I don’t think it’s only the young. My daughter-in-law’s father had a brain bleed after his 4th shot. I cannot convince her not to get the shots, nor can I convince her not to have my granddaughters get the shots. They’ve all had 4 as has her mother. My son stopped at 2 when he had a heart problem.

My daughter-in-law is absolutely convinced the shots keep them safe, it’s like talking to someone from another planet. My son has given up talking to her.

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Hell is too good for the evil doers who are responsible.

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"If we can save even one life..." was the moronic thing that the Covidians always parroted.

Little did the masses realize the implications, "If we can save even one life...it doesn't matter how many we destroy...we still get rich...we still control the narrative...and our sheeple still bare their arms."

Also, why don't sheeple realize that the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms, not to bare arms.

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Modern democrats are fascists. They are far worst than the Czechoslovakian communists I grew up under.

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America is killing off it best and brightest. Sadly all those who died are sports persons, are active, have much potential to contribute to USA but they are now snuffed out. What is the future for America?

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How are the oligarchs going to collect on all the student loans after their friend Pfizer has killed all the students?

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When a gunman kills a few in a school, mall, church, etc. it is mass murder. Even the President sents his prayers. It is world news, headline news.

We have thousands of young Americans who were maimed or murdered by the Covid jabs and we have total silence...Media, President, the Churches, Elon Musk, Gates, WHO, Doctors Association, etc. Nobody talks about this kind of genocide...it is more than a mass murder.

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The Chinese Communist Party must be over the moon about this. They're not experiencing an epidemic of "died suddenly" in China. Meanwhile, their enemy of fighting age are dropping like flies. I wonder why? Did they find a genie in a bottle and its name was Justin or Joe? It granted the first wish How many more dreams can come true for them? The champagne corks must be popping.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

The Pfizer research data showed this and should have shut down the injections! We need to focus on the root cause and it was a biowarfare exercise! Now you have to ask why! This is the beginning of a nonexplosive WW3Stop it now before we are all erased!

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The most cruelest punishment a parasite filled company could employ. And all big pharma companies are loaded with them.

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and lets add Jamie Foxx to that list as most celebrities took the jab.....Corinne Foxx issued a statement revealing that the actor is recovering after facing a "medical complication" on Tuesday.

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So sorry for these families for the grief and unbelievable loss they have suffered catastrophic devastating harm and its daily,you carry on but you never don't miss them.

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This has to be put out there; they will always be the daughters and the questioners so there has to be proof

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