You are correct, the donor doesn’t have to be jabbed. This is a ridiculous situation. It makes no sense. The recipient should not have to be jabbed either, especially with what we know now. That jabbed people are much more likely to get repeated cases of ‘Covid’ & they are are having horrible adverse reactions & even dying from the jab.
Right. If unvaccinated donors are good enough to harvest organs from [ in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were preferred ], unvaccinated recipients should be good enough to receive them. Claiming the opposite is the height of hypocrisy.
Not only is it the height of hypocrisy, forcing the recipients to be jabbed is putting their lives in danger. Being an organ recipient is not easy. My husband was a heart transplant recipient 20 years ago & the immune suppression drugs that you have to take are not easy to live with and they themselves can cause life threatening side effects down the road. His drugs caused kidney failure & he had to go on dialysis 7 years later. After 3 years he voluntarily stopped the dialysis, it was so miserable & passed away. So to force jab people before receiving an organ transplant is the height of stupidity & medical malpractice.
but why would you? in fact, i know of a bunch of unvaccinated people in canada who canceled their organ donor cards saying "if i wasn't good enough to receive an organ if and when i needed one, i sure as hell ain't gonna donate one"
There have been many stories reporting transplants were denied unless the donors also were jabbed. One has to search around to find doctors and facilities that don't have any jab requirement.
Makes perfect sense when the goal is to kill as many useless eaters as possible in every way possible. Same agenda, different mechanism of take-down. Every system that humanity has come to rely upon has been weaponized. "Healthcare" that causes disease directly or at best, exacerbates it by focusing on poisoning with drugs. All organic nutrition gone from food, replaced with chemical poisons, heavy metals and additives. Industrial and pharmaceutical waste in the water, put there both actively (fluoride) and passively through ineffective and outdated filtration and cleaning systems. Hazardous chemicals in the air, sprayed across the skies and raining down on the earth everywhere. Religion that installs rigid dogma and closes down peoples' minds, eradicating all thought of what true spirituality means. Education that sucks every independent thought out of childrens' minds while teaching obedience and indoctrination into groupthink. And banana republic governments across the world that are really just corporate criminal cartels using their policy enforcers to commit violent suppression of the people while enslaving them under mountains of debt. All of this is considered "normal" by a huge percentage of spiritually bankrupt, brainwashed people.
We do, and at the same time we absolutely must get our jural assemblies up and running in every state with sufficient numbers of Article 4 section 2a Citizens under Public Law with the standing to actually bring the out-of-control de facto government agents back into their lane. If people don't start waking up to the reality of jurisdiction and what it means when they remain as 14th Amendment citizens under statute pretty damn quick, we are all going to be swept away beneath the New World Order tyranny. We can't JUST step outside their systems and create communities without addressing the bigger issue of their color of law police state enforcements, that are going to steamroll on eventually flattening everything. Union State Citizens and Nationals are needed in massive numbers, taking responsibility to rebuild our original, lawful system of government and hold the criminals accountable.
I don't think the goal is to kill us. It's not being done in an efficient way. Energy weapons exist that can liquify a body or a large area of bodies in mere seconds and nothing else. If one examines individual cases rather than blindly believe the propaganda both sides have been spewing, the COVID shots kill a very small percent. The other deaths have been caused by something else. From all the ways we're poisoned, non-injuries have exceeded injuries which have far exceeded deaths.
Per some WEF cultists, the goal is to create a new species with no flaws and to merge them with technology to enhance their powers. To accomplish this requires a lot of experimentation on a lot of subjects. They view us as lab rats.
The plan to shrink our species started in the early 1800s using vaccines and other means. The US, Europe, and many other countries would disappear without importing a lot of foreigners annually. A subgoal is total control of everyone because they need to prevent resistance against their agenda and to limit reproduction eventually to only those with superior genetics.
If people could break free of the mental chains placed on them since early childhood, they would realize we already have what these eugenicists desire. Each of us is an energy force which the vast majority call a soul. The rest of our body is a costume. What we experience in life is a play. We have the power to change our play's script any time we want.
Some people can access one or more of our superpowers. Rather than trying to figure out how to teach the rest to do the same, almost everyone views them as freaks of nature. Actress Marilu Henner can recall minute details of every day of her life instantly. We all can but have to be taught how to do it.
In the US, the vast majority of food available shouldn't be eaten. The ones that should be can have their nutrients restored by properly amending the soil or other growing medium. The human body was designed to be self-healing. If returned to the correct state, it can heal almost anything quickly without assistance. Little to no sickness care is required.
By changing the play's script, we can leapfrog far ahead of what eugenicists can ever hope to achieve without harming anyone. They'll probably allow it. They may be far wealthier and powerful, but they and their scientists are not smarter.
Reverend Thomas Malthus in 1798 advocated population control, and Dickens refers to this in his book “A Christmas Carol”when Scrooge suggests that poor people ought to die to “decrease the surplus population.” Nothing new here with the Progressives believing they are going to save the planet with population control. We grow more food now on less acreage as we gain greater understanding of soil and plants. The corporate farming model is not good for the land and is less likely to produce the foods we need for optimal health.
The strange thing is that those guilty of enabling this wickedness are harming themselves even while turning a blind eye to others. A lot of doctors are dying or becoming too crippled to work.
This awesome tool, Reveddit, highlights censored comments prior to their removal. It doesn't always work, & its a bit slow on big threads, but it's fascinating to see what gets targeted for deletion (some mods are bots, some are humans).
To be fair, some posts are automatically deleted by "AutoMod" if they contain trigger words (which they won't disclose so we are all left guessing which words are forbidden).
So not every post is deleted by a human moderator. But it's still censorship, and it's unacceptable. Esp when people are trying to make a life or death decision.
The transplant business is a business not welfare. After billing for the transplant, they get to bill for treating host vs graft for a certain amount of time. Win (hospital biz) - win (pharma biz) - win (eugenicists foundations invested in former lines of biz) - lose (the vaccinated organ receiver). Post-Malthusian evolved version of laisser mourir. Laisser mourir iatrogenically while billing for the effort. (I apologize to each and every honest and ethically strong doctor and nursing staff out there. The majority is good! Evil incentives must become widely understood and discreetly resisted.)
If you're on hemodialysis and need a kidney transplant in Toronto, you're between a rock and hard place. A friend with chronic kidney failure, on dialysis, who had been approved and on the transplant wait list for two years before Covid, was told she must get the jabs to stay on the list. So she did. The jabs put her in ICU for two months and resulted in total blockage of renal blood vessels with clots, and damaged her heart. So now she can't get the kidney transplant because there is no blood supply for the new kidney.
The woman is located in the UK and cannot treat anyone outside her country. So far, she's one of the few doctors I've seen who is very familiar with the blood clotting problem the infected, Long COVID, and injected injured experience. She's been treating some of them. Perhaps she can provide guidance if there may be a way to correct your friend's problem.
Ms.Lewis said they argued the Cdn Charter in court which has so many loopholes it protects nobody. Instead the Cdn Bill of Rights should have been used.
Quite obviously, a new wave of the Bolshevik mass murderers have taken over again to take yet more ground and have completely overridden almost all vestiges of genuine medical authority with their new Pol Pol /Stalinist styles of 'liquidating' human beings whom they regard as 'opponents'.
The first thing they did with me after someone rung for me to be taken to hospital in an ambulance, was to render me unconscious and put me on a ventilator in an induced coma for 4 weeks, and literally the only drug they gave me while I was unconscious was tocilizumab (actemra), besides the agent keeping me asleep, when I already had just 50% blood oxygen levels on admission diagnosed, with sepsis diagnosed, COVID 19 officially diagnosed and pneumonia diagnosed, and I specifically told them I did not want to be put on a ventilator. Their response was to stealthily knock me out without telling me what they were going to do with either gas in a mask they put on me, or by injection whilst I was sitting in the hospital in a wheelchair just after being wheeled in by the ambulance crew (I do not know which was responsible, as I received a mask to inhale some gas from and a jab of what they said was sodium chloride for POTS, but my treatment notes which I now have from while I was on the mechanical ventilator in an induced coma showed no administration of Vitamin D3, Thiamin or any other form of Vitamin B or Vitamin D3 or any zinc, or any antibiotic or antibacterial, but just one drug besides the knockout drugs (I had extremely vivid out of body experiences for the entire 4 weeks, and was never unconscious at any time during the 'induced coma', very different to surgical anaesthetics where you completely black out while you are unconscious), they only gave me a 'repurposed' drug sometimes used for rheumatoid arthritis, Tocilizumab, and that can be seen in results of official medical tests to cause areas of glassy opacification throughout most of the lung tissue in X-ray images in just 4 days. The study I saw showed heavily damaged lung tissue almost throughout, but focussing on just one area, in just the posterior part of the lower lobes of the lungs, the study showed areas of glassy opacification indicating areas of damaged lung tissue that were specifically stated in the study as being known to have been caused by tocilizumab itself and by no other cause and throughout a staggering 80% of tissue volume there, not by COVID or ventilator damage, or by sepsis or pneumonia, just by tocilizumab itself, and when I saw my own X-Rays, they looked just the same as X-ray images from the study, with almost all lung tissue similarly turned to a hazy white fuzz except for a narrow small core of darker lung tissue running along most of the centre of the lungs not displaying such massive damage.
And when I came round after 4 weeks, I still had pneumonia, which they had made no attempt at all to treat in all those 4 weeks, surely rather intending just to watch me steadily fill up with mucus and choke to death, as most others with me actually did, and then after a week of telling them I had pneumonia and getting consistently ignored, they finally offered me the death drug remdesivir, which I naturally refused, which the WHO and Lancet had already publicly stated offers no benefit at all to COVID patients, just an increased average death rate of 1.1% seen across all types of COVID patients in general, and another study showed that in ventilated patients given remdesivir, no benefit was seen either, but a staggering 26.9% increased mortality rate was seen in those patients given remdesivir who been mechanically ventilated compared with similar patients who had not been offered remdesivir.
The purpose in offering me remdesivir was highly obvious, all the more so when I quoted such figures to the male specialist doctor who was smilingly offering me it, he did not so much as bat an eyelid, and they are still giving remdesivir and tocilizumab out today, and getting paid £3,000 a day to do it. It is easy for them to do that, when like butchers, they are used to seeing bodies pass in front of them on an industrial scale, they think a few more months of that and they can buy a chateau for a couple of hundred thousand quid in the South of France and retire with a good few hundred thousand quid or more to spend besides.
Incidentally, tocilizumab is stated in the manufacturer's instructions never to be given to patients with either sepsis or any serious infection, though I was deliberately given it while I was 'gravely ill' according to my notes, and while suffering with COVID 19, sepsis and pneumonia, so obviously, I should never have been given tocilizumab, which surely, only a dementedly malevolent person intent on actually trying to kill someone would administer under such circumstances.
Tocilizumab is also known to actually reduce the immune system seriously (hence it should never be given to someone with any serious infection), what a cohencidence, and in patients who have previously been exposed to TB (who hasn't?), manufacturer's notes state new infections of TB can sometimes be seen evidenced in patients who have been given tocilizumab, so obviously, tocilizumab is perfectly suited for the job of expediting death in COVID patients, and even for causing sometimes untreatable fatal illness like TB that they can deny all responsibility for, and TB is now making a resurgence according to the news, another cohencidence, though the COVID death jabs themselves of course obviously gravely damage the immune system too.
Just like the 60% foreign mercenaries fighting for £3,000 a day in Ukraine to establish a Big Israel for SPECTRE komrade Zelensky as he himself has stated is his wish to create in Ukraine, similarly, 'doctors' in the COVID ICU wards specially drafted in from goodness knows where, are also paid £3,000 a day, the parallels are obvious.
Just a couple of weeks back I came down again very heavily with COVID, started getting really tripped out in what seemed like an almost machine-generated artificial alternative reality, every time I laid down I got heavily depersonalized, becoming no longer me, or in any place, just becoming an abstract field of some form of consciousness in some other dimension, I knew what was happening as this type of consciousness hit me very heavily before I had been taken to hospital in the COVID ICU ward, and knew to take horse ivermectin for a full 5 days, together with zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D3, I used a fifth of a tube of ivermectin a day, 4 grams of Vit C powder a day in divided doses, 200 mg zinc a day alongside the ivermectin and 50,000 iu Vit D3 a day and I slung in a few capsules of quercetin and bromelain, and a few capsules of NAC as well, taking the NAC a good few hours after taking the zinc, as NAC chelates metals, and some aspirin, and the rapidly intensifying and potentially totally disabling heavy trip, a delirium often brought on by sepsis for example, vanished rapidly, and the heavy mucus and liquid that literally started pouring out of my nose whenever I stood up, along with the coughing, sneezing, sore throat, swollen neck glands, painful knee joints, intense diarrhoea, intensely painful headache especially whenever I sneezed or coughed, etc. rapidly subsided.
The bottom line is this, I never needed their fake tocilizumab 'medicine' in the first place, which is surely only 'repurposed' to actually kill people in that circumstance, as heavily damaging lung tissue with it, and knowingly lowering their immune system when someone already has only 50% blood oxygen and pneumonia and COVID and sepsis, is just not possibly genuine medical protocol, especially when the ICU ward I was in typically had a 75% death rate on the ventilators themselves, before a lot more COVID patients were picked off later after coming off the ventilators by heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia.
The health service staff in all nations need to be thoroughly vetted and purged of all these types of elements who willingly subscribe to engage in the mass slaughter of human beings that we typically see in communist 'revolutions', which are just violence takeovers. Syringes are the new guns. They know exactly what they are doing, they are not 'innocent', when you see the astronomical wages they get, they can surely look these things up for themselves and know that they should be refusing government orders to give out the poisons that they are even still giving out, I think that the communist forces of Israel have purposely infiltrated their cold-hearted agents into all government agencies responsible in preparation for this military operation.
Reminds me of the insanity I saw in "mental health." A bunch of suffering from the "side effects" of all those Safe-and-Effective-Treatments foisted on them. The same doctors who observed and treated the iatrogenic damage created by shrinks would say, "Keep taking your meds. They are good for you."
We need vitamin D
The good news is that you don't need to be vaccinated to donate organs. In fact, I am pretty sure they prefer it that way ( likewise for blood; see here: ).
You are correct, the donor doesn’t have to be jabbed. This is a ridiculous situation. It makes no sense. The recipient should not have to be jabbed either, especially with what we know now. That jabbed people are much more likely to get repeated cases of ‘Covid’ & they are are having horrible adverse reactions & even dying from the jab.
Right. If unvaccinated donors are good enough to harvest organs from [ in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were preferred ], unvaccinated recipients should be good enough to receive them. Claiming the opposite is the height of hypocrisy.
Not only is it the height of hypocrisy, forcing the recipients to be jabbed is putting their lives in danger. Being an organ recipient is not easy. My husband was a heart transplant recipient 20 years ago & the immune suppression drugs that you have to take are not easy to live with and they themselves can cause life threatening side effects down the road. His drugs caused kidney failure & he had to go on dialysis 7 years later. After 3 years he voluntarily stopped the dialysis, it was so miserable & passed away. So to force jab people before receiving an organ transplant is the height of stupidity & medical malpractice.
There have been cases where people who are unvaccinated have been turned down for transplants in the USA.
This is Nuremberg code violation. Death penalty.
Particularly vile.
Yes so you can but I am removing my organ donor off my DL. I am not jabbed. I don’t care what THEY PREFER. MY body my choice.
In normal times, having this on DL could cause your death...
They make ton off organ donation
This poor gent is on life support. If he passes, he is donating his brains to me.
My wife has demanded A brain transplant for me.
And, giving me his pecs too.
We could do this all day.
I have emotional intelligence of 13 yr old Male... Children say 8
but why would you? in fact, i know of a bunch of unvaccinated people in canada who canceled their organ donor cards saying "if i wasn't good enough to receive an organ if and when i needed one, i sure as hell ain't gonna donate one"
There have been many stories reporting transplants were denied unless the donors also were jabbed. One has to search around to find doctors and facilities that don't have any jab requirement.
Unless you work with people like this
Loved that show, also the one it spun off of. Breaking Bad.
Well then my gift
Has other good clips. I have Attention def
Link does work, Thanks. For some reason stack won’t let me delete the other comment.
Your comment aint showing.
Glad it's working.
Argo clips on my YouTube also.
But there's still a list... Unless...
So we can't receive organs and blood,, but we can donate them?
You sound like you want to surrender...
Ok, read another comment of yours that pointed this out. But can't apologize as top comment is much more prominent.
Top comment was sarcasm.
The best sarcasm is that whereby you fool people.
Or, maybe I'm just dumber😎😎😎
I've been fooled before.
Sarcasm will crush nwo...
My favorite smart ass in 5 min, link
We need Vit D is sarcasm?
No, I meant my original comment, at the top of the comment thread we're in now ( "The good news..." ). ☺
🤣🤦🏻♀️oh I get it now! Sometimes sarcasm doesn’t come across well in print.
Never surrender.
Many on here don't seem surrendering type
Makes perfect sense when the goal is to kill as many useless eaters as possible in every way possible. Same agenda, different mechanism of take-down. Every system that humanity has come to rely upon has been weaponized. "Healthcare" that causes disease directly or at best, exacerbates it by focusing on poisoning with drugs. All organic nutrition gone from food, replaced with chemical poisons, heavy metals and additives. Industrial and pharmaceutical waste in the water, put there both actively (fluoride) and passively through ineffective and outdated filtration and cleaning systems. Hazardous chemicals in the air, sprayed across the skies and raining down on the earth everywhere. Religion that installs rigid dogma and closes down peoples' minds, eradicating all thought of what true spirituality means. Education that sucks every independent thought out of childrens' minds while teaching obedience and indoctrination into groupthink. And banana republic governments across the world that are really just corporate criminal cartels using their policy enforcers to commit violent suppression of the people while enslaving them under mountains of debt. All of this is considered "normal" by a huge percentage of spiritually bankrupt, brainwashed people.
"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
-- J. Krishnamurti
We need to get those parallel societies up and running ASAP.
Our hospitals have turned into death processing centers.... avoid at all costs, if you want to live.
We do, and at the same time we absolutely must get our jural assemblies up and running in every state with sufficient numbers of Article 4 section 2a Citizens under Public Law with the standing to actually bring the out-of-control de facto government agents back into their lane. If people don't start waking up to the reality of jurisdiction and what it means when they remain as 14th Amendment citizens under statute pretty damn quick, we are all going to be swept away beneath the New World Order tyranny. We can't JUST step outside their systems and create communities without addressing the bigger issue of their color of law police state enforcements, that are going to steamroll on eventually flattening everything. Union State Citizens and Nationals are needed in massive numbers, taking responsibility to rebuild our original, lawful system of government and hold the criminals accountable.
I love all the affidavits being filed in Maricopa county.
I don't think the goal is to kill us. It's not being done in an efficient way. Energy weapons exist that can liquify a body or a large area of bodies in mere seconds and nothing else. If one examines individual cases rather than blindly believe the propaganda both sides have been spewing, the COVID shots kill a very small percent. The other deaths have been caused by something else. From all the ways we're poisoned, non-injuries have exceeded injuries which have far exceeded deaths.
Per some WEF cultists, the goal is to create a new species with no flaws and to merge them with technology to enhance their powers. To accomplish this requires a lot of experimentation on a lot of subjects. They view us as lab rats.
The plan to shrink our species started in the early 1800s using vaccines and other means. The US, Europe, and many other countries would disappear without importing a lot of foreigners annually. A subgoal is total control of everyone because they need to prevent resistance against their agenda and to limit reproduction eventually to only those with superior genetics.
If people could break free of the mental chains placed on them since early childhood, they would realize we already have what these eugenicists desire. Each of us is an energy force which the vast majority call a soul. The rest of our body is a costume. What we experience in life is a play. We have the power to change our play's script any time we want.
Some people can access one or more of our superpowers. Rather than trying to figure out how to teach the rest to do the same, almost everyone views them as freaks of nature. Actress Marilu Henner can recall minute details of every day of her life instantly. We all can but have to be taught how to do it.
In the US, the vast majority of food available shouldn't be eaten. The ones that should be can have their nutrients restored by properly amending the soil or other growing medium. The human body was designed to be self-healing. If returned to the correct state, it can heal almost anything quickly without assistance. Little to no sickness care is required.
By changing the play's script, we can leapfrog far ahead of what eugenicists can ever hope to achieve without harming anyone. They'll probably allow it. They may be far wealthier and powerful, but they and their scientists are not smarter.
Reverend Thomas Malthus in 1798 advocated population control, and Dickens refers to this in his book “A Christmas Carol”when Scrooge suggests that poor people ought to die to “decrease the surplus population.” Nothing new here with the Progressives believing they are going to save the planet with population control. We grow more food now on less acreage as we gain greater understanding of soil and plants. The corporate farming model is not good for the land and is less likely to produce the foods we need for optimal health.
The strange thing is that those guilty of enabling this wickedness are harming themselves even while turning a blind eye to others. A lot of doctors are dying or becoming too crippled to work.
apparently the Red Cross needs to know which brand of injectable you had… guess there are some unusual anomalies in the donations
Why does the Red Cross need to know this?
Is there something that they know that they are not telling?
There is a reddit forum for blood donors with some interesting posts.
But here is a big thread from last year posted in /r/medicine:
If you see a bunch of deleted comments in a row, that usually means the the moderators came through to tidy up the "wrongthink".
This awesome tool, Reveddit, highlights censored comments prior to their removal. It doesn't always work, & its a bit slow on big threads, but it's fascinating to see what gets targeted for deletion (some mods are bots, some are humans).
If you want to see how much censorship redditors are up against, check out these two links:
Public Reddit Sub for COVID Vaccines:
Same Reddit Sub, But Without The Censorship:
To be fair, some posts are automatically deleted by "AutoMod" if they contain trigger words (which they won't disclose so we are all left guessing which words are forbidden).
So not every post is deleted by a human moderator. But it's still censorship, and it's unacceptable. Esp when people are trying to make a life or death decision.
think this is where i read about in comments section:
...and they are not telling the public.
The transplant business is a business not welfare. After billing for the transplant, they get to bill for treating host vs graft for a certain amount of time. Win (hospital biz) - win (pharma biz) - win (eugenicists foundations invested in former lines of biz) - lose (the vaccinated organ receiver). Post-Malthusian evolved version of laisser mourir. Laisser mourir iatrogenically while billing for the effort. (I apologize to each and every honest and ethically strong doctor and nursing staff out there. The majority is good! Evil incentives must become widely understood and discreetly resisted.)
A little off subject.
Legalize organ selling.
Everyone makes money except the donor.
If you're on hemodialysis and need a kidney transplant in Toronto, you're between a rock and hard place. A friend with chronic kidney failure, on dialysis, who had been approved and on the transplant wait list for two years before Covid, was told she must get the jabs to stay on the list. So she did. The jabs put her in ICU for two months and resulted in total blockage of renal blood vessels with clots, and damaged her heart. So now she can't get the kidney transplant because there is no blood supply for the new kidney.
So sorry for her. 💔
Suggest contacting this doctor:
The woman is located in the UK and cannot treat anyone outside her country. So far, she's one of the few doctors I've seen who is very familiar with the blood clotting problem the infected, Long COVID, and injected injured experience. She's been treating some of them. Perhaps she can provide guidance if there may be a way to correct your friend's problem.
And yet, Alberta is refusing to give Sheila Lewis a lung transplant because of her jab status. Her death will be on the hands of AHS.
People should be questioning why anyone below 80 yo needs a transplant. I suspect pharma products have been the root cause of their problems.
Ms.Lewis said they argued the Cdn Charter in court which has so many loopholes it protects nobody. Instead the Cdn Bill of Rights should have been used.
We can never trust the traditional medical community again.
And now the dire situation the masses have put themselves in is starting to sink in. Time to pay the piper.
oh, the irony
Quite obviously, a new wave of the Bolshevik mass murderers have taken over again to take yet more ground and have completely overridden almost all vestiges of genuine medical authority with their new Pol Pol /Stalinist styles of 'liquidating' human beings whom they regard as 'opponents'.
The first thing they did with me after someone rung for me to be taken to hospital in an ambulance, was to render me unconscious and put me on a ventilator in an induced coma for 4 weeks, and literally the only drug they gave me while I was unconscious was tocilizumab (actemra), besides the agent keeping me asleep, when I already had just 50% blood oxygen levels on admission diagnosed, with sepsis diagnosed, COVID 19 officially diagnosed and pneumonia diagnosed, and I specifically told them I did not want to be put on a ventilator. Their response was to stealthily knock me out without telling me what they were going to do with either gas in a mask they put on me, or by injection whilst I was sitting in the hospital in a wheelchair just after being wheeled in by the ambulance crew (I do not know which was responsible, as I received a mask to inhale some gas from and a jab of what they said was sodium chloride for POTS, but my treatment notes which I now have from while I was on the mechanical ventilator in an induced coma showed no administration of Vitamin D3, Thiamin or any other form of Vitamin B or Vitamin D3 or any zinc, or any antibiotic or antibacterial, but just one drug besides the knockout drugs (I had extremely vivid out of body experiences for the entire 4 weeks, and was never unconscious at any time during the 'induced coma', very different to surgical anaesthetics where you completely black out while you are unconscious), they only gave me a 'repurposed' drug sometimes used for rheumatoid arthritis, Tocilizumab, and that can be seen in results of official medical tests to cause areas of glassy opacification throughout most of the lung tissue in X-ray images in just 4 days. The study I saw showed heavily damaged lung tissue almost throughout, but focussing on just one area, in just the posterior part of the lower lobes of the lungs, the study showed areas of glassy opacification indicating areas of damaged lung tissue that were specifically stated in the study as being known to have been caused by tocilizumab itself and by no other cause and throughout a staggering 80% of tissue volume there, not by COVID or ventilator damage, or by sepsis or pneumonia, just by tocilizumab itself, and when I saw my own X-Rays, they looked just the same as X-ray images from the study, with almost all lung tissue similarly turned to a hazy white fuzz except for a narrow small core of darker lung tissue running along most of the centre of the lungs not displaying such massive damage.
And when I came round after 4 weeks, I still had pneumonia, which they had made no attempt at all to treat in all those 4 weeks, surely rather intending just to watch me steadily fill up with mucus and choke to death, as most others with me actually did, and then after a week of telling them I had pneumonia and getting consistently ignored, they finally offered me the death drug remdesivir, which I naturally refused, which the WHO and Lancet had already publicly stated offers no benefit at all to COVID patients, just an increased average death rate of 1.1% seen across all types of COVID patients in general, and another study showed that in ventilated patients given remdesivir, no benefit was seen either, but a staggering 26.9% increased mortality rate was seen in those patients given remdesivir who been mechanically ventilated compared with similar patients who had not been offered remdesivir.
The purpose in offering me remdesivir was highly obvious, all the more so when I quoted such figures to the male specialist doctor who was smilingly offering me it, he did not so much as bat an eyelid, and they are still giving remdesivir and tocilizumab out today, and getting paid £3,000 a day to do it. It is easy for them to do that, when like butchers, they are used to seeing bodies pass in front of them on an industrial scale, they think a few more months of that and they can buy a chateau for a couple of hundred thousand quid in the South of France and retire with a good few hundred thousand quid or more to spend besides.
Incidentally, tocilizumab is stated in the manufacturer's instructions never to be given to patients with either sepsis or any serious infection, though I was deliberately given it while I was 'gravely ill' according to my notes, and while suffering with COVID 19, sepsis and pneumonia, so obviously, I should never have been given tocilizumab, which surely, only a dementedly malevolent person intent on actually trying to kill someone would administer under such circumstances.
Tocilizumab is also known to actually reduce the immune system seriously (hence it should never be given to someone with any serious infection), what a cohencidence, and in patients who have previously been exposed to TB (who hasn't?), manufacturer's notes state new infections of TB can sometimes be seen evidenced in patients who have been given tocilizumab, so obviously, tocilizumab is perfectly suited for the job of expediting death in COVID patients, and even for causing sometimes untreatable fatal illness like TB that they can deny all responsibility for, and TB is now making a resurgence according to the news, another cohencidence, though the COVID death jabs themselves of course obviously gravely damage the immune system too.
Just like the 60% foreign mercenaries fighting for £3,000 a day in Ukraine to establish a Big Israel for SPECTRE komrade Zelensky as he himself has stated is his wish to create in Ukraine, similarly, 'doctors' in the COVID ICU wards specially drafted in from goodness knows where, are also paid £3,000 a day, the parallels are obvious.
Just a couple of weeks back I came down again very heavily with COVID, started getting really tripped out in what seemed like an almost machine-generated artificial alternative reality, every time I laid down I got heavily depersonalized, becoming no longer me, or in any place, just becoming an abstract field of some form of consciousness in some other dimension, I knew what was happening as this type of consciousness hit me very heavily before I had been taken to hospital in the COVID ICU ward, and knew to take horse ivermectin for a full 5 days, together with zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D3, I used a fifth of a tube of ivermectin a day, 4 grams of Vit C powder a day in divided doses, 200 mg zinc a day alongside the ivermectin and 50,000 iu Vit D3 a day and I slung in a few capsules of quercetin and bromelain, and a few capsules of NAC as well, taking the NAC a good few hours after taking the zinc, as NAC chelates metals, and some aspirin, and the rapidly intensifying and potentially totally disabling heavy trip, a delirium often brought on by sepsis for example, vanished rapidly, and the heavy mucus and liquid that literally started pouring out of my nose whenever I stood up, along with the coughing, sneezing, sore throat, swollen neck glands, painful knee joints, intense diarrhoea, intensely painful headache especially whenever I sneezed or coughed, etc. rapidly subsided.
The bottom line is this, I never needed their fake tocilizumab 'medicine' in the first place, which is surely only 'repurposed' to actually kill people in that circumstance, as heavily damaging lung tissue with it, and knowingly lowering their immune system when someone already has only 50% blood oxygen and pneumonia and COVID and sepsis, is just not possibly genuine medical protocol, especially when the ICU ward I was in typically had a 75% death rate on the ventilators themselves, before a lot more COVID patients were picked off later after coming off the ventilators by heart attacks, strokes and pneumonia.
The health service staff in all nations need to be thoroughly vetted and purged of all these types of elements who willingly subscribe to engage in the mass slaughter of human beings that we typically see in communist 'revolutions', which are just violence takeovers. Syringes are the new guns. They know exactly what they are doing, they are not 'innocent', when you see the astronomical wages they get, they can surely look these things up for themselves and know that they should be refusing government orders to give out the poisons that they are even still giving out, I think that the communist forces of Israel have purposely infiltrated their cold-hearted agents into all government agencies responsible in preparation for this military operation.
Catch 22
This is about control, not science. Criminals need to be jailed.
Another piece of the ongoing puzzle thanks.
Reminds me of the insanity I saw in "mental health." A bunch of suffering from the "side effects" of all those Safe-and-Effective-Treatments foisted on them. The same doctors who observed and treated the iatrogenic damage created by shrinks would say, "Keep taking your meds. They are good for you."