What I personally find Soo hypocritical is in every country that is now bombarded with ILLEGAL persons, just a year ago had to basically "lock themselves down" or produce Vaccine Passports etc. to venture outside into their own back yard. Meanwhile every nontaxpaying invader from far and wide received free access to everything including a big monthly cheque. WHY??? And now you want my vote for more????

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Excellent points, Barrry.

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This is outright treason by the Biden Admin, and they actually think they can get away with it right in front of our faces. They know that Trump will be President again, they know that if the election were held today Biden would be trounced. What will these desperate criminals do to stop the election?

America should not have to wait until Jan 2025 to stop this invasion and bring these traitors to justice.

I just read this Substack from Brian Cates:


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When the communists lose an election, that two month gap between losing and actually relinquishing power is so dangerous. Example: BH0 and his cabal plotting the Russia hoax as well as the onslaught by the lapdog press, activating Antifa and BLM - and instituting all these manouvres for the wholesale destruction of the country. And who knows what else, apart from what we’ve already seen?

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Treason and Death Penalty!

Public executions might change some thought processes!

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Is treason on the table? The officials that follow UN objectives that will led to the chaos and then likely depopulation are cold, calculated people. These type of politicians do not sure the people, they serve nefarious purposes.

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I was just reminded by your article how we laughed at Trump (pre-1st term) saying he wanted to built a wall at the mexican border. Yeah well, he was right... I'm in Canada. I wonder how impacted we are or will be by this massive illegal invasion... NYC is bad, but Montreal is not that far...

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I wonder how many are carted off for trafficking

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Fuck traitor joe biden and #388TraitorCons

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How did the ovomit get to run and become a non resident president. He and moochelle the Clydesdale need to be arrested for treason, tried and executed. Up here turdo bans firearms while he lets criminals in open borders. Arrest, try and execute the liar for sedition.

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Two million+ got aways and only 90 at large? Try 90 X 10,000 for a number that’s probably closer to reality.

If they got away it was for a reason, and they are by definition not just got aways, but unknown. What about all the Chinese, ME and Iranian infiltrators? And all the rest. Plus the strong likelihood that the real number of invaders under 0biden is well over 15 million.

It’s incomprehensible to me that this has been allowed to happen.

Cicero warned about a nation's being destroyed by "treason from within." I guess he was assuming that invasions from ‘without’ would naturally be overcome by that nation’s military forces. No such luck, eh?

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I mean they surely do not serve the people....

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