on, get over yourself; you did nothing, bitched, ate, you slept now you think you got game when others put in the work & you now have the answers! OK, I love it but stop the destruction of good people
First of all, I am answering this post because I formerly dwelled in the basement. And I have been called a "keyboard warrior." By the way, putting insults in your missive titles while condemning those who insult is a bit counter productive, isn't it?
I can provide you with any information you want. I am also with you on the subject of insulting people. I try to maintain a strict "no ad hominem" policy because how does such name calling end? When has anyone ever said "Well, you did call me an idiot, I guess I am?"
Before the pandemic, many of us were eating and sleeping, and living a life devoid of politics. I am libertarian, but the hot tub they kept turning the heat of government infringement up on was still cool enough so that I was delightfully slumbering in the aromatic warmth of just being left alone.
And then, came Covid. And now I was being forced to participate in the medical theater of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. What was supposed to be a two-week vacation turned into a multi year ordeal. There was some talk early on the pandemic of "where is the leadership?" And. the question I asked is "is leadership even needed?"
The reason why leadership, any leadership is being vetted, scrutinized, insulted, and attacked is because of the very "experts" that gave us such wonderful hits as lockdowns, vaccine passports, and mask mandates. The glorious Science™ as embodied by its MSM poster pundit Fauci. We followed the science to the money, and so equal suspicion and skepticism should be employed to all such sources if it leads to money being made.
As for "doing anything better" I can tell you a couple of things I did do which is ironically what I didn't do.
I didn't demand accommodation of the many for the few.
I didn't enact ridiculous restrictions, did not demand people "wear the mask, get the injection, stay home stay safe." I do however recommend the KC and the Sunshine Band mandate of Do a Little Dance, Make a little love, get down tonight."
I also did not create a mask design on redbubble. I was tempted though. Masks were flying off shelves, and many had to express their own "fashionable" face accoutrement.
I did however create a hat design that states "This hat is as effective in stopping a virus as your mask is." It's not exactly flying off shelves, probably due to my lack of marketing skills.
In terms of "not doing squat" I am open to suggestions. Most of what I do pretty much ends up being squat. I talk about how the measures of Covid not only do not work, but continue not to work on twitter. I probably burn up way too many hours a day doing this..most likely even arguing with bots which, when you think about it, makes me look about as sane as a special needs person arguing with a newspaper vending machine over the headlines.
As far as doing nothing. We dissent. Early on pre pandemic I was talking with a friend who lived in China on social media. I made the wrong prediction that "cooler heads would prevail" but I didn't realize that the asylum of government was being run by the patients. On social media...we dissented and were censored. If you don't think this is "doing anything." then I ask, what is it that you are providing? It appears to me that your "horseman of the apocalypse" list gets bigger every week as well.
Part of free speech is saying things you don't want to hear. Like McCollough too should be questioned. TWC should be questioned. $299.00 for a "wellness kit" for all your possible fear fomenting potentialities? For both the times I had Covid, I took nothing for it save Nyquil and bed rest. I am no medical expert so I would not recommend it to others. But I will say this "dangerous misinformation" and that is...assess your own health, and do manage your own risk in life.
As far as envy and jealousy. I do not envy you your position because you will be scrutinized, attacked, and questioned, that is part of what it means to be a "public figure" in this arena. If you can't handle the slings and arrows, then don't be in it. You can always opt out, remove yourself from this equation. But as long as you are, you will be questioned and scrutinized. You should welcome it, embrace it. be more transparent about it. Because that is what will cause your detractors to become silent.
You want "keyboard warriors" to be open to the same scrutiny as everyone else. Sorry, but no. If you take the public stage, then you get to have the responsibility that goes along with it. And there is a place for anonymity. We want the whistle blowers to be anonymous. We want sources to be protected. Using your logic, everyone in witness protection should be outed. I wonder how that would end...
Get over yourself. I am literally down my basement. Guess what I am doing? I am painting 24x 48 vintage distressed canvas American flags to DONATE to several nonprofit organizations. I am one of the dissatisfied customers of TWC. I was thrilled when I heard of the concept of the company and more so, the physicians that would be leading it. I thought this could be the change in healthcare delivery. I bought a membership and then a ton of supplements. I tried to sign up for my physician appointment that came with my membership. I got back a response that there was no physician for my state. So I thought new company, I will try next month which yielded the same response. And so the same on the third month. It wasn’t too much after that that I could no longer access my account. It initially was with a 4 digit passcode and then that option no longer worked. I tried to sign in using the email I signed up with and got an error code, over and over again. I sent at least 7 emails to the customer support email, funny there was no phone number to call, believe me I looked. Then I started posting on physicians Substack or podcast asking for assistance. I even had Dr McCullough respond to me, he copied in a rep from TWC and I thought ok maybe this will be the answer. So I waited 72 hours with no response from her. So then I emailed her directly with all the details and receipt. Guess what? Still no response. I don’t understand why you think it’s unreasonable to get some customer service. And I don’t think it’s unreasonable that the products you produce match the dosage and ingredients that Dr McCullough advises. I have listened to you bellyache about Dr Malone for months but never admonished you the way you just did me. And you know what the worst of is? I just went to pay my January credit card bill and there was a $99 charge from TWC for another year of your fabulous services. They somehow found me to make that happen. You better figure out that the TRUST is broken with mainstream medicine and your handling of a few questions about a company you visibly support makes you look that much more like a shister.
As an offended keyboard warrior who doesn’t hide behind pseudonyms, I’ll answer your question and make the case for taking on so many. First, to be a conscientious objector in the war on common sense one need have some.
Alas, our educational system encourages belief rather than thought and thereby promotes delightfully uncomplicated mindsets out into the world to propagate more of the same.
These entities form groups that coalesce around uniformity. As deviance is a threat to the group, it is in the group’s inherent nature to use its collective power to bend non-conformists to its will.
The thing is, I don’t bend.
Nor should I.
That 999 idiots sign off on some BS hardly validates it. The one hold-out - recognizing stupidity for what it is and abstaining of it - is the one I side with.
This remains the case irrespective of others in the equation, including teachers, activists (but I repeat myself), and cops. And yes, I’ve been damn candid within my former profession, as well, as it is no more immune to the collective elbow propping found elsewhere. Why? Because I not only write, but I read. I read your stuff (some of it is good). I read books on the matters that most concern us (yes, I like Bobby’s).
Contrast that with those indiscriminating minds for whom facts are lies and lies are facts. Those who regurgitate the pablum fed them. Who give truth to the adage garbage in, garbage out.
Not that they are without their compensations. Responsible for the usual alchemy of Internet gold – 10% misunderstood facts, 10% fabricated facts, 30% unmitigated BS, and 50% genuine stupidity – they do provide some entertainment.
It only becomes problematic when large numbers begin believing their BS. When the cultural canons become so adulterated as to lose all credibility.
Anymore, even the History Channel doesn't have the intellectual fortitude to fight the neural corrosion, showcasing “reality” tv programming, alleging the capture of Bigfoot, and proving incapable of anointing a riot as anything other than an uprising.
Meanwhile, arguments chastising me for not being an epidemiologist or virologist on Covid concerns miss the point.
One needn’t know how to develop or edit film to see how its use has been weaponized for propaganda. (Although the surrealities of the past few years have made fledging immunologists of us all) Those enamored of specialese would only recognize the Birdman of Alcatraz, Robert Stroud, as an avian expert and not a multiple murderer. The same beguiled ignorance is accorded to Fauci and company.
Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Aseem Mahotra, who all took the initial shots, all changed their minds, and went public and are now calling for the whole program to be stopped.
Could it be because the “vaccine” (read: mRNA gene therapy) subverts immune, cardiovascular, neurological systems and disables T cells which fight cancer, thereby causing remission cases to resurface and metastasis to over rev (TURBO like) etc.; previously dormant latent infections that the immune system had walled off can re-emerge?
So if you want to further control the masses and depopulate the herd, what other things might you do?
How about having zero proof of the vaccine’s efficacy or ingredients; signed informed consent forms where none was given; promote it with the latest “shock and awe” jingoisms despite knowing we’d never had one success against *any* rhinovirus.
Ensure tainted vaccines are inordinately deployed to red states.
Invoke rubric of climate change and blame man’s carbon footprinting; eliminate conventional energy sources - gas, coal - so as to oblige alternatives of questionable reliability (Confiscate personal vehicles in the name of same). All this despite the earth’s history of having subsumed itself throughout history via seismic, volcanic, and meteorological events far eclipsing man’s pollutants.
Devalue homes even as “environmental code” enforcements become preemptively expensive to maintain.
Assume control of all media, education, and the judicial system.
Undermine election integrity at all government levels. Accomplish by shutting down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County mishaps) and exploiting database latency. Alter voter mail-in ballots, calculate number needed to win in eleventh hour count, revise as needed.
Release criminals. Promote violence, identification politics, anarchy. Destroy businesses via riots, lockdowns, and other impositions. Foster dependencies upon ever more toxic drugs. Allow champion cyclists, tourists, and billionaires to be murdered in cities like San Francisco.
Destroy the nation-state and Christian religion. Destroy concepts such as sovereign borders and encourage the illegal immigration of all manner of unvetted humanity, including terrorists.
Prostitute yourself to the highest bidder. Find yourself so hopelessly compromised as to preclude doing so much as anything to save yourself.
Promote false flag terrorism such as the January 6insurrection narrative and other psycops.
Censor truths while amplifying lies (having already taken millions of lives owing to denied access to life-saving information and being force fed access to deleterious alternatives).
Tax, silence, and incarcerate conservatives. Brainwash their children against them. Distract, discredit, and disarm all not adhering to script.
Allow banks to run up ten times their capital. Print exorbitant amounts of fiat currency. Cause both the banks and dollar to crash.
Allow OPEC to seize the reins of worldwide financial power.
Establish a one world currency that supplants the US dollar.
Encourage gender fluidity - which mitigates procreation no matter which way the gender reassignment swings - even as they openly sexualize children (Balenciaga, Zara, etc).
Produce endocrine system hormone blockers within phthalates and bisphenol-A in our food, shampoo, potable's, cleaning agents, and electronics; eventually, wipe out the Y chromosome in the male.
Redefine “psychiatry” as they have “vaccines.” Get vaccine resistance deemed prima facie evidence of diminished mental capacity then vaxx people against their will. Already proposed as a bill in Chinada.
Promote government assisted suicide (Some may be even courting nuclear holocaust).
Transition from “globalist agenda does not exist” narratives to explicit acknowledgement that it does then segue into a one-sided (pro) debate about whether or not it is a good thing.
Set up current governments so as to ensure their dissolutions by civil wars; step into the ensuing void and seize power to manage a vastly reduced global population.
Establish Biden administration as national Uvalde PD.
Transition from one world currency to one world governance. Those at the table will be insulated from liability and grievance, and those not at the table will have no redress.
Insinuate biological sleeper cells (mNRA, graphene) into other vaccines - e.g., flu - and children.
Put mRNA vaccine etc. in milk, meats, vegetables - as pervasive through the food supply as is possible.
Compromise chicken feed so that eggs don’t get laid, let alone hatch.
Derail trains containing chemicals by bodies of water thereby making water and land unusable.
Encourage food plant fires and accidents so as to disrupt every imaginable supply chain save for that of idiots.
Normalize failures - of the vaccine, of the vaccinated’s hearts, of arteries as normal consequences of dietary and sedentary practices despite severe upticks in frequency.
Preemptively tailor news narratives so that heart-related issues are attributed to cold weather and hot, seasonal stressors, and everything and anything save for what you’ve injected into bodies and insinuated into food.
Deplete physicians, cops, armed forces via mandated vaccinations and attendant side effects.
Kill our pets and other carbon based liabilities.
Pick the scabs of history but refusing to lance the boils of ignorance.
Encourage the usual demographic to serve as principal vectors by which such mind rot and other social disease are transferred, exploit their incurable addiction to playing 21st century Mensheviks to the globalist’s Bolsheviks.
For all the memes and videos and articles we rely on in the absence of legitimate news sources, the fact remains most are circling the target without zeroing in on the globalists’ fundamental goal of depopulating via a synergistic effort of emancipating criminals, consciously encouraging these fictions and addictions, and chemically and biologically rendering the next generation infertile.
Until there is adequate communication and coordination between the spelunkers exploring these various rabbit holes, and greater representation of those in positions to act upon RICO-worthy prosecutions, things will only continue to devolve exponentially.
But fuck if that isn’t what I’ve been saying to a deaf audiences for years.
As a cop, as an editor, and yes, as a keyboard warrior.
I also am a 'keyboard warrior', anonymous at that. Though I highly doubt any of us are truly anonymous. Malone should sue Pfizer, 'Dr.' Hotez, Fauci etc., if he wants to sue anyone. It is strange, because he has stood up and spoken strongly out about the genetic injections. Though, true he seems to imply if they had used his method (ie. no pseudouridine etc.), then they would be much better. Maybe, but only like saying it is better to jump out of the 17th storey window than the 50th. I wonder if he really did take it, and the resultant brain damage is now showing up. Certainly, many others have suffered personality changes after taking the things.
I'm sure the people behind the TWC are truly trying to help. They are also truly trying to find a way to continue their pre-2020 affluent lifestyles. But they will never ever tell you about things that can really help, if those things do not produce an income. At least, that is what it seems like. There are many examples, such as Caroline Pover, a UK 'vaccine' victim. She states in her interview that she felt like she was going to die, the only thing that saved her was phlebotomy. For two years she did 2 weekly sessions, and mentions that she could feel the 'cycle'; just after she felt great, and gradually less so, until the next session. In the end she started going to a Chinese bloodletter. She did not say, but it is likely cupping, in some form, was used. What she should have done is Al-hijamah (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_About_Al-hijamah_Style). Nonetheless, even ordinary bloodletting seems to have amazing results. She does not know anyone else who does that to combat genetic injection injury, but did note that many have told her they felt better after getting a series of blood tests. This can't be coincidence, and really makes perfect sense.
I can’t figure out why TWC gets attacked for selling an “emergency preparedness kit”. We live on our sailboat and have travelled to many different countries and places over the past decade. We have always carried such a kit. In fact, our kit makes the TWC kit look wimpy. There is nothing wrong, and everything correct, about being prepared. Besides, after seeing the massive corruption in the medical ‘profession’ during the past 4 years, why take your chances going to the doctor.
Pulling flint from toes? I had to Google that one to decipher Alexander's meaning.
Google returns:
1. Toe Deformities.
Podiatrists in Flint, Michigan.
2. What is the black stuff between my toes?
“Toe jam” refers to a buildup of debris and gunk between the toes. It can result from sock lint and dirt, but inflammation, pain, and a strong odor may be a sign of infection. Many factors can cause toe jam, ranging from lint from socks and poor hygiene to fungal infections and underlying health conditions.
-Flint, a very hard, dark rock, is used figuratively in the Bible to express hardness, as in the firmness of horses’ hoofs (Isaiah 5:28), the toughness of an impossible task (Deuteronomy 8:15; Psalm 114:80), and the inflexibility of unwavering determination.
Setting your face like flint means you expect that something you are going to do will be hard.
I'm supposing Alex is criticizing those who set their face like flint while pulling toe jam from their toes.
As in getting all worked up but accomplishing nothing.
Which reminds me that I'd better stop goofing off on Substack and find something constructive to do myself today.
There are some people who cannot stand others making money. They will find all kinds of reasons to hate those who do, even if the ones getting the money make it from providing a great service. Simple jealousy.
There are others selling the exact same stuff as TWC so why not attack them too. I think its pure jealousy that they aren't making money while helping people, I could name one person who constantly bashes the Spike Support and it really pisses me off and I told them that, they blocked me on all their social media for it, I must have hit a nerve with them. Anyone who can sit there and bash someone else but fears debate, they can go straight to hell.
Twitter, facebook, youtube, newser all are networked by rogue FBI, and already rogue during Zbig Obama-Eric Holder asinine regime, had paid NGO squads running to sites and either agitating or gaming site owners to shadow ban or lock out simply by reporting truth with evidence. Meanwhile the agitators, liars all, stayed! NGOs paid for by taxpayers! Insanity comes in layers in our Trilateral attacked American culture.
Still happening now. NYP now shadows or bans all that fail to bow to whatever the level of understanding reached by the factor of common denominator. Breitbart appears not to ban but try using these words on that site: slave, black, whore, monkey, bitch, plus a few more, and all used within context, plus often used by the OP of the article, comments flagged by high schoolers, probably foreign based and removed. So often frustrating going there. I think Elon's X is working normal, but rarely end up there and almost never arrived when Jack ran that mess.
To be fair to Dr. P, his main beef with Malone is that Malone has/is suing some of the greatest free minds out there. For insane amounts of money. Such as the Breggins, fortunately his lawsuit got kicked to the kerb.
First of all, I am answering this post because I formerly dwelled in the basement. And I have been called a "keyboard warrior." By the way, putting insults in your missive titles while condemning those who insult is a bit counter productive, isn't it?
I can provide you with any information you want. I am also with you on the subject of insulting people. I try to maintain a strict "no ad hominem" policy because how does such name calling end? When has anyone ever said "Well, you did call me an idiot, I guess I am?"
Before the pandemic, many of us were eating and sleeping, and living a life devoid of politics. I am libertarian, but the hot tub they kept turning the heat of government infringement up on was still cool enough so that I was delightfully slumbering in the aromatic warmth of just being left alone.
And then, came Covid. And now I was being forced to participate in the medical theater of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. What was supposed to be a two-week vacation turned into a multi year ordeal. There was some talk early on the pandemic of "where is the leadership?" And. the question I asked is "is leadership even needed?"
The reason why leadership, any leadership is being vetted, scrutinized, insulted, and attacked is because of the very "experts" that gave us such wonderful hits as lockdowns, vaccine passports, and mask mandates. The glorious Science™ as embodied by its MSM poster pundit Fauci. We followed the science to the money, and so equal suspicion and skepticism should be employed to all such sources if it leads to money being made.
As for "doing anything better" I can tell you a couple of things I did do which is ironically what I didn't do.
I didn't demand accommodation of the many for the few.
I didn't enact ridiculous restrictions, did not demand people "wear the mask, get the injection, stay home stay safe." I do however recommend the KC and the Sunshine Band mandate of Do a Little Dance, Make a little love, get down tonight."
I also did not create a mask design on redbubble. I was tempted though. Masks were flying off shelves, and many had to express their own "fashionable" face accoutrement.
I did however create a hat design that states "This hat is as effective in stopping a virus as your mask is." It's not exactly flying off shelves, probably due to my lack of marketing skills.
In terms of "not doing squat" I am open to suggestions. Most of what I do pretty much ends up being squat. I talk about how the measures of Covid not only do not work, but continue not to work on twitter. I probably burn up way too many hours a day doing this..most likely even arguing with bots which, when you think about it, makes me look about as sane as a special needs person arguing with a newspaper vending machine over the headlines.
As far as doing nothing. We dissent. Early on pre pandemic I was talking with a friend who lived in China on social media. I made the wrong prediction that "cooler heads would prevail" but I didn't realize that the asylum of government was being run by the patients. On social media...we dissented and were censored. If you don't think this is "doing anything." then I ask, what is it that you are providing? It appears to me that your "horseman of the apocalypse" list gets bigger every week as well.
Part of free speech is saying things you don't want to hear. Like McCollough too should be questioned. TWC should be questioned. $299.00 for a "wellness kit" for all your possible fear fomenting potentialities? For both the times I had Covid, I took nothing for it save Nyquil and bed rest. I am no medical expert so I would not recommend it to others. But I will say this "dangerous misinformation" and that is...assess your own health, and do manage your own risk in life.
As far as envy and jealousy. I do not envy you your position because you will be scrutinized, attacked, and questioned, that is part of what it means to be a "public figure" in this arena. If you can't handle the slings and arrows, then don't be in it. You can always opt out, remove yourself from this equation. But as long as you are, you will be questioned and scrutinized. You should welcome it, embrace it. be more transparent about it. Because that is what will cause your detractors to become silent.
You want "keyboard warriors" to be open to the same scrutiny as everyone else. Sorry, but no. If you take the public stage, then you get to have the responsibility that goes along with it. And there is a place for anonymity. We want the whistle blowers to be anonymous. We want sources to be protected. Using your logic, everyone in witness protection should be outed. I wonder how that would end...
Jimmy G will you sell me a hat
You can find my hat design on redbubble. I should probably do something similar in an etsy shop.
The emegency kit is too expensive. Out of reach for most people.
Get over yourself. I am literally down my basement. Guess what I am doing? I am painting 24x 48 vintage distressed canvas American flags to DONATE to several nonprofit organizations. I am one of the dissatisfied customers of TWC. I was thrilled when I heard of the concept of the company and more so, the physicians that would be leading it. I thought this could be the change in healthcare delivery. I bought a membership and then a ton of supplements. I tried to sign up for my physician appointment that came with my membership. I got back a response that there was no physician for my state. So I thought new company, I will try next month which yielded the same response. And so the same on the third month. It wasn’t too much after that that I could no longer access my account. It initially was with a 4 digit passcode and then that option no longer worked. I tried to sign in using the email I signed up with and got an error code, over and over again. I sent at least 7 emails to the customer support email, funny there was no phone number to call, believe me I looked. Then I started posting on physicians Substack or podcast asking for assistance. I even had Dr McCullough respond to me, he copied in a rep from TWC and I thought ok maybe this will be the answer. So I waited 72 hours with no response from her. So then I emailed her directly with all the details and receipt. Guess what? Still no response. I don’t understand why you think it’s unreasonable to get some customer service. And I don’t think it’s unreasonable that the products you produce match the dosage and ingredients that Dr McCullough advises. I have listened to you bellyache about Dr Malone for months but never admonished you the way you just did me. And you know what the worst of is? I just went to pay my January credit card bill and there was a $99 charge from TWC for another year of your fabulous services. They somehow found me to make that happen. You better figure out that the TRUST is broken with mainstream medicine and your handling of a few questions about a company you visibly support makes you look that much more like a shister.
As an offended keyboard warrior who doesn’t hide behind pseudonyms, I’ll answer your question and make the case for taking on so many. First, to be a conscientious objector in the war on common sense one need have some.
Alas, our educational system encourages belief rather than thought and thereby promotes delightfully uncomplicated mindsets out into the world to propagate more of the same.
These entities form groups that coalesce around uniformity. As deviance is a threat to the group, it is in the group’s inherent nature to use its collective power to bend non-conformists to its will.
The thing is, I don’t bend.
Nor should I.
That 999 idiots sign off on some BS hardly validates it. The one hold-out - recognizing stupidity for what it is and abstaining of it - is the one I side with.
This remains the case irrespective of others in the equation, including teachers, activists (but I repeat myself), and cops. And yes, I’ve been damn candid within my former profession, as well, as it is no more immune to the collective elbow propping found elsewhere. Why? Because I not only write, but I read. I read your stuff (some of it is good). I read books on the matters that most concern us (yes, I like Bobby’s).
Contrast that with those indiscriminating minds for whom facts are lies and lies are facts. Those who regurgitate the pablum fed them. Who give truth to the adage garbage in, garbage out.
Not that they are without their compensations. Responsible for the usual alchemy of Internet gold – 10% misunderstood facts, 10% fabricated facts, 30% unmitigated BS, and 50% genuine stupidity – they do provide some entertainment.
It only becomes problematic when large numbers begin believing their BS. When the cultural canons become so adulterated as to lose all credibility.
Anymore, even the History Channel doesn't have the intellectual fortitude to fight the neural corrosion, showcasing “reality” tv programming, alleging the capture of Bigfoot, and proving incapable of anointing a riot as anything other than an uprising.
Meanwhile, arguments chastising me for not being an epidemiologist or virologist on Covid concerns miss the point.
One needn’t know how to develop or edit film to see how its use has been weaponized for propaganda. (Although the surrealities of the past few years have made fledging immunologists of us all) Those enamored of specialese would only recognize the Birdman of Alcatraz, Robert Stroud, as an avian expert and not a multiple murderer. The same beguiled ignorance is accorded to Fauci and company.
Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, and Dr. Aseem Mahotra, who all took the initial shots, all changed their minds, and went public and are now calling for the whole program to be stopped.
Could it be because the “vaccine” (read: mRNA gene therapy) subverts immune, cardiovascular, neurological systems and disables T cells which fight cancer, thereby causing remission cases to resurface and metastasis to over rev (TURBO like) etc.; previously dormant latent infections that the immune system had walled off can re-emerge?
So if you want to further control the masses and depopulate the herd, what other things might you do?
How about having zero proof of the vaccine’s efficacy or ingredients; signed informed consent forms where none was given; promote it with the latest “shock and awe” jingoisms despite knowing we’d never had one success against *any* rhinovirus.
Ensure tainted vaccines are inordinately deployed to red states.
Invoke rubric of climate change and blame man’s carbon footprinting; eliminate conventional energy sources - gas, coal - so as to oblige alternatives of questionable reliability (Confiscate personal vehicles in the name of same). All this despite the earth’s history of having subsumed itself throughout history via seismic, volcanic, and meteorological events far eclipsing man’s pollutants.
Devalue homes even as “environmental code” enforcements become preemptively expensive to maintain.
Assume control of all media, education, and the judicial system.
Undermine election integrity at all government levels. Accomplish by shutting down the system (Atlanta water leak, Maricopa County mishaps) and exploiting database latency. Alter voter mail-in ballots, calculate number needed to win in eleventh hour count, revise as needed.
Release criminals. Promote violence, identification politics, anarchy. Destroy businesses via riots, lockdowns, and other impositions. Foster dependencies upon ever more toxic drugs. Allow champion cyclists, tourists, and billionaires to be murdered in cities like San Francisco.
Destroy the nation-state and Christian religion. Destroy concepts such as sovereign borders and encourage the illegal immigration of all manner of unvetted humanity, including terrorists.
Prostitute yourself to the highest bidder. Find yourself so hopelessly compromised as to preclude doing so much as anything to save yourself.
Promote false flag terrorism such as the January 6insurrection narrative and other psycops.
Censor truths while amplifying lies (having already taken millions of lives owing to denied access to life-saving information and being force fed access to deleterious alternatives).
Tax, silence, and incarcerate conservatives. Brainwash their children against them. Distract, discredit, and disarm all not adhering to script.
Allow banks to run up ten times their capital. Print exorbitant amounts of fiat currency. Cause both the banks and dollar to crash.
Allow OPEC to seize the reins of worldwide financial power.
Establish a one world currency that supplants the US dollar.
Encourage gender fluidity - which mitigates procreation no matter which way the gender reassignment swings - even as they openly sexualize children (Balenciaga, Zara, etc).
Produce endocrine system hormone blockers within phthalates and bisphenol-A in our food, shampoo, potable's, cleaning agents, and electronics; eventually, wipe out the Y chromosome in the male.
Redefine “psychiatry” as they have “vaccines.” Get vaccine resistance deemed prima facie evidence of diminished mental capacity then vaxx people against their will. Already proposed as a bill in Chinada.
Promote government assisted suicide (Some may be even courting nuclear holocaust).
Transition from “globalist agenda does not exist” narratives to explicit acknowledgement that it does then segue into a one-sided (pro) debate about whether or not it is a good thing.
Set up current governments so as to ensure their dissolutions by civil wars; step into the ensuing void and seize power to manage a vastly reduced global population.
Establish Biden administration as national Uvalde PD.
Transition from one world currency to one world governance. Those at the table will be insulated from liability and grievance, and those not at the table will have no redress.
Insinuate biological sleeper cells (mNRA, graphene) into other vaccines - e.g., flu - and children.
Put mRNA vaccine etc. in milk, meats, vegetables - as pervasive through the food supply as is possible.
Compromise chicken feed so that eggs don’t get laid, let alone hatch.
Derail trains containing chemicals by bodies of water thereby making water and land unusable.
Encourage food plant fires and accidents so as to disrupt every imaginable supply chain save for that of idiots.
Normalize failures - of the vaccine, of the vaccinated’s hearts, of arteries as normal consequences of dietary and sedentary practices despite severe upticks in frequency.
Preemptively tailor news narratives so that heart-related issues are attributed to cold weather and hot, seasonal stressors, and everything and anything save for what you’ve injected into bodies and insinuated into food.
Deplete physicians, cops, armed forces via mandated vaccinations and attendant side effects.
Kill our pets and other carbon based liabilities.
Pick the scabs of history but refusing to lance the boils of ignorance.
Encourage the usual demographic to serve as principal vectors by which such mind rot and other social disease are transferred, exploit their incurable addiction to playing 21st century Mensheviks to the globalist’s Bolsheviks.
For all the memes and videos and articles we rely on in the absence of legitimate news sources, the fact remains most are circling the target without zeroing in on the globalists’ fundamental goal of depopulating via a synergistic effort of emancipating criminals, consciously encouraging these fictions and addictions, and chemically and biologically rendering the next generation infertile.
Until there is adequate communication and coordination between the spelunkers exploring these various rabbit holes, and greater representation of those in positions to act upon RICO-worthy prosecutions, things will only continue to devolve exponentially.
But fuck if that isn’t what I’ve been saying to a deaf audiences for years.
As a cop, as an editor, and yes, as a keyboard warrior.
Subscribe to my Substack
delightfully uncomplicated mindsets ... aka. midwits.
Nice post.
I'm doubly-offended because I don't have a basement. Just wondering, what do U have against basements, and when did it start?
Is this directed to me? If so, I am flattered.
If you want to have a civil conversation and steps to take. By all means, reach out.
I also am a 'keyboard warrior', anonymous at that. Though I highly doubt any of us are truly anonymous. Malone should sue Pfizer, 'Dr.' Hotez, Fauci etc., if he wants to sue anyone. It is strange, because he has stood up and spoken strongly out about the genetic injections. Though, true he seems to imply if they had used his method (ie. no pseudouridine etc.), then they would be much better. Maybe, but only like saying it is better to jump out of the 17th storey window than the 50th. I wonder if he really did take it, and the resultant brain damage is now showing up. Certainly, many others have suffered personality changes after taking the things.
I'm sure the people behind the TWC are truly trying to help. They are also truly trying to find a way to continue their pre-2020 affluent lifestyles. But they will never ever tell you about things that can really help, if those things do not produce an income. At least, that is what it seems like. There are many examples, such as Caroline Pover, a UK 'vaccine' victim. She states in her interview that she felt like she was going to die, the only thing that saved her was phlebotomy. For two years she did 2 weekly sessions, and mentions that she could feel the 'cycle'; just after she felt great, and gradually less so, until the next session. In the end she started going to a Chinese bloodletter. She did not say, but it is likely cupping, in some form, was used. What she should have done is Al-hijamah (https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_About_Al-hijamah_Style). Nonetheless, even ordinary bloodletting seems to have amazing results. She does not know anyone else who does that to combat genetic injection injury, but did note that many have told her they felt better after getting a series of blood tests. This can't be coincidence, and really makes perfect sense.
I can’t figure out why TWC gets attacked for selling an “emergency preparedness kit”. We live on our sailboat and have travelled to many different countries and places over the past decade. We have always carried such a kit. In fact, our kit makes the TWC kit look wimpy. There is nothing wrong, and everything correct, about being prepared. Besides, after seeing the massive corruption in the medical ‘profession’ during the past 4 years, why take your chances going to the doctor.
Pulling flint from toes? I had to Google that one to decipher Alexander's meaning.
Google returns:
1. Toe Deformities.
Podiatrists in Flint, Michigan.
2. What is the black stuff between my toes?
“Toe jam” refers to a buildup of debris and gunk between the toes. It can result from sock lint and dirt, but inflammation, pain, and a strong odor may be a sign of infection. Many factors can cause toe jam, ranging from lint from socks and poor hygiene to fungal infections and underlying health conditions.
-Flint, a very hard, dark rock, is used figuratively in the Bible to express hardness, as in the firmness of horses’ hoofs (Isaiah 5:28), the toughness of an impossible task (Deuteronomy 8:15; Psalm 114:80), and the inflexibility of unwavering determination.
Setting your face like flint means you expect that something you are going to do will be hard.
I'm supposing Alex is criticizing those who set their face like flint while pulling toe jam from their toes.
As in getting all worked up but accomplishing nothing.
Which reminds me that I'd better stop goofing off on Substack and find something constructive to do myself today.
Piss in your footbath and put your feet in it. Fixed my very painful ingrowing (sort of) big toe nail.
There are some people who cannot stand others making money. They will find all kinds of reasons to hate those who do, even if the ones getting the money make it from providing a great service. Simple jealousy.
There are others selling the exact same stuff as TWC so why not attack them too. I think its pure jealousy that they aren't making money while helping people, I could name one person who constantly bashes the Spike Support and it really pisses me off and I told them that, they blocked me on all their social media for it, I must have hit a nerve with them. Anyone who can sit there and bash someone else but fears debate, they can go straight to hell.
I imagine it is probably because they are not as "visible" as the wellness company.
I will be honest, I talk about the Pfraud of Pfizer more than Moderna, but don't worry...there is plenty of criticism to go around.
is he referring to SH? or someone else?
Twitter, facebook, youtube, newser all are networked by rogue FBI, and already rogue during Zbig Obama-Eric Holder asinine regime, had paid NGO squads running to sites and either agitating or gaming site owners to shadow ban or lock out simply by reporting truth with evidence. Meanwhile the agitators, liars all, stayed! NGOs paid for by taxpayers! Insanity comes in layers in our Trilateral attacked American culture.
Still happening now. NYP now shadows or bans all that fail to bow to whatever the level of understanding reached by the factor of common denominator. Breitbart appears not to ban but try using these words on that site: slave, black, whore, monkey, bitch, plus a few more, and all used within context, plus often used by the OP of the article, comments flagged by high schoolers, probably foreign based and removed. So often frustrating going there. I think Elon's X is working normal, but rarely end up there and almost never arrived when Jack ran that mess.
To be fair to Dr. P, his main beef with Malone is that Malone has/is suing some of the greatest free minds out there. For insane amounts of money. Such as the Breggins, fortunately his lawsuit got kicked to the kerb.