I’m concerned about seeking healthcare due to concern for my health. Can’t imagine what it’s like being concerned due to concern for your employment or hobby. Thank the good Lord I’m retired. 🙏🏼

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In case you're not familiar with the term, look up iatrogenesis, which according to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6060929/ is the 5th leading cause of death in the world.

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Hmmm I’m surprised it came in at 5, with the Genocide jabs and hospital homicides with the fauci death protocol. Today I’d put it closer to a 1.

And for those who do not know what iatrogenic is , in basic terms, it’s death by medicine or allopathic sick care.

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Paper was written in 2018, I believe, so Faustian Fauci and friends hadn't had such a major impact yet. (I am not sure how much of the AIDS death-toll we can drop at Fauci's feet, though I am sure his pursuit of the holy grail of AIDS vaccines hurt.)

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I think Celia Farber who wrote and researched in depth on it, and then had her life destroyed because of it, and RFK Jr in his book about Fauci cover this pretty thoroughly that he was definitely involved and how he gained his route to prominence in the government heirarchy.

Out of Control – AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science

CELIA FARBER / Harper’s Magazine 1st March 2006


Published As A Quote in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci" Book

“Asked to offer thoughts on Fauci, veteran AIDS “war” reporter Celia Farber pulls back and takes a broad view. She said:


Forgot to add her book that was just re-released due to RFK Jr bringing attention to her research in his book on Fauci

Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS


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“Hence, iatrogenic ailments are those where doctors, drugs, diagnostics, hospitals, and other medical institutions act as “pathogens” or “sickening agents.” Thanks for the enlightenment. I think I’ll just eat better, exercise more, wash my hands and forget the doc. 🙏🏼

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I still go to doctors, though armed with an lot of info and prepared to debate. It shouldn't have to be that way, but alas...

The best way to avoid avoid disease is:

1) Eat real food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

9) Pray.

10) Communicate with friends.

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You’ve pretty much summed up our lives. We don’t watch tv and we listen to books or read to each other. I’m afraid paper books will go the way of the dodo so we hang on to ours. Anything ending in .gov, .cdc and .fda we avoid although we do read and file away. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Pray continually. The decision not to take the vaccine was a lot of common sense, critical thinking and that little voice in the back of our heads saying don’t do it. God, guardian angels, who knows. One of these days we’ll find out. 🙏🏼🌻

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A very good summary and achievable!

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It is true! Tells us to be wary.

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Yes, it's pretty bad when we're more concerned of the outcome of seeking care from the possible care that might be provided than for the benefit of it.

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If you are not vaccinated, then I share your concerns - for the same reasons I avoid my doctor and the medical profession as a whole, like they have the plague - especially as they believe in the vaccine shots and try to get me to have them - by adding the shot to my prescriptions - which I refuse - my Type 2 Diabetes Doctor is particularly annoying in that regard, to such an extent I'm inclined to can him altogether - silly old fool.

If you have been vaccinated, then the state of your health has been pre-determined by you, after vaccinations and I can't see that it could get any worse than it already is.

I have been retired for over 26 years - golly, almost as long as I actually worked for.

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In regards to your type 2 diabetes, it can be cured with diet and natural supplements. Take some time to look into it. Start with vitamin D. You’ll be amazed at how much this sunshine vitamin does for our bodies and general health. Wish you well.

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There's a small but growing minority of doctors who are realizing the harms of Big Pharma and especially Big Farma. If you can find one of those, I bet they could help you quickly get in remission for Type 2 Diabetes. If you are currently taking meds for it, then you need much more medical guidance as you address the root causes.

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This is a totally insane situation. Imagine the trade-off: (a) keep quiet about your health concerns and put all your passengers at risk of an horrendous and hellish death; or (b) go for a medical check-up and then immediately lose your job and also never ever pilot a plane again and go bankrupt.

I know I could never put any third party at any involuntary or non-consensual risk, but other individuals may not feel the same way, or be in denial and figure "no ways, it will never happen to me".

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If you are in an aircraft which falls from the sky, at least the end will be quick and we all have to go sometime - I don't think any of us have much choice in the how or when of that.

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Hi Christine, I do think those last few minutes will be way worse than a screaming match was with my ex-wife. At least when that was over, I could still leave the building with my dignity intact.

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I fear getting sick enough to need a doctor or hospital, thankfully the good Lord has taken care of me as I do not trust anyone in healthcare, they all seem to want to stick us with the bioweapon shot and at my age, 71 it won't ever happen.

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No reason to fear Hannahlehigh, you have everything you need to stay strong and healthy. God made No mistakes and provided us with everything. The key is to research them and put them to work.

You are very wise to avoid dr.s and hospitals, that alone adds many years to your survival.

Be well, and do not fear.

Here is a gem, I learned long ago for a cough. Slice a raw onion and place it on the bottom of your foot, cover with a sock to keep it in place. And watch your cough subside. Stinky and weird, but it works.

The bottoms of your feet contain the bodies largest pores so anything you want to get into the blood stream fast is thru your feet.

Another gem, is peppermint essential oil, just mix with a good carrier oil and rub on your temples, forehead and back of your neck for headaches.

See, there is so much out there, we don’t need no stinkin doctors! That is unless a body part is hanging off, lol 😝. Then we are at their mercy.

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Hey Nanc, any ideas for tinnitus? :)

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Thank you and no body parts hanging off yet LOL

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I'd rather take the time to drive 1200 miles than hop on a plane. Aside from the concerns about flight crew health, I don't want to patronize airlines who cruelly forced these shots upon their employees. I have an intense disdain for United Airlines, they were among the worst.

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Paul and all,

I am grateful you are posting Truths in writing and on different podcasts that just might grow the COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION…waking up more persons!

For me…am way past yesterday’s news, facts, evidence, etc, focusing on how to get in front of this fast moving damaging train…after 3 long years of heavy damage and destruction in America!

Who is capable of solving the serious condition of America?

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…a group of serious American Christian experienced strategic planners (FIXERS)!


Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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Why serious writer, Lex Greene and I work with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER GROUP?

The background of NALC…

Since the 1940s, USA Law Schools have focused ALL education on British Common Law, the basis for which U.S. Courts now render decisions and opinions, later presumed to equal "law." Awake people can easily see that our courts do not work as they are intended to according to their constitutional mandate and authority. But very few know why!

In short, it's because we do not have CONSTITUTIONAL COURTS any longer...courts that rule on the basis of "constitutional law." Instead, we now have British Common Law Courts "making law" on the basis of British Common Law via precedence and procedure, frequently at odds with the rule of "constitutional law."

Likewise, the USA is NOT a "democracy" or a "Constitutional Republic" today. Instead, the USA is ruled by an Executive Branch Dictatorship backed by British Common Law Courts, both of which have made our Legislative Branch entirely impotent and powerless!

The NALC Mission is to research, educate and advise law professionals on the subject of Constitutional Law, which must be used in court cases to defeat British Common Law Courts, and by those means, tyrannical federal overreaches of authority. NALC is NOT a "law firm." We are NOT "lawyers" at NALC.

NALC is a citizen run and supported constitutional advisory organization that works with legal professionals and legislators to assist in their efforts to enforce Constitutional Law in the British Common Law court system. NALC does the deep research, investigates unconstitutional and unlawful acts of governmental bodies, and designs a strategic constitutional means to confront the unconstitutional evils that grip our nation today!

WHEN IT WORKS AS DESIGNED, we WIN the cases, like those we worked in Michigan to declare Governor Whitmer's "emergency powers" both unconstitutional and unlawful in 2020, winning 7-0 in a 4-3 liberal State Supreme Court.

WHEN IT HAS WORKED IN MILITARY CASES, we have been able to help soldiers escape the unlawful penalties of refusing COVID jabs, without penalty to the soldier.

WHEN IT HAS WORKED IN THE WORKPLACE, we have been able to protect employees in the medical profession and others from being forced to take the jab, or fired for refusing to do so.

Our Founders were brilliant in what they created in the CHARTERS OF FREEDOM. But for Americans to enjoy the benefits of those charters, the charters must be properly enforced via proper representation intended to enforce, in courts that do not want them to be enforced!

This is what NALC does and has done since its formation in 2010. With more resources, we could do much more. When people understand what we do, and how we can help them in their local, state and federal actions, IT WORKS!

NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER newsletters with a monthly donation are what you ALL need to get in the room with the same information TO UNITE! FREEDOM is NOT FREE!

UNITY is what your enemies FEAR the most!

Come join with THE BEST! What are you waiting for as we are way past due saving our beacon on the hill, the last, best HOPE for the world…AMERICA???


Mother/Grandmother of 7 and counting

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You are absolutely correct, in fact his AIDS fiasco is where the Remdesivir came from. It killed thousands if not millions of aids patients and was shelved, only to be brought back with this planned genocide.

So, yes he know exactly what’s going on today and is laughing all the way to the bank.

Yet, not for long!

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In my opinion AI is another fallacy - the problem with AI is that it does not know the difference between the truth and a lie - a lot like some people don't either and twist the truth to whatever they want their concept of that truth to be, which is actually a lie.

So with AI not knowing one from the other and only programmed to win at any cost, then I don't see that AI will ever be a practical tool or a reliable source of information, if in the event of an argument, it exterminates all opposition to it, so that there is nothing left but it and its point of view.

A lot like Trump and Biden and these vaccines - those behind this are gathering immense wealth to themselves and giving themselves accolades for exterminating us, thinking that anyone will want their money when there is nothing left to buy with it and the machines break down, which provide automation and there is nobody left to fix them - it is never the big things that fuck up, it is always the tiny things which it takes experience to know about and repair and that experience is gained over a lifetime of similar situations.

So much for AI - It is how it is.

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Yes - and I read that the FAA is thinking about reducing the number of pilots in a plane down to one, from two, their thinking, presumably, that pilots are only necessary to land and take off aircraft and everything else is automatic.

The other argument is that there are not enough pilots to go around, after many have heart attacks or are unable to fly after vaccine shots - previously pilots had to meet specific requirements of health and pilot ability, but the FAA has wound those requirements right back, so that any pilot with flying experience can fly aircraft, irrespective of their "health" status after synthetic mRNA vaccinations..

I feel that here, anyway - the only people who can afford to fly in aircraft are those with deep pockets, so if they die en-masse, small loss - have to hope some of the passengers were involved in the early and since, distributions of the vaccines

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With AI how long will it be before they’ll use remote control and be totally remote.

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Until about last year.

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I think that died on the vine thanks to the WEF Gates St Anthony ant the Globalist Cabal. People would refuse to fly to a great extent☠️

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Does not seemed to have stopped people flying from here overseas and back again, same there too I expect. We humans have a very short memory and we tend to go with the flow, like Lemmings and you know what happens to them, right?

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Until the first big crash. Most people are not the slightest bit concerned about vaxxed pilots. That's why Trump has picked the winning horse with his 'champion of the clot shots' strategy.

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Who can possibly be the least bit surprised at the numbers *pre-CV*, given the possible loss of certification or clearance to get in the cockpit? Never mind the real potential for catastrophe in the event of a pilot medical crisis mid-flight, but all the aviators I know want to fly come hell or high water and so it is not at all unreasonable to think the current numbers are at or near 100%. Totally agree Dr. A!

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What else could it be? It wasn't happening before the jabs, but I'm sure they'll never release the data on whether they were or not.

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Who, or what,insisted on the Wirdwide Covid " Vaccines" that are killing or shortening life spans, with resulting serious and life ending side effects? The NWO, and/or the WEF?

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The Globalists who regard us as human rubbish. I posted a short while ago, on my substack, which is free, that one author thinks 89% of humanity should be exterminated to make way for the remainder who deserve to live on Earth without the overburden of us - the total Earth's population was 8 billion at the beginning of 2023 and now we are informed it is down to 7 billion, in what, 4 months - so at that rate - probably well in line for Trump and Biden's Great Reset in 2025 - probably around 400,000 or 900,000 - hopefully the not vaccinated - see you there?

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Unfortunately, this has been in the works for many years, by our own gubment and military.

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Hey Doc...A PAL flight last night from Puerto Princesa to manila almost went down, CAPTAIN medical emergency. Here's the chat I had with a friend on the flight!

Today at 11:43 AM

11:43 AM


Ghi Ng

Last night i thought it was my last ! We encountered some problems, and the plane about to crash but Thank God Through his Goodness. Were Still alive although there's some passenger that Collapse and im sure they gonna denied because we heard first that the captain on board need Medical Profession , or any one had medical profession that willing to help, the stewards started panicked,and all the passenger started screaming asking help! But Gods Grace we all safe.

You sent

HEY! what I SAY about pilotsn and VAX heart attacks!!!

OMG, NOTHING in the news

You sent

how far into flight were you?


Ghi Ng

Were not far yet the plane about to take off!

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This is why we are trying to raise the alarm and get pilots help before the worst happens.

Thank you for sharing.


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Much welcome! Good news on the body parts 😊.

God bless.

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The number remaining, after the culling of Humanity, has been seen at 500 Million Wordwide.

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