never MANDATE these fraud deadly gene injections; it's a way he can step into the breach and remind us how different his approach will be e.g. on any future fraud PCR created fake NON-pandemic
Excellent point, because as everyone with brains knows...Comrade Kamala is a placed puppet, here to usher in communism, slavery and death.
The UN tried to bring illegals by buses across our border where they'd torn down the fence and opened the razor wire and were bussing them to the MVD to get driver licenses and voter registration. And guess whose signature was on the permission slip... a UN guy had a permission slip signed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Kamala Harris, Border Czar.
He was told...“We don’t recognize their authority, and you’ve just entered the US illegally and will be coming with us,” the lead Marine informed him. “If those buses don’t turn around, you’ll all be coming with us.”
he knows he made a terrible mistake, badly misguided and mal informed by bad health officials, vaccine makers, all involved...yes, he made the decision but he was guided by his experts. they all should he hung for what they did, IMO it was a deliberate conspiration to deceive him. it can be easily shown. He at some point must call them all out...sets himself free but levels with the American people and we will be able to hold them to account...we need to know...
Correct and he will all in due time, the truths will come out. He's still fighting the Deep State and winning! This has been an eight year swamp draining behind the scenes. As Trump has said multiple times, "we've caught them all!" Some "people" you "see" are really not who they are. 😉
Listen carefully to what he says in his rally speeches the last few years and how he always says "Central Casting" and "Biden is shot" and (not meaning brain dead) and that "he doesn't sound or look the same," they are doubles, actors with masks on, so many of them playing roles! 🎥🍿
Yes! I believe we are in a military/ civilian alliance operation that has been going on for years. Continuity of Government. Every citizen needs to look at the EXECUTIVE ORDERS that Trump created- and Biden never resended
PAUL, Trump still raves NOW that the shots were great. He has had a few years to live and learn but all for NAUGHT. I don't know why you still insist he was misled by sniveling people around him when he has essentially refused to LEARN! Is he just a dope after all?
1. Knew the childhood vaccines were not adequately safety tested before Trump even ran for Presidential
office (See Trump talks about healthy babies going autistic after getting vaccines in his RFK Jr. “leaked” phone call)
2. Set up a 3 hour meeting with Bobby Kennedy to discuss inadequate vaccine safety testing and how scummy the Medical Mafia are before even taking office.
3. Set up a meeting in 2017 between Bobby and Fauxi et al and got the Medical Mafia to admit they had never adequately placebo safety tested any childhood vaccines - you know like the vaccines they give to children, among our most venerable citizens.
4. Between 2017 and Covid, Trump not only did nothing to get rid of Fauxi, he dramatically expanded his power.
You can delusionally believe Trump didn’t know, but even Trump admitted he should have gone with Bobby in 2017. Instead, he went with Fauxi. And we got screwed.
Bringing RFK Jr. into Trump's campaign could provide Trump some cover on this issue. He needs it because Trump folded and millions died.
Please explain exactly why “you got the shot” has anything at all to do with the facts on my note. Please address those facts, not some totally irrelevant comment.
FYI - if Trump had done his job and stopped the Covid madness that he controlled (i.e. CDC and FDA), there would have been no Covid Gene Therapy Shots. So if anyone got the shot, it was Trump’s fault because Trump didn’t put a stake through the heart of Covid Madness, including shots and non-shot items like masks, lockdowns, failed hospital protocols, etc.
Trump was in charged and he failed. His only honorable option is to admit his mistake, beg forgiveness, and then hire Bobby to fix the problem.
Helloooo...Trump knew they would shut our country down for at least two years while they "make their jab" because everyone knows how long the average "vaccine" takes, 5-10 years. He knew that our country would be gone, our economy decimated, schools closed, businesses ruined, more so than what was lost and not able to recover if he didn't go along with the jab roll out, which they already had by the way unbeknownst to Trump. He begged and pushed other natural therapies we already had and others that would work ie Hydroxychloriquin and Ivermectin. You need to look at the bigger picture here.
if I read you correctly, what your saying is even though Trump was President and knew there were alternatives to the Shot, he went along with the under-tested, 30 year-failed, experimental gene therapy Shots because ... other people, including people that work for him, would shut down the economy if he didn't. So you believe that:
1. Even though Trump was in charge last time and he couldn't stop Shot development, he deserves a second chance.
2. It will be different next time.
Good luck running on that. Although I pray #2 is correct, Trump needs to tell us his plan (let's hope it involves RFK Jr.) or he might as well be a Democrat. Thanks for the comment.
My mom taught me at an early age when people start name calling, it's because they can't argue facts. Please feel free to prove any of my facts wrong. My mom also taught me, never argue with an idiot. Particularly one that doesn't know the meaning of the word sycophants.
You have a situation where there are three good wheels on your car and a worn one. You are a thousand miles to a tire shop. Do you limp along slowly with the worn tire or do you trash it and then cannot go anywhere?
Lol...they were not his! The maxxines were made long before the covid plandemic. Of course the govt is going to make their "cure" before releasing their bioweapon. Their "cure" was actually made in a weekend. Trumps "vaccine" and what he was pushing for were therapies we already had which were Hydroxychloriquin, vitamins C and D3, zinc (prescribed by Dr. Zelenko) Ivermectin and Regeneron, light therapy aka Med beds. You do know that the FDA, (big pharma) cannot make a vaccine for a virus that we already have therapies for, right? This was nothing but a huge NWO scam to get rid of President Trump and so much more! This was all part of their Agenda 21 plan. I suggest you research that.
81% of Americans have got themselves injected with at least one shot. None had a gun to their heads. Surelt this is good for the gene pool. Why is it bad for Harris to want those who work on her campaign to be up to date with their boosters?
Over 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct. It would only take a slight change in temperature and humidity and humans could not adapt and would go extint. As Carl Sagan said "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” What is wrong with Democrats leading the way?
Yu said "It would only take a slight change in temperature and humidity and humans could not adapt and would go extint. " Please provide proof of this absurd statements. Humans have adapted to everything from the Arctic to the Equator, Sea level to mountain top, an incredible temperature and humidity range. Again please prove that a slight change would have that impact, particularly given we have already survived numerous, major changes. While the 99% sounds good, since no one knows how many species have ever existed, it's a made up number. I like 100% of the past is history. I can justify my number.
It's all about control of others. She, Obiden, fake Fauci never took one jibby jab, it was all faked on TV. Those weren't even Biden's arms, the real JB didn't have hairy arms and he had a tattoo on his left arm. 😉
Well one thing nobody realizes is that the deep state has a body double of Trump which they can use along with their deep fake AI. That is the one who is glorifying the warp speed. The satanist deep state is fooling the people so "they" can put in their satanic child trafficking Comrade Kamala to put "it's" boot on everyone's throat and "try" and put them in 15 minute cities to imprison humans forever. And anyone who goes along with this DS puppet will lose their future.
Source of info on Trump double is Independent International Journalist and Correspondent Benjamin Fulford who has connections all over the world in top intelligence groups.
There were fake health experts appointed by stupid b*sturds like turdo. What is a Tam? What is a Bonnie? WTF are these pseudo experts doing pushing illegal mandates? It is not in their power.
Thank you Paul!! The minimum that Trump can do is remind his voters that he opposes the mandates. Kamala just gave him the perfect opening to do so. My recollection is that Trump said initially that he didn't take the vaccine because the monoclonal antibodies he used for treating his bout with covid would protect him for 4 months. Later he said he took the two shots. Later he questioned the first booster. Then (memory gets fuzzy here) he said he took a booster, maybe, if I remember correctly. So maybe he took 2 or 3. The thing is, the Biden CDC, FDA, etc tells us we should have taken 6,8,19? shots by now?? (I lost count). Did Trump take every single shot that the Biden regime recommended? Probably not. And that's another point that differentiates him from the Democrats. With a Kamala regime, if they could have their way, all these 5,6,8,10, whatever shots would have been mandated, and I bet ya Trump didn't take that many shots himself. And we are seeing this with her vaccine mandate for her campaign workers. There's definitely something here he can work with.
Yet these same individuals become combative when the inevitable need to round up into detention centers and deport illegal aliens is promoted as a reasonable measure to control our borders and stop violent crime. Maybe we should call the proposed ICE detention centers 'summer camp for foreign criminals awaiting transportation back home.'
NO studies have shown solid efficacy from the shots. Millions of shottees have died and many are showing various illnesses from the shots. Thousands of research papers concur as to the inherent dangers and damages from taking shots. Not quite sure how you justify Kamala"s demands for her employees to take shots.
Can you please answer how and why you have come to such conclusions ? Or, have I not interpreted your explanation correctly?
I don't think anyone here is 'justifying' Kamala's requirement that all her job applicants and employees be covid jabbed. Rather, she is being exposed for her ignorance and totalitarianism in espousing policies mandating an invasive medical treatment proven to be both harmful and deadly. It reveals HOW SHE WOULD GOVERN. She is a danger to our American way of life.
Not a smart move. We know the Dems lie. We know the mainstream media lie. Kacklin would just come out and make it like Trump did the mandates and blame Operation Warp Speed. We here know it would be a lie, but that doesn't stop them. Then Trump would be on the defense, and the Dems would say, "Look, Trump is on defense. He knows he did something wrong and we can't go back." Claims of hypocrisy are not something that keeps Dems up at night, because they aren't held accountable. Let's not give them a stick to beat Trump with. Plenty of other things to go after Kacklin' for.
I still think if Trump came out and disavowed the jabs altogether he would be a hero to all, by not mandating a poison means nothing, who really wants a choice wether to kill themselves or not.
Karmela and her ilk are such hippocrits. It's only a woman's body when she wants an abortion. It's NOT her body when she refuses a poison jab!
ka boom, excellent point
superb and bang on.
Excellent point, because as everyone with brains knows...Comrade Kamala is a placed puppet, here to usher in communism, slavery and death.
The UN tried to bring illegals by buses across our border where they'd torn down the fence and opened the razor wire and were bussing them to the MVD to get driver licenses and voter registration. And guess whose signature was on the permission slip... a UN guy had a permission slip signed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Kamala Harris, Border Czar.
He was told...“We don’t recognize their authority, and you’ve just entered the US illegally and will be coming with us,” the lead Marine informed him. “If those buses don’t turn around, you’ll all be coming with us.”
thank you for sharing this
You,re welcome!
Lol...RRR Real Raw News is SATIRE! @ Dr. Paul Alexander.
Trump stills adores himself for pushing those 'great" vaccines. MAGA means megalomania.
But he sees he made a mistake by relying on reprobate fake health officials who did not warn him of the jab dangers he was unaware of.
he knows he made a terrible mistake, badly misguided and mal informed by bad health officials, vaccine makers, all involved...yes, he made the decision but he was guided by his experts. they all should he hung for what they did, IMO it was a deliberate conspiration to deceive him. it can be easily shown. He at some point must call them all out...sets himself free but levels with the American people and we will be able to hold them to account...we need to know...
Correct and he will all in due time, the truths will come out. He's still fighting the Deep State and winning! This has been an eight year swamp draining behind the scenes. As Trump has said multiple times, "we've caught them all!" Some "people" you "see" are really not who they are. 😉
Listen carefully to what he says in his rally speeches the last few years and how he always says "Central Casting" and "Biden is shot" and (not meaning brain dead) and that "he doesn't sound or look the same," they are doubles, actors with masks on, so many of them playing roles! 🎥🍿
Yes! I believe we are in a military/ civilian alliance operation that has been going on for years. Continuity of Government. Every citizen needs to look at the EXECUTIVE ORDERS that Trump created- and Biden never resended
PAUL, Trump still raves NOW that the shots were great. He has had a few years to live and learn but all for NAUGHT. I don't know why you still insist he was misled by sniveling people around him when he has essentially refused to LEARN! Is he just a dope after all?
But Trump was aware of jab dangers.
It wasn’t fake reprobate officials who:
1. Knew the childhood vaccines were not adequately safety tested before Trump even ran for Presidential
office (See Trump talks about healthy babies going autistic after getting vaccines in his RFK Jr. “leaked” phone call)
2. Set up a 3 hour meeting with Bobby Kennedy to discuss inadequate vaccine safety testing and how scummy the Medical Mafia are before even taking office.
3. Set up a meeting in 2017 between Bobby and Fauxi et al and got the Medical Mafia to admit they had never adequately placebo safety tested any childhood vaccines - you know like the vaccines they give to children, among our most venerable citizens.
4. Between 2017 and Covid, Trump not only did nothing to get rid of Fauxi, he dramatically expanded his power.
You can delusionally believe Trump didn’t know, but even Trump admitted he should have gone with Bobby in 2017. Instead, he went with Fauxi. And we got screwed.
Bringing RFK Jr. into Trump's campaign could provide Trump some cover on this issue. He needs it because Trump folded and millions died.
You sound like you got the shot. That's not Trump's fault.
Please explain exactly why “you got the shot” has anything at all to do with the facts on my note. Please address those facts, not some totally irrelevant comment.
FYI - if Trump had done his job and stopped the Covid madness that he controlled (i.e. CDC and FDA), there would have been no Covid Gene Therapy Shots. So if anyone got the shot, it was Trump’s fault because Trump didn’t put a stake through the heart of Covid Madness, including shots and non-shot items like masks, lockdowns, failed hospital protocols, etc.
Trump was in charged and he failed. His only honorable option is to admit his mistake, beg forgiveness, and then hire Bobby to fix the problem.
Helloooo...Trump knew they would shut our country down for at least two years while they "make their jab" because everyone knows how long the average "vaccine" takes, 5-10 years. He knew that our country would be gone, our economy decimated, schools closed, businesses ruined, more so than what was lost and not able to recover if he didn't go along with the jab roll out, which they already had by the way unbeknownst to Trump. He begged and pushed other natural therapies we already had and others that would work ie Hydroxychloriquin and Ivermectin. You need to look at the bigger picture here.
if I read you correctly, what your saying is even though Trump was President and knew there were alternatives to the Shot, he went along with the under-tested, 30 year-failed, experimental gene therapy Shots because ... other people, including people that work for him, would shut down the economy if he didn't. So you believe that:
1. Even though Trump was in charge last time and he couldn't stop Shot development, he deserves a second chance.
2. It will be different next time.
Good luck running on that. Although I pray #2 is correct, Trump needs to tell us his plan (let's hope it involves RFK Jr.) or he might as well be a Democrat. Thanks for the comment.
How much are you sycophants getting paid to bash Trump and ignore the commies in chicago? Still voting Trump, communists.
I get paid nothing. I tell the truth for free.
My mom taught me at an early age when people start name calling, it's because they can't argue facts. Please feel free to prove any of my facts wrong. My mom also taught me, never argue with an idiot. Particularly one that doesn't know the meaning of the word sycophants.
You're right. It's not good to argue with an idiot.
RIGHT ON........Trump is ignorant and complicit. say it like it is....
You have a situation where there are three good wheels on your car and a worn one. You are a thousand miles to a tire shop. Do you limp along slowly with the worn tire or do you trash it and then cannot go anywhere?
Lol...they were not his! The maxxines were made long before the covid plandemic. Of course the govt is going to make their "cure" before releasing their bioweapon. Their "cure" was actually made in a weekend. Trumps "vaccine" and what he was pushing for were therapies we already had which were Hydroxychloriquin, vitamins C and D3, zinc (prescribed by Dr. Zelenko) Ivermectin and Regeneron, light therapy aka Med beds. You do know that the FDA, (big pharma) cannot make a vaccine for a virus that we already have therapies for, right? This was nothing but a huge NWO scam to get rid of President Trump and so much more! This was all part of their Agenda 21 plan. I suggest you research that.
81% of Americans have got themselves injected with at least one shot. None had a gun to their heads. Surelt this is good for the gene pool. Why is it bad for Harris to want those who work on her campaign to be up to date with their boosters?
Over 99% of all species that ever lived are extinct. It would only take a slight change in temperature and humidity and humans could not adapt and would go extint. As Carl Sagan said "Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” What is wrong with Democrats leading the way?
Yu said "It would only take a slight change in temperature and humidity and humans could not adapt and would go extint. " Please provide proof of this absurd statements. Humans have adapted to everything from the Arctic to the Equator, Sea level to mountain top, an incredible temperature and humidity range. Again please prove that a slight change would have that impact, particularly given we have already survived numerous, major changes. While the 99% sounds good, since no one knows how many species have ever existed, it's a made up number. I like 100% of the past is history. I can justify my number.
It's all about control of others. She, Obiden, fake Fauci never took one jibby jab, it was all faked on TV. Those weren't even Biden's arms, the real JB didn't have hairy arms and he had a tattoo on his left arm. 😉
Well one thing nobody realizes is that the deep state has a body double of Trump which they can use along with their deep fake AI. That is the one who is glorifying the warp speed. The satanist deep state is fooling the people so "they" can put in their satanic child trafficking Comrade Kamala to put "it's" boot on everyone's throat and "try" and put them in 15 minute cities to imprison humans forever. And anyone who goes along with this DS puppet will lose their future.
Source of info on Trump double is Independent International Journalist and Correspondent Benjamin Fulford who has connections all over the world in top intelligence groups.
Why would Trump allow a body double to speak for him?
Why would people with access to medical experts as I had ignore them and get the dangerous fake jab? I refused and most of my family did too.
Likely because most medical experts were touting the safe and effective bullshit, unfortunately.
There were fake health experts appointed by stupid b*sturds like turdo. What is a Tam? What is a Bonnie? WTF are these pseudo experts doing pushing illegal mandates? It is not in their power.
Thank you Paul!! The minimum that Trump can do is remind his voters that he opposes the mandates. Kamala just gave him the perfect opening to do so. My recollection is that Trump said initially that he didn't take the vaccine because the monoclonal antibodies he used for treating his bout with covid would protect him for 4 months. Later he said he took the two shots. Later he questioned the first booster. Then (memory gets fuzzy here) he said he took a booster, maybe, if I remember correctly. So maybe he took 2 or 3. The thing is, the Biden CDC, FDA, etc tells us we should have taken 6,8,19? shots by now?? (I lost count). Did Trump take every single shot that the Biden regime recommended? Probably not. And that's another point that differentiates him from the Democrats. With a Kamala regime, if they could have their way, all these 5,6,8,10, whatever shots would have been mandated, and I bet ya Trump didn't take that many shots himself. And we are seeing this with her vaccine mandate for her campaign workers. There's definitely something here he can work with.
If wishes were fishes we would all be swimming right now but Trump still says his vaccine is the worlds greatest 🙄
Mandates are criminal. No matter the consequence, I will not comply. Live free or die!
FUCKING GREAT go to it KAMALA - get the entire DNC vaxxed up the ass- i will have the body bags ready
When she is installed we are all screwed!
Never interfere with an enemy when they are killing themselves
Very unsettling to say the least:
Horrifying dreams of authoritarians.
Yet these same individuals become combative when the inevitable need to round up into detention centers and deport illegal aliens is promoted as a reasonable measure to control our borders and stop violent crime. Maybe we should call the proposed ICE detention centers 'summer camp for foreign criminals awaiting transportation back home.'
Darn! I won’t be able to work in her campaign !!!! 🤨😉🤪
NO studies have shown solid efficacy from the shots. Millions of shottees have died and many are showing various illnesses from the shots. Thousands of research papers concur as to the inherent dangers and damages from taking shots. Not quite sure how you justify Kamala"s demands for her employees to take shots.
Can you please answer how and why you have come to such conclusions ? Or, have I not interpreted your explanation correctly?
I don't think anyone here is 'justifying' Kamala's requirement that all her job applicants and employees be covid jabbed. Rather, she is being exposed for her ignorance and totalitarianism in espousing policies mandating an invasive medical treatment proven to be both harmful and deadly. It reveals HOW SHE WOULD GOVERN. She is a danger to our American way of life.
I like this idea.
What are your thoughts on Trump and RFK Jr working together?
Not a smart move. We know the Dems lie. We know the mainstream media lie. Kacklin would just come out and make it like Trump did the mandates and blame Operation Warp Speed. We here know it would be a lie, but that doesn't stop them. Then Trump would be on the defense, and the Dems would say, "Look, Trump is on defense. He knows he did something wrong and we can't go back." Claims of hypocrisy are not something that keeps Dems up at night, because they aren't held accountable. Let's not give them a stick to beat Trump with. Plenty of other things to go after Kacklin' for.
I still think if Trump came out and disavowed the jabs altogether he would be a hero to all, by not mandating a poison means nothing, who really wants a choice wether to kill themselves or not.
Another great strategy he’ll ignore I’m afraid. But good idea!👍🏻