Dr. Paul, we knew this from scratch.. why would it take 3 years for a newspaper to publish something freely available in the internet since day 0?

The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


Now, who's behind it?

Wuhan lab was funded initially by the mason-controlled French government, then mason-controlled HHS: conclusion, it's the masons!

Who are “the powers that shouldn't be”?

In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. There’s no money trail and no favor-returning revolving-door linking USA with any other country’s deep state, yet all governments followed the same scripted injuring COVID-response. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!

There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?

In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?

Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!

How could anybody explain that the framework for this bio-bombing was made legal through nuanced patient changes in the legislation puzzle during decades, until leaving everybody in the merciless hands of the Pharmafia/Pharmaterrorists, under the full protection of DoD legal immunity for COVID injectable bio-bombs? Which other entity other than Freemasonry could have pulled this off ?

Isn't it strange that all COVID injectable biobombs were abortion laced? It's because they are all Satanic laced! It’s no coincidence that Freemasons worship Lucifer as the great architect.

Will soon post a full report proving it was the masons. Meanwhile read this:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Thanks Dr. Paul for your relentless quest for TRUTH!

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Look at Masons a branch of the Jesuits; Templar framework was used to take over the original Masons. Jesuit entered the pic around 1535 or so and have always been effective as the old timer Templars. Much going on here.

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Before repeating a meme, do you have any evidence? documents?

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Dear Paul, great read! do you have more links? I am building a free online library about the topic. Glad to e-meet someone really awakened! Please warn about their plan to tie CDBCs to deny Christ with oath to the Planetary Rights/religion. Real Christians will freeze and starve unless we prep.

You might be interested in my subs. I'll soon publish intel not found anywhere else. For instance:

Nobel Mason Prize

Why was Churchill given the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1953 for his “speeches”, having produced 1 infamous novel nobody is able to mention? 1 Because he was a mason (that’s how they got the US into the war after scheming Pearl Harbor with mason Roosevelt).

“Because of the particular position of the new laureate, the Academy gave a flexible interpretation to its rule, always scrupulously respected before, concerning the secrecy of the vote until the final count.”2

Even Churchill recognized he didn’t deserve it but accepted it and cashed it anyway. 3

By the way, his complete speeches were compiled by another mason, Robert Rhodes. 4

Even if it was a political prize, why did nobody object the genocidal past of the laureate, deliberately starving 3 million Indians to death? 5 Mason cover-up: the winner gets to write history.

9 Oct 2009. Why did Barack Hussein Soetoro6 Obama given the Nobel Peace Prize 9 months after assuming the fake-presidency (wasn’t even born in the USA), after doing nothing for peace7, keeping the illegal Guantanamo torture prison and 2 wars (later adding 6 more, not counting drone attacks)? He was a mason, just like most of the Nobel committee.

2013. Why did the chairman of the Nobel Prize committee receive masons Epstein (and Gates) in Strasbourg8 and was later received by him in NYC9? Was it just freemasonic buddying pedophilia or rigging the next prizes? Both?

The Nobel Prize is a joke: the literature prize to a beast and the peace prize to a warlord.

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No worries, was already subbed to you. Will dig out and share more without bombarding you. All the best !

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Suggest you dive into the information Whitney Webb has uncovered.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Chinese scientists are just like IPCC scientists, as Sinclair would say, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

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Wait wait wait......our military finally admitted a few days ago that a lot of this Covid research was in the Ukraine under our military...........36 labs I believe....at this point does it matter.....they are all criminals and should be arrested and more for treason....and terrorism against the world population....i think this article is a bit late in coming.....we have known this information for a very long time.....and isn’t the London times like the NY Slimes....well maybe that’s what makes it news worthy......

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Trust in Christ, Chief. He has many Angels among us and, if needed, may simply raise one destroyer. Christ knows the end from the beginning so if anything gets out of whack, he knows exactly when it will arrive. Remember, Christ's center of study is not losing one of his sheep, not losing one of his Chosen, not losing one of his Body of the Church, not losing one of his bride.

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GoF is false. We had CoV-1 in 2003 and then 16 years later CoV-2 which wasn't any more dangerous than a flu for 99.5% of the population. Where is the gain of function? Then if you do not believe in viruses, this whole shebang is pure BS.

Mengele fauci spent $100's of billions basically doing nothing over the last 40 years since the fake AIDS pandemic. 1,000's of research workers and scientists pretend they are working on something important or deadly and yet after decades produce absolutely nothing of value.

Go ahead, engineer some kind of virus and it won't do squat in the real world. You cannot predict how any virus will survive, or how it will transmit itself around the world. Viruses in nature are not harmful, if they even exist. Otherwise, humanity would have been wiped out 1,000s of years ago.

Waiting for the next "super deadly" pandemic is beyond silly. It's all about scaring the crap out of you and forcing you to do what the butchers and murderers want you to do...get a deadly injection.

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Stay tuned. Tomorrow the MSM will release news of a 'shocking' report declaring the Sun rises on the Eastern horizon and descends on the Western horizon. Until its release, it will be considered a conspiracy theory.

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Classic bait and switch. Vaccine ID’s Passport’s!!! This is headed towards “life management”. Your life in their hands at the press of a 5G button.

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Excellent question of the sort Fauci and Co never wanted asked at the outset of their budding terror campaign so, they misdirected everyone by making the pandemic all about the wet market, bats and pangolins. Lions and tigers and bears, Oh my! Bought them time to hone the psyops into a fine rapier with which to slice and dice the truth to ribbons. Now? The damage is done and enough time has lapsed they’re not worried. We can’t prove nuthin’ and they know it.

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Huff's book Truth about Wuhan uncovered the foundation of the bat cold virus. I'll link the book below. London's did good for reporting old news. DoD funded Wuhan beginning long before 2016, through Eco and Tony for chump change; same with Ukraine's Orange Z; DoD operated several labs. Tony, Wuhan, Baric were patsies and cover for our DoD Pentagon all controlled by Bilderbergs. Milley-in-a-dress, yet another Knight of the Vatican Babylonian Pagan cult, but a Knight of Columbus, not Malta, like Pedo. Bilders are all Jesuit guided through their 'company' the CIA. Which kinda got smarter thru Casey as he transformed the CIA from loser to Imperial productive through the invention of for-profit-non-profit fake democratic NGOs that created all the color revolutions from Morocco to Pakistan to Ukraine, with the except of Libya, the latter being a huge disgusting crime tag upon our USA via Bush and Obama.

Baric is truly a genius, but also a patsy. DoD used him the tweak Xi's Wuhan lady that London mentioned. Here's the Baric payout for Xi: he showed the ChiComs how to insert bug DNA into normal DNA WITHOUT ANY TELLTALE MARKERS THAT THE NEW GENE WAS RIGGED.

Given all the above, all patsies to cover up the goal: fake mRNA vaccines that are NOT vaccines but simply insertion of transhumanist bugs, mostly same sort dropped by Chemtrails for last few decades.

The above begs the question, What was needed that the Chemtrails failed to provided? Possible that our Trump might have stressed Bilders to simply increase the speed of transhuman bots via fake vaccines.

here's Huff's book link.


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They really think we are completely brain dead. Maybe why they named OMICRON (MORONIC)...

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CFR fake mainstream news covers truth with lies. The small numbers of intellectuals and professionals are not recognized and attacked. Very hard for mainstream people to sort out truth as they are all trying to pay the bills.

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While I agree, or used to, too much tat has happened these past 3+ years is exactly the opposite of what the MSM, where get their “news” from, told us; often as recently as the night before. At one point on the crowded train this morning, besides myself I saw only two other unmasked commuters in the car I was in. I am arriving at the conclusion that most of humanity is just plain ignorant and are that way by choice.

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Sadly, it seems most are.

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LOL "In a shocking report, The Times of London has uncovered" news of a party that's been over some months, seems they got lost on the way!

No Poo Sherlock seems a rational comment.

Disclaimer: These journals produce "news items" which are really disguised signals for Important People who Really Matter, your ideal approach is to figure out which current backtrend they are frantically trying to hop on before it gets up speed.

When I were a kid, we actually trusted these organs!

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The real links and connections continue to be avoided for the very reasons that Dr. David Martin has shown from his meticulous research and evidence-based inquiries; and the major link points to U. S. involvement, specifically through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Wuhan played a part but not without the aiding and abetting of the nefarious actors from the U.S. and who they are and what they did have been common knowledge for some time; no Congressional committee will do much more than continue to blame China and Wuhan because that is still a politically correct strategy; not to mention the influence that big pharma and DOD operatives have over politicians who always have re-election on their minds.

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Think about it for a moment... it's THE GOVERNMENT! Do a Thought Experiment. Would Humanity be better or worse off if every single member of every single government around the world were executed?

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Yes, enough has long been known to act.

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Dr Alexander you were mentioned by a Senator today’s in Walensky’s testimony on Capitol Hill today- was wondering if you knew that.

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Do you happen to recall which Senator mentioned Dr. Alexander and what was said?

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