Andrew Tate 'Not Welcome' in Florida, Ron DeSantis Says

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He needs to be back in the US somewhere. The US cannot use the world as a playground for US males No way. There are lots more just like him all around the world. They all need to be returned to the US. And I'm not just talking about American traffickers in women and kids. Do you have any idea how many American men there are in foreign prisons for murdering women, usually their wives? It's a lot. American male DV perpetrators, for example, are the world's deadliest male DV offenders. Those residing abroad need to all return to the USA

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The Evil always take care of their own.

Remember when former President of the United States Bill Clinton went to Haiti to personally get Human Trafficker Laura Silsby off?

Silsby was Hilary's assistant in her Haitian chlldren's "charity" and was caught red-handed smuggling 30 kidnapped, drugged, bubble-wrapped, and stacked like bags of rice children in a shipping container. And former president Bill Clinton flew to Haiti to personally plead Silsby's case, and Clinton was so effective that Silsby's charges were dropped from Child Trafficking and Kidnapping to... "Arranging Irregular Travel".


Silsby was released with time served, and is now living in Idaho under a new name and identity and working for a company that works with Amber Alert.

The Evil take care of their own.

And remember the corrupt State Attorney that let Epstein off with THE LIGHTEST SENTENCE EVER for sex crimes in the state of Florida? He was appointed Secretary of Labor!

By President Donald J. Trump.

And I don't think Harvey Weinstein ever missed a day at the office.

The Evil take care of their own.

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Bondi and Patel have fumbled the ball. They have known for at least 3-4 days that files were being destroyed and who was doing it. Terminations and arrest should have been made immediately. The Southern District Office refusal to provide the requested records should have resulted in immediate termination of the employees and the office padlocked. I hope tomorrow will show that POTUS hired the right AG this time.

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we hope, I hope...lets see, great explanation Larry

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Spot on. Moving to immediately safeguard any relevant materials they could would have been prudent as hell.

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No fumble. This a is being set up for maximum impact. Have no fear LA.

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I've never found Bondi to be a strong attorney. I don't think she's as competent as many think she is. This is evidence of that right out of the gate.

And I'm hearing that Kash Patel is being very unprofessional. He's refusing to wear suits, he does the party thing all the time, etc. Totally not setting a good example, and then there's this. Like Trump, he talks big, but when it comes down to actually delivering, he's not there.

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How can the Epstein lists be withheld from her? What possible reason can there be for withholding them? Is Kash dressing like Elon or Zelenskyy?

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Who says they are withholding anything from Bondi? That's just what we are being told. However, it shows that both Bondi and Kash Patel are either very incompetent, or else they are in on it. Nothing should have been released without Bondi examining it first and signing off on it. Something just doesn't add up here.

All I know is what I've been told. Patel refuses to wear suits, and is doing the party circuits. He's not behaving like a statesman. He's starting to sound questionable to me.

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It is the FBI office in NYC that is holding all the Epstein files including video tapes.

They are going to be fired at the Top if files aren't received by Pam Boni by 8 AM Friday.

And they better be unredacted.

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so far someone is playing a game, what was released we knew already...Gerald, I think big people are in shits here...something does not smell right

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It is James Dennehey, a big shot FBI Asst. Director in NYC who would be behind the coverup of the Epstein files.

Word is that they were busy all night shredding documents related to Epstein.

Would be great if Denehey was fired. They would need the goods on him.

"James Dennehy - Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Newark, New Jersey, United States · Assistant Director in Charge · Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Oversees all Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and Terrorist Screening matters within the FBI's National Security Branch."

James Comey's daughter is an Asst. Prosecutor for that district and is of course dirty also.

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And don't expect the truth about the assassination of JFK, much less any admission about UFO's and non-human on Earth (not even Roswell in 1947).

Here is the 7 min. explanation by RFK Jr. about who killed his father.

Sirhan Sirhan had undergone mind control by the CIA.


Regarding JFK, at the very least, CIA Latin America Chief, David Atlee Phillips was directly giving the orders. There is so much support for this. Charles Nicoletti and Jimmy Files were the 2 assassins who stuck JFK and Nicoletti shot from the Dallas-Textiles building, not the Book Depository Building. Oswald was a CIA Patsy.

This is the files 2003 confession, with actual live footage added:


This is the 1994 confession:


Files remembered the events almost identically, despite 9 yrs apart, from prison:

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Probably same intel agencies as the ones that later ran Epstein.

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We know damn well LBJ was involved.

Isn’t funny how all these player are referred to by their initials?


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The CIA had to know that LBJ wouldn't do anything (no investigation) if Kennedy was shot. That was Files belief too. But LBJ didn't call the shots.

Also, CIA director at the time, John McCone as well as fired CIA director Allen Dulles had to know. Dulles and Kennedy hated each other. Maybe Dulles had some influence on McCone and Phillips and called for the assassination initially.

Richard Helms was a Deputy Director at the time and had to keep quiet too. Helms turned out to be a decent guy later on, as he led a secret UFO group in the 80's called The Aviary. Helms was The Falcon, and my Twitter friend (who revealed the story) AF-OSI agent Richard Doty, was the Sparrow.

There were some records at the FBI on the Kennedy assassination as it was FBI whistleblower Zack Shelton who tipped off Kennedy investigator Joe West of Jimmy Files possible involvement around 1991. Files was in prison at the Joliet, IL facility. Both Shelton and West would of course die before their time (lol). Files stated in his confession that he learned that his name was known to authorities back in 1964.

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And that was before text messaging!

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I'm already tired of this Kabuki theater with the Epstein files. Did any sane person really believe we would discover any new revelations? It's gotta be the intelligence connection (Mossad/CIA/MI-6 (maybe)) and the big names caught in this web. Whitney Webb has written extensively about this.

Remember this from about four years ago?

"Epstein got an extremely rare 2007 non-prosecution agreement. Prosecutors do not drop charges for no reason. Alexander Acosta, who became the U.S. Labor Secretary under Trump, was the U.S. Attorney for South Florida who cut that deal with Epstein. The Epstein issue came up when Acosta was appointed to the cabinet by President Donald Trump. It was then written:

He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had “been told” to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” he told his interviewers in the Trump transition, who evidently thought that was a sufficient answer and went ahead and hired Acosta. (The Labor Department had no comment when asked about this.)"


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They will NOT go down easily - not without a fight. Let's hope it's a fight they can't win.

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Dr Paul,



You always speak the truth without reservation or fear! We respect and appreciate you for all that you are and do !

Blessings to you and yours Dr. Paul !



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I just speak my mind...huge thanks...thank you very much

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Thanks, DeSantis, intelligent professional. The cover-up needs to be in plain sight. Why did they fail to stop the dereliction of duty in the chain of evidence? Anyone knows you don't destroy the evidence, period. Hopefully, they scanned in and are on the backup server for the evidence triple copies somewhere minimal. Did someone take pictures to a junk drive like Snowden did? Get the forensic people team there as soon as possible. Why were they not there to collect evidence? The standard procedures are not being followed, and people are turning a blind eye. Even if they delete it from the computer system, they can still recover the data. I think this smells worse than rotting trash at the dump. It smells worse than composting material and also the dead body farm when they are just out of rigor when the gases are released. Were the people in charge of various departments already corrupted, or will they be found in the list and videos?

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Wow. He doesn’t sound like a nice guy. Extremely disrespectful. I get really angry listening to him talk. I wouldn’t want to date him. Ew. Ick.

That said, has he been convicted of anything? Or do we just know he’s seedy and nasty and downright disrespectful of women with an oversized ego?

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Tate is wrong on many things - no question about that. However, this does not make him wrong on *everything*. One important area where Tate is spot on is the present-day "masculanization" of women, i.e., the desire by some women to apply and exercise the same standards that men have.

That notion is simply hogwash. Men and women have always been, and always will be, fundamentally DIFFERENT. Hey, that difference is the most important part of the male-female *attraction*!

It's trying to deny that fact that has contributed to crazy notions such as "women can do any job that men can do". The social impact of that has been and will continue being extremely negative.

So again, I wouldn't want Tate around for many things. But on some things Tate speaks truth -- it's just that many people find those truths unpleasant or "offensive". Well, boo-hoo, too bad.

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Why do we want these guys in USA? Leave em in Romania , disgusting sicko.

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Romania was actually fine with keeping them under house arrest there until their trial in Romania. I'm reading reports that Romania was PRESSURED to let them go. That was TRUMP's admin who did that. Something smells to high heaven here.

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No way. There are lots more just like him all around the world. They all need to be returned to the US. And I'm not just talking about American traffickers in women and kids. Do you have any idea how many American men there are in foreign prisons for murdering women, usually their wives? It's a lot. American male DV perpetrators, for example, are the world's deadliest male DV offenders. Those residing abroad need to all return to the USA

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That's BS, ANW. Romania had them under house arrest for an upcoming trial. They were happy to keep them there under house arrest. It was OUR government who pressured Romania to let them out. That stinks to high heaven, and has NOTHING to do with other cases you mention. Justice needs to be done.

Those two were indicted for crimes committed in Romania. They were held under house arrest pending trial in Romania for those crimes. What about that is your problem? Justice was being done as it should have been, and it was OUR government who interfered with that. Get a grip, man.

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The problem goes deeper and is more widespread than just the Tates, Margaret. I have no problem with the Tates being dealt with by the Romanians or with others who have been apprehended for crimes against women and children being dealt with. My problem is with the idea of the world being a dumping ground for sicko men and of them not being wanted back in the US where they come from and ultimately belong. I have met a man from another country whose wife was murdered by an American, a family member of a foreign woman stabbed to death in her bed by a US Marine while her baby was in bed with her and I know of countless similar cases. And that's not BS Margaret. American men are not just traffickers in women and kids. They are extremely dangerous DV offenders. Even just within the US, do you have any idea how many women are murdered by violent, jealous, crazed control freaks?

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You're sick. The US is not the only place where these vile animals come from. Grow up. Your arguments make no sense at all. If someone commits crimes on another country's soil, they should face charges on that foreign soil.

You are showing a level of total disrespect for your fellow Americans. You need to get over yourself.

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Hopefully they are being charged and doing time for their crimes somewhere !! They belong in jail! The Tates are US and UK citizens and have also been accused in UK. But supposedly committing crimes in Romania. Wherever they end up they should be tried! Maybe they are part of a bigger trafficking ring and will have info to give US..who knows…hopefully justice will be served in the end!

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Maybe they are on the Epstein list? Or too young? Better be a good reason why they are back in the US, sicko creeps

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One has to wonder. Shannon Joy has reports that Trump was close friends with Epstein for at least 10 years, and that he has definitely been on the Lolita express. Maybe Trump is implicated in some of what the Tates know, and he's trying to stop that from getting out. Who really knows. All I know is that the Tates are scum, and should not be walking the streets in our country right now. They were locked up in Romania, waiting for trial there, and that's where they should have remained.

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Other countries have a problem with American sickness men going there and killing the local women, and kids. Trafficking is a problem but it's only part of the problem that American sick men perpetrate. Sickest need to stay in the US and not murder or exploit women and kids anywhere. They certainly don't need to do it overseas where such crimes are often featured in foreign press even if they are scarcely reported on in the US.

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Oh stop it. You are so full of shit. You are maligning your own countrymen. There are vile scum like the Tates all over the world. Stop blaming American men. You are one twisted fool.

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FBI Wars With Itself Over Release of Epstein Files


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Apparently it's the FBI holding back the information. Let's see where this goes. This is going to be the first big test of Patel and Bongino in their ability to clear out the rot.

Andrew Tate isn't really worth Trump's time. He's a fading fade that's been found out. He and his brother will eventually do something stupid in the US and will become a sex toy for Bubba in the prison shower. Stupid and cocky usually self destructs.

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I unsubscribed. Can't deal with the ignorance. It's a disgrace to intelligent conversation.

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So you're a supported of Tate? How can you defend this scumbag?

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chargesdroped alowed to fly dontbeliveall you read. dummy

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I think we all have to set our emotions aside, the Tates are Americans and they should be allowed to go anywhere they want. I will say, I can't stand them but they've done nothing wrong where this last case is involved, so they're free to move around.

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Maybe they would fit in up in Canada?

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If someone normal and not doing illegal shit, yeah they could work here, who the fuck cares. Why is it okay to fire every single person w/o knowing anything about them, they are individuals, I could work somewhere and be a normal worker, should I be lumped into the pile because I work there, not likely.

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I'm no feminist but I'm not a fan of misogynists either. These guys are pigs. I hope you never meet anyone in Canada whose wife, mother or sister has been raped or murdered by an American, or anyone. And actually, the same goes for misandrists too. There are American women doing this shit too, harming children etc.

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You know what, I didn't realize we were talking about the Tate bros, I was on a different post, LOL. NO I wouldn't want them here, but because they're free now, we really can't stop them from living where they want. Im sure though, they'll be picked up for another sexually motivated crime. Sorry for the confusion, old age you know, 73. LOL

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Dr. Paul, when are you going to realize that Trump is a scumbag? And that's putting it lightly.

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You give them too much of importance. 🤣

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Which of the brothers do you like most?

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