platform up their ass too...I only shared so that you understand how corrupt and incestuous and filthy the COVID movement is & was & those part of it; money-whoring leeches, thats all; amen for Jane!
In actuality 1,000's of people hold Patents in mRNA technology going back to 1983, so calling Malone the father is a stretch, and of course him calling himself the 'father' is why he lost his clearance; The CIA & gov doesn't like loose lips and they like bull-shit even less;
COV was discovered in 1938 so Malone has little to nothing to do with COVID, but Malone did actively hold a security clearance with CIA ( ft-detrick US MIL bio-weapon lab ) to develop the mRNA bio-weapon delivery system as early as 1983, only his big mouth post 2019 caused him to lose his security clearance and now become a "Fauci without Gov bodyguards for life'
Most of the COV-19 player's post 2020 got billions, Malone had gotten his millions long ago, and was pissed big-time in 2020 when Trump started pumping out the BIG COV-19 rescue bucks ( $12 Trillion USD 2020 ) but non went to Malone, who couldn't keep his mouth shut and go along with the POGROM
Malone is on recent video bragging about his financial stability. He, too, has made boat loads of cash throughout this scamdemic. He's heavily funded by sketchy bros, some connected to pedophilia. Mathew Crawford is doing great job following the money.
Malone, along with Rick Bright sabotaged Trump’s orders to make HCQ available to all of us. The duo brought us the deadly Remdesivir and the deathshots.
The demons and their spouses have a special place in hell waiting for them.
I agree but when MALONE was a on ROGAN a few years ago he complained about only getting MILLIONS, WHILE people like FAUCI were getting BILLIONS of USD ( & all big-pharma's CEOS', BIG-MD, and 1,000's of WEF politicians world-wide to join the COVID-lockdown&jab train )
He feels harmed being the "Father" ( his own words ) that he didn't get the full shower of COVID cash from Trump;
But MALONE did mention on the show he still has a horse-ranch of expensive thorough-breds and that it costs a fortune to feed & house them, so he's in desperate need of "BIG MONEY"
I guess you don't pity the poor millionaires like Malone, who a envious of the billionaires like Fauci;
When your beer budget or the in case of Malone 'horse feed' costs $10's 1,000's of USD a week, you can burn through a million USD pretty damn quick; It's why you should pity these millionaires;
😂😂😂I have no pity for the monsters who've made millions while using our Veterans as guinea pigs - he did that with Sina Bavari. The folks who have been funding him are as sketchy as he is.
Pretty fucking high, 'he was father of the mRNA" which CIA itself declared in 1983 as a "BIO Weapon Delivery system", not I didn't say bio-weapon ( like COV19 ) I said a "delivery system"
Given he was the father of mRNA, at mt-detrick back in the day '1983' and he was paid millions back in the day, I would surmise like FAUCI he had a clearance as high as a 'contractor' can get;
That all said POST "SNOWDEN" and 'looser lips lose ships" what the CIA giveth the CIA taketh away pretty fucking quick
Snowden too was just a low-level contractor working through 'Arthur Anderson' ( a very large accounting company that today supplys CIA/State-Dept with most human assets ), but he was still doing $250K USD a year in Hawaii sitting in a little room with little to NO real education watching porn most of the time;
Your first sentence, we need to see exactly where Malone was in 1983. Target is linking him or employer, in 1983, to the CIA. If Paul's point is accurate about Twitter asked to silence attacks upon Malone, a couple puzzle pieces will fit nicely.
Malone's own wikpedia says that he was the worlds expert in delivery mRNA cocktails in 1981 and that he was working as a teach assist @ davis, where it say he was respected world leader on subject
In the 1980s, while a graduate student researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering in what Nature has described as a landmark experiment that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins
Certainly he would have been approached by DOD to spend his summers at ft-detrick to help the POGRAM , my guess is that he started his summer programs at ft-detrick in 1983, and most likely they seeded the mRNA idea into him given, his lead, and recall that prior to 1981 he had been studying computer-science and not biololgy;
It makes perfect sense for the bio-weapons labs to direct researchers where they want them to go
Also his wiki-pedia is largely a hit-piece, one wonder where the real truth is to be found, like typical CIA crap, the wiki makes him appear to be anti-gov crack-pot, when in fact he's 100% one of the boys horse ranch & all
It's fairly obvious from his BIO that it was "Davis" during school session, and Ft-Detrick during the summer/winter breaks;
Given he got his CS first, then his grad in BIO, he would have been one of the few early computational biologists in the field, a high demand, where the DOD would have to take anybody they could find;
Like I already mentioned there is a shit ton of US-DOD R&D defense agencys in & around the UC-Davis bay-ahrea of CALIF, so he could have very well been running a dod bio-weapon lab right there on the UC-Davis campus, just like they do at MIT, or Berkely
Where was MALONE summer of 1983? Was he at Davis sucking dick? or was he at ft-detrick sucking dick?
Given that Davis would have been closed for summer, and Malone was a CS major first and biology guy 2nd, I'm going to guess he was working on computational-biololgy, which led him to mRNA
Lawerence Livermore labs comes to mind, but there are dozens of US-MIL research bases in the bay-ahrea, aka san-fran
What made Malone switch from CS to biology in 1981? That seems like going back to square one, unless he already had bio training that is being withheld?
But the important this is how did a 24 year post-doc grad-student become the 'father of mRNA" bio-weapon delivery systems 'just like that' from 1981-1986', Occam's Razor said he most likely did summer intern with one of the dozens of MIL contractors near Davis, and then invited to work at ft-detrick
Mark Kulacz & JJ Couey have mentioned his CS knowledge and his involvement with DOMANE. He used to brag about it, until Mark & JJ looked into DOMANE & Remdesivir.
I base all on memory, but my memory is the first known reference by CIA ft-detrick to the all new "mRNA" as a bio-weapon deliver system, sort of like a "ROCKET' and NOT the fucking payload
That was 1983 was the Golden
Just like COV-19 it was identified in 1938 and "Gain of Function" in 1950's so when in 2020 they talk about 'gain of function in covid' they're talking bullshit, cuz that is like great-grand-pa's research
Not my fucking problem why you want to fixate on 1983, my memory recollection is that is when CIA decided it was going to be there "DELIVERY SYSTEM to Deliver BIO-Weapons" via human DNA
IMHO the iso-cynanate suterra bio-sterilization program going back to same-same 1980s Israel-USA is WAY fucking bigger they micro-encapsulate sterilants in 'crazy-glue' pills depending on thickness they aeresol spray from planes and the stuff lodges in lungs days, months, or years depending how its dialed in, ... blah-blah
But you all want to be fixated on mRNA more power to you all, I have written much, its just a rocket for launching poison into the human DNA
Like my recent post, they don't even call it 'gain of function' anymore now they call it 'directional evolution', modifying human DNA to foward the clock or reverse, to dumb up a population, or dumb down
Here's one of his resumes. He's changed and deleted data since 2019/2020 to hide his horrendous record of performance from the fools who keep donating to pay for his lavish lifestyle.
E-24?? Double top-secret double-dog dare secret, ... blah-blah, you as well as me know that shit is top-secret and classified; But I can say this if you worked at ft-detrick ( CIA bio-weapon lab for +50 years ) I would assume that you would have to have a very high level clearance just to enter the facility, that said EVERY-ONE is on a need-2-know basis so they never know the big picture;
But the fact is 'once upon a time' Malone was a "FAUCI" and suddenly he become a 'nobody' ( but less than nobody ), Fauci stayed with the 'drill' he never broke his role, but Malone was either "PAID" to be one of the 3-stooges or he went off reservation; To be totally honest the fact he's not DEAD, tells you that he's still on the team, just playing limited-opposition hangout, ..
The real CIA people are "CIA" for life, contractors like Snowden or Malone are normally just 'nullified' if they BRAKE contract;
I when quite young signed one of their contracts and I remember it quite well it said, "If you ever pass any of the information given to you to a foreign GOV you will spend the remainder of your life in a small box"
I remember at the time thinking, "I'm not going to piss these people off ever"
But Malone is a different breed, he really is just into it for the money, so the deep-state loves these kind of people as their the easiest to control;
Like SNOWDEN in RUSSIA if any of this stuff was 'real ' then snowden would be dead,
Recall that very close people to PUTIN have been killed by CIA assets on UKRAINE death-squad team in Moscow, so if they actually wanted Snowden dead, he would be dead yesterday
There is a special place in hell for Malone. How many deaths will he ultimately be responsible for because of his mRNA “discoveries.” Not to mention the interference of Gods creation.
And yes ! Elon Musk is not who he wants the public to feeeel about the HUGE “Spacey X-rocketry LIE$” and the “X-it” PsyOps to bolster his freakin’, purposed propaganda deliveries to build more CONfused-public subjects for BigBuck$ in militarized BigHARM-US-see$’ future$ while not-so ‘elite’ billionaires surf the geo-engineered “waves to the graves.”
Just so people know here, MUSK announced last year his "X-AI" which he said would be the one true AI that anybody could use and would unlock the secrets to the universe;
Instead what we got is just another chat-GPT variant that is woke and that calls safe sex as 'sodomy' and same-sex relationships, that all hetro-sex is bad because it leads to un-wanted pregnancy which is always BAD
This is the same fucking MUSK that says we have a population problem on the downside and not the high-side, but then what he say's and what he sells is like always two different things;
Probably what he means is there aren't enough people like himself; But that there are too many 'common people'
I thought the South African was against GLOBOHOMO and the TRANS agenda? Sounds like he has swallowed the LGBTQIA+ KOOL-AID and is now fully Americanized.
During COV-19 2020 TRUMP released $12 trillion USD some 4,000 World leaders, some 250 country 4-6 leaders in each country were made BILLIONAIRES cash paid to the children trust funds held in QATAR / UAE accounts as EUROS for life;
These funds paid for COV-19 lockdowns were not just for that time persion 2020-2022 it was for the life of that Politician to follow the barking orders of the NWO
And, yes, Elon Musk is not who he wants to make others feel about the “Spacey rocketry LIES” and the “X-it” pay-ops to bolster his freakin’ purposed propaganda deliveries.
Don't forget his X-AI which you haven't heard a lot recently, but researchers who have tested it 100% already report that it is just as "WOKE" as chat-GPT and essentially just a grooming tool for public-schools to get kids to be homo's and quit breeding in hetro-sexual relationships; same sex is all good, only sex that leads to undesirable preggy is 'bad-sex' so says all ZOG CUCK'd AI
Recall last year MUSK told us he was working on a "TRUTH-AI" that would answer all of lifes most complex questions and never hold back;
Now we find out that the GOV will be keeping "TRUTH AI" for themselvs and only giving the GOYIM access to "HOMO-WOKE" AI.
What is special about '1983'and mRNA bio-weapon delivery systems???
CIA Document From 1983 Indicates Israel Built Chemical Weapons Stockpile
Intel circles in Washington believe Israel amassed a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons decades ago, Foreign Policy reported Monday on its website.
Paul, we need evidence linking Malone to CIA. I stumbled upon a link between mRNAs and mind control. Timing of Malone's mRNA research with yet in-the-closet MKULTRA's NSA deep cover yet fully intact, can not be coincidental. All of the above is also linked to the tremendous pressure by Bilderbergs to weaken Trump using fake everything, all powered by CFR controlled fake news; the fake pandemic was designed for mRNAs, timed for release AFTER 2020 rigged election, all cover for digital election hacking, while setting up MKULTRA's vast mRNAs mind control/culling events aimed at NWO/UN/Vatican take over.
I now suspect your Malone instincts were correct, for the wrong reasons. He appears to be CIA asset and using Pharma for a front. DoD is linked to all the above due to Obama's efforts to weaken American staff within the DoD. Milley is a picture of Obama; Austin and Charlie are Milley clones, all are domestic terrorists, latter two are card carrying CFR with Mlley Trilateral asset (on record for speaking at Tri conferences)
So much going on, BUT a link between Malone and the CIA is so needed and is there at some level. Most likely the Pharma or pharma-corp liaisons are connector threads in all this.
There are still people inside Twitter causing mayhem.
I just got a message on one of my account that I had posted a message that said "Kill All FBI Agents Now!" and of course, I had never posted such a thing. The email was confirmed with DKIM to have come from Twitter. There is no way to access my account without 2FA that's kept offline in a tablet in a Faraday bag. It's an inside job. The admins at Twitter are NEVER TO BE TRUSTED!!
Since U seem to have set the stage for bad behavior so: Go fuck yourself. No one would listen to you cause you sound like a crazy MF. Sometimes you have some good shares. Lately looks like you're about to be banned from everywhere because of bad manners. Regardless of what you have to say, you get more traction when you say it nicely and concisely. You sound like you need medication since you don't have a wife to tell you to take your magnesium. We're all mad Eddy, but that kind of talk and behavior towards others is not going to get us where we need to go.
'Coming silent DNA weapons' 1987 report on 1983 status
Even though bio-weapons had been banned by all country's in the 1950's the work had continued until massive break-throughs were accomplished in early 1980's
Malone is The Asshole of Covid.
Malone himself calls himself the "Father of mRNA"
That makes him the Father of Death;
In actuality 1,000's of people hold Patents in mRNA technology going back to 1983, so calling Malone the father is a stretch, and of course him calling himself the 'father' is why he lost his clearance; The CIA & gov doesn't like loose lips and they like bull-shit even less;
COV was discovered in 1938 so Malone has little to nothing to do with COVID, but Malone did actively hold a security clearance with CIA ( ft-detrick US MIL bio-weapon lab ) to develop the mRNA bio-weapon delivery system as early as 1983, only his big mouth post 2019 caused him to lose his security clearance and now become a "Fauci without Gov bodyguards for life'
Most of the COV-19 player's post 2020 got billions, Malone had gotten his millions long ago, and was pissed big-time in 2020 when Trump started pumping out the BIG COV-19 rescue bucks ( $12 Trillion USD 2020 ) but non went to Malone, who couldn't keep his mouth shut and go along with the POGROM
Malone is on recent video bragging about his financial stability. He, too, has made boat loads of cash throughout this scamdemic. He's heavily funded by sketchy bros, some connected to pedophilia. Mathew Crawford is doing great job following the money.
Malone, along with Rick Bright sabotaged Trump’s orders to make HCQ available to all of us. The duo brought us the deadly Remdesivir and the deathshots.
The demons and their spouses have a special place in hell waiting for them.
I agree but when MALONE was a on ROGAN a few years ago he complained about only getting MILLIONS, WHILE people like FAUCI were getting BILLIONS of USD ( & all big-pharma's CEOS', BIG-MD, and 1,000's of WEF politicians world-wide to join the COVID-lockdown&jab train )
He feels harmed being the "Father" ( his own words ) that he didn't get the full shower of COVID cash from Trump;
But MALONE did mention on the show he still has a horse-ranch of expensive thorough-breds and that it costs a fortune to feed & house them, so he's in desperate need of "BIG MONEY"
Those fuckers don't feed themselves. Farriers, veterinarians etc. What does hedowith those thorough-breds? Does he race them?
He's on video saying he sells them to women, as if we're supposed to believe the average woman can afford them.
I guess you don't pity the poor millionaires like Malone, who a envious of the billionaires like Fauci;
When your beer budget or the in case of Malone 'horse feed' costs $10's 1,000's of USD a week, you can burn through a million USD pretty damn quick; It's why you should pity these millionaires;
😂😂😂I have no pity for the monsters who've made millions while using our Veterans as guinea pigs - he did that with Sina Bavari. The folks who have been funding him are as sketchy as he is.
What level clearance did he have?
Pretty fucking high, 'he was father of the mRNA" which CIA itself declared in 1983 as a "BIO Weapon Delivery system", not I didn't say bio-weapon ( like COV19 ) I said a "delivery system"
Given he was the father of mRNA, at mt-detrick back in the day '1983' and he was paid millions back in the day, I would surmise like FAUCI he had a clearance as high as a 'contractor' can get;
That all said POST "SNOWDEN" and 'looser lips lose ships" what the CIA giveth the CIA taketh away pretty fucking quick
Snowden too was just a low-level contractor working through 'Arthur Anderson' ( a very large accounting company that today supplys CIA/State-Dept with most human assets ), but he was still doing $250K USD a year in Hawaii sitting in a little room with little to NO real education watching porn most of the time;
Your first sentence, we need to see exactly where Malone was in 1983. Target is linking him or employer, in 1983, to the CIA. If Paul's point is accurate about Twitter asked to silence attacks upon Malone, a couple puzzle pieces will fit nicely.
jeebuz xmas my job is not to hold your dick
Malone's own wikpedia says that he was the worlds expert in delivery mRNA cocktails in 1981 and that he was working as a teach assist @ davis, where it say he was respected world leader on subject
In the 1980s, while a graduate student researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego, California, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering in what Nature has described as a landmark experiment that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins
Certainly he would have been approached by DOD to spend his summers at ft-detrick to help the POGRAM , my guess is that he started his summer programs at ft-detrick in 1983, and most likely they seeded the mRNA idea into him given, his lead, and recall that prior to 1981 he had been studying computer-science and not biololgy;
It makes perfect sense for the bio-weapons labs to direct researchers where they want them to go
Also his wiki-pedia is largely a hit-piece, one wonder where the real truth is to be found, like typical CIA crap, the wiki makes him appear to be anti-gov crack-pot, when in fact he's 100% one of the boys horse ranch & all
It's fairly obvious from his BIO that it was "Davis" during school session, and Ft-Detrick during the summer/winter breaks;
Given he got his CS first, then his grad in BIO, he would have been one of the few early computational biologists in the field, a high demand, where the DOD would have to take anybody they could find;
Like I already mentioned there is a shit ton of US-DOD R&D defense agencys in & around the UC-Davis bay-ahrea of CALIF, so he could have very well been running a dod bio-weapon lab right there on the UC-Davis campus, just like they do at MIT, or Berkely
Pretty tough demands, but lets play your game
Where was MALONE summer of 1983? Was he at Davis sucking dick? or was he at ft-detrick sucking dick?
Given that Davis would have been closed for summer, and Malone was a CS major first and biology guy 2nd, I'm going to guess he was working on computational-biololgy, which led him to mRNA
Lawerence Livermore labs comes to mind, but there are dozens of US-MIL research bases in the bay-ahrea, aka san-fran
What made Malone switch from CS to biology in 1981? That seems like going back to square one, unless he already had bio training that is being withheld?
But the important this is how did a 24 year post-doc grad-student become the 'father of mRNA" bio-weapon delivery systems 'just like that' from 1981-1986', Occam's Razor said he most likely did summer intern with one of the dozens of MIL contractors near Davis, and then invited to work at ft-detrick
Mark Kulacz & JJ Couey have mentioned his CS knowledge and his involvement with DOMANE. He used to brag about it, until Mark & JJ looked into DOMANE & Remdesivir.
You have a dick right?
Take your hand off that dick and enter "Malone 1983" or 'ft-detrick 1983' and do your own fucking research
Spend more time on the keyboard, and less time playing the piano with your dick, and not you jew-zelensky
I base all on memory, but my memory is the first known reference by CIA ft-detrick to the all new "mRNA" as a bio-weapon deliver system, sort of like a "ROCKET' and NOT the fucking payload
That was 1983 was the Golden
Just like COV-19 it was identified in 1938 and "Gain of Function" in 1950's so when in 2020 they talk about 'gain of function in covid' they're talking bullshit, cuz that is like great-grand-pa's research
Not my fucking problem why you want to fixate on 1983, my memory recollection is that is when CIA decided it was going to be there "DELIVERY SYSTEM to Deliver BIO-Weapons" via human DNA
IMHO the iso-cynanate suterra bio-sterilization program going back to same-same 1980s Israel-USA is WAY fucking bigger they micro-encapsulate sterilants in 'crazy-glue' pills depending on thickness they aeresol spray from planes and the stuff lodges in lungs days, months, or years depending how its dialed in, ... blah-blah
But you all want to be fixated on mRNA more power to you all, I have written much, its just a rocket for launching poison into the human DNA
Like my recent post, they don't even call it 'gain of function' anymore now they call it 'directional evolution', modifying human DNA to foward the clock or reverse, to dumb up a population, or dumb down
Here's one of his resumes. He's changed and deleted data since 2019/2020 to hide his horrendous record of performance from the fools who keep donating to pay for his lavish lifestyle.
E-24?? Double top-secret double-dog dare secret, ... blah-blah, you as well as me know that shit is top-secret and classified; But I can say this if you worked at ft-detrick ( CIA bio-weapon lab for +50 years ) I would assume that you would have to have a very high level clearance just to enter the facility, that said EVERY-ONE is on a need-2-know basis so they never know the big picture;
But the fact is 'once upon a time' Malone was a "FAUCI" and suddenly he become a 'nobody' ( but less than nobody ), Fauci stayed with the 'drill' he never broke his role, but Malone was either "PAID" to be one of the 3-stooges or he went off reservation; To be totally honest the fact he's not DEAD, tells you that he's still on the team, just playing limited-opposition hangout, ..
The real CIA people are "CIA" for life, contractors like Snowden or Malone are normally just 'nullified' if they BRAKE contract;
I when quite young signed one of their contracts and I remember it quite well it said, "If you ever pass any of the information given to you to a foreign GOV you will spend the remainder of your life in a small box"
I remember at the time thinking, "I'm not going to piss these people off ever"
But Malone is a different breed, he really is just into it for the money, so the deep-state loves these kind of people as their the easiest to control;
Like SNOWDEN in RUSSIA if any of this stuff was 'real ' then snowden would be dead,
Recall that very close people to PUTIN have been killed by CIA assets on UKRAINE death-squad team in Moscow, so if they actually wanted Snowden dead, he would be dead yesterday
Yes yes yes
There is a special place in hell for Malone. How many deaths will he ultimately be responsible for because of his mRNA “discoveries.” Not to mention the interference of Gods creation.
I deeply appreciate the fight in Dr. Alexander.
So many cowards and spineless grifters in the medical profession.
And yes ! Elon Musk is not who he wants the public to feeeel about the HUGE “Spacey X-rocketry LIE$” and the “X-it” PsyOps to bolster his freakin’, purposed propaganda deliveries to build more CONfused-public subjects for BigBuck$ in militarized BigHARM-US-see$’ future$ while not-so ‘elite’ billionaires surf the geo-engineered “waves to the graves.”
Just so people know here, MUSK announced last year his "X-AI" which he said would be the one true AI that anybody could use and would unlock the secrets to the universe;
Instead what we got is just another chat-GPT variant that is woke and that calls safe sex as 'sodomy' and same-sex relationships, that all hetro-sex is bad because it leads to un-wanted pregnancy which is always BAD
This is the same fucking MUSK that says we have a population problem on the downside and not the high-side, but then what he say's and what he sells is like always two different things;
Probably what he means is there aren't enough people like himself; But that there are too many 'common people'
I thought the South African was against GLOBOHOMO and the TRANS agenda? Sounds like he has swallowed the LGBTQIA+ KOOL-AID and is now fully Americanized.
During COV-19 2020 TRUMP released $12 trillion USD some 4,000 World leaders, some 250 country 4-6 leaders in each country were made BILLIONAIRES cash paid to the children trust funds held in QATAR / UAE accounts as EUROS for life;
These funds paid for COV-19 lockdowns were not just for that time persion 2020-2022 it was for the life of that Politician to follow the barking orders of the NWO
Phoney Baloney Malone-y... Your true colors are showing, and they're NOT good ones - you might wanna tuck 'em back in.
The Coming Explosion of Silent Weapons
The 1987 report on the deployment of DNA 'silent weapons' on human population control
Thank you. Very interesting.
Are you still banned from X? It seems so…Impressive if so. Would love to see you back on there throwing moabs…
And, yes, Elon Musk is not who he wants to make others feel about the “Spacey rocketry LIES” and the “X-it” pay-ops to bolster his freakin’ purposed propaganda deliveries.
Don't forget his X-AI which you haven't heard a lot recently, but researchers who have tested it 100% already report that it is just as "WOKE" as chat-GPT and essentially just a grooming tool for public-schools to get kids to be homo's and quit breeding in hetro-sexual relationships; same sex is all good, only sex that leads to undesirable preggy is 'bad-sex' so says all ZOG CUCK'd AI
Recall last year MUSK told us he was working on a "TRUTH-AI" that would answer all of lifes most complex questions and never hold back;
Now we find out that the GOV will be keeping "TRUTH AI" for themselvs and only giving the GOYIM access to "HOMO-WOKE" AI.
What is special about '1983'and mRNA bio-weapon delivery systems???
CIA Document From 1983 Indicates Israel Built Chemical Weapons Stockpile
Intel circles in Washington believe Israel amassed a stockpile of chemical and biological weapons decades ago, Foreign Policy reported Monday on its website.
1983 was a very critical time period where all their prior 'gain of function' work was being off-shored to Israel, and the new project was mRNA;
Paul, we need evidence linking Malone to CIA. I stumbled upon a link between mRNAs and mind control. Timing of Malone's mRNA research with yet in-the-closet MKULTRA's NSA deep cover yet fully intact, can not be coincidental. All of the above is also linked to the tremendous pressure by Bilderbergs to weaken Trump using fake everything, all powered by CFR controlled fake news; the fake pandemic was designed for mRNAs, timed for release AFTER 2020 rigged election, all cover for digital election hacking, while setting up MKULTRA's vast mRNAs mind control/culling events aimed at NWO/UN/Vatican take over.
I now suspect your Malone instincts were correct, for the wrong reasons. He appears to be CIA asset and using Pharma for a front. DoD is linked to all the above due to Obama's efforts to weaken American staff within the DoD. Milley is a picture of Obama; Austin and Charlie are Milley clones, all are domestic terrorists, latter two are card carrying CFR with Mlley Trilateral asset (on record for speaking at Tri conferences)
So much going on, BUT a link between Malone and the CIA is so needed and is there at some level. Most likely the Pharma or pharma-corp liaisons are connector threads in all this.
There are still people inside Twitter causing mayhem.
I just got a message on one of my account that I had posted a message that said "Kill All FBI Agents Now!" and of course, I had never posted such a thing. The email was confirmed with DKIM to have come from Twitter. There is no way to access my account without 2FA that's kept offline in a tablet in a Faraday bag. It's an inside job. The admins at Twitter are NEVER TO BE TRUSTED!!
X is so toxic.
Since U seem to have set the stage for bad behavior so: Go fuck yourself. No one would listen to you cause you sound like a crazy MF. Sometimes you have some good shares. Lately looks like you're about to be banned from everywhere because of bad manners. Regardless of what you have to say, you get more traction when you say it nicely and concisely. You sound like you need medication since you don't have a wife to tell you to take your magnesium. We're all mad Eddy, but that kind of talk and behavior towards others is not going to get us where we need to go.
'Coming silent DNA weapons' 1987 report on 1983 status
Even though bio-weapons had been banned by all country's in the 1950's the work had continued until massive break-throughs were accomplished in early 1980's
My coffee seems to taste exceptionally great this morning👍