So, in short, HCQ is quite effective at treating COVID. Good to know, 2.5 years and a million deaths later. Too bad Fauci and friends withheld this life-saving medicine from the world.

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They already knew in 2005 that it might work: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread https://doi.org/10.1186/1743-422X-2-69

Yet there came the self-declared "fact checkers" basically stating this is wrong because it's a different virus and it's also wrong because the 3-letter-agencies said so: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-chloroquine-sars-covid-19/fact-check-chloroquine-sars-study-does-not-prove-hydroxychloroquines-effectiveness-against-covid-19-idUSKCN2512A7

This is how The Science™ works nowadays.

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There are no profits in hydroxychloroquine for Fauci, Walensky, Bourla or Bancel. Also, Trump recognised its potential and wanted it used to save lives. That's why it was withheld. The profits are from coercing the unwilling to be jabbed with vaccines or medicines produced at warp speed. The precedent has been set. Waiting for years for a vaccine or new drug to go through extensive trials is over.

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What exactly does that mean I am not following it as it relates to cholesterol?

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It is great hearing about HCQ benefits in preventing the poison but for most people on the planet it is still difficult, if not impossible, to obtain. The medical profession are still gatekeepers in most countries and those gatekeepers are mostly still counting their jab cash.

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Dr Alexander, how can I get some information from you to defend the re long covid idea - who's getting it most, shots before or after getting covid, etc? I just didn't know how to ask you this. I'm on Oregon dealing with OHA (Oregon health association - grrr) and people are so fooled by the Oregon propaganda! It's been a nightmare what they are doing here.

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Yep! But it’s not a patented drug that makes a lot of money for big Pharma so out the door it goes!

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It's an embarrassment of riches, not that Fauci & Bourla have such contrite human emotions, of all the inexpensive remedies for viruses in general.

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I'm posting a link to a new film that came out this week by the great guys at Oracle films. This is an absolutely brilliant piece of work and should be shared the world over. Titled ' Safe & Effective - a second opinion.'

heres the link (I put the Youtube link, if they take it down it should be found on rumble etc )



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can't say this in ca.

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Dr. Alexander, May I have your email?

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