Terrifying and yet so many are still fast asleep and close their eyes! Thank you for this!

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Thanks for those refences. I will brief my pen pal the NSW Australia Health Minister, yet again.

I think you made up those questions to yourself, since the onus is on the vax pimps and nazis to prove that they are safe, effective, and necessary. Self-evidently they cannot meet any of the those three essential requirements.

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Thank you so much Dr. Alexander for everything you are doing to fight this injustice being done to humanity around the world. It is truly appreciated. I am always astounded by the quality and quantity of information you produce. I try to read/follow all your offerings as well as your colleagues in this fight.

While I understand your involvement with the US administration, and that the world looks toward the USA for guidance in many matters, CDC etc., one thing I would like to see though, is more focus on the insanity happening in Canada. Our PM has truly succumbed to mass phychosis when he recently declared unvaxxed to be racists and misogynists that take up space and must be stopped.

This world has gone berzerk and is becoming a very scary place.

Again, thank you for all you are doing, from a fellow Torontonian. ❤️

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I have a few questions for all the number specialists, table designers and statistics interpreters:

After two years of data accumulation in the context of the ''pandemic'', does it make any sense at all to extract any statement from this mountain of data? Does the result of a data evaluation still serve any truth at all?

Why do I ask? Well, in the meantime there are so many overlaps in the definition of unvaccinated and vaccinated, of recovered and diseased, to which constantly changing definitions differing from country to country are added, that there are no longer any possibilities for comparison with which any trends or conspicuous features can be uncovered. All of the data only creates a nebulous, ever-changing picture that, in its constant succession of snapshots, creates more confusion than clarity.

Does it still somehow make sense to put so much energy into data evaluation day after day, if no one is able to produce ONE clear picture from all the different evaluations that could really help us? I don't want to diminish in any way the efforts and expertise of many people who make their evaluation skills available to the general public on a daily basis, I just wonder what drives you? Do you feel that your efforts are really bearing fruit, that something good is coming out of your work for the community? Something that will expose all those who have been lying to us and leading us around by the nose for months now. Something that many would like to see happen, of course, but is always unlikely to happen - at least that's how I feel.

It seems to me that this is exactly the intention behind all the constantly changing definitions using non-standardized tests with ever questionable interpretations on their part. As if the aim is to generate as much confusion as possible in the data jungle so that the general public completely loses its orientation and at some point stops asking questions altogether.

I would be very interested in your opinion on this and I would like to thank all of you who are always putting so much energy into bringing light into the darkness, even if the darkness never really seems to go away.

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And this:

Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries


These mRNA injections are genetic weapons falsely called "vaccines" and will cause reduced immunity increasing over time, produce hyperinflammation and WREAK HAVOC ON THE DNA REPAIR MECHANISM. Research published in Viruses, part of MDPI's (Open Access Journals) edition of SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Interactions, reveals that vaccine proteins penetrate cell nuclei and wreak havoc on the DNA repair mechanism of cells, suppressing DNA repair.

People who have received mRNA injections will experience suppressed DNA repair, increasing damages from harmful exposures to radiation, mammography exams, chemicals in food products, and carcinogens in personal care products etc. as they will not be able to repair the DNA damage caused by those exposures. In other words, after relatively small exposures, they will begin to mutate and develop diseases and cancers.

The more of these poisons one pumps into their body, the closer they are to their doom. Not from any fake covid, but from their immune system crashing into dust. Those spiky little proteins get into the blood and destroy cells and wreck the protective layer inside the main arteries that help create nitric oxide for blood. This is in part the cause of the major heart problems we are seeing.

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New-onset autoimmune phenomena post-COVID-19 vaccination


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Thank you for the huge commitment you are making to help humanity. Blessings

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Just an analogy, how many studies were necessary, and how long did it take to find the cigarette–lung cancer link? Big pharma probably is even more powerful today than the tobacco industry ever was...

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Good grief. And, that's just the findings 'allowed' to remain online. I wonder how huge the remainder of the iceberg is...

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to see that many studies (already, one year after deployment of it) in one place...I am speechless.

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This is an awesome reference list.. big time kudos & thanks for the collection now bookmarked! <3

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022

Im so glad you asked!..50 pages of data for you, and its time to get to TRUTH!v And Dr Paul, jail time??really? How about light posts. These devils, have been planning this for years and years, generations if youre rockefller, gates, all Pharma etc etc..they ve been stealing money from the people to pay for the GoF /nanobot death cult 'research and science' to execute the plan for the death of masses (see georgia guidestones), AND yes, we have paid for our own deaths~! via govt , big pharmwhores, and the cabal at the top. NO Jail time unless its epstein style. sorry.

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I will these to appeal my insurance company who denied payment for genetic testing to see if my son would be at risk for clotting. I am positive for MTHFR and FactorV.

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Great collection of articles supporting the harm, injury, and death the COVID jabs are causing! Thank you.

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Then, go to Telegram, see Covid BC (Vax Reactions) Covid Vaccine Injuries and others to see the photos an video, listen to the families of hundreds of thousands of injured and dead people.

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I have grave concerns that Covid vaccines suppress our immune system and make us more susceptible to severe disease from other viral infections. I have written a brief case report on the devastating situation occurring in Arizona with neuroinvasive West Nile virus. I believe it’s imperative that the apparent immunosuppression of these vaccines be explored more thoroughly. https://jeffreylundeen.substack.com/p/covid-vaccines-and-west-nile-virus

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