I don’t think the WEF controlled CDC are idiots, (except in God’s eyes), or lazy, sloppy, etc... I think they are totally EVIL & CORRUPT & everything they are doing is part of their depopulation agenda.

Since they control our puppet fake president & our “injustice system”, the CDC, FBI, CIA, or any evil government entity is not afraid of being held accountable for any of the mass injuries & deaths they have PURPOSEFULLY caused.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 12, 2023

Everyone should be aware of the current lawsuit where plaintiffs Drs. Paul Marik, Mary Bowden, and Robert Apter are suing the FDA, saying they were professionally harmed by the FDA’s statements, including being terminated over efforts to prescribe Ivermectin to patients.

In response, the government's attorneys are arguing they NEVER prevented doctors from prescribing Ivermectin for off-label use and their website and other recommendations against Ivermectin were merely "quips."

See the following link on The Epoch Times for the full story, another excellent report by Zachary Stieber:


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We are under attack. Even babies aren't safe.

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Trouble is, these dolts have real power, and the Morons who comprise 95%/98% of humanity continue to listen to them. Don't even bother trying to wake them up; you'll bitterly regret it.

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Depopulation. Depopulation. I'll say it again, depopulation.

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I like the Epoch Times. I believe they were started by people in the Falun Gong religious movement, who have a swastika as their emblem, though it is not the Nazi swastika, but the Buddhist swastika.

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Aug 12, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

This treatment was in fact forbidden. Here’s how. As is typical of our so-called government, agencies merely outsourced, or I prefer the term laundered, the banning of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine at the hospital, pharmacy and physician levels. They don’t get to now hide behind this tactic. Moreover, had this drug been seen as a treatment, then no EUA for the vaxx could not have been authorized.

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Whatever CDC says...do the opposite. Just a corrupted poison pusher

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Why is The Epoch Times being referred to as EPOCH?

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The CDC can go to Hades and take the wretched FDA with it. Neither of the flunky agencies deserve one second of your time.

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Fill 'er Up. More than plenty of sheep will get in the queue.

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Epoch is good and that reflects qualified editors making reporters such as Zach actually do what good reporters do: report what, when, why, how and where with background info. Paul, when you pointed out airhead Cohen, I immediately thought of Stanley Cohen that launched the GMO attacks upon both Americans and the world around mid 70s with his studies based upon lies supporting gene splicing at the time resulting in Teddy Kennedy's folding upon his legal proceedings designed to control GMOs. Also, if I recall, it was Stan that patented his fake gene insertion (fake at the time as he went thru mitochondria not chromosomes but reported the latter) and he awarded licenses for the patent. Near 500 companies bought into that patent. That, right there, led the DOD to pump money into colleges thereby pointing the path of researchers forcing them into bureaucrat deep state ideology to secure funding and more patents. CDC airheard Cohen is not related to Stanley genetically but is related to Stan in terms of Anti Christ spirit. Druker pointed out the above information in his Twisted Genes book, if I remember correctly.

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Women are more inclined to kill via poison.

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EPOCH TV has a plethora of talent starting with Joshua Philipp and Roman Balmakov.

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I've come to the conclusion that what's not being mentioned is the WEleFant in the room. Mentioning they name of the game ends in a Courtroom soul sucking consequences. Its pay-up or shut-up. While oblivions consume Cow pattie# and call it good. What are we up against. The same as the Dark Ages. When the common man and the Printing type set platter told the inner workings of the Elite. The response now and then? Shut it down. Shut it down.

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