If one looked at his, Obama, history at the Harvard Law Review.....you would have seen his basic evil duplicity.


It was all evident right there and then.

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It was all planned and executed a long time ago. People were aware of who he was and started banging the drum loudly but were ignored. The plan was put into action to put a brown person in the Whitehouse and he was massively popular. The DNC wanted him instead of Hillary. They needed a fresh face. And too many knew about Hillary’s baggage so she couldn’t be the nominee. Obama was bought and paid for by Soros a globalist Nazi to execute the plan he was groomed for this since childhood. The WEF with the help others who had a master plan to destroy the US. Hillary was told to wait her turn. Then when it was she lost to Trump. The globalist cabal were enraged by that and now we are living the rest of that story.

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No one in his class year ever remembered seeing him in the classroom

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Nov 12, 2023
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Yeah, for what? Peace my a$$‼️

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Countless people tried warning America that Obama was a wolf in sheep's clothing, to no avail. The evidence of his Marxist/Islamic upbringing was available if one looked for it. There were accounts, from those who knew him in his leftist college years, of his homosexuality. His hold on the Legacy Media, talking heads & masses who idolized him was terrifying. Seeing him at his first Democratic Convention in 2007-8 enabled me to see a foreshadowing of the demonic power the Antichrist will have over lost souls at the midpoint of the coming Great Tribulation. He’s not the Antichrist, but he’s prepared the way for Globalization that will usher in The Great Reset, aka The Day of the Lord, aka Jacob’s Trouble, aka The Great Tribulation. The Globalists have worked to destroy sovereign countries’ economies, cultures, family units, militaries, cities & governments, food supplies, transportation & industries to collapse & thus control the purposefully dwindling number of people. This Agenda has been in play for over 100 years. For more information read a Bible or watch the documentaries “Agenda: Grinding Down of America” Vol I & “Agenda: Masters of Deceit” Vol II. They are a good primer on what's really happening in the world.

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Yes Paul, Obama infiltrated our country with the Muslim Brotherhood. They are not what they pose as being. The entire purpose of Obama's term was to destroy as much of America as he could - culture, morality, education, freedoms of speech and self defense, the military, etc.

His actual mission was to disarm us as a nation and bring in the UN "treaty" and a centralized police force. In other words, a tyrannical topdown police.

Then Hillary was supposed to get us into WWIII, where we would lose, and by losing we would then lose our Constitution and be completely overthrown.

"They didn't think she would lose".

Now, the deep state and global cabal are ALL going down.

Trump knows.

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I must admit, Obama had me fooled. Back before 2020, when I was a libtard, I just didn’t see all the subversion. I’m sorry I voted for this maniac twice. I started to “awaken” a bit when he approved Gates’ GMO technology for our food production. That made me start to question his motives. I wondered why he did this while “Michelle” was installing an organic garden at the White House. I questioned why we have to have “organic” vs. conventional foods? Why are we being systematically poisoned? Our government is mass poisoning us. Obama woke me up to this. I’m just now realizing how deeply his subversion of us all went. He is a sick, evil man.

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I too like Obama and was deceived “yes we can” I didn’t follow much of what he’d done in the early years but when they’d stated they’d killed Bin Laden I stood up and took notice and when I found out he’d signed into legislation the propaganda bill allowing the American Government to lie and use propaganda against the American people I then knew he wasn’t an American patriot and was an infiltrator.

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I saw him speak about 2004 before he ran for President.

He appeared intelligent and articulate. I even said he could run for President.

Bam! Was I shocked when he did!

I did not like what I was hearing out of his mouth. My initial reaction to him was off, but, not my later. I knew he was a snake.

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Obama once talked with a rrporter and said "my Islam religion" and the reporter said "you mean your Christian religion" and obama said "oh yeah, my Christian religion".

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Remember when the Obama family made a show of going to an Easter church service one year and the daughters were dressed in red and black

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I don't remember that.

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What jab number are we up to? Has Ryan had all of his boosters? He needs more. He was worse than the new RINO Speaker Mike Johnson. Johnson is claiming Biden has done nothing wrong. He says there is no evidence Biden committed any impeachable offence and the GOP needs to deprioritize the Biden impeachment inquiry. Did Biden pay Johnson?

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Ryan is one of them. Many like him are embedded in the Republican Party.

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Just read an article stating Johnson has no actual BANK ACCOUNT…🤔

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That's interesting. .

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Yes! How does one live without a bank acct? Can that be possible?

If this is true I am starting to believe EVERYONE in Congress is somehow connected to George Soros. He bankrolls them into their positions. If that’s the case we’re screwed.

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I can't imagine it was cheap for Biden to get Johnson to shut down impeachment and he's probably rewarded for his services in the same way Soros rewards him and all the others. How that is done is a mystery.

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I never voted for Obama, I did not trust him from the start. I truly believed that he was not AMERICAN BORN. I will always remember Michael, Michele stating that when Obie was sworn in that that was the first time he/she was EVER proud of America. That was it! I hated (disliked ) them from that point on.

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We had Ovomit’s number from the beginning. His Hope and Change rhetoric gave it all away. Too many glossy eyed people refused to look at his missing past that no one seem to know about. The same thing is going on the past three years with how they demonized Trump and the sheep only listen to the talking heads on CNN, MCNBC, and other channels bought and paid for by the DS. We used the Tea Party movement to try and stop him and his deadly policies in the beginning and then here comes the corrupt RHINO Ryan. It’s pretty late now. They have been successful in invading our whole country and next year the massive attacks WILL happen. Now we will just have to prepare to defend ourselves, our homes and our families. God be with the true patriots of America. Where we all end up at the end will be God’s decision.

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Nov 12, 2023
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