Time to go full Amish.

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nice advice

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Can only pray for that to be true.

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Well the Muslim Brotherhood finally screwed with the wrong people-If they wanted to take Soros -- he would be gone by now--Turkey’s big guy should tread very lightly!

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I think this type of homicide is a war crime.

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No more than what was done to them. War is Hell and we should all work at getting along. We would have not had any wars and our economy would be great if DjT had not been cheated out of this 2020 election. Life would be so much better in America. No illegal criminal migrants.

Our country is being taken over by ignorant people so Dems can control them. Very sad indeed. Glad I’m old . Praying for DJT, so young people would have a chance at a future instead of tyranny…🙏🇺🇸

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It is,Ronda. But since Israel did it no charges will be given.

Sooner or later the gentiles will wake up and see how evil God's chosen people are.

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Not a war crime. A war success!!

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No it’s strategic and targeted, eliminating terrorists

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if something can be used even by USA military to take out the bad guy then I am for it...question I continue to ask are the implications to us now...who can guarantee your phone or pager cant explode??? air travel?

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Anything with lithium batteries is now suspect. Question is if these are explosives added to a device at manufacture or something done remotely via RF...

If they can do it to Hezbollah, they can do it to you!

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It looks like the Israelis are about a dozen steps ahead of those who wish to erase them from the face of the Earth. Who would of thought to sell a common, everyday device to many, in a targeted market, in an effort to kill them, using pagers, walkie-talkies and other devices. Brilliant. Sounds similar to the genius's who dreamed up using a simple, recommended injection...to protect you...(the pandemic frauds)...and "vaccinated" millions of targeted victims...sounds brutal...it is brutal...and we're onto them like ugly on an ape. Israel is well justified in defending itself, and using innovation is how wars are won. However, Dr. Alexander makes a perfectly valid point...the tech exists...who will use it against us? Exhibit "A"..."VACCINATIONS".

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I Love my IDF!! G-d bless Israel!! Time to destroy all these terrorists who keep killing israelis non stop! And btw, anyone who thinks these terrorists won't be doing this here, is wrong. They're after both jews and christians. not just jews. So it's time to dismantle those terrorists altogether!

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Your team Paul. Israel!


They Did It Themselves


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They won't wake up no matter what we say,Ned. The jews have these poor Goyim and Sheshkas brainwashed into thinking that these Middle Eastern parasites are God's chosen people

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Jews? I guess E. Michael Jones says so.

I'd refer to Zionists who identify as Jewish supremacists.

For me a Jew is like a Christian like a Muslim; those who hold a religious belief. The founders of Israel were predominantly atheist as far as I understand, but identified as Jews.

Antisemitism is a silly term. Why not simply refer to anti-Jewish as you might anti-Muslim or anti-any specific group? As I understand Semite is a language group, not a defined gene pool. Wilhelm Marr invented the term c.1870's?

Either, slaughtering Palestinians for 75 years+ should be unacceptable.

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Bullshit. Just bullshit.

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Such eloquence.

Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos


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ABC is not a credible source, I give you the last debate & their non coverage of Trump assassination attempts.

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How about Haaretz?


ABC are legacy media pressttitutes like the BBC hardly credible, but I cite them when they do publish something they have no choice but to acknowledge.

Alex Krainer: ‘We’re past the beginning of the end of Israel. I don’t think they’ll survive this. History will never forgive them this. What has been done to the Palestinian people will not be able to be white washed.’

It is what it is.

Out of interest, name me what you deem a credible source.

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Let's just add one more thing to be on the lookout for. :/

Thanks Dr. Paul!

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Terrorists dying? Pass the popcorn!

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Small amounts of plastic explosive in phones is a Mossad trick that dates back to the 70s.

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These devices had explosives embedded. I suggest caution in spreading general fear thar all digital devices are dangerous.

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asking a logical question that you cannot answer is spreading general fear? for a moment you sounded like Hilary Clinton saying that Trump supporters should be locked up for asking questions...gggeeeezzzeeee

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No way! I’m free-speech MAGA all the way!

It just struck me as needless alarmism to suggest we should fear our devices have explosive charges within them. Any manufacturer who’d be so foolish to install such would not long remain in business.

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not manufacturer, bad guys...thank you Florida for helping in this fight, in your advocacy and leadership...all hands on deck...I am saying that we humans know how to take anything and use it to harm...I dont think the question is unusual...in fact, who is to say that some crashed in past may have been due to this very thing...Operation Northwoods was a DoD operation placed on Kennedy's desk in 2962 to use remote controlled civilian planes painted as Cuban to crash into buildings in Florida and Cuba as a pretext to overthrown Castro. in 1962...remote controlled...crash planes to buildings....US government

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Northwoods would’ve been quite a persuasive false flag. JFK probably demurred, as he was still smarting from having a year earlier chosen the Bay of Pigs that turned into a most humiliating fiasco.

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I consider every bimbo driving a SUV while texting a weapon of mass destruction.

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All these young ones ---- text when you get home!!!!

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It also makes me wonder, when EVs explode? When phones have been exploding -- was this Israel who killed people to see if they could?

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It sure was. Israel's IDF is a bunch of cowards and perverts..

So the Mossad does all the dirty work, with the help of the CIA.

When we get into the civl war, we will have to get rid of all our electronic devices.

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Let’s get ahold of ourselves here! The devices that blew up yesterday and today had heat-sensitive explosive charges installed. Their batteries were triggered to overheat by a command from an Israel military intelligence unit, setting off the explosives.

We will NOT need to get rid of our devices in the event of civil war or any other war for fear of them exploding. However, being tracked by an enemy - domestic or foreign - would be a legitimate fear.

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Also cell phone explosions. Why are these not being reported?

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phone too...

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Israel , Zionist , Mossad , Israel’s CIA , you know Mossad who took the Twin Towers down . WAKE UP PEOPLE

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Zionists. Netanyahu , Mossad , CIA

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OMG! How do I order TWC's 'Exploding Crotch Support' formula?! 🤔


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This is EWC vs. PLO

Elohim Worshipers CULT vs, Palestinian Liberty Organization.

Quite a long history behind...

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