Putin is on the right side of history. Everything he said I already knew as part of my knowledge of history and of Putin. It is not the first time he said he did not want war and that it made no sense..In some speech on some platform he said that at least one year ago….Putin is not our enemy .. our leaders are….

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Still wondering why you are not on Janci Lindsay’s doorstep working with serious strategic planners, real men who know how to win wars?

Mike Yeadon wrote that he loves Janci! I asked him to help corral the American doctors and scientists to just maybe do the right thing…STOP THE VACCINES!

After 4 shameful years and 17 million continuing vaccine murders…how can you or any other doctor or scientist look in the mirror allowing such harm to humanity TO CONTINUE???

Thank goodness Janci doesn’t do the ‘waste of time with no solutions’

substacking, staying in her lanes of expertise!

Wondering if the distracting substacks with no solutions world is not just CONTROLLED OPPOSITION?

Know what that means Paul?

The substacks get people reacting to yesterday instead of looking forward to solve problems…

All so incredible to mislead people to do nothing that matters!

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Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you really want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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One more item Paul…

BTW…I work with Colonel James Harding, friend and one of the top most decorated Veterans in America!

He makes most Americans look lazy, serving his country honorably for over 70 years!

Do you think a man of Colonel Hardings background would do little that matters while America and humanity burns to the ground?

Would he allow humanity to continue to suffer while the scientists and doctors pussyfoot around forgetting their one priority…STOP THE VACCINES?

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Von Clauswitz who wrote the book "On War", defined the Objective of War to "Disarm the Enemy"

Since the 1860's Civil-War the ZOG rulers of DC have never quit trying to 'disarm' the USA public; Taking that goal at face value, then its obvious that the USA public has been the "ENEMY of DC" since 1871 when London took ownership of DC, because Lincoln failed to pay civil-war debts back to London banks;

In summary, while PUTIN may not be your enemy, the US-GOV in DC has declared YOU to be their enemy some +150 years ago;

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Nailed it Bilbo...!

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Putin is a megalomanic homicidal killer, just like Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, he's managed to kill thousands of fellow Russians and Ukrainians with his delusional dream to rebuild the Soviet Union.

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ZOG USA since post WW1 has killed over 200 Million humans worldwide;

During the Spanish-Flu of WW1 this 'flu' which came out of US-MIL bases just like COV19 managed to kill 50Million worldwide and 500K in USA, making COV19 a nothing-burger

They say that Trump's 2.0 COVID-25 now being branded "X" will be at the levels of spanish-flu

Side note, on why they called it span-flu' because during WW1 only spain was neutral, and all countrys in the war were forbidden to mention the 'flu' the only news of its existence was coming out of spain, ergo the MSM called it the spanish-flu;

The reality is that more men died of this flu in the trenches of WW1 than in actual combat with other men;

Like all things Spanish flu, and COVID19/25 are rockefeller engineered de-population scams ran by the worlds elite, who think there are too many human cattle free roaming the earth;


Who actually did PUTIN kill? NOBODY

HITLER was brought to power by BUSH, FORD, Rockfeller in 1920's London banking; Same for Stalin, same for MAO; Bolsheviks killed 30 million 'whites' in Ukraine in 1933; Stalin&Mao killed +100 Million for bolshevism

Who are the bolshevik's? Crazy fucking ashkeNAZI jews that run the USA today in DC; They also run & created modern HOLLYWOOD, think SCHIFF whose great-grandfather financed MAO&STALIN via the Schiff-Loeb banking empire of London, also Rothschild agents;


The single reason that PUTIN is in UKRAINE defending the Russian Orthodox Church and its Russian members is that he doesn't want a repeat of 1933, he knows exactly what the Bolshevik assholes intend to do,

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America is not the good guys anymore

Putin proved that yesterday

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American hasn't been the 'good guys' since 1492


USA begat by UK as a penal-colony and went through various slavery systems from sex-slaves, agricultural , to industrial, to info, to post info, to culling post 2025 ( deagle report )

Even in 1871 UK London Bankers took official control of DC cuz Lincoln couldn't replay the civil-war 2.0 debt incurred, and they silenced him as well;

The entire narrative of USA history is mythology and goldman-sacks, even has a name for USA mythology, its called the Babylonian-Slave-Management System, where the slave doesn't even know he's a slave;

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The truly insane are the ones in this country who placed awful Joe in a position of prominence

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This entire PUTIN interview, not a ONE of you actually listened to the interview, what PUTIN said was that NO POTUS post BUSH-1 in the USA ever made his own decisions they have always since that era been made by "Deep State" ZIONISM/AIPAC/PNAW

You all continue to play this psycho game like BIDEN or TRUMP are running anything;

The entire narrative of P-ALEX is that TRUMP is just a clown on the bus with FAUCI and POMPEO, and that none of this is his fault, of course its not his fault, because TRUMP was NEVER running the show;

Yet, like this comment you all continue to play the game that BIDEN is running the US-GOV, he is NOT;

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I’m not a person inclined to comment. But this was my exact thought listening. Our political class is stunningly inept and pathetic.

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Paul, your answer, shows you are not versed in Russian history.

Russians, do not love Putin.

They live in a censored and controlled society. They do not have true knowledge, but are slaves, totally controlled in every aspect of life.

Russia is a hell hole of suppression.

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putin loves the russian people so much he tried to jab them all with his own special version of the astrazeneca shot.

if you think fauci was bad, check out his russian counterpart, alexander gintsburg.

putin is 1000% onboard with the UN2030 surveillance state even if he's slow-walking it https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/digitalization-without-representation

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Do you work for the CIA Schulze...?

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Putin educated much of the World with Tucker. Most had NO IDEA that history or reasoning behind the 'war'. While much remains unanswered, but World was Educated on to the brilliance and enlighten intelligence of Putin. Two hours, NO NOTES.

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Here's an IQ test who has the lowest IQ in the pack of wolves? Who are the dumbest MOFU's in the USA Kleptocracy?

1. ) Putin

2.) Trump

3.) Your average AMA MD??

Are the AMA MD’s today really dumber than cattle?

It’s fairly clear this is true;

I agree here on this issue, it really began in 1990's when Warren-Buffet took over the US-Medical insurance racket and started denying claims and then tell doctors what to 'do'

Now today we have a Corporate Fascism over-lord of "INSURANCE" that controls or has fucked to death the former Medical Care system.


It started in the 90s when insurance companies started telling doctors they had to do this and this and this or they wouldn't get paid. Rather than objecting doctors quietly went along.

Nowadays doctors are merely stupid POS trained with the cattle prod who do whatever they're told. If the laminated card said to pick up an ice pick and poke it into the patient's brain they would do it without even thinking.

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How about 10 to the 25th power times?

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While ALL leaders are corrupt, especially Trump(follow his early life), what I liked about Putin is he set up and robbed the RICH middle class. He didn't touch the citizenry, left them intact, unlike both Canada and US that impoverish the 'injured' backbone of their country.

Putin seized power, enough for himself to maintain his position not just for himself. No, to honor the motherland, Russia.

How he did this was brilliant. His 5 pillars, billionaires who hold him up in return for Putin's 'favors' is also sound management in a corrupt world.

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Oh my, what a thought!

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The clear thingy here is AMA must be destroyed ASAP, they can no longer be the GATE-KEEPERS of what is a 'doctor' in the USA

Modern AMA begat in 1920's when ROCKEFELLER took owners, while AMA began in 1880's they were just barbers who bled people with leaches

Rockefeller in 1920's setup 'modern oil based medicine' and planted Harvard Medical schools worldwide to 'train' the modern doctor, he also instituted the 'prescription' racket where you needed a doctors 'order' in order to buy medicine; Big-OIL also made naturopathy, and homeopathy illegal, prior to 1915 90% of all doctors in USA were homoeopaths, guys who used small-dose medicine and healed patients rather than killed them with oil based barbituates (COAL TAR);


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Here in Canada, when the "Special Operation" started by Putin in Ukraine, I was able to find the other side of the story by watching RT on YT. I watched Putin's speeches and he explained all of this back then. In early 2022. Then, 3 wks later, YT blocked RT there. I can't make an informed decision without both sides of the story and the msm has only propagandized us with their twisted version they want us to believe. I haven't believed a thing coming out of msm since the Convoy, when I was crying with love and hope at the truckers coming to Ottawa, seeing all the support on the overpasses and then when they raised a million in the first day after they set up the gofundme, I KNEW Turdo was a lying piece of shit calling them a 'fringe majority'. I KNEW that the majority of Canadians were backing the convoy and their message.

Putin god boondogggled. A difficult thing for a leader to admit, yet he did. They did the bait and switch. Leave Germany and we promise we will never expand NATO an inch to the East. But when they did it, and he complained, they say, "Oh, sorry, it wasn't in writing, so we are not going to honour that promise. The USA has purposely driven Putin to do what he is doing in Ukraine, just so they have the excuse to go to war against Russia.

Same old playbook:




They create the problem, wait for our reaction, then they offer the solution that they wanted to implement all along. CBDC's and 15 minute cities. Slavery. I will have none of it. Time for us all to stand up, en masse.

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I firmily believe you confuse the actions of Yeltsin with that of Putin. The Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, was before Putin and was the doing of Nazis declaration of war against eveything good happening in not just in Russia but other countries.

The Yeltsin presidency remained beholden to Russia’s regional governors and the oligarchs. It fell to Putin to curtail the powers of these groups, campaigning in 2000 under the slogan of “the dictatorship of law.”

You see, this slogan had popular support and shows the degree to which the public had become disillusioned in the late 1990s. However, the period and direction towards concentration of power had been set years before Putin was elected president which is what you speak of.

Russia’s reformers of the 90s largely achieved the irreversible economic change they wanted. They were less successful in creating a positive narrative for the new Russia invisioned by Putin. The reforms as invisioned by Putin were based on the idea that Russia needed to learn as much as possible from the west. Over time, this view of the west grew and public opinion became more nationalistic.

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Putin is many times smarter than Donald J. Trump...PLUS, he doesn't lose his 'cool' when things are not going his way...When things don’t go satisfactory Trump gets angry but Putin sets about getting things fixed.

Hence what you are seeing in Ukraine is Putin's methodic approach to eradication of the CIA (USA) sponsored Nazis in Ukraine. He knows unless that segment is eradicated there will continue to be trouble, and that task must be accomplished before there can be any talk of peace in Ukraine.

Perhaps, giving that part of Ukraine that was once Poland could be part of a peace plan, as the Polish people suffered greatly at the hands of the Nazis and therefore Poland could willingly help Russia with exterminating the Nazis from Ukraine.

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Putin has said many times he did not want to have a war with anyone...

Putin waited 8 long years before taking any action in Ukraine which cost many Russian Jews their lives at the hand of the CIA and the criminal U.S. Government...!

Even so-called “right thinking” Americas have this mistaken great delusional misconception, mainly based on propaganda and lies, that the whole world needs to be under the umbrella of the United States...IT DOES NOT!

In 1776 Americans firmly took action to divest or dissociate from a tyrannical British Government.

Americans have stood-by while the United States has done everything possible to recreate that same tyrannical government by indiscriminately re-creating a more deadly foreign policy than the one we escaped from in 1776…!

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Another comment, if I were "Russia" or the Russian leader, I'd see no problem with Ukraine joining NATO, a strictly DEFENSIVE partnership. Unless of course, I was intending to invade and destroy Ukraine. Russia is the aggressor here, not Ukraine or NATO

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You need a better education about history and stop listening to CNN and the CIA propaganda...

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I know history very well. You do know how Putin came to power don't you? He blew up apartment buildings, killing hundreds, a Kristallnacht operation blaming Chechnya , his "bravery" in going after the terrorists is what put him in power.

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