To find out more see:https://corbettreport.com/best-of-corbett/

There are multiple video documentaries going over the evidence which casts doubt on the government's narrative and the 9/11 Commission Report. I have seen most of them and they are eye opening. You will never think about 9/11 the same way after watching these.

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over the target

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Thanks for the reminder of The Corbett Report! I'd forgotten about this site and it is

so valuable!

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The answer is in our face, like the disappearing of Influenza during covid, and it's reappearance afterwards.

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this is the issue, if OPERATION NORTHWOODS happened and it is unclassified it DID, then a fake COVID is highly likely all of it

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And 9/11... we have been playthings in the hands of our deep state that answer to no one..and will continue to be..it's either us or them...

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I get it. An "inside job."



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Miss Latypova has some new theories about the 2020 COVID-19 Psyop:


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she is wicked smart

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Yes… 9/11 was a neocon CIA plot that involved the participation of more than one Mideast country. It was run by traitors inside the US government many still have great influence.

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Every single thing about Covid was a lie. The foundation for all this deceit is the pseudoscience of virology. Virology doesn’t use the scientific method and relies on computer generated genomic sequences to create whatever unicorn they wish to promote.

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boom, I love this

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Bush Sr. Is quite the movie star. He made an uncredited cameo outside Parkland Hospital in Nov 1963. See his performance in the film linked below.

JFK to 911. Everything is a rich man’s trick

Francis Richard Conolly (2018)

The film is 3.5h but worth your time.

Was 9/11 a detonation? The folks who have seen hundreds of them say, “Well, yes, of course.”

Burning jet fuel is far too “cool” to affect the WTC building steel frame. Those buildings were the proverbial “brick outhouse.” Collapse of bldg 7 seems to have been announced before it happened.

RFKJR’s “WUHAN” book traces the time line of wars, assassinations, democide and mass poisoning back to Operations Paperclip (both East and West) when the bioweapon/defense development juggernaut lost any ethical restraint, all in the name of “The American Century,” the neocon’s new manifest destiny for America: world dominance under threat of deadly force.


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I like this....Trump said planes could not drop the towers that way...he was right

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Highly likely.

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This is some information i found about my grandfather.

Wilkerson’s friend and colleague, the late Congressman Teno Roncalio, thought Wilkerson’s own involvement with campaigns—particularly John F. Kennedy’s triumphant 1960 presidential run—and Roncalio’s successful run for Congress in 1964 finally focused his fellow Democrat Wilkerson’s attention on running for office himself.


My/we the people lawsuit starts on page 175


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Good day Paul

Thank you very much for getting in touch with us and thank you also for the links you have sent to us which are very interesting.

You are quite right in everything you say and the case we have made to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at the Hague reflects that all of these cases we each are trying are important and must be considered. The current situation that pertains in so many countries including yours and ours, is deeply troubling and is getting worse by the day, as nobody in any kind of authority wants to acknowledge that the 'vaccine' programme is an abject failure (not to mention a bioweapon) and is killing and injuring many, many people as well as causing incalculable damage to economies and societies in general.

This link may be of some interest to you. https://jdfor2024.com/2021/07/india-criminal-complaint-filed-against-gavi-bill-gates-fauci/

Thank you for everything you are doing to challenge the narrative and for offering your help to us for which we are very grateful - rest assured we will bear this in mind and be in touch with you if we need your undoubted expertise.

Kind regards

Melinda and Kaira

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐

This is the proof that government conspire to violate your rights that they swore an oath to protect.


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thank you for this sharing....informative

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"That sick dark people would sacrifice innocent people to do this?"

I dunno Dr. Paul, send to me they were just warning up for the finale, injecting billions of people with a BIOWEAPON so "sick" doesn't quite express what's really afoot.

I'd go with Evil! Pure unadulterated EVIL!

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Seems like all controlled puppets for the right price

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Gee Alexander what a can of worms you have opened FOR ME. I'm gonna have to look into all of this again and I thought I was on sure ground as to who killed JFK. Apparently not. Thank you for your deep digging talents!

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You must read Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I was a member. We had eye witness testimonies from people who worked in maintenance at the towers. They were not allowed to testify for the questionable 911 Committee. Mr Morales told us that he was told not to come to work for several weekends. When he returned he noticed people adding wires throughout the buildings. They had no uniforms. He was told not to talk or ask questions. But he told our staff that he questioned why all these wires were running up and down in inner walls very similar to what he knew to be the implosion type of demolition that they would use in Las Vegas to implode a building do it didn’t damage other buildings near by. I still wondered about Building 7. It had not gotten hit by any planes. Yet the owner was giving a live interview when he claimed there were fires. So he said “pull it!” With minutes just like with the twin towers. Building 7 imploded exactly the same way! Was it also wired?

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German engineer and demolition expert said they knew it all along.

He is probably the world's foremost expert on the physics of controlled demolition.



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Strange Alex Jones seemed to know about the planes hitting the buildings long before it happened??

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I saw an interesting movie once in which a time traveller went back in time and stopped JFK from getting whacked. When the time traveller returned to the present the US had been obliterated. All that was left was a radioactive wasteland. To my way of thinking, there is nothing lower than a Bush, except perhaps a Cheney, or a Romney, or a Lindsey Graham, or a McStain etc. But what would have happened if JFK didn't get whacked? Perhaps Bush Snr and LBJ did the US and the world a favor..

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very interesting....this is why we talk, we must share, many of you are brilliant

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I agree with you on a Bush

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We haven't had a real President since JFK was whacked. Not one.

And if Trump gets back in and doesn't take on the owners of the world, AKA The Federal Reserve, not Federal and certainly not the reserve, then you'll know he's not a real President either...

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the idea that the world is better off with the. Bushes and LBJ is beyond absurd and frankly insulting...JFK was going to rid us of the Dulles Brothers, the CIA, the Vietnam War and fix the Treasury going back to the gold standard...and Civil Rights and more.

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Yes. But would he have been able to given the world as it was back then

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an interesting question...all of them

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