
in all of this, Trump today is our only option. bad things were done to him and thus to us. the people

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elderly people could become flustered and very sick if you dislocate them, abuse them, trauma them, isolate them...many died having nothing...false positive PCR...so that hospitals could put them on COVID TRAIN..

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Doctors did something like this in 1788 in New York . The people hunted them

with meat cleavers and killed them .The Militia had to come to protect them . After the Doctors' Riot for years no doctors were found in the city . When they get this reaction than they will stop . They have killed millions and none were killed from them .

Today's Americans don't deserve the Second Amendment . They have given up their right to bear arms .

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Speak for yourself on the 2nd Ammendment. Maybe you don't deserve a gun but those of US who didn't kill any patience during the WW3 Plandemic will keep our guns to help collect the MURDERERS who employed C19 Hospital Protocols & mRNA Bioweapons on populations. #AvengeCrimesAgainstHumanity

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our key now is to help protect 45, help for the security services seem unable...infact all such candidates, even Harris, Walz, all, must get the best protection as they should. Trump is the focus and these beasts trying to take him out so we got to ensure he is protected. help the law enforcement too.

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I do not see Cumala as deserving of protection as it is the biden Harris cartel who mandated mRNA Bioweapons on populations.

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Oh I think Harris has been hiding more than the Lucky Charms from the American People, she actually has got the Luck of the ☘️ Irish running through her veins. That would be according to family tree and her Grandmother the Irish One… Secrets hidden in plain sight for everyone to see Luke8:17

Their own words and symbols will bury themselves.

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I agree 100% Dr.Paul .. but I DO NOT agree NOW is the time for Trump to speak on this. He put RFK Jr on the team to address this for now.. it’s coming or he wouldn’t have done that. Everyone knows now. DS is trying to kill him already for announcing he’s coming for them. To throw this in now would guarantee a loss or death…. Please be patient!!!!!

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so you are saying keep quiet? do you think RFK Jr. will? he has gone silent.

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No .. you misunderstand my comment! You should speak out and RFK! Everyone but Trump right now is fine as long as the bad guys are focused on and called out not Trump! And it no time for his nea culpa for being “duped” .. it is too big of an opening for the very people who said he handled covid wrong and killed people etc. like they did so hard before 2020 election .. a little more than a month to go. Speak out against the killers and liars all you want but leave trump alone. Let others fight for him right now! One man can only fight so hard alone. The brainwashed won’t get it fast enough. Those who didn’t support trump on covid but agree with his policies overall now - are being won with him choosing RFK jr. Let his strategy work and keep helping like you have. Just don’t call out Trump directly right now to “confess”. It wasn’t his fault which is a great message. It’s good for things to change once he’s in and he doesn’t have to do it all with the right people beside him!!

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Yep. You get it.

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There is nothing for Trump to confess other than he got played like all who were killed since early 2020.

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AMEN!! Nothing to confess. Everything he tried to do: securing hydroxy early (democrat rep from MI forced to step down for thanking trump for mentioning hydroxy and it saved her life, he urged opening up everything at Easter April 13, not hardly ever wearing his mask like the virtue signalers, blamed for deaths but Dr Fauci medical genius a hero celebrity that killed so many people with advice & protocols. I think too many people blame him for warp speed & Vax but to think any one man even leader of free works was gonna stop that plandemic event 201 that Fauci said right after trump elected that he would have a worldwide pandemic during his term—. To think he could have said NO to the vax and stopped the deep state and globalist plan for the lockdowns, passports, forced shots etc is really not very smart.. very naive! Maybe it was best not to be locked down another year or two or three and have 12 forced shots after. The shots were coming out regardless. Remember Fauci pushed back hard on warpspeed as soon as it was announced by trunp…. Anyone wonder WHY??? I think because they wanted to destroy the economy & psyche first much more and get more fear & control before unveiling them .. forcing may have been more effective after a year or two or three. Sometimes a President has hard choices to make for the good of the country.

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RFK has probably gone “silent” for now for very good strategic reason like the ones I described as he is part of the Trump transition team .. we know he hasn’t changed his mind and if you watch all his interviews with Kirk & Carlson you can tell…. Be patient.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

Agree 100% We need Trump to win - first and foremost. Then Justice.

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100% correct! Plenty of time later

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“100% of COVID was a lie, NOTHING was real! There was NO pandemic! We killed people by the RESPONSE”


We’re five years into this thing…when is the lid going to come off?

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I know you have been a soldier in this...all along...huge praise

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I saw you on television in the recent roundtable with Ron Johnson. The problem from my perspective is, way too fucking have carried on as though nothing is wrong. Too many are still on board with the Status Quo. As you know, We The People want heads in baskets. LOTS OF HEADS IN BASKETS.

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Thank you, so much!

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We did our research from the beginning of all this and knew it was a hoax. It was to depopulate only. We never took the gene editing killer shots

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Have you been afforded a protection detail Good Doctor? If not, You should. I imagine many nefarious actors are not happy with your fight from the beginning. My Hat's off to you indeed. Thank you for your inwavering persistence to get to the bottom of the Clear and Present Danger of soeaking out against the Grotesque Corrupted Power that resulted in C19, mRNA Bioweapons and Crimes Against Humanity. Prayers for your continued SAFETY. AMEN.

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I knew this when I saw event 201 1 month before the plandemic was perpetrated on society. As well the seeing how fast it was resoluted that it came from the Wuhan wet market was a red flag and how fast they came up with the poison mRNA in the delivery nano lipid partical. Bastards!

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wet market is a fraud, lab leak is a fraud

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Exactly, all intentionally done.

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Unfortunately, I am not overly optimistic that Justice will ever be served....well not on earth anyhow. Pax

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could be but we got to hope...for this fraud...they took 5 trillion from the poorer in society and enriched...killed many for a lie

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Much Peace to you, as well!

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Moreover we exterminated ER patients by malicious incompetence … Remdesivir/ventilation/dehydration/organ failure. Competent treatment was denied them. The fatalities were exploited as fear propaganda to sell the poison shots.

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In 2020, most all in the medical field rolled over like good dogs and went along with Fraudvi's "Plan B" when his C19 GoF turned out to be a failure. Many Poisons were used to Depopulate untold numbers of Americans while blaming the FAILED C19 liiely released from over 300 labs globally while finger pointing at the ELEPHANT in the room, China. Nefarious Actors knew Nobody was going to ho after China. It is clear from the response that US Givernment was in on the HOAX as instead of BOMBING CHINESE CITIES, Trade deficits rose monthly for well over a year. In the recent past, When US Givernment blamed Iraq for 9/11/2001, it only took a couple weeks for The US and Allies to begin BOMBING. OBAMA, FAUCI AND THE GATES OF HELL are responsible since 2014-15 era. FOUR or FIVE years in the making. FREE TRADE FOR PROFIT gave the whole world this PLANDEMIC IN AN EFFORT TO ROLL OUT NWO CONTROL. FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT. FUCK THE NWO WHICH IS NOW DOA.

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Well, and to steal an election, which is what it was all about. First and foremost.

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10-4 THAT.

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My bride is a retired rn. Surviving cancer, doing well. But we were big phans of big pharma. Until 2020. And even her, with fifty years of medical skills, agrees with my crazy ass.

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Thanks Paul,the excuses that are made for Trump can not continue he knew or was deceived?

That's a huge error 35 million killed millions injured from the trump Fauci poison ,but he still lies and tells people how wonderful the death shot is, everyone you name is guilty but not Trump? I find that hard to believe just like many many peaceful Jan 7th protestors that went to support him and he didn't pardon them and he and the GOP with tons of$ have done absolutely nothing to help people with fair justice and their lives are ruined. He put questionable people in charge of operation WARP SPEED and this madness and gave them medals,why can't conservatives connect the dots? Very frustrating,weive in a deceptive delusional country,God help us, blessings.

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thanks Manny, preach! I agree with a lot of what you said but 45 remains our best option. no? this guy was misled in so many ways, I at times cannot believe it. but it is so and we must help him now.

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I will never be comfortable with the response to "Covid". Just as I believe "fibromyalgia" is an extreme fabrication, I do not believe in "covid". It is the "flu" and a flu with a vaccine is an overblown allergic reaction. Keep your pants on...you had cold symptoms with stomach issues, right? Who ITF goes to a doctor with flu symptoms...you see a doctor with an extremely high temp and breathing difficulties. Stop believing everything you hear. I tried to warn idiots who had jabs and FB kept throwing me in jail. Did you lose family? Was it unusual? Hmmm...

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Junn, lots you say is correct

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Thank you, so much!

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If any other leader replicated Trump's actions, then he would be charged with Gross negligence at worst and 1st to 2nd-degree homicide at best.

I keep saying this, but you all do not understand. The elite will keep killing you all until you all hold them accountable.

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I stand with 45, I think he was so badly misled but he must come clean now. Trump is a good man, spinning still among fraudsters and killers. trying to take him out and still misleading him.

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Being good has nothing to do wirh millions of 100000s of deaths.

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agree too Chew. Your statements are often correct.

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Ha. My grammar sucks but thanks.

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Says Anonymous. Go away. You clearly have nothing of substance to offer.

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Says the sheep.

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Sheep hide their identity today.

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No sheep here. Only wolves.

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You are playing identity politics. Only sheep do that. And hide? Do you want to meet in person? I will gladly call you a sheep in person. Funny how sheep attack other people who call them out, but won't do anything to the actual problem.

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Chew this.

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Butt hurt troll.

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It was a LIE. It had been in the planning stages for years. The damage done, the lives stolen, ---- is beyond belief. Djt was tricked.

Thank you Dr.

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yes he was and yes planned for many years!

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yes he was tricked

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Those who walked into hospitals during 2020-2023 were carried out following poisoning and starvation while alone. Our Corrupted government and medical system are stone cold killers with no remorse and no hesitation. Perhaps these killers should have their photos and names printed on Milk Cartons so those of US who wish to HUNT can earn cash in the process taking out the trash of a failed society. Every single piece of shit in Givernment and professional medicine who participated in the killing of even ONE person during Traitor joe and The Camel Toe Ho's tenure. Start with the corrupt Givernment members and end with the last ASSISTANT in every P HARMA CY. #MakeTreasonAndMurderIllegalAgain

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Too bad it was 3 fucking years too late. I will vote Trump for a third time although after the last 4 years, don't expect Conservatives to stay patient for another stolen selection.

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And never mandated it.

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...and people still dying

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