If I had the power, authority and resources, these 33 criminals and hundreds of others would already be dangling by their neck. But I don't. You know who had the power, position, authority and resources to actually do something? It was Donald Trump. But instead of doing something to the criminals, Trump HELPED the psycho-criminals advance their agenda. Sleep on that for a while.
If I had the power, authority and resources, these 33 criminals and hundreds of others would already be dangling by their neck. But I don't. You know who had the power, position, authority and resources to actually do something? It was Donald Trump. But instead of doing something to the criminals, Trump HELPED the psycho-criminals advance their agenda. Sleep on that for a while.
Trump had people advising him, how could he go against those people that were supposed to be experts in the medical field and in health care system. Think about when it it all started, do you think he could make the move at that point near the end of his term ? They would hang him if he was wrong. Thousands of doctors and experts were silenced, some were treated as quacks.
If I had the power, authority and resources, these 33 criminals and hundreds of others would already be dangling by their neck. But I don't. You know who had the power, position, authority and resources to actually do something? It was Donald Trump. But instead of doing something to the criminals, Trump HELPED the psycho-criminals advance their agenda. Sleep on that for a while.
Trump had people advising him, how could he go against those people that were supposed to be experts in the medical field and in health care system. Think about when it it all started, do you think he could make the move at that point near the end of his term ? They would hang him if he was wrong. Thousands of doctors and experts were silenced, some were treated as quacks.