clearly causing DEATH; Let our tribunals and courts examine their actions & decide if they caused harms & we punish harshly if declared; I have now increased the potential malfeasants (add to my list)
Truth be told, by this point in time we know with 100% certainty that many on this list, as well as others, don't even deserve a day in court. That would just be a waste of time and resources. They should just be dragged out by their heels and strung-up from the nearest tree. The longer those psycho-criminals remain on Earth, the more harm that they'll inflict on humanity. It's their nature.
I agree with you but we are good governance and thus we have to give them a just trial, courts, judges and let them make the decisions...but you are right, some of these we should hang now but we cant, we need good governance...but we need justice and we will get it via courts and ballots...many on this list are sheer murderers
I hit "like" because I respect your right to your opinion. That said, under 'ordinary' circumstances you are correct - we should always be guided by "good governance".
However, we are *NOT* living in ordinary circumstances. That's what most people cannot grasp - or maybe they do grasp it, but refuse to accept it. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. We are in those extraordinary times.
You've heard of "fight fire with fire". Well, these monsters are using FIRE and we want to combat them by throwing rose petals at them. For example, they hit us with mandates, lockdowns and killer jabs, and people want to fight that with protests and picket signs.
There is *NO WAY* that that strategy can succeed. It's just a matter of time before they achieve a critical mass of control over us and then it's over - even protests will be outlawed.
Besides that, isn't it a fact that they own most of the important courts and judges? It's silly to expect a just outcome from those courts. Take them to court and they'll get off scot-free and that'll be that.
Look at Hillary Clinton - crime after crime after crime. Has she paid the price?
That's why "lock her up" was music to my ears. It was EXACTLY what was needed - justice at last. Then Trump let us all down by doing NOTHING. That set the tonne for the remainder of his 4 years as POTUS., Sure enough, no Fat Rats ever saw an indictment or the inside of a court room.
"Good governance" isn't just difficult, it's IMPOSSIBLE under those conditions. So I'm 100% with you if (IF!) we had a level playing field. WE DO NOT.
I agree with you but we are good governance and thus we have to give them a just trial, courts, judges and let them make the decisions...but you are right, some of these we should hang now but we cant, we need good governance...but we need justice and we will get it via courts and ballots...many on this list are sheer murderers
I agree with you but we are good governance and thus we have to give them a just trial, courts, judges and let them make the decisions...but you are right, some of these we should hang now but we cant, we need good governance...but we need justice and we will get it via courts and ballots...many on this list are sheer murderers
Too many of them, doc. Too many to handle in a timely manner. My policy: Automatic death penalty for all members and minions of the World Economic Forum. That cuts a lot of red tape. They may earn life in prison if the tell all. If they lie in the slightest way, they die. All we need is a lot of trees and a lot of rope.
Yeah, that seems to be the attitude of some people - "Let's just pray for them."
Well, I DO pray for them, I pray that they'll repent of their crimes, come to the Truth of God, change their ways, confess and return all that they've stolen, and all of that.
But I'm also a realist. Some of these creatures are full-fledged psychopaths. They ENJOY inflicting harm on humanity for their own pleasure and enrichment. They will NEVER, NOT EVER change their ways. They love what they are and the pleasures of this world.
This is NOT being judgmental (who are we to judge?). Decades of their own actions reveal what they are - *serial monsters*. They've condemned themselves.
Right. Everyone should come to realization and accept the fact that there are creatures walking among us that will NEVER repent or reform. Society will be in constant danger as long as those creatures are walking freely. It's sad but true.
Refusing to acknowledge that fact is living in denial of reality.
If I were the praying kind, I'd pray for the immediate execution of all members and minions of the World Economic Forum. But, I don't like to bother God. I perfer to take care of my own problems.
these are special demons aside from COVID demons, these names here must have fast hearings for once so that we can get to verdict...if deemed guilty of crimes on humanity...we hang them
History of their blatant crimes against humanity is self evident --we hang them immediately and let their bodies hang in Washington DC for the other treasonous bitches to see--- Hear that Hillary BITCH--GET USED TO WEARING ORANGE !
Now it would be shame if some good citizens decided to take personal action against these evil creatures. I'd be the first step forward and slap a wrist or two.
Humanity 8.1 Billion either do something as outlined here or send your children to the Russian Meat Grinder in Ukraine. Also let a few armed and trained million military aged illegal immigrants (criminals, religious zealots, specially trained foreign forces) subjugate 380,000,000 armed and trained Americans with home field advantage. Either violence or orderly prosecution. The evidence of malice, malfeasance and crimes against humanity is overwhelming and continues to evolve.
Dr. Farrugia, CEO of Mayo Clinic. He is on the board for the world economic forum. Mayo Clinic is still pushing the poison mRNA Covid shots on the website and in employee communications. They push them on the staff and patients. They have not admitted that they are responsible for destroying peoples’ lives, causing turbo cancer and disease and record numbers of heart, lung, liver, kidney transplants. They brag on how they are setting records with the number of transplants; but they don’t talk about how they caused it by forcing their employees and the public to take the poison mRNA shots that are causing skyrocketing disease, cancer, and death . And they are pushing new mRNA “treatments “.
There are so many people working at Mayo Clinic that don’t speak English and have just come from another country. In environmental services, in the food staff, kitchen in nursing, doctors , clinicians , everybody’s from some other country. And this is in Florida Rochester, Minnesota I don’t know about Arizona.
Dr. Farrugia and his college brainwashed team are pushing artificial intelligence in Mayo Clinic. There is a doctor in the pathology department who has an African name and he is doing research with NASA doing some kind of microorganisms in space. Somebody needs to be investigating that. Dr. Farrugia is a I would assume since he’s on the world economic forum board. He is pushing artificial intelligence in patient care in all of the systems in Mayo Clinic and nobody pushes back or speaks up. They push the LGBTQ trans mutilating bodies. they’re doing the surgeries, cutting off healthy breasts, and Genitals. There are pathologist who do not want to go along with this, but everybody’s afraid to lose their job.
Their marketing department is super woke and constantly pushes on the website and all the newsletters and all of the continuing education … they push the LGBTQ trans woke BLM antifa hate white people everybody’s a victim Marxist Communist propaganda. They need to be exposed . There are people who would work with an undercover investigation.
Thank you Dr. Alexander for all your hard work in keeping us informed. I hope you're able to sleep at night! If I had to research and write about the nightmare that we're going through right now, I would not be able to sleep or even to relax. Just as there are 113 evil horsemen in this debacle, there are many unsung heros like you who give us hope! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
well thank you but I am you, we are all same here...we know we are in trouble and want to do something and we need to arm folk with information to agitate them, to awaken them. thank you for being here and being in the fight...every bit of help....HELPS
Dr William Makis, MD advises workers at the venues that are now being ordered by the Canadian government to destroy all COVID-19 mRNA experimental bioweapon vials to NOT comply with these orders; that by doing so, they would destroy evidence of contamination – to say nothing of genocide – that is contained in those vials and why those vials may eventually become worth their weight in gold or become the new Bitcoin.
Dr Makis became an expert in managing the vaccine damage caused by the US Government's genocide program and he is also the brave and righteous individual who devised a Fenbendazole protocol for reversing the "Turbo Cancers" caused by jab.
Dr Makis
Hi everyone, Dr. William Makis here, the most-followed Canadian doctor on social media, today. I have a message for all the mRNA vaccine vaccinators in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario – actually, throughout Canada – to all the COVID vaxxine clinics, to all the pharmacies, to all the Walmart parking lots, the stadiums, the back-alleys at Superstores, – wherever COVID-19 vaxxines were given and whoever gave them, I have a message for you:
You may be wondering if one day, you're going to be held accountable for injecting a toxic pharmaceutical product – that you knew – or should have known – into people, who were then injured or had "died suddenly", for injecting it into children and pregnant women. You were just "following orders", you "just wanted a job". Maybe, you're wondering if one day, justice will come for you?
In the meantime though, I have probably the best piece of advice I can give you: Do not, under any circumstance remove or destroy vials of COVID-19 vaxxines, as you may have been instructed by Health Canada or by your bosses.
Save those vials of vaxxines. These vials are worth their weight in gold. They will be worth an absolute fortune. There is, right now, an attempt to cover-up and destroy evidence – evidence of a very serious crime.
These vaxxines are contaminated, there are going to be labs in the future, they are going to want to test these vaxxines, hundreds of them, maybe thousands of them –Dr Makis Tells Workers to Keep - NOT Destroy - Vials, as Trudeau Gov't Attempts to Destroy Evidence and they will pay Top-Dollar.
If you are ethically-compromised, if you are greedy and you love money, then these vaxxines are going to be your Bitcoin. They are going to be worth their weight in gold!
Do not let Health Canada and the Government destroy these vaxxines.
Save them. Lie, if you have to. Hide them, smuggle them out of the country – but save the vials of these COVID-19 vaxxines. Do not let them get destroyed!
Running Time: 2 mins
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So many more to add to this list. All the state premiers and chief health officers in Australia and of course Jane Halton who ran the show and continues to be a WEF woman of influence. The devastation is beyond belief, and they just don’t care.
The scamdemic was a world wide event. Millions murdered, millions more affected by serious adverse side effects. Violation of the Nuremburg Code. Here in Canuckistan law enforcement were complicit. Illegal mandating morons were complicit.
Murder by any means is murder. Turdeau and his whole scuzzy dirt bag cabinet of liars need to be arrested and tried for murder one of men, women and children both born and unborn.
Tony Blair added
after deliberation with the selection committee
Truth be told, by this point in time we know with 100% certainty that many on this list, as well as others, don't even deserve a day in court. That would just be a waste of time and resources. They should just be dragged out by their heels and strung-up from the nearest tree. The longer those psycho-criminals remain on Earth, the more harm that they'll inflict on humanity. It's their nature.
I agree with you but we are good governance and thus we have to give them a just trial, courts, judges and let them make the decisions...but you are right, some of these we should hang now but we cant, we need good governance...but we need justice and we will get it via courts and ballots...many on this list are sheer murderers
I hit "like" because I respect your right to your opinion. That said, under 'ordinary' circumstances you are correct - we should always be guided by "good governance".
However, we are *NOT* living in ordinary circumstances. That's what most people cannot grasp - or maybe they do grasp it, but refuse to accept it. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. We are in those extraordinary times.
You've heard of "fight fire with fire". Well, these monsters are using FIRE and we want to combat them by throwing rose petals at them. For example, they hit us with mandates, lockdowns and killer jabs, and people want to fight that with protests and picket signs.
There is *NO WAY* that that strategy can succeed. It's just a matter of time before they achieve a critical mass of control over us and then it's over - even protests will be outlawed.
Besides that, isn't it a fact that they own most of the important courts and judges? It's silly to expect a just outcome from those courts. Take them to court and they'll get off scot-free and that'll be that.
Look at Hillary Clinton - crime after crime after crime. Has she paid the price?
That's why "lock her up" was music to my ears. It was EXACTLY what was needed - justice at last. Then Trump let us all down by doing NOTHING. That set the tonne for the remainder of his 4 years as POTUS., Sure enough, no Fat Rats ever saw an indictment or the inside of a court room.
"Good governance" isn't just difficult, it's IMPOSSIBLE under those conditions. So I'm 100% with you if (IF!) we had a level playing field. WE DO NOT.
you know my heart and mind is where yours is, but you know we live good governance, we aint Yemen
I agree with you but we are good governance and thus we have to give them a just trial, courts, judges and let them make the decisions...but you are right, some of these we should hang now but we cant, we need good governance...but we need justice and we will get it via courts and ballots...many on this list are sheer murderers
I agree with you but we are good governance and thus we have to give them a just trial, courts, judges and let them make the decisions...but you are right, some of these we should hang now but we cant, we need good governance...but we need justice and we will get it via courts and ballots...many on this list are sheer murderers
Now, now! We must punish such lawlessness: Three "Hail Marys" and four "Our Fathers"! That'll do.
that with real actions
Too many of them, doc. Too many to handle in a timely manner. My policy: Automatic death penalty for all members and minions of the World Economic Forum. That cuts a lot of red tape. They may earn life in prison if the tell all. If they lie in the slightest way, they die. All we need is a lot of trees and a lot of rope.
I can donate the rope and wood...I would love to
Yeah, that seems to be the attitude of some people - "Let's just pray for them."
Well, I DO pray for them, I pray that they'll repent of their crimes, come to the Truth of God, change their ways, confess and return all that they've stolen, and all of that.
But I'm also a realist. Some of these creatures are full-fledged psychopaths. They ENJOY inflicting harm on humanity for their own pleasure and enrichment. They will NEVER, NOT EVER change their ways. They love what they are and the pleasures of this world.
This is NOT being judgmental (who are we to judge?). Decades of their own actions reveal what they are - *serial monsters*. They've condemned themselves.
I agree...John Wayne Gacy will blush. Ted Bindy blushes in hell where he is...he envies the
Right. Everyone should come to realization and accept the fact that there are creatures walking among us that will NEVER repent or reform. Society will be in constant danger as long as those creatures are walking freely. It's sad but true.
Refusing to acknowledge that fact is living in denial of reality.
If I were the praying kind, I'd pray for the immediate execution of all members and minions of the World Economic Forum. But, I don't like to bother God. I perfer to take care of my own problems.
This very exhaustive list proves again they are almost all in it.
Let us add-These fucking bastards were responsible for the murder of our citizens on 9-11-
George Tenet- Condoleeza Rice- Hadley-Chertoff- Elaine Chao- Henry ( Market Crash) Paulson
Robert Gates Ashcroft, Rumsfeld-et al
these are special demons aside from COVID demons, these names here must have fast hearings for once so that we can get to verdict...if deemed guilty of crimes on humanity...we hang them
History of their blatant crimes against humanity is self evident --we hang them immediately and let their bodies hang in Washington DC for the other treasonous bitches to see--- Hear that Hillary BITCH--GET USED TO WEARING ORANGE !
Now it would be shame if some good citizens decided to take personal action against these evil creatures. I'd be the first step forward and slap a wrist or two.
Humanity 8.1 Billion either do something as outlined here or send your children to the Russian Meat Grinder in Ukraine. Also let a few armed and trained million military aged illegal immigrants (criminals, religious zealots, specially trained foreign forces) subjugate 380,000,000 armed and trained Americans with home field advantage. Either violence or orderly prosecution. The evidence of malice, malfeasance and crimes against humanity is overwhelming and continues to evolve.
Tra, it is coming to the time when we will need to handle our business.
especially when these vermin attack our border agents and police physically to harm them, we got to step into the breach
Expose, depose and eliminate.
It SHOULD be, "Defeat the DICTATE$"; and It IS Barack 0bama, as in, BaRacketeer
Bret Weinstein..... why?
Let's not forget Joe Biden (this is the pandemic of the UNVACCINATED!) and the two-legged lab rats at Wuhan.
Dr. Farrugia, CEO of Mayo Clinic. He is on the board for the world economic forum. Mayo Clinic is still pushing the poison mRNA Covid shots on the website and in employee communications. They push them on the staff and patients. They have not admitted that they are responsible for destroying peoples’ lives, causing turbo cancer and disease and record numbers of heart, lung, liver, kidney transplants. They brag on how they are setting records with the number of transplants; but they don’t talk about how they caused it by forcing their employees and the public to take the poison mRNA shots that are causing skyrocketing disease, cancer, and death . And they are pushing new mRNA “treatments “.
There are so many people working at Mayo Clinic that don’t speak English and have just come from another country. In environmental services, in the food staff, kitchen in nursing, doctors , clinicians , everybody’s from some other country. And this is in Florida Rochester, Minnesota I don’t know about Arizona.
Dr. Farrugia and his college brainwashed team are pushing artificial intelligence in Mayo Clinic. There is a doctor in the pathology department who has an African name and he is doing research with NASA doing some kind of microorganisms in space. Somebody needs to be investigating that. Dr. Farrugia is a I would assume since he’s on the world economic forum board. He is pushing artificial intelligence in patient care in all of the systems in Mayo Clinic and nobody pushes back or speaks up. They push the LGBTQ trans mutilating bodies. they’re doing the surgeries, cutting off healthy breasts, and Genitals. There are pathologist who do not want to go along with this, but everybody’s afraid to lose their job.
Their marketing department is super woke and constantly pushes on the website and all the newsletters and all of the continuing education … they push the LGBTQ trans woke BLM antifa hate white people everybody’s a victim Marxist Communist propaganda. They need to be exposed . There are people who would work with an undercover investigation.
Thank you Dr. Alexander for all your hard work in keeping us informed. I hope you're able to sleep at night! If I had to research and write about the nightmare that we're going through right now, I would not be able to sleep or even to relax. Just as there are 113 evil horsemen in this debacle, there are many unsung heros like you who give us hope! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
well thank you but I am you, we are all same here...we know we are in trouble and want to do something and we need to arm folk with information to agitate them, to awaken them. thank you for being here and being in the fight...every bit of help....HELPS
Dr Makis Tells Workers to Keep - NOT Destroy - Vials, as Trudeau Gov't Attempts to Destroy Evidence
Sep 7
Image Source:
Dr William Makis, MD advises workers at the venues that are now being ordered by the Canadian government to destroy all COVID-19 mRNA experimental bioweapon vials to NOT comply with these orders; that by doing so, they would destroy evidence of contamination – to say nothing of genocide – that is contained in those vials and why those vials may eventually become worth their weight in gold or become the new Bitcoin.
Dr Makis became an expert in managing the vaccine damage caused by the US Government's genocide program and he is also the brave and righteous individual who devised a Fenbendazole protocol for reversing the "Turbo Cancers" caused by jab.
Dr Makis
Hi everyone, Dr. William Makis here, the most-followed Canadian doctor on social media, today. I have a message for all the mRNA vaccine vaccinators in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario – actually, throughout Canada – to all the COVID vaxxine clinics, to all the pharmacies, to all the Walmart parking lots, the stadiums, the back-alleys at Superstores, – wherever COVID-19 vaxxines were given and whoever gave them, I have a message for you:
You may be wondering if one day, you're going to be held accountable for injecting a toxic pharmaceutical product – that you knew – or should have known – into people, who were then injured or had "died suddenly", for injecting it into children and pregnant women. You were just "following orders", you "just wanted a job". Maybe, you're wondering if one day, justice will come for you?
In the meantime though, I have probably the best piece of advice I can give you: Do not, under any circumstance remove or destroy vials of COVID-19 vaxxines, as you may have been instructed by Health Canada or by your bosses.
Save those vials of vaxxines. These vials are worth their weight in gold. They will be worth an absolute fortune. There is, right now, an attempt to cover-up and destroy evidence – evidence of a very serious crime.
These vaxxines are contaminated, there are going to be labs in the future, they are going to want to test these vaxxines, hundreds of them, maybe thousands of them –Dr Makis Tells Workers to Keep - NOT Destroy - Vials, as Trudeau Gov't Attempts to Destroy Evidence and they will pay Top-Dollar.
If you are ethically-compromised, if you are greedy and you love money, then these vaxxines are going to be your Bitcoin. They are going to be worth their weight in gold!
Do not let Health Canada and the Government destroy these vaxxines.
Save them. Lie, if you have to. Hide them, smuggle them out of the country – but save the vials of these COVID-19 vaxxines. Do not let them get destroyed!
Running Time: 2 mins
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Hmmm. I agree with all. But I kinda like Brett Weinstien. What'd he do?
He is slimy.
Beautiful exposure of the liars and murderers and dirty tools of the CYSTem!
So many more to add to this list. All the state premiers and chief health officers in Australia and of course Jane Halton who ran the show and continues to be a WEF woman of influence. The devastation is beyond belief, and they just don’t care.
I have now added her, so send names please for us to consider
The scamdemic was a world wide event. Millions murdered, millions more affected by serious adverse side effects. Violation of the Nuremburg Code. Here in Canuckistan law enforcement were complicit. Illegal mandating morons were complicit.
Murder by any means is murder. Turdeau and his whole scuzzy dirt bag cabinet of liars need to be arrested and tried for murder one of men, women and children both born and unborn.
100% this is a stunning post by you...