Nine years ago I received a frantic call from a friend whose daughter tried committing suicide because she was convinced she was a boy. Not understanding the impact of neo Marxism in schools, I told her to get books of strong women in traditional male fields. I was naive thinking she thought masculine feelings promoted her beliefs. I had no ideas she had been brainwashed to transcend biology. She is now a young woman who laughs at her stupidity. We should allow other children to laugh at their stupidity years later instead of being burdened with a mangled body.

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Good to know! Glad to see at least this many states taking some action... However, I feel like it should be 50 states + all territories. Imho of course. 🤔

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You will be happy to know Texas House passed SB 14 last night! This bans gender bender treatment, chemical and surgical, to minors. This is a huge victory. It has one more reading in the House, a formality, and then Gov. Abbott will sign it. We even had 6 democrats that joined in the fight for our Texas Kids.

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New England remains silent. Shameful.

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i really like Indiana:

"Risks to Physicians: Minors can bring a case against a physician until they are 28; can face medical board disciplinary action" ten years after their 18th birthday.

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Please PRAY for California to follow!!

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Thanks for this post! It’s good to hear State’s taking action. I think the States perhaps have have had their memories refreshed ... the hard way, from

the pandemic response ... they have the power to say “NO!” This is not a personal issue for us but we know folks for whom it is. I cannot argue with the “pure civil rights” principles regarding alternative lifestyles. That describes how someone conducts their private life, lawfully. Fine. But this issue is deeper than that ... the civil rights of others as well as taxpayer burden must be considered. Suppose I choose to live as a dog. I can have my meals from a bowl on the floor. Nobody’s business. But not in a restaurant. And I cannot defecate in the park near the toddler play equipment even if my “Walker” picks it up. Obviously there are restrictions. And the dog identifiers will require no MSM coverage or political clout to do as they please in private. I haven’t yet looked into what dog-trans surgery is available, but I would not expect Feral, I mean FEDERAL, funding even from THIS administration. And I would not dream of bothering the neighbors with my barking.

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Glad to hear. We must never lose hope that common sense will return!!!

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Very good that Authors like this good Doc here post against this mad insanity! We are fighting a small but vocal and determined group of angry people.

We must push back

Must if if s don’t realize how wicked these ideas are.

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Yes all of the States and all of CANADA TO.

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Let's ban all leftist creeps...that means all leftists in my book.

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It's a sick and ugly ideology that leads someone's physically healthy daughter to believe that a double mastectomy is the answer to all of her problems. This is what happens when cuck conservatives aka RINOs join with liberals to push the feminist lie of male privilege. Similarly, the promotion of male effeminacy by this same sick and ugly cuck conservative and liberal ideology leads boys to be ashamed to be male, believing that by removing their genitals or wearing a dress they are striking a blow against the patriarchy. Closely related to this cuck conservative and liberal ideology is the secret or overt cuck Co servative or liberal ideology that it's not okay to be white or heterosexual and that whites and heterosexuals have a moral duty to remove themselves from the gene pool.

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Cuck conservatives with feminist ideas are to blame for much of the child gender transitioning problem.

Just as the cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests, so too do feminists, islamists and other forms of Marxists lay their eggs in the cuck conservatives' nests.

Just as a feminist does, the cuck conservative says it's okay for boys to be weak and effeminate.

Boys need to be taught that it's not okay.

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