I know this is not exactly what Jesus was talking about in this verse, nevertheless, situations like this remind me of Matthew 18:6, "But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." (21st Century King James Version)

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I believe the people who are talking kids into "transitioning" involving hormones and surgery would qualify for the millstone.

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Indeed, I think they're focused on causing kids to stumble and fall.

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Also a fast decent to the lake of fire for women that submit to abortion.

The soul is established by GOD at conception.

Although aborted, the Lord calls back that soul to heaven.

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This has nothing to do with the purported wickedness or immorality of women or an omnibenevolent, kind and loving God's purported desire for the infliction of suffering in eternal damnation on women who "submit" to that procedure.

God carries out 44 abortions every minute. It's called "miscarriage."

This article is about the needless death of a 14 year old child from an indefensible gene injection.

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"God carries out 44 abortions every minute. It's called 'miscarriage.' " ...

That's like saying God throws cancer darts at millions of people (including babies).

God is not to blame for the sorrows of the world caused by the fall of man.

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As Exodus 23:25-26 makes clear, God has dominion over miscarriage, the medical definition of which is "spontanous abortion" or "natural abortion." God aborts 23 million.babies worldwide every year.

Exodus 23:25-26

Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.

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I know the medical definition of miscarriage. To note, spontaneous miscarriage is a far cry from premeditated killing by abortion.

God has dominion over everything that occurs on earth. Some people slip and fall and break a leg. Some people have a leg broken by another person battering it with a sledgehammer. God's not responsible in either case.

Or you could consider God the world's reigning, most destructive abortionist from the heavenly realm, if it suits you.

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Huge difference between a "spontaneous abortion," known as a miscarriage in everyday language, and the deliberate taking of life in an induced abortion.

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That may be. My point was that God is an abortionist and that a post about the purported immorality and wickedness of women who "submit" to what God does 44 times every minute (and has the power to not do) and the portrayal of God as a sadist who wants these women to suffer was jarringly out of context in a stack about a child's needless death from a clot shot injury

Exodus 23:25-26

Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.

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While I agree that this article is unrelated to abortion, it makes no sense to call a miscarriage an abortion, unless some human being intentionally or perhaps recklessly created a situation that increased the likelihood of miscarriage.

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When someone dies, who is calling them home? Satan? It's God. Let's not play word games. In medical terminology "spontaneous abortion" and "miscarriage" are used interchangeably. Since it's not humans who cause these spontaneous abortions, sometimes also called "natural abortions," who kills these unborn children? It's God. God has dominion over nature. More than 30%:of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion and it is God who is the abortionist. God kills 44 babies every minute and 23 million babiies per annum worldwide. It's a holocaust of the.unborn.

Exodus 23:25-26

Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.

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Type "spontaneus abortion" into google and see what comes up is:


Also called: spontaneous abortion


The spontaneous loss of a woman's pregnancy before the 20th week that can be both physically and emotionally painful.

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss and often occurs because the foetus isn't developing normally.

Now try duckduckgo;

"A miscarriage (also called a spontaneous abortion) is the unexpected ending of a pregnancy in the first 20 weeks of gestation. Just because it's called a "miscarriage" doesn't mean you did something wrong in carrying the pregnancy. Most miscarriages are beyond your control and occur because the fetus stops growing."


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Clearly I don't understand the deep mysteries of God's creation, and I am not sure I've met anyone who does.

Therefore, I recommend we all (re)read the book of Job, or at least the last few chapters.

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Humans have created their own sorrows by trying to "play God." As far as we've come with science, we're never going to be able to breathe life into anything and the sooner we stop trying to be in control of something we obviously aren't equipped to handle, we will all be better off as a species.

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I heard a very similar argument from a MGTOW about performing CPR or mouth to mouth resuscitation on unknown women.

His argument was that we should not try to breathe life into unknown women found unconscious, drowned or electrocuted because we should not play God.

When I pressed him on it, it turned out that his real reason was that the woman could be a feminist.

I dislike feminists too but I don't dislike anybody to that extreme.

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Abortion is not an unpardonable sin. I have empathy for a woman who believes she has some justification for aborting her child, when the appropriately justified cases may be _extremely_ rare.

I have no empathy for people who push for allowing and encouraging abortions for any reason up to and perhaps even shortly after birth.

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well said.

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Dr. Paul, millions if not billions care. They are just too trusting, and in need of any leadership, be they right or wrong. Only a small portion of humanity, can decipher, prepare, and violently repel the "Elites." And, history tells us it will require violence, not voting, praying or typing. Hail Victory.

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The elites many who refused the covid shots and have fake vaccine passports are in danger from vaccine shedding so they can take heed to take vitamin supplements. Or buy foods highly enriched with these vitamins and minerals, These elites will die eventually. They dont live 4 ever and some of them are real old. Reality sucks that we die. They might want to turn the notch down on being evil. Perhaps whistle blow for humanitys sake.

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Dear Dr. Alexander...

Seems to me as the death and injury tolls began ticking relentlessly upwards, both in Canada and the UK, the government quickly resolved the issue by ceasing to publish the relevant statistics. And further, in Canada, UK and America -- nothing official mind you -- an effective ban on autopsies of the suddenly dead was instituted.

I read your opening paragraph ("congestive edema of the lungs, T-cell lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration in the lungs, pericardium, and myocardium of the left atria and left ventricle, liver, kidneys, stomach, duodenum, bladder, diaphragm") and to my inexpert mind it reads like symptoms of an advanced, occult cancer, the consequences of long-term poisoning, or possibly just advanced Old Age. 14-year-old girls don't suddenly die with issues like this. It is simply unheard of. At least, not before November 2020.

Do I care? Sure I do. What can I do about it; about the Quisling Monsters in charge of all our countries implementing the WHO's and the WEF's damnable agenda? Absolutely nothing. Write one of our bastard politicians a letter? It will just get my name on a database for when the mass arrests are initiated. I'm 64 years old, I'm supporting a wife and a vaccine-damaged step-daughter on a security guard's wages (Cdn. $18.50/hour). The rent on our apartment is 64% of my income. The signs of orchestrated collapse meanwhile are all around us, what I need to deal with that is a "doomstead" inaccessible by car and at least a day's walk from anywhere else. Where's the money going to come from to buy such a setup, especially in an area like Vancouver Island?

Meanwhile as Br. Alexis Bugnolo said back in June 2021; "Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false...If in a year you didn't practice that and you went and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling or not get offended or do something like that...? You're an idiot. And you're a coward. And you don't live according to the truth." But the stats for British Columbia are here: https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=BC

Breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. But Chief Camp Physician "Butcher Bonnie" Mengel--Henry, rather? Reichsführer-SS Adrian Dix? They're still in power. They'll never be arrested for what they've done, never mind ever being held to account.

Cue the theme from "The Walking Dead". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vun9jZTqaqg


Capt. Roy Harkness

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While your circumstances may seem odious to you Brother Capt., I would contend it is precisely what men such as us need, to put our skills in to destroying this despotic, global menace, in lieu of propping it up to pay for our McMansions, or beautiful, consumerist wives. My wife and daughter while counting on me, have been made plainly aware that if I give my life in pursuit of justice, and my race, they should shed no tears, and my wife should remarry another good man, who may have a better future given my sacrifice. Signed, "The Boomer-Waffen."

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My circumstances are odious, Anti Communist, as I suspect are yours. I draw your attention to the words of the AngloSaxon poem, 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘥𝘰𝘯:

𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘦 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘭 þ𝘦̄ 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘳𝘢, 𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦 þ𝘦̄ 𝘤𝘦̄𝘯𝘳𝘦,

𝘮𝘰̄𝘥 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘢𝘭 þ𝘦̄ 𝘮𝘢̄𝘳𝘦, þ𝘦̄ 𝘶̄𝘳𝘦 𝘮æ𝘨𝘦𝘯 𝘭𝘺𝘵𝘭𝘢ð.

“Will shall be the sterner, heart the bolder,

spirit the greater, as our strength lessens.”

And if that's not enough, read about "The Battle of Thermopylae" -- because that's the reality we're facing.

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Aye, great words! We have been here before, or should say, the ancestral blood has known adversity. I, of course, know the The Battle of Thermopylae well,. given I feel my ties to Sparta. And, if I could but nick the cheek of a Rothschild, and then die a soldier's death, my life will have been with purpose.

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Don't worry they are surveiling us right now,. Do I care. Nope. Far better to be courageous than a coward with power.

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I wish more people would think about “The Law of Unintended Consequences” or “Law of Opposite Effects.” Both maxims kicked in big time with Covid. But well-intentioned “safety” or “health” initiatives have been killing people for decades. This story gives an example from my own family. It’s about the EPA’s underground gas tank regulations and how they ultimately killed the country store …. And an unknown number of people … and numerous jobs … and might have indirectly killed my father, a gasoline distributor.


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If you think this is the result of ill-considered but well-intentioned policies, think again.

"How it Will Go Down" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PizJih4JTbs&t=60s

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This is disgusting. Why, in a developed, highly advanced country populated by a people with among the highest mean IQs in the world, was this innocent child, who was at statistically near zero risk of harm from SARS-CoV-2, permitted to be "vaccinated" with an inadequately tested and risky novel gene injection?

It was all risk for no benefit and this young girl has paid the ultimate price for the incompetence, or worse, of officials and the Japanese State.

A full, transparent and deeply probing independent inquiry into why and how this occurred, headed by someone knowledgeable about the harms that these gene injections can cause, and who is unafraid to call out incompetence and malfeasance needs to be conducted ASAP.

Findings from the inquiry need to be referred to police and prosecution authorities.

Those responsible must be held to account.

Heads must roll.

Japan, and the entire world, needs to cease these indefensible injections immediately.

Professor Massanori Fukushima (see story at the link below) would be an ideal choice to head the inquiry.

“Unprecedented Vaccine Disaster”: An Interview with Professor Masanori Fukushima – The Daily Sceptic


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Dr. Paul Alexander: ‘Not One Healthy Child Has Of Died' In US Since Beginning Of Pandemic, Bannon's War Room


June 17, 2022


STEVE BANNON: How can we possibly have the FDA approving—and they seem like they're obsessed— to approve the vaccinations, the vaccines for the babies. Walk me through this. I don't understand how this could happen given all the information that's come out now, and I particularly don't understand the obsession, and it is an obsession they have, to get it into kids under five. Dr. Alexander.

DR. PAUL ALEXANDER: Hey Steve, once again, it's a real honor to be here. Look, let me get to the point. When we look at all of the data, we look at data out of Sweden, out of Germany, out of the UK, we look at data by Martin Makary Johns Hopkins, we look at all of the Nordic nations, we see that the risk of death in healthy children, young children, young infants even, is basically zero. In fact Sweden, Germany, and these places record no deaths in healthy children in this age group. Martin Makary's group Johns Hopkins showed us that, I want to be clear how I make this statement, in United States of America since the beginning of this pandemic, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and died.

[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: see <https://palexander.substack.com/p/makary-the-flimsy-evidence-behind>

which references this research]

I want to say it again so the public can hear it.

In the United States of America, during covid, from day one to today, that's almost two and a half years, not one healthy child has gotten infected with covid and passed away. Period.

There is no data that Fauci, Francis Collins, Rochelle Walensky, anyone in the Biden administration, or anyone even in the prior Trump administration, has shown us. There weren't any child. This is reckless, this is dangerous what the FDA and CDC has done.

They have no data, Steve. And what they have done is, they are relying on trials and studies that are very suboptimal and methodologically flawed. They are deliberately undersize, in terms of the sample size being small, and they deliberately shorten the duration of followup. So you, the reader, don't realize that they cannot detect safety signals because the duration of followup is so short, the safety effects can't emerge. So what they are doing is deceiving and misleading the public. And they are using crazy procedures like immunobridging. They are not looking at the patient important outcomes that you as a parent, you as grandparents, need to know.

Does this vaccine, let me be clear, does the Pfizer Moderna vaccine cut the risk of hospitalization or death or ICU? Patient important hard outcomes. There is no study that Pfizer Moderna has done, none, as of this moment, to show that these vaccines are effective in reducing hospitalizations or death. What they have done is they've run studies on antibodies, which means nothing to us because antibodies are not a proxy for immunity. So right now we are being misguided and misled with this flawed, and I actually say fraudulent, studies.

What the FDA has done here and the CDC is wrong. And I want to go on record Steve by saying, this is the hill that parents must battle on. This is the hill that parents must be prepared, must prepared to wage their largest battle. No child should be given these vaccines. Absolutely none. There's no basis. Your child is at zero risk, statistical zero risk, of severe illness or death from covid. You stand up and you say no.

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More info about Dr Paul Alexander at


Dr. Alexander's Substack:


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This quote from Dr. Alexander says it all. Parents should print it out and have it at the ready when their pediatrician even broaches the subject of covid shots for their child.

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Or any other “vaccine.”

Docs get payouts for pushing & completing vax schedules on our littles. Unconscionable.

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Crime AGAINST HUMANITY! Period! And still, I know people boosting up!

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In the drugstore across the street from where I live, there is still a kiosk distributing The Lethal Injection, and a little line of Masked Morons patiently waiting their turn...

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It’s disgusting! My Neighbor who was running 6 miles a day was a healthy human until he collapsed and could not walk. Happened beginning of February and paralyzed waist down and still in the hospital today. Thanks to Pfizer. I know he ate the cake! I speak to him often. Not sure if he will ever walk again!

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This will sound heartless; however, it is true. IF we Purebloods are to survive, it is great that those who might have had physical strength, but poor mental judgement, are dying. It is one less opponent, and one fewer element of their Army of the Too Willing. Hail Victory. Our genetic code is always in a war to survive.

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Maddie DeGaray was paralyzed from her Pfizer participation medical guinea pig trial. Needs to be fed via tube. Quite sad. Don't blame mom as thry brainwashed many. It was a example to others to refuse the shots for themselves and kids. Cover up and fraud calling Maddie DeGaray as having stomach issues. Making kids blind occurred in the trials.

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Pitiful; are they THAT uninformed? Truly, some listen/watch ONLY NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN here in the states. Same type news outlets in other countries (IF the keep up at all). Sometimes I forget I’m here on Substack & other “awake” news places & they are not.

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“𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘋𝘦𝘭𝘵𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘪𝘴! 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘖𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰! 𝘔𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘣𝘰𝘺!”

— “Mustapha Mond”

𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 by Aldous Huxley

6 years ago I posted "Talking to Deltas about Liberty - Part 1" If you've got 10-15 minutes with nothing better to do, have a look: https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/2017/03/03/talking-to-deltas-about-liberty/

Otherwise I strongly recommend a book I learned about from one Richard Volpe on YouTube:

180 𝘋𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘴: 𝘜𝘯𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘷𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦. I'm on page 176. The section on The Scamdemic isn't for another 200 pages.


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I routinely shock my LinkedIn ex-colleagues, with a great SubStack article, neatly detailing the ravages of mRNA, or their complicity in tossing their freedoms in to the wind. I have (had!) nearly 1000 connections, 700 or so I have known well, and 20% are Ivy educated, CMO or greater sorts, who should know better. But, dauntless, off they went to show off their 4 Fauci Ouchies, and some even posted their fecking vaccine cards early on!

The LITANY of illnesses, and died suddenly posts have been revelatory to me, and I often repost them, to scare the shit out of the morons, with 200+ Stanford-Binet IQ scores, how close they might be to going to sleep, and not returning. I get, SILENCE! An eerie, spooky silence! These captains of industry, do not have the balls to admit they were fooled!

And so, in these odd days on Terra Firma, I have shifted my allegiance from the Being that Created all of this, to one of the minor deities, a new fave of mine, The God of Schadenfreude! As my old colleagues die, and I thrive, especially the Israeli CEO who would not let me attend a live meeting in early 2021, I pray their deaths are not sudden, I pray they are lingering, painful, and they are able to understand why they are dying.

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Dr. James E Olsson on Twitter. Not the real one who died years ago. People harp on his fake alias but refuse to read what he writes. He reads medical reports of vaccine injury. His family drank the kool-aid and lots of health effects. He refuses axis his right to drink the kool-aid. What criminal demands you drink it. Forces you with Charter breaching human rights violation of UN declarations MANDATES

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“The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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"My God. My God. Why have you forsaken me?"

-- Psalm 22

"God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

-- Arthur Koestler

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He hasn’t forsaken us; we have forsaken Him

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I'm like Fox Mulder: I want to believe...

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While it brands me mean and cruel, so is Nature. Gullibility is weakness, and Nature hates weakness. Wave goodbye to the Proles.

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The scary part is TPTB (the powers that be) have been ok to send men to war for profit (War is a racket by Smedley Butler-offspring of the same TPTB involved in this pharma shit show) are now ok with, and desensitizing the world to the murdering of women and children and as Sasha Lapytova says “They (TPTB) would rather rule over ashes than not to rule at all. Where will OUR line in the sand be?

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not to be off topic but is there any follow up ie list of names in the USA for the elites here...this was in reference to the article you published in April 2022 US Hospitals CEOs and Senior Doctors "Too Valuable To Suspend” Were Offered FAKE Vaccine Cards When They Refused the Jab about Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up in a scandal in Europe involving people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money, with many of them familiar faces and household names.

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Yes and use those elites to your advantage. They who haven't been caught yet with fake vaccines don't want mandates back. Get them to pull out their wallets and contribute to lawsuits. Tge elites were caught parting with no masks yet mandates were in place. Politicians caught with no masks. Learn to come up with brilliant ways to uphold your rights.

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This needs to be made a crime

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Watch this video speech by Naomi Wolf for a clear understanding of what was in the Pfizer initial findings they wanted to keep secret for 75 YEARS. The Covid vaccine jabs are still just made in China and target the US and Western Europe to kill the smart young people in university that would be tomorrow's leaders and women so they can't reproduce. How to win a war without firing a shot !!!


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The FDA joined Pfizer in trying to cover up for 75 yrs. The regulator tried to cover up. I hear there is a special branch investigating their own for bribery in the FDA.

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Yes, I think it was one single US judge that said Nay Nay to Pfizer's request to lock up the study. He's a hero to our cause.

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I don't have the slightest idea who owns Japanese media, but American media is owned by 6 huge corporate conglomerates with extensive involvement in the deep state. I'm sure that the pharmaceutical industry in Japan isn't any more moral than the one in America. Until the Hippocratic Oath is enforced as well as the Constitution used to be, there is little reason to hope for the worldwide medical industry to be trusted.

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First degree murder

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Let the arrests begin please, how much longer are the supposed authorities going to turn a blind eye?

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Australian MP Russell Broadbent Has Questions About the Post-Jab Deaths of Several People Including Two Children, Aged 7 and 9, of Cardiac Arrest

Where's the TGA's transparency?

Russell Broadbent MP, Posted Feb 14, 2023



RUSSELL BROADBENT: Deputy speaker, last month I sought an urgent meeting with the Health Minister and the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration]. There's been no response to my request, so I'll ask my questions here.

Last year a Queensland GP obtained documents from the TGA under the FOI [Freedom of Information] Act number FOI-3727. These documents contain nine assessments conducted by the TGA following reports of someone dying from the covid-19 vaccine. The deceased people listed on these reports are aged 7, 9, 14, 19, 21, 21, 24, 46, 44.

So I ask the Health Minister now, why has the TGA not acted with abundance of caution to alert the public that they were investigating these deaths, including the cardiac arrest of a seven-year-old and a nine-year-old?

Why do these reports not appear on the TGA's disclosure log?

Does it have anything to do with the TGA's only response to the GP that they, and I quot contain sensitive personal information about deceased persons and that the disclosure of the documents could undermine public confidence and reduce the willingness of the public to report Adverse Events to TGA?

Why has the TGA not responded to doctors who have raised these issues with you six months ago, including drawing your attention to those case reports?

This information is extremely alarming and demands an immediate response from the TGA.



#   #   #


Therapeutic Goods Authority https://www.tga.gov.au/

Russell Broadbent MP https://russellbroadbent.com.au/

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More and more is coming out.

Nikki's Story of Her Daughter's Vaccine Injury

Russell Broadbent, MP

March 15, 2023



RUSSELL BROADBENT: Today I wanted to hear from a mum, Nikki, who's reached out and asked me to share her family's story with my parliamentary colleagues.

The rate of severe injuries caused by covid-19 vaccines and excess deaths in Australia, especially in younger people, should be front page news. It's one thing for the majority of my colleagues to deliberately block, mock, and ignore this unfolding human health crisis, but why is, why is the media doing the same? It seems that the Academy Awards and reality TV updates take precedence. Really? Where's our humanity? And where's our compassion? There's a time for politics and debate, and there's a time to unite for the good of our nation, and that time is now. Here's Nikki's story.

NIKKI: This message is for you, Russell Broadbent, Federal Member of Parliament, representing the division of Monash in Victoria. Thank you for taking an interest in Johanna's story. It has been 16 months since our beautiful 20 year-old daughter received her mandatory covid vaccination which has resulted in ongoing debilitating heart issues that we still do not have answers for. As her mother I have been shouting our story from the rooftops, but nobody seems to want to listen. You have read Johanna's story and have offered to share my message with your parliamentarian colleagues. Well, Russell, here is my message.

All four members of our family are proud voters. Before our girls turned 18 they knew their vote was valuable and they cast very considered ones, as do we. We respect each other's opinion to not discuss our individual choices with each other. We are the very people who put you in the seats you now occupy.

Devastatingly, over the past three years the blatant coercion the Australian government have displayed and are still displaying, has not only shattered ours and both our daughters pride in the opportunity to vote that you have robbed us and so many people of freedom of choice. We still are told the same lie, the vaccine is safe. Until you walk in my shoes, see your own child suffering [makes air quotes with fingers] the unknown underlying health issue that has now raised its ugly head, and only because she was forced to make a health choice and told, no jab no job, you will never know the anger of being so devastatingly let down by a system that we trusted would always right the wrongs.

It is time, it is time to stop the lies. It is time to begin the healing for your own soul. When you know it to be true and speak about vaccine injuries, speak as I do, alongside me, with the fear in your voice, knowing you may also have made a choice and were so lucky to evade still being trapped in the pandemic like our daughter still is.

This needs to filter through to our specialists who continually say, low iron, anxiety, dehydrated, exercise more, none of which is helpful. I invite you to contact me, to sit down and hear our story. I know you will align because when you remove your position of power, you are someone's son, daughter, mother, father, sister, brother. Somewhere you know someone who has been through this and is still going through it. So now it is the time to speak up in your position of power that we have so proudly placed you in. Speak up now even if your voice shakes.


Text on screen reads: RUSSELL (03) 5623 2064 russell.broadbent.mp@aph.gov.au



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One more.

#Believe us

COVERSE https://coverse.org.au/believeus/

March 8, 2023



Text on screen: More than 2/3 of of the vaccine-injured are women. For International Women's Day, COVERSE asked some Australian women about their experiences with COVID-19 vaccine injuries...

Text on screen: "What are your worst vaccine injury symptoms..."

WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR: Extreme unmanageable fatigue.

WOMAN WITH BUN (FACE BLURRED): Resting heart rates of 130.

WOMAN IN MAROON BLOUSE: Shooting pains down my neck, my arms, and my back.

WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR PULLED BACK: Pins and needles in my left hand right now, and my foot is numb.


WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR; WHITE BLOUSE: Constant ringing in my ears.


WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR: Forgetfulness and brain fog.

WOMAN WITH BUN (FACE BLURRED): Stabbing chest pains.



WOMAN IN MAROON BLOUSE: Shortness of breath.



WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR: Feeling allergic reactions all the time.

WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR PULLED BACK: The non-stop chronic daily headaches.

WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR; WHITE BLOUSE: Memory loss and brain fog.

WOMAN IN MAROON BLOUSE: Extreme fatigue leaving me bedridden.


WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR PULLED BACK: Nothing seems to work and living life normally, there is no such thing as normal anymore.


Text on screen: "How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?

WOMAN WITH GRAY PIXIE CUT AND PURPLE-FRAMED GLASSES: I got sick after my third Pfizer sh-shot four, fourteen months ag-ago.

WOMAN IN MAROON BLOUSE: It has been 16 months now.

WOMAN WITH BUN (FACE BLURRED): I've been struggling now for 16 months.

WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR PULLED BACK: I've been dealing with this since the 1st of November 2021.

WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR; WHITE BLOUSE: I've been suffering for 17 months now.

WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR: I have been suffering through this for 20 months. Nearly two years.


Text on screen: The average time it has taken to see any improvement is more than 6 months.

Text on screen: "What was the worst thing that a doctor said to you?"

WOMAN IN MAROON BLOUSE: The worst thing a doctor's told me is that I will never heal from this.

WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR PULLED BACK: Seeing medical professionals just to be branded oh, it's stress and anxiety.

WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR; WHITE BLOUSE: When I was told at the very beginning that I couldn't have pericarditis from the vaccine because I'm a woman.

WOMAN WITH GRAY PIXIE CUT AND PURPLE-FRAMED GLASSES: A ddoctor told me I j-just had anxiety.

WOMAN WITH BUN (FACE BLURRED): The worst things I've been told is, there's nothing wrong and it's not that bad. Since then I've been hospitalized three times until the last times it was life-threatening.


Text on screen: 1/4 of women have received a diagnosis that later proved to be incorrect.

Text on screen: "This International Women's Day what do you wish for?"

WOMAN WITH BUN (FACE BLURRED): I want women to be heard, respected, and treated as equal. We deserve a voice.

WOMAN WITH BLONDE HAIR PULLED BACK: We are here together to to help one, support one another, and really just guide each other through this treacherous and horrible experiences that we're going through.


WOMAN WITH LONG BROWN HAIR: Treat each other with dignity and respect and be partners together in creating a better world.

WOMAN IN MAROON BLOUSE: I want people to know that we are not just collateral damage. We are people and we deserve to be heard.



Text on screen: #BelieveUs CoVerse.org.au



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Look at the second screenshot: Elsevier "Legal Medicine". The catalogued date of the report is printed as July 2023; we are still only in April 2023! Someone has made an error! Unless it's to be included in a

report to be published in July 2023.

I think this is the case that YouTuber Dr. John Campbell commented on, approximately 11th/12th April this year. YouTube withdrew the video the next day. Correct me if I'm wrong!


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