Get rid of new plant meat, stop vaccinating our poultry and giving them covid traits to pass on, rebuild processing plants that bidens own people destroyed, crash and burn epa, cdc, all those little alphabet cities, fbi, fda,cia irs get rid of them all nih. The WHO will never operate within the USA. WITH EVERYTHING THAT YOU WROTE also!

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Hold Fauci, CDC, NIH, FDA accountable for crimes against humanity

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Add: Protect our farms. Thousands of acres have been turned into ridiculous solar farms. No more wind turbines. Tear down the 5G towers which are tied to the graphene in vaccines. Find manufacturers that will produce medical supplies that are safe and free of graphene and other metals.

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very good

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All 20 points are meaningless if CBDC, Digital ID, National Social Credit Report Card, International Social Credit Card (WHO, WEF, BIS) are installed. Simply would mean we are rendered Medieval Serfs subjects of the criminal overlords who have been pillaging humanity from the beginning of time. Payback time.

All responsible for attempted coup of the world and crimes against humanity: arrest warrants and tried in international courts for deaths of 30,000,000. Appropriate punishments. They have money and power. They must compensate each and every victim, profusely apologize, accept their fate.

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45 said he would not allow it in recent rally, even at libertarian rally

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💯💯💯💯 I heard it.

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remember this is draft

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Defeat the global coup being perpetrated by the global cabal and pursue justice for the harms they have caused. Expose and purge our governments of WEF stooges.

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Get the USA out of the WHO and the UN. Dismantle all the alphabet agencies. Politicians to renounce all allegiances to Israel. It should be America First, not Israel First.

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boom, critical and this is for sure on table and will be done, 45 is withdrawing from WHO

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Absolutely but go further!

Investigate all treasonous act committed by past administrations and leaders both elected and nonelected. Prosecute and punish all found guilty.

Completely dismantle every government institution or agencies not authorized by the USA Constitution.

Designate all institutions & agencies that are actively engaged in the activities that are against the Constitution, the American Culture and the American way of life as Terrorist organizations. They be stricter from the USA!!

The Bible back in every classroom in America.

Only the American Flag and State flag flown in and on schools and all Government buildings. Military flags flown on special occasions!

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boom, excellent....this is a key stack for we will iterate and some they did not capture there but know its on the table, this is draft platform...I will ensure I pass this on to the right folk

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Thank you for all you do... unfortunately Trump is bought and paid for.

See: 2 heads of 1 Snake https://rumble.com/v529e7y-two-heads-of-one-snake.html

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very interesting....let me view

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Hoo-ray for Trump, but fuck Winred!

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Get rid of the federal reserve bank, the rogue Internal Revenue Service, the United Nations, the CIA and criminal or useless alphabet agencies, stop poisoning the entire food supply with chemicals, outlaw chemtrails.

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Get rid of the extras in food, more transparency in what we eat, less chemicals that we don't need, less seed oils etc.

If the rest of the amendments are transportable from state to state, then 2A should be as well. We shouldn't need it ok'd state by state for a Constitutional Carry. Just have training like there is already. Make it federal to be able to transfer.

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Delete the children jab schedule. Do it with an EO. That ends the liability shield. Then, repeal the damned loability shield law.

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boom, boom, boom, excellent

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Just imagine the "he is antiscience" shrieking and howling. Got good 20 items but playing possom with Big Pharma. So, either he works for them (nah) or they are too big to take head on, so not showing his hand.

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This too! 👏👏

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Death rate from some basically nonexistent virus was maybe 0,05 %.

Death rate from unregistered immigrants is maybe 0,000018018 %

They went fascist for this nonexistent thing.

Now you want to save the Americans from "illegal immigrants"

You want to lock down the country without exemptions for 5 years.

I am not so sure anymore who is the radical, it also sounds like neocon bush "we are under attack" rhetoric. Patriotic act, foreign wars. Now you want to start a domestic war.

Even trump is not that non-smart, he knows it can realisticially be only about criminals. No one would ever support such "mass-deportations".

If you cant see that "lets deport 40 million humans" is a lunatic idea, I dont think someone can help you.

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The death rate from the unprecedented fascist treatment protocols for a modified cold virus were substantial in the at risk, and were overstated by our corrupt and captured public health apparatus that was rogue under Dr. Mengele, I mean butcher Fauci.

Biden and Fauci went fascist with the vaccine mandates, you should clarify. Changing topics in my rebuttal to your rant:

Shall we let your daughter be the next rape and murder victim of an illegal alien?

Well Biden has let regiments of military aged men in the country: Are we under attack now? No. Are they sleeper cells ? we don't know. Do you want to wait until they prove themselves to be sleeper cells when they are activated? How effective do you think Obama and Biden's cross dressing feminized high heeled military is going to be against them? That's why, silly boy, you don't let people come into the country with no known skills, different languages and different cultures, and no known English Language skills.

The Democrats are the ones who have been fascist for at least the duration of the Biden administration, but also Obama as well. During both of those administrations Pro Lifer's were second class citizens.

There were periods of high legal immigration in the past. It was wisely decided in the past to tighten up the flow of immigrants to allow them to assimilate, and it was successful (there were anti-immigrant sentiments as I recall at that time, and they passed with the tightened flow of immigrants.

"Even Trump . . . " Listen, ignorant buddy, Trump trump has more wisdom and smarts in his combover than you possess in your whole body. You may disagree with his wisdom and his policies, but they did a pretty good job for this country and the world during his administration. Something that can't be said about our dementia patient in residence, who apparently you support or supported, but can't fess up to it since he has been outed as a nursing home resident equivalent.

I hope you have a nice evening, and you can calm down before you post again (or you can expect the same type of response from me.

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Is let in 40 million undocumented illegal aliens with no way to track them (i.e. as the Biden Obama regime has done a rational idea or a lunatic idea? Riddle me that, bulwark?

AND, the proposal is not to deport 40 million humans, it is to deport estimated 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS let in under the Kenyan and the senile pedophile (in other words under illegitimate POTUS's.

This is a scheme, and an illegal one at that to import reliable Democrat voters as they are loosing the battle for the loyalty of the blacks and legal Hispanic populations.

You would be the kind of person that said Lincoln's freeing the slaves was a lunatic idea.

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Sorry but you dont know what you talk about.

Also you have the wrong impression what my position is.

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Make America in God We Trust Great Again

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