Well, if the lack of law enforcement in evidence during the BLM vandalism and looting is any example, real estate prices will drop in the affected areas and certain deep-pocketed entities and individuals will scoop up properties at fire-sale prices, then participate in taxpayer subsidized redevelopment projects in a few years and enjoy the price gains. See the research of Catherine Austin-Fitts, formerly of HUD, who has identified this activity.
No wonder illegals are so desperate to get to the USA. What a third world shithole. The Americans shown trashing the police car are lucky they live in the USA. Try doing that in any other communist country, or even in a democracy, and see what happens.
it is not only Baltimore...its happening all over America...this was happening under Obama big time...slowed massive under DJT...Biden is taking America to the cleaners...Bobby Kennedy Jr. today was right, Biden is biggest threat to US democracy
Yes and it seems to be out of control in the schools where slightly built young girls can have their heads rounded into the sidewalls and left with life long injuries by far more heavily built attackers who look like female versions of Mike Tyson. Biden is doing jack shit to improve things.
Kaylee Gain showing signs of ‘significant cognitive impairment’ following high school beatdown: family
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Precisely what they're doing. One less potential mother. Disgusting and horribly sad. What would happen if someone did this to a bill g-ates from hell grandchild
It's happening all over the world. All of the devil-worshipping, homo, blood drinking politicians have their orders to let their countries collapse so they WILL be INVADED, IMFILTRATED and then demolished. Everyone should do their part to give terrorists/criminals, etc. a ride to their local, mayor, governors, etc. home. It's only fair their wives, daughters arr raped, murdered too!
But “white supremacy” is the big danger, doncha know? Look at those white supremacists wrecking that police cruiser and remind yourself just how dangerous and uncivilized they are.
I agree, Linda. However the problem is too decentralized to turn off the suppy chain,also the brains behind it are well hidden. Keep the faith. Times will change.
I remember when they showed a picture of their Christmas tree. You could tell it was fake. Just plain and simple. It showed no decorations of family memories of previous Christmas years.
He .ade history as the first homo couple in the white house too! People
don't realize it but he conducted a smaller scale invasion with daca, which was ruled illegal but damage was done, cost taxpayers losts of money and let millions in illegally! But don't forget republicans help them do it!
Tucker Carlson leaked a video of former President Obama and his “wife” Michelle “having fun” with a ten year-old girl while she was screaming and begging them to stop. Sara Conor also shared her story with Carlson “I have tapes of high-ranking officials raping children and committing other horrific crimes including the Obamas who were having sex with child victims multiple times”.
Their plan for the annihilation of the United States is on schedule. Every day we see more and more evidence of this. You think the Baltimore Bridge was a "accident"? You think that calling Easter the "Day of Transgender Recognition", or that Drag Queen Reading Hour, are "good for our people"? You think that the Fed and their too-big-to-jail banksters are "doing their best to help our country"? You think that the COVID jabs were intended to "help" people? Really?
Allow me to assure you in no uncertain terms, THAT IS NOT SO. All of those things and many others are playing their role to destroy our country - period! After the destruction they intend to "build back better" with their New World Order ("The Great Reset"). All these horrible events that we are witnessing are part of their plan and, as I said, it's right on schedule. Watch for more.
OK.... I'll add a different angle as to why things are the way they are in Baltimore and other Blue cities. (BTW Baltimore was such a beautiful city...you walk around and can see that it has good bones.) It started in the 1960s and has become progressively worse. If people will recall, God was removed from the public square. With God all things good are possible....remove him, anything is possible. Since the 1960s we have seen the degradation of the family unit (especially within the poorer segments of society - more on this in a second) and all forms of social/moral decay. The decline got a huge push with LBJ's Great Society - which was designed to enslave black people specifically and poor people in general. This program basically made POC (poor folk) the wards of the state and broke the bond to God. The other huge catalyst from this period was the sexual revolution - again the result of taking God (aka personal responsibility) out of the public square. Since this time we have seen broken homes in all economic levels, abortion on a mass scale (yes, I said this and Moloch smiles), vast swaths of society on all sorts of meds, a coarseness within society, and general unhappiness. Just look how lame is our society today... it is only going to get worse until we as a society do one of two things...1. GET RIGHT WITH THE LORD (or you favorite deity) and get your/our ship of state in order 2. Hit rock bottom and have a societal collapse. Such a thing will take longer and bring with it further evils inflicted upon people. Unfortunately, both options will require sacrifice and pain but methinks option 1 is far more beneficial. OK ... I'm getting off of my soapbox. Thoughts? Pax
I do believe it's up to us to stand up and Take America Back. America definitely needs to learn who God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is and repent and give their heart to the True God of all His Creation and learn to keep His laws and precepts. the god of this world (satan)is running rampant and all I want to do is kick his little puny @$$ every which way possible and enlist others to help destroy his ability to Ever have a one world government by Standing Up for God of Creation and getting more and more people to pray in Jesus' Mighty and Holy Name for all of the fruits of the spirit (all the good things, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance) to be made manifest on the earth and have people focusing on positive energies, light, and higher frequency vibrations wherein the darkness must disappear.
I suspect a great many police and fire and nurse, and doctors are very much thinned out after coerced Covid jabs they had to have and subsequent fallout of death and illness among their ranks. It takes a long time and lots of money to train any of those special people before they are fully qualified to do their unique jobs - so the rest of us now suffer their missing numbers in the workforce.
Many who partake in the masons are gate keepers for them to get away with their evil such as human trafficking, pedophilua etc. There are good police officers who want to protect civil society and those are the ones I respect and appreciate. Their job has become so dangerous due to the media and the democrats promoting defunding and paying criminals bails to get out of jail.
Well, if the lack of law enforcement in evidence during the BLM vandalism and looting is any example, real estate prices will drop in the affected areas and certain deep-pocketed entities and individuals will scoop up properties at fire-sale prices, then participate in taxpayer subsidized redevelopment projects in a few years and enjoy the price gains. See the research of Catherine Austin-Fitts, formerly of HUD, who has identified this activity.
Yes, I listened to this argument from her back in Dec. '20.
People keep electing democrats. This is what they get.
No wonder illegals are so desperate to get to the USA. What a third world shithole. The Americans shown trashing the police car are lucky they live in the USA. Try doing that in any other communist country, or even in a democracy, and see what happens.
it is not only Baltimore...its happening all over America...this was happening under Obama big time...slowed massive under DJT...Biden is taking America to the cleaners...Bobby Kennedy Jr. today was right, Biden is biggest threat to US democracy
Yes and it seems to be out of control in the schools where slightly built young girls can have their heads rounded into the sidewalls and left with life long injuries by far more heavily built attackers who look like female versions of Mike Tyson. Biden is doing jack shit to improve things.
Kaylee Gain showing signs of ‘significant cognitive impairment’ following high school beatdown: family
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Precisely what they're doing. One less potential mother. Disgusting and horribly sad. What would happen if someone did this to a bill g-ates from hell grandchild
It's happening all over the world. All of the devil-worshipping, homo, blood drinking politicians have their orders to let their countries collapse so they WILL be INVADED, IMFILTRATED and then demolished. Everyone should do their part to give terrorists/criminals, etc. a ride to their local, mayor, governors, etc. home. It's only fair their wives, daughters arr raped, murdered too!
But “white supremacy” is the big danger, doncha know? Look at those white supremacists wrecking that police cruiser and remind yourself just how dangerous and uncivilized they are.
and voter fraud, too....
Reverting to a Haitian-style dystopia.
This is what “they” want in every community.
Every country! I say let it happen, bring back God quicker! Their modern day sodom and gomorrah!
Not to worry. This is a slow downgrade towards a manufactured chaos. It will continue to spiral until we see a discontinuance of our social order.
Just as planned.
Screw them. People can make a difference in stopping it. Everyone just stand up and do what they can to destroy their plans.
I agree, Linda. However the problem is too decentralized to turn off the suppy chain,also the brains behind it are well hidden. Keep the faith. Times will change.
Obama is a satanic POS Reptilian who partakes in child rape and murder. He wants to and has done much to destroy America
I remember when they showed a picture of their Christmas tree. You could tell it was fake. Just plain and simple. It showed no decorations of family memories of previous Christmas years.
He .ade history as the first homo couple in the white house too! People
don't realize it but he conducted a smaller scale invasion with daca, which was ruled illegal but damage was done, cost taxpayers losts of money and let millions in illegally! But don't forget republicans help them do it!
Bought off RINOs helped them to do it.
Here's the latest -
Tucker Carlson leaked a video of former President Obama and his “wife” Michelle “having fun” with a ten year-old girl while she was screaming and begging them to stop. Sara Conor also shared her story with Carlson “I have tapes of high-ranking officials raping children and committing other horrific crimes including the Obamas who were having sex with child victims multiple times”.
Found here -
Another upstanding community. Their parents must be so proud.
Their plan for the annihilation of the United States is on schedule. Every day we see more and more evidence of this. You think the Baltimore Bridge was a "accident"? You think that calling Easter the "Day of Transgender Recognition", or that Drag Queen Reading Hour, are "good for our people"? You think that the Fed and their too-big-to-jail banksters are "doing their best to help our country"? You think that the COVID jabs were intended to "help" people? Really?
Allow me to assure you in no uncertain terms, THAT IS NOT SO. All of those things and many others are playing their role to destroy our country - period! After the destruction they intend to "build back better" with their New World Order ("The Great Reset"). All these horrible events that we are witnessing are part of their plan and, as I said, it's right on schedule. Watch for more.
Biden Regime Creating New Health Crisis
Why not? I mean, their last attack worked so well on the sheeple masses. Round 2 coming up!
I got news for you, the nwo is already here! One piece at a time, over decades, 911, convid, etc
Yes, already here COVERTLY. What remains is for it to become OVERTLY.
Obiden can pat themselves on the back.
Charm City.
Well,that looks like a scene straight out of a third world country,I live in one called South Africa 🇿🇦.
OK.... I'll add a different angle as to why things are the way they are in Baltimore and other Blue cities. (BTW Baltimore was such a beautiful city...you walk around and can see that it has good bones.) It started in the 1960s and has become progressively worse. If people will recall, God was removed from the public square. With God all things good are possible....remove him, anything is possible. Since the 1960s we have seen the degradation of the family unit (especially within the poorer segments of society - more on this in a second) and all forms of social/moral decay. The decline got a huge push with LBJ's Great Society - which was designed to enslave black people specifically and poor people in general. This program basically made POC (poor folk) the wards of the state and broke the bond to God. The other huge catalyst from this period was the sexual revolution - again the result of taking God (aka personal responsibility) out of the public square. Since this time we have seen broken homes in all economic levels, abortion on a mass scale (yes, I said this and Moloch smiles), vast swaths of society on all sorts of meds, a coarseness within society, and general unhappiness. Just look how lame is our society today... it is only going to get worse until we as a society do one of two things...1. GET RIGHT WITH THE LORD (or you favorite deity) and get your/our ship of state in order 2. Hit rock bottom and have a societal collapse. Such a thing will take longer and bring with it further evils inflicted upon people. Unfortunately, both options will require sacrifice and pain but methinks option 1 is far more beneficial. OK ... I'm getting off of my soapbox. Thoughts? Pax
I like what you're saying.
I do believe it's up to us to stand up and Take America Back. America definitely needs to learn who God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is and repent and give their heart to the True God of all His Creation and learn to keep His laws and precepts. the god of this world (satan)is running rampant and all I want to do is kick his little puny @$$ every which way possible and enlist others to help destroy his ability to Ever have a one world government by Standing Up for God of Creation and getting more and more people to pray in Jesus' Mighty and Holy Name for all of the fruits of the spirit (all the good things, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance) to be made manifest on the earth and have people focusing on positive energies, light, and higher frequency vibrations wherein the darkness must disappear.
Don't forget dealasandro, pelosis dad. He started ruing Md decades ago.
Etiam pax tecum.
I suspect a great many police and fire and nurse, and doctors are very much thinned out after coerced Covid jabs they had to have and subsequent fallout of death and illness among their ranks. It takes a long time and lots of money to train any of those special people before they are fully qualified to do their unique jobs - so the rest of us now suffer their missing numbers in the workforce.
And how many of the 'good guys' lost their licenses? What's left is the compliant ones who do what they're told, right or wrong.
Many who partake in the masons are gate keepers for them to get away with their evil such as human trafficking, pedophilua etc. There are good police officers who want to protect civil society and those are the ones I respect and appreciate. Their job has become so dangerous due to the media and the democrats promoting defunding and paying criminals bails to get out of jail.