Meh ... Biden is just trying to cover his ASS, since he knows full well that he deserves to be in prison for life, possible even be executed for his plethora of crimes against the US and its people.

So now Biden is 'playing nice', hoping that all will be forgiven as if it never happened. Biden wants to sail off into the sunset, free to enjoy his ill-gotten $$$millions, without fear of Lady Justice.

If (IF!!) Trump allows these scumbags to get away with their crimes, then that'll be more evidence that Trump is NOT the man that this country needs.

There **MUST** be accountability and justice served. Only then can our nation be great again.

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Yeah that speech is so suspect! There’s a method to his madness! Trying to save his own skin and Hunter’s!!!

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Yup! It's childishly transparent what he's up to. Biden is senile, not stupid.

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How about TRUMP's role in it? HE signed the policies that allowed the poison shots to be produced, and HE signed the policies that allowed the DOD to distribute them. That all started even before Trump left office. The distribution and shots started in December 2020, while Trump was still in office. TRUMP was the guy who spent all those TRILLIONS that made all of that possible. Biden just continued what TRUMP started. Don't be fooled. Trump had a very BIG role in that whole scam, and HE NEEDS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE AS WELL!!!

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I couldn't agree more, Margaret! If you've been reading my posts on this forum, you know my position regarding Trump. BTW, I voter FOR Trump in 2016, 2020, and 2024.

Back in April 2017, I first introduced my theory that "Trump is one of 'them' - or at the very least he's working with them". I've been blasted to hell and back for merely *suggesting* such a horrible thing about Trump.

Well, in the 7-plus years since April 2017, FAR more evidence has accumulated to support my theory than to refute it. Nonetheless, I maintain some hope and continue observing the things that Trump does. It's been one disappointment after another.

I sincerely hope that my theory gets trashed but so far that doesn't seem to be the case.

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I guess an actual apology for describing the majority of the electorate as garbage was out of the question.

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If only Harris supporters will follow and not start protesting like rabid fools.

But yes it was a good speech. Crazy liberal women shaving their heads over Trump, saying no sex with men while Trump is pres (as punishment) which is great, means less liberals and less abortions .

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Strange that they suddenly seem to know what a "man" is....

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Oh yes they do but act ignorant. Most definitely hate men. Start spewing crap about a handmaid's society and our body's our choice.

Where the f was that during the vaxx they threatened to fire us, jail us, ban us etc?? F in authoritarian idiots.

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They are copy- catting a So. Korean movement which began some 7 years ago


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Ok didn't know that thanks. So it just forces more women to be carpet munchers and might force liberal dudes to get smart and date the right women.

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A crazy world needs crazy people, I suppose.

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They don't actually have "sex," Chad. They have "anal sex" which isn't actually "sex" although they still get pregnant from "anal sex" and give birth just like gay men do.

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You lost me at getting pregnant from anal and gay men giving birth?

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Of course they can get pregnant and give birth from anal sex. Where do you think lawyers come from?

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🥁ba-da bum🥁

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JOE can lie really good. We won the election. JOE and his commies tried to steal it again. So, Trump just forgets how JOE tried to put him in jail. Just like they do in Communist regimes. Give me a break.

I will never believe them. Peaceful transition. Oh, because, things aren't working out for the Leftists.

I am beginning to believe my friend. He's done voting. He said everyone is a player who has their

part to play. The world is a stage.

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Lets all hope and pray that the person assuming the power on Jan 20th is President Trump. The bad and evil are cornered. They may lash out in violent, any means necessary ways. Pray for peace. Pray for America. Pray Trump is protected.

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too little too late

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They are likely tied in to a lot of bad characters and may not be allowed to leave even if they wanted to.

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He surely was not elected! This from basement sleepy Joe is laughable! There will be a peaceful transfer thanks be to God! 🙏

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I nor should you believe anything Joe Biden says.

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https://t.me/ABridgen/762 ➡️🔥➡️

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Yes, but some justice in that he likely doesn’t even know or remember Dr Jill has all that money.

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