The new variant should be called BS 24/7

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So many in positions of power knew.They also knew the purpose was culling the flock .Eugenicist ,one and all .

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They could care less!!! Just like they knew that masking was useless; anybody with even sheet rock for brains knows that a paper mask/respirator will not stop an airborne, nearly ubiquitous in air, virus from getting into your respiratory system, they did not care!!! They needed people wearing masks to reinforce the danger and deadliness of this planned Demic that was all, and still is all, the masking is about: Fear Porn in and on your face!!!

If you were from an island with no contact with daily news and every 3 months you went mainland to get sone staples and supplies and one day you showed up and everyone was wearing a mask it would scare the shit out of you because you would think, “wow there must be something in the air here that is really bad that everyone has a mask on to protect themselves from it...” so all it is is Fear Porn reinforcement!!!

So the same with natural immunity!!! You could have 5 thousand studies showing natural immunity is more robust and effective than a vax immunity and they will come out and bold face fucking lie that, “oh no, this is the first and only time in history, due to our improvement in gene sequencing and our ability to infer greater immunity with spike protein efficacy protocols, that this vax will provide greater protection to the populace as a whole than natural immunity!!!” All another big bold face fucking lie but they DON’T GIVE A SHIT!!! Because it never was about your health or saving lives!!! Quite contrar!!! It is about MAKING FUCKING MONEY 💰!!! Boat and Yacht 🛥 loads of fucking money for them and their enablers and also to be used as a bioweapon to make future generations sick and provide even more money for Big Harma and the Quack 🦆 medical complex!!!

Oh and also as a form of population control- can’t leave that out!!!

These people are all troglodytes and monsters of the highest order!!!!

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It is so unfathomable how brainwashed and mistaught are so many otherwise intelligent people (myself included). Because authorities (teachers, doctors, public health officials) taught that we needed to listen to the (bought and paid for) experts, the entire human race is now at risk.

When my kids were young, I had them vaccinated because that's what good mothers do. So I believed. I didn't wise up until they were entering college.

Make no mistake -- while individuals who knew not to take these jabs may have protected their own immune system, the immune system of the "herd" is now generationally damaged. Who knows what will happen, and those of us alive..... will we live to see a good outcome? I can hope, but I'm afraid I can't say with confidence that we will. I'm too old to have more children to preserve the human race. We have to protect those who can.

In my own family, I have adult children of childbearing age, not yet ready to have children -- all jabbed with this poison (of their own volition) -- will I ever become a grandmother? Is this the end of the line?

I do not like this movie.

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I highly recommend The Landmark Thucydides: A Comprehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian War, if you haven't already read it. Besides insights into plagues, it's amazing how much of modern political dysfunction already existed 2450 years ago. Pages 199-201 describe woke BS, such as concepts like "silence is violence", with shocking accuracy.

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Thanks Dr Alexander.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Awesome Info!! Thankyou SO MUCH for this! I have always felt that natural immunity HAS to be our CRUCIAL survival mechanism - even before this covid sh*t. How else has homo sapiens survived >=200,000 years of evolution, including ice-ages!

The biggest problem of course - is that over the past 100 years humans have increasingly been eating sh*tty food - and many still are. THAT - plus all the gut-microbiome-disrupting chemicals that Monsanto et al have unleashed on our crops - is why so many have less than perfect immune systems. AND NOW - what does #GatesBehindTheBars (et al) want to do ? Make us eat EVEN MORE sh*t in the form of frankenfish and fake meat! COME ON PEOPLE! We can do better!

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Thank you Dr. Alexander.

Reassuring information.🙏💖

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What was the Athenian variant called? BS 01 or were the Egyptians or Mesopotamians there first?

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God’s plans and designs are perfect.

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