There are 195 countries in the world. In 12 of these countries, women are more likely to be raped than in the US. Women are more likely to be raped in Botswana, Lesotho and South Africa than in the US. Women are also, currently, more likely to be raped in Sweden than in the US.

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Tara Reade sought political asylum in Russia because she was in fear of being arkancided by the police state. Before Tara Reade disclosed what Biden did to her, Biden said to believe all women. One would have to be mad to believe all women, given the numbers of female psychopaths in the US. However, I believe Tara Reade that Biden raped her when he was her employer.

Spetsnaz - The Female Psychopath


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This effin' needs to stop...not sure what it will take but we have to...this is no way to live....what kind of society is this.... enough!

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