I concur..massive damage done to humans who 'accepted' under 'safe and secure'...and those that died...there must be justice....'Power to the People'. Hello here and there!

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Will anyone trust their doctor and the medical establishment ever again?

Those who lost loved ones at the hands of these genociders might never forgive nor forget!

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We know the ones to trust - now

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We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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I agree with each word Dr. Alexander. When my job was considered “essential”. Oh that infamous new word from 0-100 MPH, in a stroke of a pen, back in March 2020, made me feel special. I was most important in the whole wide world. Me, a simple minded, over 50 white male, 37 years of work experience, responsible for client networks and printing equipment, was considered, “essential”. Why? Can you imagine that? No I can’t and all because most places were “ghost towns”. Skeleton crews barely distinguishable. Urgency? What urgency? None, Nope, None at all. Oh how the “Elite Covid Mafioso” dictators treated all of US......? I held my head high, woke extra early, arrived at my office, extra early, and, and, and what bullshit I outlined here!Oh I was essential and for 30 plus years I’ve always woke early and arrived early, but the difference under the lockdown on that infamous day, was what I learned. This new and hip word “essential” would now afford me privileges. After all I must be special! I was “essential”. Right?NOT! Not in the least! I asked my colleague why. He replied I have know idea. I paused and after a long and drawn out stare I said to him, “why am I essential”? His reply, I have know idea, once again. My point here is simple, there was such an utterly and ridiculous rationale behind this decision so I started to dig deeper into each and every part of this Covid debacle! I thought this is Bullshit, absolutely Bullshit with extra Bullshit on top! Infuriating? Absolutely! When I think back and I ask myself why is this happening, I reached the same conclusion. This entire debacle was nothing more than theater. Designed to “DIVIDE AND EMPOWER”! What’s worse is how many “WACKADOS” as I call them, went along! I mean emphatically so! Some were so over the top I couldn’t help but think, what is wrong with you? As time passed I learned, these “WACKADOS” had nothing wrong with them other than, they were ecstatic about how they were now entitled to“BOSS ME AROUND”! Boss anyone around, because they were special! They felt so special too! At times I had to bite my tongue many, many times because I am very professional and it’s my job not to disrespect anyone, especially my clients, in their place of work, right? Absolutely wrong! Although I never disrespected anyone, I had my share and I was up to my neck pissed at how little respect I received, how many times I was shouted at! Only to walk out pissed to know end and I had to hold in my anger, stop myself from telling them to go phuck themselves, which I wouldn’t do anyway. It’s never been my nature, so why start now? They weren’t going to win this fight against me, the unvaccinated, the grandma hating, virus spreader, murderous technician! But being pushed to a literal breaking point day in and day out only made me stronger! Strengthening my relationships with my normal functioning clients and taught me to know the difference from these “WACKADOS”! So the Covid lockdown lunacy among some and in lock step with the empowered “WACKADOS”, helped me to realize how much of a “FRAUD” was being perpetuated on all Americans! I began forgetting my mask in the car or not wearing it inside and the WACKADOS went crazy and freaked the hell out! Some ran, others gasped, while others ordered me to leave their premises. While more times than not, the“NORMALS” laughed or would raise their middle finger at the “LUNATICS” over such ridiculous and controlling reactions. It became a game of cat and mouse. Afraid VS Unafraid! Left VS Right, WACKADOS VS NORMALS. Today as I reflect, the lunatic “WACKADOS” speak not a word, or they leave the office or pretend they’re busy. I have never, nor would I ever condemn anyone for the medical choices they make and yet, I was forbidden to enter some business because I wasn’t vaccinated! Sadly, I can see in some cases those who were injured by the shot and more often, some of those same loudmouth WACKADOS left the planet behind! (Oh Lord please forgive them)! My concern is what’s next? I’m certain the “COVID ELITES” took note of all I was seeing and experiencing so they can fine tune their next “FEAR-DOWN -LOCK-DOWN” fraud once again! I’m also certain the “NORMALS” as I’ve been calling them, will never COMPLY EVER AGAIN! I had many conversations with lots of people about exactly what I’ve written here today and IMO, that’s a great awakening! Only time will tell how many people fall in line again but I’m pretty confident not nearly as many as before! I will say this, “the powerful vs the normals” will have one less obstacle and that’s the “WACKADOS”! I believe this because now know as we know, who they are, what they’re like and how few of them are actually in any position to tell “US NORMALS” what to do, ever again! Thank you Dr Alexander! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Wow, sounds like my story (my husband giving me a lift very early in the morning to downtown Montreal ghost town during the pLandemic). I remember the gov made up a law as to not giving unemployment$ if your boss fired you because you refused the shot (Since when does your vax/health status determines your unemployement benefit you contributed to on every paycheck?) In any case, the Quebec gov recommended the unvaxxed to show up at their workplace (excluding the fired ones depending of the company), while the vaxxed were recommended to work from home (I always questionned the scientific logic behind this one!). As if to be exposed to more covid was as an uvaxxed was the ultimate revenge -?-. Boy was Quebec the ultimate CCP copy.

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Amen brother! You put to words my exact experiences and I suspect a lot of other people's as well.

From day one I never completed with anything. Not masking, not staying home, nothing. Except to get treatment for the bladder cancer that I was diagnosed with in October 2020 and then I only completed with putting a stupid mask on to enter the hospital for the surgery and subsequent treatment. And I took it off after I got in the damn building anyway.

The good news is this.

I've been to the hospital several times over the past several weeks and three weeks ago they put this six foot tall three foot wide sign declaring masks were mandatory. As I stood there reading and getting pissed, I looked around and I saw the Lady at the information desk without a mask and people milking about in the hallway without masks. Oh there were a couple but that was it. Just a couple. The next time I entered the hospital a week later the sign was moved from obstructing the hallway to assist the wall out of the way and still there were more, many more people without masks than there were with them. There's hope in this but also caution. Hope that people figured it out and won't get fired again. Caution that the evil that perpetrated this last assault on humanity will unleash something really deadly the next time. Why wouldn't they?

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Amen back at you Steve! I will keep you in my prayers more specifically, I will pray for Gods strength in healing your body and mind and soul! Our world has gone off the rails, similar to a rotten apple in a bushel effect! I agree with everything you’ve just posted in your reply and there’s a sudden awareness / awakening I am noticing everyday and everywhere I go which is more assuring than the past years and rightfully so. I am concerned with the next attack, something we can’t see or smell or hear or taste seems to be the mechanism of choice these, “murderous, narcissistic devilish” demons they all are will utilize! There isn’t a strong enough definition of how I feel about Obama, Gates, Soros, Schwab, Fauci and on and on the list grows! It’s one thing to error and it’s another to deliberately disregard human life for one’s utopian bullshit they want everyone to believe is why they’re doing what we know they’ve been doing! Ok right! NOT! Absolutely WRONG! I believe “GOOD will PREVAIL as long as GOOD CONTINUES TO EXPOSE THE EVILNESS PERPETUATED ON THE WORLD! I do see more people than say last year, open to conversation, willing to laugh a little more and question even more, so those are really good awakening’s, IMO. As you’ve pointed out with the hospital, as long as more people disregard their idiotic mask policy, then the bean counters will start to “ease to appease” both their customers, you and me, and their master’s, such as BlackRock, Vanguard or State Street! The public / private arrangement responsible for all the CRT and DEI and ESG bullshit partnered with unelected bureaucrats and elected communist ideologues,, such as Ilhan Omar, are starting to severe, crack and eventually, hopefully, be demolished, though never destroyed! Thank you Steve for your response and May God keep you close and safe!


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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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Dr Alexander☕️ Our small hospital locally lied to the nursing staff to manipulate compliance "Sheeple".

From maksing to the covid shots to the protocols folks just accepted blindly. I know of a contract nurse who was walked out for not taking the flu shot by a manager. That same manager tried to coerce my compliance to covid and flu shots but I told him "No" with "My Body My Choice".

I educate my patients all the time and it is their body their choice.

Remdesivir-> I try to telll clients and families about the harm it can do. Some listen and some do not.

Too late to save some who did not listen and consented with the sways of the medical teams. Blood is on their hands for sure.

I will keep warning folks as long as Lord Jesus Christ has my back in His protection.

Dont take the shots. Ebola live vaccine with a shedding rate lf 31% is the next one coming from Colorado. Marburg is percolating behind the scenes also.

Find your place in Lord Jesus Christ folks. The Tribulation is no joke.

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Thank you for your service, which you deserve as a soldier by way of your actions and firm stance.

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So what about the furin cleavage site? Is that not "science". I'm a layman(engineer) but I don't understand that some deny this to maintain the "no virus" narrative.

Has it been discovered by scientists that the unique furin cleavage is man made? Is it true that Moderna(cia) already had the "vax" patented for it(covid 19)?

Am I wrong?

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I remember the scientists discussing this furin cleavage site having been man made ...

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Thank you Dr. Alexander for all that you are doing to shine a light on truth. I need some scientific info on the asymptomatic lie. If you can send me anything to debunk this lie it would be greatly appreciated.

Email Chiclettesucep@gmail.com

Much thanks!

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There's many ways people could have been made sick. Air food water emf aerosolised. What ever rhe media told us never had any demonstration to back it up. The UN banned nicotine as part of 2030. From 2020 governments announced banning it too.Studies from 2013 showed zinc and hcq were effective against "corona". The numbers we were told right through 2020 were fabricated. You could type any number in to google and get a result. Masks made people sick and put the world in a state of demoralisation separatiion and enslavement. Wef tested sewer and or drinking water treatment facilities...Which is the give away. The cesium in the shots likely made us all sick as well not to mention plasmids. Hope this helps

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I have my 2 dead sisters and a dead son and a dead friend in USA who I can never speak to again and they suffered horrible deaths with those rubbery substances in their bodies. I spoke to my sister the day before she died, who I was not allowed to see told me that it was horrible what she was going through

What sort of doctors and nurses could just kill people?

And they are still injecting them

My brother and sister in law have had 6 jabs

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Before anybody gets hung we'll have to convince the deniers with their heads buried in the sand. So many of them. Until they wake up we won't get a jury that will convict.

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Paul and all,

Yes the lies repeated and the deaths are continuing!

Now what?

For ALL AMERICANS who want to win…focus now on the MOST important 2024 issue of ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections???

The Lex Greene piece should give all persons GREAT HOPE that the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY CROWD will be able to establish free, fair, lawful and transparent elections!

Lex Greene lays out our GREAT odds of winning…


Spread this piece all over our mostly RED, repeat RED country!

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P.S. Support Mike Lindell, My Pillow guy because FOX ‘News’ dumped him and… because he is using mountains of his money and his talents and blessings for the cause of ELECTION INTEGRITY!

Where are the rest of Americans using their money to support serious strategic planners working on ELECTION INTEGRITY?

All his products are great if you need a wedding, birthday or any other gift!

I gave my kids a gift of $ to spend with Mike’s company! They all loved the things they picked out…

Dog beds


Kids Noah’s ark pillowcases

Oversized bath mats

Sheets and towels

MYPILLOW has something for everyone!

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THE EMERGENCY. Unending fake public health “emergencies” enable global elites to maintain an iron grip on a worldwide population living in fear. Watch Turfseer’s music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/nw-music-video-release-the-emergency

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Liked the song! I shared on fb

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It seems likely that our malignant, narcissistic globalist world leaders align themselves to destroy and murder us, with 'X'. But most essays I have read since this morning fail to factor in that Hitler's hubris, for instance, made him fail miserably.

Thus, the globalists are in for failure in the short term, but many of us will suffer immensely.

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Complete lack of acknowledgement or research into the circulation of COVID in the U.S. prior to 2020 as indicated by testing donated blood and (COVID-19)-antibody seroprevalence measurements in Santa Clara county, which were suppressed by the media to downplay the possibility of natural immunity.

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you misunderstood then, the fact I stated we were immune meant we were exposed in some manner...prior...I have written here many times COVID or what they released was circulating maybe in 2016...PCR was used to detect something that was circulating

Diamond Princess, aircraft carriers USS Theodore Roosevelt, French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, told us this....does this not mean the activities on the ship post COVID showed us that we had some form of immunity prior to Jan 2020 etc.???

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They should be hanged , now . Gates, schwab, bourla , etc etc

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They should be hanged , now . Gates, schwab, bourla , etc etc

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In the education of our children the thing that has not been taught to the parents who cannot impart it to their children is to think and to practice COMMON SENSE

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