already updating and up to over 90 now

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What about the "Warp Speed Team?" You mean to tell me none of the remaining "team" knew that 30 inch polymers "blood clots" would present themselves in people's bodies? They are scientists, correct? https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/president-trump-awards-presidential-commendations-operation-warp-speed-team

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they are on the list...read...individually...you want the name 'OWS Task Force'?

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In my opinion, I believe the "OWS Task Force" would qualify for your list.

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ok, will add for the next update...

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This makes me furious. Complete indoctrination: https://youtube.com/watch?v=8icaVKOjKRY

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That video is madness.

Utter madness.

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He is still proud of that. 🤦‍♀️

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I will continue to make this comment. President Trump was told on national tv this was a "live exercise," so did he leave it at "Should have let us know?" or was there more to it? https://rumble.com/v3jglj8-never-forget.-mike-pompeo-informed-us-we-are-in-a-live-exercise-pandemic-si.html

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An absolute travesty and Trump doubles down and triples down on his “ miraculous acheivement of the past hundred years”.In a sense, he’s correct. The death toll and human suffering exceeds that of WWII. The financial ruin, psychological torture, collapse of the education system, the freedom America is no longer a beacon of, but a testament to tyranny. But not to Trump. He is blinded by his greatness.Im getting angrier by the moment.

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WEF, UN are major players. David Gergen, Gavin Newsom DeBlasio, Andrew Cuomo, Ian Lipkin, Kissinger, Mitch, Brennan, Comey, Mueller, Bill Barr, Andrew Weissman,Chris Wray, Gina Haspel, G W Bush,Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, John Kerry, Chris Heinz, Justin Trudeau, Nicole Wallace, Joy Reid, Robert Kadlec, Michael Bloomberg,George Soros, Avril Haines, Xi,Pritzker, Cavuto, Steve Doocy, Liz Cheney, Dick Cheney, Victoria Nuland, Andrew Weber, Metabiota, Burissma, Cofer Black

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some of these are already there...let me study it. I WILL UPDATE, I will ask the board, I do have a board. ;-)

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Paul, it’s become increasingly difficult to Googlle what was once very easy to find very relevant, factual information. The biggest “ Hunter Biden/ Burissma “ story that nary a single Republican has mentioned- including the dumbo House Committee tasked with uncovering Biden’s Ukraine connection is mind blowing .

He, with Chris Heinz(Kerry’s son) hooked up the owner of Metabiota , a biowarfare “ research and tracking” company with the U.S. DoD through middleman, Burrisma. The DoD contracted Metabiota to. Build labs in multiple countries, most notable, Ukraine. Located very near to the Russian border. Through Hunter and Heinz’ Rosemont- Seneca laundering LLC , the two walked away with a half million dollars. Burisma is a front for weapons transfers ( ie Libya ,Syria under the guise of Arab Spring Freedom Fighters aka Al Qaeda , ISIS Muslim Brotherhood affiliates) , money laundering and other shady deals that if made public would have never come to fruition. When you hear the head scratching( literally) of why Hunter hasn’t been charged with FARA violations, it would appear he was working as an IC asset.

Also, the Atlantic Council is Burissma’s lobby. This has been going on since 2014

It’s also very odd that nobody is making the Cofer-Black connection. Cofer-Black was a member of George W Bush’s “ Foreign Terrorist Threat” team, who with Robert Mueller and John Brennan missed all the warning signs of 9/11. Which was easily preventable. They also screwed up on the anthrax attacker and framed Stephen Hatfill and then Bruce Ivins. Ivins “ suicided” before being able to make a public statement. The central figure was Fauci, who with Bush’s blessing, oversaw the creation of weaponized anthrax. Irony of ironies, the Bush admin was taking Cipro prophylactically,

Cofer-Black also sits on the Burissma Board. The. corruption is bilateral. The duplicitous UniParty duopoly. Lies , mores and lies to cover up the lies.

Soros runs the “ AntiCorruption “ unit in Ukraine. With pals , John McStain.Lindsey Graham. , Fiona Hill, Podesta , Hillary, Sid Blumenthal, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, Vindman, Chalupa ,Kerry, Nuland, Powers, et al, who needs enemies? Why were McCain and Graham on board with the Libya and Syria invasions, overthrowing Egypt’s secular Mubarak and placing Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi in office? The MB was banned and criminalized as a “Terrorist Entity”. Why were McStain and Graham on board with the Orange Revolution ousting of Ukraine’s duly elected President, replacing him with puppet Poroshenko, solely to provoke Russia.Its sickening funny to see McStain posing with the Ukrainian Nazis and Syrian “ Freedom Fighter”Al Baghdadi.

Funnier still are photos of Soros, McStain and Graham receiving Ukrainian Medal of Honor. , draped around their necks by Poroshdnko.

Nobody ever is punished for the most egregious crimes they’ve committed. They’re all in it together.

And for whatever reason , Trump remains silent.

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this is potent sharing...helps remind people the issue with Hunter...yes they are all in it together

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Absolutely! Again today, the fucking idiot , Jamie Comer appears on Bartiromo with the same “ Shell companies, China “ spiel. In that horrid high pitched voice and heavy Southern accent. Bartiromo was so annoyed, rightly. Thing is, if I remember all of this and am able to find the rest online, where the hell is EVERYBODY else? Including the Messiah, Tucker Carlson? The Metabiota Ukraine biolab stuff was covered in the New York Post , but nowhere near as extensively.. Worse, it all ties into Event 21, the players, work about.. again, the entire damn thing, including the videos was available online since the actual event. On the WEF website. The players are mind blowing. Crickets!

I’m furious with Trump! Covering his ass due to his own WEF ties. And Ivanka, Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, Nikki Haley,Chris Wray,Bourla,Bancel,Fauci,Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Rick Bright Mike Bloomberg, Christine Grady, Robert Kadlec , Birx,Gottlieb,Dina Powell,Nick Ayres,Henry Kerner, McMaster, Bill Gates,Fiona Hill… these were people he either appointed or are within his inner circle. Elon Musk, Tulsi,Vivek , Orban , Milei, Burkele, DeSantis, Frank Gaffney, Sidney Powelll, Peter Navarro, the CEO of the Heritage Foundation, Dr. Ladapo, Pierre Poliviere , Lou Dobbs, Glen Beck ,,Bannon, Poso, Katie Hopkins, Nigel Farage, RFK Jr., Rogan, Dave Rubin, Patrick Bet-David,Bolsinaro, you- all have connections to Trump and have come out brutally re: the WEF, Great Reset, the players… yet nary a peep from Trump.Pence,

, Pompeo, Ric Grenell, Nunes , Stephen Miller, McIneny, Kellyanne, Rand Paul, Massie, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz , Greg Abbott, and all the other big mouths- the “ Christian Conservatives”, Freedom Caucus- Frauds. They know and have done NOTHING!

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Yes Gail, they’re “ALL” in it together! Now what? This has been my biggest concern and question since lockdown! Why? Well simple, America is being

“Fundamentally Transformed”!

We know this was and still is Obama’s dream, aside from ushering in, “Sharia Law”! It’s quite clear both are happening today.

The war on women and the influx of millions of illegals! Not including the “Military Age Men”!

Where are they going and why isn’t this being discussed, anywhere headline?

This is treasonous at minimum! Invasion alone warrants treason charges filed against this “illegitimate President”!

The amount of evidence and illegal activities is staggering, every level of corruption within every level of government! Trump’s issues are secondary compared to this deliberate and systematic invasion of military age men!

I don’t believe Americans in general have any idea what is happening and what’s coming!


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Yup. The Red /Alliance of CommunoIslamoFascism UN/WEF Great Reset post 1984 Transhuman Brave New World Technocracy.

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Yes once again Gail, you hit the nail on the head!


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Dr. Alexander you forgot the pre-plandemic which will lead to the absolute top! Event 201 put on by Bill and Melinda Gate foundation as well as the John Hopkins Institute. These institutions created the plan and the plan unfolded months if not 1 month after their event 201. We know the facts of the gain of function which continues by Anthony Fauci (I will never call him a Dr.!) And his CIA controlled NIAIH, NIAD etc. This will then tie to the elitist individuals above these minions who planned this events. It is all who are creators of the Club of Rome, the WEF, the CIA. These are cover minions . This goes higher than King Charles up to the Rothschilds and beyond. These are societal controlling individuals who's true intent is to remove property rights and all ownership rights to personal possessions. This is 1 plan of many staged plans to come. People are growing weary and starting mass formation ostrich style head in sand behaviours. I'm not those people. I retain the evidence in my pea sized brain and I keep the wrath of God in my mind and not my heart. I will be there to the end with you! Stand! Make it heard! Be strong because the shitstorm of their mind numbing rhetoric is coming like a tsunami for you, I and others who want truth and justice!

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boom, this is very nice read and IMO Fauci is like a water boy, a bag man, a baby in the filth. Collins is a larger fish to fry...to think these people felt they can own us...and decide for us.

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And it’s but the tip of the icdberg!

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Event 201- WEF and UN, too.the premier speaker and “ reaoonse “ developer was none other than Avril Haines, Biden’s DNI!

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Spot on! So we’re aware of all the confluence pieces, past history and current, but our “ democratically elected representatives and “ Conservative media talking heads don’t? Ie. Hannity, Bret Baier, Martha McCalllum, Shannon Bream, John Roberts,, Trey Gowdy, Pete Hegseth, etc. don’t? Bullshit!

The whole Diimicrat Death Cult are YGLs, McKinsey, Trilats, Bilderberg,, Islamist shills, Soros owned, China owned , Qatar owned criminals and the WEF Fink/Vanguard/StateStreet(Warren Buffett) own EVERYTHING, everybody and each other. But nobody utters a peep.

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Rachel maddow, that bitch is gonna burn in hell no matter what happens here

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adding her, thanks

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Racist Propagandist, Joy Reid, too!! 😉

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Love that!

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They’re all absolutely heinous. I’ll never forget the attacks on Joe Rogan and Roger Aaron. It wasn’t enough to relentlessly beat up on Trump, twisting his every word.

Perhaps the most despjcable attacks were launched on Nobel Laureates Luc Montagnier , Cary Mullis and Michael Levitt, once the heroes of heroes- deservedly. Ditto Jay Bhattacharaya, Kuldorff, John Ionnides, Harvey Risch , Scott Atlas and Nicholas Wade- all well-known and once revered by the left. Hardly fringe and unknowns.Relegated to the “ lunatic Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist” trash heap.

Andrea Mitchell, Nicole Wallace,Anderson Cooper and Lesley Stahl are beyond disgraceful. They knew damn well what Fauci was. Perhaps most disgraceful were Romney, Mitch ,Pence and the base level of low, the family Cheney.Romney, because he’s a little bitch. The rest because they were complicit in the Bush /Fauci/Ashcroft/Mueller/Robert Gates Anthrax cover up and framing of Hatfill and Ivins.

And the fucking wimps, Cavuto , Steve Doocy and I just blanked out on Dr. Marc Siegel, who was the first to come out lauding Hydroxychloroquine, attributing it to saving his mother’s and a 90 yr old Holocaust survivor’s life- touting it as more than a therapeutic, but the cure… before it became taboo. When even medicine became a political weapon.

Albeit this wasn’t Fauci’s first rodeo. How quickly everybody forgot Fauci’s evil denial of the cheap, safe and effective antibiotic, Bactrim to seventeen thousand HIV/AIDS patients sadistically forcing the toxic, shelved chemo drug. ,AZT on them. Causing them to wither away until they suffocated to death in agony. From PCP pneumonia that only Bactrim could effectively cure. How quickly they forget their once icons, Freddie Mercury, George Michaels, Arthur Ashe , Ryan White among them.

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I don't understand your citation of:

"Nicola Sturgeon (FOX)"?

Sturgeon was the former Scottish National Party leader and former First Minister of Scotland.

You conspicuously left out the holy land pfizer gear peddler:

• Netanyahu.

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thanks Barry for being here, always welcomed...just fixed that was for Saphier...that FOX news shill MD...

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you are correct let me check, that FOX weas for sapphire...not sturgeon, great catch

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did lots of damage, so did Sturgeon, two PMs australia and New Zealand they killed their people with lockdown lunacy

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Sturgeon saw her arse when her husband was arrested for embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party.

The law of the universe gets all low-lifes eventually.

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Hi Paul,

You might find this London lawsuit against astrazeneca interesting.

It's a £100M (US$ 130M) class action claim by injected injured against the pharma company.

Here's the link:


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Now you are adding entire organisations can I propose The Wellcome Trust and the Rockefeller Foundation?

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yes, adding them for updated list shortly...I have tons of emails from folk all over the world...they love this list

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I’m from the UK. Good to Hancock and Hill on the list. But I’m just as pleased to see the BBC there. They are supposed to be neutral ( taxpayer paid ) but have been a mouthpiece for Gates and the Covid jabs. I tried for 6 months to obtain how much money Gates has donated to them and was stonewalled. I know it’s $30m+. They used to be world class ( think Tiananmen Square ) and millions worldwide watch it. And trust it. The damage they have done wrt to Covid and Climate Change is incalculable.

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thank you for this.

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Just received this about Obama

He’s been the most disrespected person in the Middle East for many decades only to be outshined on his cluelessness by the current clown that reads the teleprompter notes (“last time, pause here”).

Barack, if a friend passes this publication to you, let me be perfectly clear: you were the most reckless and dangerous president in American history aside from Woodrow Wilson, who glorified the KKK, insulted the Japanese, and made them enemies that threatened the United States for the first time in the 20th century and passed legislation for the Federal Reserve.

You know why you were so disrespected? Because you know nothing and make decisions based on that.

If you ever get to see how much of a joke you were in the Middle East when your best friends were the Iranian Ayatollahs, your chest pain would lead you to retire to the backwoods of some cabin and live out your days there.

Your time in office will be regarded as a stain and a blip on the radar.

In a plea for Americans to wake the hell up and understand that globalists funding the Democratic Party are eroding the fabric of society, the Emir of Kuwait has put an end to the disgrace that Obama and Biden have brought via America's conceit, arrogance, and utter stupidity in the Middle East, and this is unquestionable.

The dollar is on its way out of hegemony!

Nothing tells me that the Middle East and Persian Gulf are done with the Democrats more than the Kuwait Emir’s speech and dissolvement of parliament last week.

He suspended many of the articles of the constitution for four years and made a statement that I think should reverberate and echo in the West (wherever Western values still matter to normal people, not losers on campuses like Obama's Harvard woke madness) because it's a wake-up call for Republicans and conservatives in general to take back control of the constitution and the direction of the free world.

Western Europe is basically dying… People are not having children… They will be the only societies in history that never get conquered but instead invite immigrants to take over their ancestorial lands.

Kuwait's Emir has said this (I am paraphrasing): “We told our American and European counterparts this many times… We, the Arabs, are tribal people and follow a leader that cares for his flock. I don't believe in democracy because it is faulty in that it allows radical groups (Alexandria Osacio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and others) to use demographic shifts (immigration and increased birth rates of certain minorities) against the greater interests of the host country.”

If these words by the Emir of Kuwait don't shock you to the core, you've already given up.

He is telling you what Qatar is funding, what open borders are fueling, what George Soros is funding, and what Obama and Biden have sold your future for.

Best Regards, Lior Gantz

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You mean dragged to the gallows to pay the price for the MURDER of humanity. Cased closed!

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yes, dragged and pay price but we need courts too

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You need to add Dr. Redfield

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Cuomo’s got balls trying to pretend he didn’t know, I look forward to them all reaping what they’ve sown…not the first time I’ve heard this but

tribunals since 2017? When do we get to hear about them? I wanna know every last one! I’m quite sure they killed my uncle with their remdesivir protocol…the entire medical system is corrupted, it’s fucking pathetic what people will sell themselves for

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Yes he does! His whole family is scum. Time to haul them in to face justice!

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Thank you Dr. Paul for adding Don Lemon.

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Add the CDC directors as well. Ex-CDC Director Says It's High Time To Admit 'Significant Side Effects' Of COVID-19 Vaccines | ZeroHedge


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Has anyone ever considered the fact that maybe, just maybe Trump knows they will KILL him or his family if he comes out?

Has anyone ever considered the fact of why Trump is acting so stupid?

Has anyone ever considered the fact that you’re stupid if you think he is stupid😂

Has anyone ever considered the fact that BP is more monstrous than DC?

No, you haven’t.

I don’t know all the answers no more than you do but would you come out if you were in his shoes?

Why don’t we ask Dr. Rashid Buttar? Oops that right…we can’t!


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Yezzzzz...PM FICO, Buttar, Mullis 🎯.

🤔 What were those top secret meetings about between C-Lie-A and little Mengele man?

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Yes! More need to be added! School boards, corporate closing for forcing non fda trial jab on employees. Start the investigation at the top , 1st Moderna, NIAIH, NIAD, Fauci, gain of function facilities, 2nd WEF Klaus Schwab (Great Resetter Originator), 3rd top Government officials who uttered "Time for The Great Reset". This includes their media monkeys down the line Msnbc, CBS, Fox, Global, CBC, CTV, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter (pre/post Elon Musk) Elon Musk would be a fantastic witness as he knows the dirt and would absolutely spill the beans on these corrupted individuals. We especially need anti lockdown people in this tribunal to provide information on others who created these barbaric situations as for lockdowns, destruction of livelihoods, prevention of individuals seeking elderly love ones, improper hospital procedures such as killing with ventilators, lack of steroids, lack of antibiotics etc. Especially we need informed nurses and doctors who were anti covid procedures who actually understood true modern day science not this midevil concocted lies of scientific procedures. We require this and more to enlighten, directives to prevent these elitist puppeteers from taking over democratic societies in the future. We know who you are and you should be afraid of your judgment coming! It will come and I hope you make good with the future going forward for your sakes.

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Ive got number 82 for you--the man who STILL speaks about his role in warp speeding his 'wonderful' 'perfect' clot shot. The man who allowed Pfizer to have no liability for its clot shot. WHo is that man behind the curtain? POTUS TRUMP! PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST! He still doesn't speak the truth about his the clot shot he is proud of. At this point in time, he has heard from Dr. Alexander adn Dr. Atlas and countless others. What's the deal??? Is he bought off? Is he stupid? Does he really beleive that the clot shot is so wonderful??

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we are working on him, got to trust...

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Trust what? Trust he did not take $1 from Big Pharma to kill the vaccine safety commission before he became president. Trust that he can stand up to the swamp the second time around when he failed miserably the first time. Trust that he has the intelligence to stop saying that his warp speed clot shot was so fantastic? Trust what Dr. A????

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then who else DB? what options do we have? he was loved to Jan 2020 before the fraud...so who else? would you not want to trust? how bad can it get? can he not have the chance to fix?

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You ask a good question. This (COVID) was the biggest and most important issue he faced during his term. He failed. He let the swamp walk all over him. k

Why give him four more?

POTUS Biden is worse.

Perhaps RFK Jr?

I am not happy with my choices. But for this issue (COVID) POTUS Trump needs to come clean. He failed us at our biggest, most vulnerable time of need.

And...he needs to stop praising his deadly clot shot. That would be a start.

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I believe the medical industrial complex was relieved of liability during Obama’s tenure and that this was planned long before trump came onto the scene. Either way I don’t think he allowed anything. And yes he must know by now so why he hasn’t spoken of it remains a mystery. We will come to find the truth, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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working on him

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Absolutely! Either way he needs to be on there! We need pro vacination and anti vacination people on there to create visibility of who (WHO) was involved in the creation of this scamplandemic. Robert F Kennedy is required to testify as he has dirt on them all and would outline a game plan on all involved. This is not about the individuals but about building mountains of evidence to bring truth and justice to these corrupted individuals, public and private!

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I like

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