Do not be afraid, grow stones, be prepared to apply death penalty to some on this list if judges and juries say they are guilty of murder in the first, we hang matter who! for COVID deaths
Trust in the "public health" establishment can never be restored until there is justice. The worst crime in the history of humanity, which is the campaign to inject every human with the very dangerous and utterly ineffective toxxine, must not go unpunished.
If I had the power, authority and resources, these 33 criminals and hundreds of others would already be dangling by their neck. But I don't. You know who had the power, position, authority and resources to actually do something? It was Donald Trump. But instead of doing something to the criminals, Trump HELPED the psycho-criminals advance their agenda. Sleep on that for a while.
Trump had people advising him, how could he go against those people that were supposed to be experts in the medical field and in health care system. Think about when it it all started, do you think he could make the move at that point near the end of his term ? They would hang him if he was wrong. Thousands of doctors and experts were silenced, some were treated as quacks.
Oh, come on! I'm no expert in medicine or the health care system. Are you? Yet, a thousand miles away from Washington, I certainly knew about the CRIMES that were being perpetrated against not just the US, but humanity as a whole, in the name of a made-up "pandemic". The obvious lies, the fear mongering, the mandates, the lock downs, ... a great many of us knew! So are you trying to convince me that Donald Trump did not know what millions knew? Sorry, I ain't buying. Why did Trump listen to Fauci and Birx, but NOT listen to what thousands of people were telling him about the lies? Why did Trump follow the Globalist agenda in lockstep? You need to wake up.
whether they orchestrated from the very top, or were simply complicit in silence, they all helped carry out the Depopulation Agenda.
Trust in the "public health" establishment can never be restored until there is justice. The worst crime in the history of humanity, which is the campaign to inject every human with the very dangerous and utterly ineffective toxxine, must not go unpunished.
Not just hang, keel haul, tar and feather, feed to crocodiles
Our list and their list maybe different...Fauci should not walk.
If I had the power, authority and resources, these 33 criminals and hundreds of others would already be dangling by their neck. But I don't. You know who had the power, position, authority and resources to actually do something? It was Donald Trump. But instead of doing something to the criminals, Trump HELPED the psycho-criminals advance their agenda. Sleep on that for a while.
Trump had people advising him, how could he go against those people that were supposed to be experts in the medical field and in health care system. Think about when it it all started, do you think he could make the move at that point near the end of his term ? They would hang him if he was wrong. Thousands of doctors and experts were silenced, some were treated as quacks.
Medscape-That I read to see what BS they are putting out-are still promoting the boosters.
Such a crime!!
Oh, come on! I'm no expert in medicine or the health care system. Are you? Yet, a thousand miles away from Washington, I certainly knew about the CRIMES that were being perpetrated against not just the US, but humanity as a whole, in the name of a made-up "pandemic". The obvious lies, the fear mongering, the mandates, the lock downs, ... a great many of us knew! So are you trying to convince me that Donald Trump did not know what millions knew? Sorry, I ain't buying. Why did Trump listen to Fauci and Birx, but NOT listen to what thousands of people were telling him about the lies? Why did Trump follow the Globalist agenda in lockstep? You need to wake up.
Justice must be restored.
Who is Steve Kirsch really?
They'll never realise.