smelling, bottom-dwelling, inane, vacuous, inept, incomeptent, stupid & moronic, non-sensical pukes, filthy animal pukes & NO, I will never bend the knee to your fraud filth animals
please send me the work on that for I have written on it the fraud of it but will cover again, I will wait for yours...I promote your work, it is exceptional.
When I watch Vivek I see Obama from years past, he's too polished, I don't trust him one bit. Vivek says what Americans want to hear, just like Obama did and look how that ended.
Wait a minute...Obama never actually spoke any truth. He made up a new reality and sold half the country a bill of goods. Vivek is actually saying the quiet part out loud. He’s saying what we actually think and believe. He gets no accolades from the political left or right - except from the MAGA crowd. Obama was anointed and virtually everyone fawned all over him. I don’t equate the two as similar whatsoever. Now if you said Pete Buttigeig I would have agreed 100%
What I mean is, Obama said all the right things but in the end he screwed the country. How do we know Vivek wont do the same thing, he has all the right answers for everything, as if he's studied for a test, I don't trust him and I bet Ill be proven right in the end.
But 0bama never actually said anything...the old idiom about dazzling with bullsh*t. If you parse his speeches and statements, they were largely nonsensical fluffery and puffery, vapid words strung together, and a need to rely on a teleprompter. Hope and change, we are the ones we've been waiting for blah blah blah. Conversely, Ramaswamy is immediately coherent and cogent, without the miasma of fairy dust that 0bama farted out. Does this mean he is maybe merely appropriating Trump mannerisms and bluster, too soon to tell, but I believe, at this point, that he should have a role in a Trump administration. There's a dismal dearth of conservatives with balls or potential, so he has my interest.
Agree somewhat — he’s clearly optimizing his message well. One difference though is Obama was clearly lifted into his position — state senator to 1st term IL senator (partial) and then already discussions about presidency? What? Not sure I see that degree of lifting for Vivek. Not that its not happening, and of course messaging can always change upon gaining office. Why a President making low key antivax noises early on could even later warp speed a bioweapon into play. Never can know.
Ewww BO was not polished or smooth talker. Made the hair on the back of my neck rise up. His lies made me ill and his hate for America was obvious to me :(
Did you see the crowds come out for him, people believed his lies and he was voted in on those lies, maybe just maybe Vivek is doing the same thing, hes too polished with his answers and speeches, just like Obama was.
I believe BO was voted in because of white guilt lol. I didn’t care what color he was I just knew from what I researched he was put in to change the country and never voted for him. It was so obvious when the first thing he did after being elected was go on an “apology tour” to the Middle East :(
I don’t know enough about Vivek yet to make any decisions one way or another. His connections to the biotech industry and 💉 💉 raises a red flag for me even though I agree with what he is saying.
Thats what makes me go hmm, Vivek was a young member of the WEF but now he claims he wasn't, I just don't get a good feeling from him and being involved in the biotech industry doesn't make me feel any better.
Yes!!! You are correct, Ramaswamy is a highly professional lawyer and businessman, it’s his JOB to lie and sell the “product” (in this case, himself and the globalist agenda). Deceptive packaging! Same tactic as another famous WEF Young leader Justin Trudeau. How’s THAT working out for Canada???
He might be controlled opposition as you aver, but I sure like a lot of the things he is saying. Too bad he won’t be around for the next GOP event to torment the Indian witch.
DO YOU READ THESE COMMENTS, DR. ALEXANDER?? READ THIS ONE: RAMASWAMY IS WEF!!! He’s a WEF Young Leader, just like Trudeau. The WEF scrubbed his name from the list just before he announced his candidacy, but it’s on the ARCHIVED list! Go look for yourself, then report back to us about it!
His education was paid for by Daisy Soros and family. But Ramaswamy claims he never met George Soros himself, and his tuition help didn’t affect his outlook or influence his career trajectory in any way. Yeah, sure, are you dumb enough to believe that?
Ramaswamy founded a biotech company that’s now in a big legal battle with either Pfizer or Moderna (Moderna, if memory serves). Ramaswamy claims his company invented the deadly lipid nano particle that delivered the contents of the jab into our cells, but the pharma company never paid his company (which he since left) the royalties for it. Another company is suing Ramaswamy’s (former) company, claiming that Ramaswamy is a liar, his people didn’t invent the lipid nanotechnology at all, but tried to take credit for it to collect on the royalties. So either Ramaswamy was directly responsible for helping to make the ongoing mass human genocide possible (not a stretch to believe if he’s WEF), or he’s a filthy liar trying to cash in on the profits being made from mass murder. I thought you were AGAINST the jab, Dr. Alexander? But yet you support a lying, WEF -connected candidate who helped to bring it to reality? Or who at least is trying to profit from it? Are you duplicitous? Or just not willing to look beneath the reptile’s shiny hood? Numerous comments have been written on your stack exposing Ramaswamy, do you not read them, or do you choose to ignore them, or are you actually pumping the enemy? Your reply to this question would be greatly appreciated!!
Last but not least, ask yourself: do we really need another big-money globalist backed Ivy League trained lawyer in office? One who has also become a wealthy young biotech entrepreneur? Is a slick young man from out of nowhere, sporting tons of cash, the backing of globalists and a high-tech mindset, REALLY a great option as a leader? A suave, “cool” young guy much like fellow Young Leader Justin Trudeau? How well is that working out for Canada? And you want to install the same HERE????
Ramaswamy’s job as a lawyer is to steal, cheat, lie, manipulate the evidence, change the trial venue and do whatever is necessary to get his client off the hook. Right now he’s pleading his case in front of the jury of the American people as a whole. HIS JOB IS TO SAY WHATEVER IT TAKES TO CONVINCE US TO RETURN A FAVORABLE VOTE AT THE BALLOT BOX! But talk is cheap!! Line it up against the actions of his life yo date, and tell us what you think!!
The Democrat machine is currently lined up to make the steal either for Gruesome Newsome or tranny Michael Obama, both of whom are puppets of the globalists, themselves. I think this run for Ramaswamy is just the warmup for next time. But, if they can fool the people that he’s their darling, maybe they can suspend the bother of the effort of the steal and just let us hang ourselves directly. Cheerleading for his honeyed empty rhetoric helps that happen. Is that really what you want???
I haven’t found anyone worth voting for, yet. But that doesn’t mean I’ll just be handing my soul over to the WEF. Maybe somebody reading this will be inspired to run, who knows? I’ll keep hoping for a miracle. That’s better than being complicit in handing the keys to my soul over to an avowed demon. Please do us all a favor, Dr. Alexander, and decide whose side you’re on because you can’t be both against the jab, and also favorable to a WEF candidate who’s deeply involved in either promoting or profiting from it. Talk is cheap and psychopaths can be deeply charming people. I hope you’re not getting snookered by the lying facade, and leading your followers astray.
Ramaswamy successfully sued WEF for falsely listing as a Young Leader.
Daisy Soros was the wife of Paul Soros, brother of George. BUT...Paul and George were polar opposites, ideologically, with Paul aligned conservatively, and fiercely patriotic toward his adopted USA. He believed that immigrants had an obligation to read and defend the Constitution.
Ramaswamy is not a practicing lawyer. He, however, has a JD, but did not take a bar exam. He is a big proponent of trade schools, noting that his college experiences highlighted how hollowed out college degrees actually are, now.
He says he sued the WEF, where can we go for the first-hand evidence so we can all j
see for ourselves and decide whether the suit was legit?
I find it impossible to believe that the WEF allows Ramaswamy to trash talk so much of what they stand for, and support Trump, without uttering a peep, yet there’s a possibility he could become POTUS?? 😂😂 With no pushback from Soros, agates, Zuckerberg, the Pharma companies, nothing? Especially when he’s embroiled in two bitter lawsuits over who gets credit and royalties on the deadly lipid nano particle technology? How often does he talk about THAz side of his life? Isn’t that important for the voters to know about?Do you think Big Pharma, the WEF and the rest of the globalists will just grit their teeth snd let it happen? Oh, I doubt that!
And if the Soros bros are at odds with each other, what does it say about Ramaswamy that he’ll take money from one and defect to the other?
No, he’s not who he portrays himself to be. He’s a lying, charming dirtbag like Trudeau. And the hair-splitting details you bring up make no difference. Once EEF, always WEF, all window dressing aside. Don’t fall for him!
You can check Ohio public records for the details of the lawsuit.
Per the other two lawsuits you mentioned, Ramaswamy is not involved in them, and he is not involved with Roivant, although yes, he founded the company.
His scholarship was merit-based, and he has no connection to George or the WEF. He's been a vocal CRITIC of the WEF. When WEF extends an invitation, and publicizes that, it doesn't follow that the invitee accepted.
I don’t trust any of them. The whole system is corrupt. You are voting for a different slave master in each election. Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
We'll have to choose the "least worst" of the lot, if you know what I mean. Agree if a candidate has gotten this far they're probably compromised in some way. I still think our vote is important and we should do it. We also shouldn't rely on someone to save us. We must take action locally as best we can. I think all of us here know we are at an extremely important precipice in history. 🙏🙏🙏
Local government is the only place we can get some traction. The mayors have sold out already. There are some good sheriffs left. I’m afraid we may be at the point where all of it may have to be destroyed and start over.
I did a basic Google search on the case, and was able to come up with two mentions by FOX news and one article from April in the New York Post. All were very light on details. I don’t want a few second hand stories filtered by the MSM. I want to see the first hand documents, myself. When did the suit take place? What was the testimony? Who testified? Who was the judge and what, if anything, happened to the judge who had the audacity to slap the WEF in favor of an ingrate who was given their official endorsement, but who wanted it revoked just in time to run for POTUS? Surely the judge in the case didn’t make such a bald ruling against the most powerful globalist institution on earth, with impunity? I’m just looking for, you know, verifiable details, not softball assurances. Maybe I should just accept that a google search with the key words “Ramaswamy”, “lawsuit” “Ohio”, “WEF” and “World Economic Forum”turns up three squishy MSM reports, and there’s the proof? Ummmm, no.
Read “Vetting Vivek Ramaswamy” by genuine investigative journalist Jotdan Sachatel on Substack. He dove deep. He provided plenty of first-hand evidence of Ramaswamy’s dealings with China, the ugly lawsuits his company (Roivent) is involved in, and other nasty details. Please read and THEN try making excuses for this snake!
Whatever way you want to twist his biotech background, the fact is that either Ramaswamy was involved in developing the deadly nano lipid technology, or wanted to be, and all for the profit. What say you about that? Or about his business dealings with China? How does one go from getting in bed with the worst Communist regime in the world for profit, to being ‘fiercely patriotic’? I’ll be interested in hearing how you spin THAT.
Whether he’s a practicing lawyer or not, he’s a highly TRAINED former law student who just didn’t sit for the bar because he already had the education. He already knew how to lie, manipulate and bend the system professionally, and had all the connections needed to accomplish his mission, so why bother? Taking the bar is for schmucks who lack the means to go for bigger, better things than merely being a practicing attorney! Ramaswamy has already made millions being a biotech entrepreneur (yeah, I’m sure that’s because he was so brilliant in the biosciences as well as law), and hasn’t exactly apologized for the human carnage caused by the invention he so bitterly wants to get paid for. That alone says volumes about his character, and it’s all bad. So does the fact that he’s not exactly apologetic about making a fortune dealing clandestinely with China. Or perhaps that’s all just another big bunch of lies? Why don’t you read The Dossier by Sachatel, and tell us?
Might as well look up the original source details on that big lawsuit against the WEF, too. Interesting that Google seems to know very little about it. I’m genuinely interested in finding out both the details, and why this deeply important revelation wasn’t pursued and splashed over the front pages of every conservative (and even some liberal) rag out there.
ROFL. Great adjectives. However much you hate "journalists", you don't hate them enough.
On Sunday I will be naming and shaming the journalists responsible for the 2006 Duke Lacrosse Scandal. Get your popcorn ready...
please send me the work on that for I have written on it the fraud of it but will cover again, I will wait for yours...I promote your work, it is exceptional.
"Get your tar and feathers ready"
Looking forward.
In honor of Todd Beamer's memory - LETS ROLL!
When I watch Vivek I see Obama from years past, he's too polished, I don't trust him one bit. Vivek says what Americans want to hear, just like Obama did and look how that ended.
BOOM, agree too
some say it was staged....hhhmmm...but none the less, its music to my ears
It WAS staged, BECAUSE the globalists know it’s music to your ears! It’s a honey trap! See my comment to Dr. Alexander!
Vivek has a sharp mind...and tongue as well. The stuff rolls off it like water. Hoping the guy is real.
He’s NOT! He’s the chosen Justin Trudeau parallel for America.
The Canadians thought Trudeau was wonderful because he said and did all the right things. How’s THAT turning out for them?
Wait a minute...Obama never actually spoke any truth. He made up a new reality and sold half the country a bill of goods. Vivek is actually saying the quiet part out loud. He’s saying what we actually think and believe. He gets no accolades from the political left or right - except from the MAGA crowd. Obama was anointed and virtually everyone fawned all over him. I don’t equate the two as similar whatsoever. Now if you said Pete Buttigeig I would have agreed 100%
What I mean is, Obama said all the right things but in the end he screwed the country. How do we know Vivek wont do the same thing, he has all the right answers for everything, as if he's studied for a test, I don't trust him and I bet Ill be proven right in the end.
But 0bama never actually said anything...the old idiom about dazzling with bullsh*t. If you parse his speeches and statements, they were largely nonsensical fluffery and puffery, vapid words strung together, and a need to rely on a teleprompter. Hope and change, we are the ones we've been waiting for blah blah blah. Conversely, Ramaswamy is immediately coherent and cogent, without the miasma of fairy dust that 0bama farted out. Does this mean he is maybe merely appropriating Trump mannerisms and bluster, too soon to tell, but I believe, at this point, that he should have a role in a Trump administration. There's a dismal dearth of conservatives with balls or potential, so he has my interest.
He will! He will!! Read my comment to Dr. Alexander on this!!!!
I never fawned over or voted for the traitor
Agree somewhat — he’s clearly optimizing his message well. One difference though is Obama was clearly lifted into his position — state senator to 1st term IL senator (partial) and then already discussions about presidency? What? Not sure I see that degree of lifting for Vivek. Not that its not happening, and of course messaging can always change upon gaining office. Why a President making low key antivax noises early on could even later warp speed a bioweapon into play. Never can know.
Ewww BO was not polished or smooth talker. Made the hair on the back of my neck rise up. His lies made me ill and his hate for America was obvious to me :(
Did you see the crowds come out for him, people believed his lies and he was voted in on those lies, maybe just maybe Vivek is doing the same thing, hes too polished with his answers and speeches, just like Obama was.
I believe BO was voted in because of white guilt lol. I didn’t care what color he was I just knew from what I researched he was put in to change the country and never voted for him. It was so obvious when the first thing he did after being elected was go on an “apology tour” to the Middle East :(
I don’t know enough about Vivek yet to make any decisions one way or another. His connections to the biotech industry and 💉 💉 raises a red flag for me even though I agree with what he is saying.
Thats what makes me go hmm, Vivek was a young member of the WEF but now he claims he wasn't, I just don't get a good feeling from him and being involved in the biotech industry doesn't make me feel any better.
Yes!!! You are correct, Ramaswamy is a highly professional lawyer and businessman, it’s his JOB to lie and sell the “product” (in this case, himself and the globalist agenda). Deceptive packaging! Same tactic as another famous WEF Young leader Justin Trudeau. How’s THAT working out for Canada???
Ramaswamy is not a practicing lawyer, and he also successfully sued WEF for falsely listing him as a Young Leader.
Vivek is GOP's Confusion factor to hijack Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai's brand.
BTW, RK jr. also stole many of Ayyadurai's talking points too.
Another controlled opposition candidate for president. I hope people aren’t falling for this act.
He might be controlled opposition as you aver, but I sure like a lot of the things he is saying. Too bad he won’t be around for the next GOP event to torment the Indian witch.
Curious. You make it clear the candidates you don’t trust. Please tell us who it is that you prefer instead?
YES!! Please read my comment to Dr. Alexander on this!
Low Life by design, further demoralization of this Country and the world is watching.
This is theatre and the characters are scripted.
Trump could use a brilliant, fearless patriot like Vivek on the inner circle.
DO YOU READ THESE COMMENTS, DR. ALEXANDER?? READ THIS ONE: RAMASWAMY IS WEF!!! He’s a WEF Young Leader, just like Trudeau. The WEF scrubbed his name from the list just before he announced his candidacy, but it’s on the ARCHIVED list! Go look for yourself, then report back to us about it!
His education was paid for by Daisy Soros and family. But Ramaswamy claims he never met George Soros himself, and his tuition help didn’t affect his outlook or influence his career trajectory in any way. Yeah, sure, are you dumb enough to believe that?
Ramaswamy founded a biotech company that’s now in a big legal battle with either Pfizer or Moderna (Moderna, if memory serves). Ramaswamy claims his company invented the deadly lipid nano particle that delivered the contents of the jab into our cells, but the pharma company never paid his company (which he since left) the royalties for it. Another company is suing Ramaswamy’s (former) company, claiming that Ramaswamy is a liar, his people didn’t invent the lipid nanotechnology at all, but tried to take credit for it to collect on the royalties. So either Ramaswamy was directly responsible for helping to make the ongoing mass human genocide possible (not a stretch to believe if he’s WEF), or he’s a filthy liar trying to cash in on the profits being made from mass murder. I thought you were AGAINST the jab, Dr. Alexander? But yet you support a lying, WEF -connected candidate who helped to bring it to reality? Or who at least is trying to profit from it? Are you duplicitous? Or just not willing to look beneath the reptile’s shiny hood? Numerous comments have been written on your stack exposing Ramaswamy, do you not read them, or do you choose to ignore them, or are you actually pumping the enemy? Your reply to this question would be greatly appreciated!!
Last but not least, ask yourself: do we really need another big-money globalist backed Ivy League trained lawyer in office? One who has also become a wealthy young biotech entrepreneur? Is a slick young man from out of nowhere, sporting tons of cash, the backing of globalists and a high-tech mindset, REALLY a great option as a leader? A suave, “cool” young guy much like fellow Young Leader Justin Trudeau? How well is that working out for Canada? And you want to install the same HERE????
Ramaswamy’s job as a lawyer is to steal, cheat, lie, manipulate the evidence, change the trial venue and do whatever is necessary to get his client off the hook. Right now he’s pleading his case in front of the jury of the American people as a whole. HIS JOB IS TO SAY WHATEVER IT TAKES TO CONVINCE US TO RETURN A FAVORABLE VOTE AT THE BALLOT BOX! But talk is cheap!! Line it up against the actions of his life yo date, and tell us what you think!!
The Democrat machine is currently lined up to make the steal either for Gruesome Newsome or tranny Michael Obama, both of whom are puppets of the globalists, themselves. I think this run for Ramaswamy is just the warmup for next time. But, if they can fool the people that he’s their darling, maybe they can suspend the bother of the effort of the steal and just let us hang ourselves directly. Cheerleading for his honeyed empty rhetoric helps that happen. Is that really what you want???
I haven’t found anyone worth voting for, yet. But that doesn’t mean I’ll just be handing my soul over to the WEF. Maybe somebody reading this will be inspired to run, who knows? I’ll keep hoping for a miracle. That’s better than being complicit in handing the keys to my soul over to an avowed demon. Please do us all a favor, Dr. Alexander, and decide whose side you’re on because you can’t be both against the jab, and also favorable to a WEF candidate who’s deeply involved in either promoting or profiting from it. Talk is cheap and psychopaths can be deeply charming people. I hope you’re not getting snookered by the lying facade, and leading your followers astray.
Ramaswamy successfully sued WEF for falsely listing as a Young Leader.
Daisy Soros was the wife of Paul Soros, brother of George. BUT...Paul and George were polar opposites, ideologically, with Paul aligned conservatively, and fiercely patriotic toward his adopted USA. He believed that immigrants had an obligation to read and defend the Constitution.
Ramaswamy is not a practicing lawyer. He, however, has a JD, but did not take a bar exam. He is a big proponent of trade schools, noting that his college experiences highlighted how hollowed out college degrees actually are, now.
He says he sued the WEF, where can we go for the first-hand evidence so we can all j
see for ourselves and decide whether the suit was legit?
I find it impossible to believe that the WEF allows Ramaswamy to trash talk so much of what they stand for, and support Trump, without uttering a peep, yet there’s a possibility he could become POTUS?? 😂😂 With no pushback from Soros, agates, Zuckerberg, the Pharma companies, nothing? Especially when he’s embroiled in two bitter lawsuits over who gets credit and royalties on the deadly lipid nano particle technology? How often does he talk about THAz side of his life? Isn’t that important for the voters to know about?Do you think Big Pharma, the WEF and the rest of the globalists will just grit their teeth snd let it happen? Oh, I doubt that!
And if the Soros bros are at odds with each other, what does it say about Ramaswamy that he’ll take money from one and defect to the other?
No, he’s not who he portrays himself to be. He’s a lying, charming dirtbag like Trudeau. And the hair-splitting details you bring up make no difference. Once EEF, always WEF, all window dressing aside. Don’t fall for him!
You can check Ohio public records for the details of the lawsuit.
Per the other two lawsuits you mentioned, Ramaswamy is not involved in them, and he is not involved with Roivant, although yes, he founded the company.
His scholarship was merit-based, and he has no connection to George or the WEF. He's been a vocal CRITIC of the WEF. When WEF extends an invitation, and publicizes that, it doesn't follow that the invitee accepted.
I don’t trust any of them. The whole system is corrupt. You are voting for a different slave master in each election. Definition of Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
We'll have to choose the "least worst" of the lot, if you know what I mean. Agree if a candidate has gotten this far they're probably compromised in some way. I still think our vote is important and we should do it. We also shouldn't rely on someone to save us. We must take action locally as best we can. I think all of us here know we are at an extremely important precipice in history. 🙏🙏🙏
Local government is the only place we can get some traction. The mayors have sold out already. There are some good sheriffs left. I’m afraid we may be at the point where all of it may have to be destroyed and start over. ?
Interesting. I have never seen this before.
I have to say, I’m warning to Vivek. Not sure yet that he would make a good president, but I like his attitude.
Don't mince words ! :)
I did a basic Google search on the case, and was able to come up with two mentions by FOX news and one article from April in the New York Post. All were very light on details. I don’t want a few second hand stories filtered by the MSM. I want to see the first hand documents, myself. When did the suit take place? What was the testimony? Who testified? Who was the judge and what, if anything, happened to the judge who had the audacity to slap the WEF in favor of an ingrate who was given their official endorsement, but who wanted it revoked just in time to run for POTUS? Surely the judge in the case didn’t make such a bald ruling against the most powerful globalist institution on earth, with impunity? I’m just looking for, you know, verifiable details, not softball assurances. Maybe I should just accept that a google search with the key words “Ramaswamy”, “lawsuit” “Ohio”, “WEF” and “World Economic Forum”turns up three squishy MSM reports, and there’s the proof? Ummmm, no.
Read “Vetting Vivek Ramaswamy” by genuine investigative journalist Jotdan Sachatel on Substack. He dove deep. He provided plenty of first-hand evidence of Ramaswamy’s dealings with China, the ugly lawsuits his company (Roivent) is involved in, and other nasty details. Please read and THEN try making excuses for this snake!
Whatever way you want to twist his biotech background, the fact is that either Ramaswamy was involved in developing the deadly nano lipid technology, or wanted to be, and all for the profit. What say you about that? Or about his business dealings with China? How does one go from getting in bed with the worst Communist regime in the world for profit, to being ‘fiercely patriotic’? I’ll be interested in hearing how you spin THAT.
Whether he’s a practicing lawyer or not, he’s a highly TRAINED former law student who just didn’t sit for the bar because he already had the education. He already knew how to lie, manipulate and bend the system professionally, and had all the connections needed to accomplish his mission, so why bother? Taking the bar is for schmucks who lack the means to go for bigger, better things than merely being a practicing attorney! Ramaswamy has already made millions being a biotech entrepreneur (yeah, I’m sure that’s because he was so brilliant in the biosciences as well as law), and hasn’t exactly apologized for the human carnage caused by the invention he so bitterly wants to get paid for. That alone says volumes about his character, and it’s all bad. So does the fact that he’s not exactly apologetic about making a fortune dealing clandestinely with China. Or perhaps that’s all just another big bunch of lies? Why don’t you read The Dossier by Sachatel, and tell us?
Might as well look up the original source details on that big lawsuit against the WEF, too. Interesting that Google seems to know very little about it. I’m genuinely interested in finding out both the details, and why this deeply important revelation wasn’t pursued and splashed over the front pages of every conservative (and even some liberal) rag out there.
You are far too restrained in your description of media...tell us how you REALLY feel, lol.
V's staying solid and remains impressive. I'm just a bit shy, though, after RFK and Ron's double whammy of stupidity disasters.
I’m glad you held back a bit on that one Dr. Alexander 😂. Good on ya 💪🏼 ..... you’ve been relentless in this battle from Day 1
Hot fire. Thanks for posting this.