It's a big club we're in. They just can't let anyone know that.

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022

TRUST IS EARNED. At this point they have forced us to doubt and distrust everything they say and do in order to survive. It's simply a MUST for all of us. THEY have done nothing to earn our trust! Exactly the opposite.

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I am with you but sadly I lacked the voice of authority to convince many of my family members. God bless you, sir!

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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022

My sister blackmailed access to my niece to my parents, but thankfully I convinced them to take the non mRNA based J&J jab. If you don't end up with short term clots/inflamation from the Adenovirus vector J&J vaccine (AstraZeneca is a little more sketchy), then they are apparently much less terrifying in the long run. See study on lower all-cause overall mortality in J&J vs Increased or, at best, no benefit from Pfizer/Moderna. Dark Horse did an episode on it.

Now my parents take daily C, D, K2, Zinc, Quercetin, Trans Resveratrol, etc. Neither has gotten Covid-19, my sister's household all has.

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Something for taking supplements.

I take them everyday.

When omicron (omiCON) appeared on the scene my husband became sick.

He continued to cough all over me ( he never covers🥴). A few days later I had a bad headache and temp of 99.5.

I took Alka zelter flu ( aspirin) and slept for close to 3 days.

Hubby was still sick. It took him 5 days before he started to feel better.

My husband is dbl vaxxed and boosted. I have not taken any jabs.

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I had an appointment to get the J&J jab and they called a temporary halt to it just hours before. After reading more and more about all the "vaccines" I never went back and defied my doctor and half of my family. I got Covid and because I have emphysema I was hospitalized and still carry a pulmonary burden from it but my heart is healthy and I stand by the principle that I'd prefer to die from an illness than to be killed by a treatment.

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You have to be to survive.

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Coining a new term........... "Conspiracy FACTIST!"......a good retort for anyone rude enough to make such derogatory and false claims.

Thank God for all you do and your willingness to speak out!

Brave people will all stand on the right side of history. They stand with God in this fight to deny evil powers and success.

WE're so grateful for all who speak up - despite their personal consequences; they truely care for humanity.


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Sep 26, 2022·edited Sep 26, 2022

Maybe the dam is finally breaking…

Michel Goldman's Cancer Is Damning Proof Of His Own Debasement Of His Own Profession

For the morbidly curious, Faucism’s new look is the full-body CT scan of a lymphoma patient, made that way by two COVID-19 mRNA inoculations and one COVID-19 mRNA “booster” shot. This information comes to us, ironically enough, from a longtime bastion of Faucist fanaticism, The Atlantic.


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Excellent article. Just Wow!


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And protected from infertility!

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I totally agree! Since the start I've had worries about an experimental drug, it came out too fast, no studies to back it up and when the FDA and CDC tried to falsify that the vax had full approval from FDA, all people had to do was read the letter put out by FDA, clearly bait and switch! I knew there was trouble here, people were lying, and people were actually catching them in blatant lies!! Why the heavy push by biden, he cannot even remember if he is president 3/4ths of the time and yet here he is shoving it down our throats every day??? I was reading everything by this time and wow a lot of conflicting things. So I read and waited and told my family NO SHOTS at all!! Am I glad we waited for more and more lies and deceptions to come out. Now we need to get rid of them all from biden and all his administration, Fauci, Birx's, CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, Pfizer , Moderna, all big Pharma, AMA, a lot of doctors that disregarded their oath, "FIRST DO NO HARM" and nurses and pharmacists that refused to give out and or fill RX's for HCQ and Ivermectin, the FBI, the DOJ all the other alphabet's out there, completely break them down, make them forfeit all their ill-gotten gains and then seize all their assets and send them to Gitmo for trial for crimes against humanity!

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What if all of them are nothing more than useful idiots, to be discarded once their jobs are done? It fits the pattern of constantly changing course. Have any of them thought that through? May they all rot in hell. In the meantime...


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Also a proud member of the club! I am grateful for Drs like you for honoring your oath and loving your fellow man. I was taught to question and follow my gut. Maybe it was poor ignorance on my part but I knew something was way off when we were getting early reports from China. I knew China only put out what they wanted the world to see. Cvd never scared me and I never bought a single lie. It was a very lonely place to be in the early days of plandemic b/c I was trying to wake ppl up then. I lost friends and even family members. I didn’t care, I did not waver and when Drs like yourself and others started coming out I felt vindicated. I admire you and your fellow peers b/c you’ve lost so much more then I have and yet you stayed true to your integrity and morals. So thank you Dr. A. for being a beacon of truth in a world full of fraud and deceit.

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THANK GOD for you & your contrarianism, Dr Paul Alexander!

Contrarians have often salvaged the world in many ways!

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From one Trini to another - Thank you.

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Tinkering medical records! How safe to fly? (take care on the road).

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Where are the theories tho, bro? :3. <3

Spitting fire about government and/or pharma and/or globalist criminal conspiracies doesn’t make you a conspiracy theorist.

The only conspiracy theories that have any clout are the government lies the use to crate a false Overton window.

Take Hilary Clinton, who lost in the court of public opinion in part by talking shit to a frog meme (Pepe)... and lost.

For people who know where the bodies are buried their fake conspiracy theories are such an insult to their citizens and voters.

They do not care.

If they have the chance to try and make people fearful of a green frog meme... they will do it .

These people will whore any of their principles and dignity for power. Anything .

They’ll even trade the lives or quality of lives of their constituents children all while posing as “the great saviour” protecting the helpless American public victimized by Nazi frog memes and cartoons .

This show has needed cancelling for a long time.

And the crew that staffs these ridiculous exercises in theatre, called government, need to be under new management: by we the people.

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