2 people in my lifetime, did more damage & harm to America than any person (s) singular or combined: I refer to Paul (Benedict Arnold eunuch) Ryan (prior Speaker) who destroyed first 2 years Trump's
Presidency & Obama (with Biden) who over 8 years conspired to harm America and weaken it; Obama flooded the US with Tashfeen Maliks who await to kill many Americans, Biden is completing it at
the Southern border; Obama is IMO an islamist of some degree, I don’t know about christianity, islamic, don’t know, I do know that he worked against the US at every turn (if you say back and revisit his 8 years, you still cannot point to one policy, one Obama (or Biden) policy that benfitted America, not ONE, it will shock you if you tried) and he invaded the US with jihadists and worked to ensure Iran got the bomb. Israel and US must ensure that Iran’s nuclear ambitions are destroyed…complete.
maybe we will see that now…
Obama, I had so much hope in him, I liked him and that immigrant brown black shit runs deep in my veins, and I supported him but like America, I recoiled in horror when I saw how he passed the Obamacare bill with not one republican and a bill that would bankrupt the nation and was full of fraud and corruption…
not one Obama and Biden policy helped America, just weakened her. we sit now at risk from the terror cells and jihadists he let in who WILL kill Americans in time, already started.
we must arm our daughters and teach her to fight and kill the coming muslim jihadist for they are muslim, I wish I could say Christian or Jew or Hindu would be the rapist or killer or some other for balance but the truth is, they are muslims…period. killers who practice a radical form of islam…to kill all non-muslims and as they say ‘infidels’…thats you and they rape their way in doing it, especially blond blue eyed women, their favourite…weired but thats so to, go ask the Scandinavian girls, Swede girls, Belgium, Denmark etc. they even colour their hair black before going out the house and in by 6 pm…the military aged islamic male raped his way across Europe due to Merkel and now threaten Canada, US etc.
get your girls their weapons, legal, trained, to be used only if her life is at risk but give her a 50 caliber or a street sweeper if you could to go out with and lay waste to the islamist…no mercy…
If one looked at his, Obama, history at the Harvard Law Review.....you would have seen his basic evil duplicity.
It was all evident right there and then.
Countless people tried warning America that Obama was a wolf in sheep's clothing, to no avail. The evidence of his Marxist/Islamic upbringing was available if one looked for it. There were accounts, from those who knew him in his leftist college years, of his homosexuality. His hold on the Legacy Media, talking heads & masses who idolized him was terrifying. Seeing him at his first Democratic Convention in 2007-8 enabled me to see a foreshadowing of the demonic power the Antichrist will have over lost souls at the midpoint of the coming Great Tribulation. He’s not the Antichrist, but he’s prepared the way for Globalization that will usher in The Great Reset, aka The Day of the Lord, aka Jacob’s Trouble, aka The Great Tribulation. The Globalists have worked to destroy sovereign countries’ economies, cultures, family units, militaries, cities & governments, food supplies, transportation & industries to collapse & thus control the purposefully dwindling number of people. This Agenda has been in play for over 100 years. For more information read a Bible or watch the documentaries “Agenda: Grinding Down of America” Vol I & “Agenda: Masters of Deceit” Vol II. They are a good primer on what's really happening in the world.