The United States will be ruined. And turned into a third world country.

The elites are allowing this, but it will affect them too.

We need our borders protected Now.

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Elites are not "allowing this", they designed it and are actively DOING IT. It's an invasion. All fighting ages males!!

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Are they vaccinated for COVID, like all foreign travelers to the USA are required to be?


They don't even have to go through TSA like you peons, they are led directly to their plane, ZERO SECURITY.

Which exposes the Vaxx and airport security are HOAXES!

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Boom 🤯

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Whether they've had the covid bioweapon jab or not is really not an issue, other than the fact that they won't be dying off in 2-5 yrs from heart attacks, strokes, prion disease and other immune system damage, like ~60-70% of Americans will. They are the "designated replacements", don't ya know. They will, however, be bringing all sorts of other nasty diseases and pests infestations with them that all those compromised American immune systems won't stand much of a chance against. That's assuming that the American citizens aren't killed outright during all the home invasions, robberies, rapes, etc. that all these orcs will be committing on a daily basis (with the full approval of the DNC and other Deep State lackeys of the Globalist Great Reset variety). County & Local Gov LEOs & like-mind deputized individuals need to be lining the border lands with automatic weapons and taking these creatures out as fast as possible - no exceptions, and no quarter.

Live stream it on all the social media channels that won't block it - so all their buddies back home in South & Central America can watch the bloodbath. Then, perhaps, the flood will turn into a trickle (overnight, I'm guessing). These are not "unfortunate immigrants", they're a straight up hostile invasion force. You don't hand hostile invaders a cel phone, a debit card, some food and a tent. You give them a bullet or 3, as fast as possible, and then a well-deserved spot in a mass grave.

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"This one can see!"

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Call it what it is- an INVASION!

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New rule: No mRNA injections, no entry. The gov has gotta do something with all those wasted safe and effective poison injections. Then they can all go on the vaxxed list and be tracked by their cell phones.

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Why won't the Governors of the border States stop the invasion on our country. I am so tired of politicians talking about it like it's a 'humanitarian crisis;' our nation is being invaded and not one politician will do a damn thing about it. Sending these criminal invaders to other states may be 'funny' to some politicians, but you are distributing fighting age males all across these United States.


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I’m praying for my friend in Santa Fe, she’s already had too many crazy stories about immies in her humble neighborhood. (During cinco de Mayo, there was another naked guy shooting up in the arroyo . )

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The whole country will be this way. Some of these illegals are an army and the rest are dumped Venezuelan & God knows where else from which these rejects come! Why do you think Biden wants Americans guns? He wants America unarmed!

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I’m willing to bet that the northern border is not far behind or all the hype is on the Southern border while whom ever they want is silently pouring through the northern border.

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This is UN agenda 2030. They are organizing this in Central & South America. Coordinating with the deep state.

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UNDO The u n

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BINGO‼️ There was a meeting the last few days of this past April in Denver discussing exactly the UN agenda 2030.

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Biden is a corrupted, demented, sick, sick man. He’s old and frail & will meet his maker soon. In purgatory and hell.

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God help us..

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I've been watching this nightmare unfold from Canada, I know we have major problems up here but I don't have to fear being shot, robbed or attacked like down there. When Title 42 ends tomorrow its going to be a shit show and the country will be destroyed, people are actually worried about famine because stores will be overrun by illegals and they won't be in the border towns, they're going to move them to the interior cities. I feel so bad for what's happening there and I just pray some how it can be stopped.

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I read recently Canada was included in the “America’s” equation.

One “leader “ for all three countries. Remember Alaska is a state and borders Canada not the USA.

Call three countries the Americas…

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To understand why millions of people would leave their homes and Country travel thousands of miles barefoot in many cases to come here ,we must examine the roots of these problems . Our own government polices is in fact a large reason for the onslaught of immigrants we see now .Military intervention in countries like El Salvador ,Nicaragua, Columbia and so on ,resulted in disastrous consequences for peasants . A short time ago Honduras was a destination for US citizens to retiree in now it is a shi*hole while we supported a coup and corrupt military. The slaughter of banana workers in Columbia from Chiquita and wholesale sale of communal land helped spark a civil war in Columbia .NAFTA benefited only the wealthy landowners and Corporations. We sent factories / investments to a Country that is sworn to hate us -China .Yet we helped no Democratic country south of our border ,which led to Socalist /Communist or dictatorships that we wasted resources on or supported the dictatorships of wealthy and corrupt .Our neighbors to the south of us deserved better now we reap what we sowed .

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Interesting though that these illegal immigrants who hiked barefoot through the jungles of Central America, they cross the border wearing new Nike’s, nice clothes, expensive backpacks, ladies have hair and nails done, smartphones. etc. UN brochures have been found explaining what to do when they come across to the US. These people aren’t walking the distance. They are getting a lot of help.

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We are under foreign occupation

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And our POS Texas Governor is also enabling this!!!!!! Abbott is also a Traitor! God help us all.

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I think we red blooded Americans would be surprised to learn who are the Republican traitor.

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They'll be dispersed to wherever extra Dem voters are needed and Hunter will traffick the prettier ones who look like AOC once he's sampled the merchandise.

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Speaks volumes! Biden is at the seed of this war. He probably ordered their abduction.

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