A lie, a 100% complete lie, COVID (a PCR-created lie) was NEVER true, there was NO pandemic, not even emergency, NONE! We were ALWAYS immune; From origins, timeline, deadly lockdown lunacy to mRNA
technology & mRNA vaccine to the deadly mistreatment & abuse by the medical system that killed the vast majority (isolation, sedation (propofol, midazolam, lorazepam), Remdesivir, ventilator
Diamond Princess, aircraft carriers USS Theodore Roosevelt, French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, told us this.
COVID, the entirety of it, is and was the greatest public health lie and disaster along with the lockdown lunacy and the deadly Malone, Bourla, Weissman, Sahin et al. mRNA technology and resulting mRNA vaccine.
Nothing historically compares to the devastation of the lockdowns and the COVID injection deadly failed outcome.
Our medical doctors (a group we trusted entirely yet failed us catastrophically), the hospitals, CEOs, our governments, our health officials at those alphabet agencies, USA, Canada, UK etc. These are murderers, planned it, this is murder in the first. This is not pure ineptness, cannot be. This was malfeasance. People with proper legal processes, courts and juries, must hang for what they did in COVID, even your friends.
We were lied to about asymptomatic transmission, about inferior natural immunity, about the fraud false-positive overcycled PCR process, about equal risk for severe outcome despite age and background risk. All lies. Despite it being clear 2 weeks out mid March 2020 that COVID was amenable to risk stratification and that baseline risk was prognostic on severity of outcome.
We hang many of them and high.
I concur..massive damage done to humans who 'accepted' under 'safe and secure'...and those that died...there must be justice....'Power to the People'. Hello here and there!
Will anyone trust their doctor and the medical establishment ever again?
Those who lost loved ones at the hands of these genociders might never forgive nor forget!