Go for it Paul! Everything you say is true and every outrageous Act needs compensation!

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Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written


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Insane? That term would classify those who partake in the mRNA gene therapy injection parade. From the get-go, it never occurred to me to let the insanity of others infect me. I am so staunchly anti-vax and anti big pharma that I have built a wall around me to deflect their endless cowflop.

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Mother Fuckers! Start building scaffolds!

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It is abundantly clear, the calculated, malicious intent required to implement this abominable crime was extremely well organized, and equally well funded.

The names you mention are merely those of the frontline medical bureaucrats recruited to present the fraud.

The big fish, those funding, controlling the media, and coordinating the global political response, must also be brought to justice. Gates, Soros, WEF etc are behind this atrocious crime.

Covid19 is just one of their means of assaulting humanity. CAGW has been a manufactured crisis chipping away at Western Civilization for decades. The looming food, and financial crises, are the waves to come. Like the Covid pandemic, these too have been manufactured with one purpose in mind - turning the human race into serfs of global elites.

The Covid pandemic should leave no one unclear about how people - including all those we care about - will be treated in this dystopia global commune. We will be treated like caged chickens. Living only to serve their purposes.

If this sounds too extreme, think of what has occurred over the past two and a half years. This is while they still need our voluntary compliance. Imagine what takes place when they have the means to compel us all - digital passports, digital currency, and social credit systems.

Speak now, or forevermore remain silent.

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What about the covid patents? years ago, US7776521. Anything natural canNOT be patented.

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Who is the linchpin that we have to pull the pin on? This has to be stopped but I haven’t got a clue how to make it happen!

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Part of the " Great Reset" ? Reduce populations Worldwide, to easily controlled 500,000?

I was reading how Millions are being spent, to find out why NOT 100% bought this BS....

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🙄 SMDH. Not surprised.

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WEF - Klaus Schwab, Black Rock manages trillions, does your state have funds in that company?

bill gates of hell, the eugenics proponent, who needs to start with himself. Useless governmental hangers on need to go. A walking cadaver should never be 'president' exactly who is/are running the US into the ground? Elections are coming up.

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Well supposedly Trump told Alex Jones he will continue to push the jabs and will not come out against them, he says they saved hundreds of millions of lives. I really don't know what to make of this, why would Trump continue to push the death shots when we all know he knows the truth, could it be the million dollars Pfizer paid him?

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Listen carefully to Alex. Actually, it was a Trump ADVISOR (I'm thinking a Trump attorney) who spoke to Alex, not Trump. He said that Trump said for Alex not to ever again say certain things about Trump that he'd said on his on-air broadcast. Alex said he was hurt and that he would still give Trump until Sept. 23 to say that people lied to him about the vax. So, all we know is what Alex said.

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We need a plan that we can support to make this happen. Suggestions?

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Did you see that post regarding the patent, yes patent, of Covid by none other than fuksey, and that group. This is an outrage. Call/write everyone from your governor down, friends, everyone to fil complaints. The patents are NOT new. US7776521 is one of many.

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I was shocked to learn that in Canada last year 10,006 people took their life by assisted suicide! This government that has said all the way through the COVID lunacy that “1 death is too many” now pushes assisted suicide…even encouraged a veteran with PTSD a couple weeks ago to use this disgusting service. I weep for our people!

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“Crazy, inept, crooked, idiotic people “ sums it up nicely! I might have switched it to “crooked, crazy, idiotic, inept people” however, because your version makes it seem excusable due to insanity. This is not a case of “they know not what they do,” because, you know, crazy. They KNOW DAMN WELL what they do. If you are on the jury , don’t let these psychopaths use your normalcy bias to arrange a parachute for themselves out of this.

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What about their covid patents for a number of years. US 7776521. Yeah, crazy like a fox.

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Yes. I think it is a good public service to keep helping people find out about the great patent-paper trail exposures that Dr. David Martin has been doing, proving the pre-planning and collusion that paved the way for this Plandemic.

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We are coming for them ALL. Legally and relentlessly.. they will Rue the day they sold out humanity...

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See jamesroguski.substack.com and easily email Congress to demand that they end the “emergency” and restore our rights. Takes less than one minute. It’s the least we can do.

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Thanks, nice to know I'm not actually crazy.

My own effort in this war is a set of nightly memes:


I'm happy if people redistribute them in whatever form. They have a way of getting past ideological defenses quickly.

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One of many covid patents - US 7776521, nothing to see here folks, Yeah, right

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great stuff. Publish on substack?

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Thanks Lisa, I tried that, but very few subscribed, so I just do it from my own site now and that works out better. You can get them by email if you like, super easy to sign up or cancel.

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Yes, if we do not address the grave evils committed against the very bonds that hold our human civilization together, we are doomed to have this foisted on us again. One of the stories that gets me from the early days of the pandemic is how they would fill surgical gloves with warm water and put them in the hands of those dying alone in ICU so that they would think they were holding the hand of a loved one. Does it get any more depraved than this? Now we know, at least in the UK, but probably in other places, these poor people were likely sedated as well and killed.

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This post from Dr Alexander is, as usual, spot on.

And, as the saying goes, when America sneeze, the whole world catches a cold.

Other nations are "catching" sky high prices for gas at the pump and rampant inflation and are bordering on, or are already in, recession.

This appears to have all been happening, increasingly, since about late January 2021.

Few in the MSM anywhere have any idea as to what could be causing these gas prices, inflation and recession indicators.

And look at the blood cancer rates in Australia (see link below) . For some reason, they are showing a sudden, rapid increase.

The medical establishment, like the news media, and others in the cult of coerced mass vaccination salvation hysteria, appear to be mystified, or in denial, as to what could be causing it.

All they say is: "Look at the case fatality rates for the vaxxed vs unvaxxed. The CFR proves that the jabs are effective, and that outweighs any imaginary effect of the jabs on excess mortality."


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