‘Tell a lie BIG enough, and OFTEN enough, and it becomes reality.’

Adolph Hitler

Joseph Goebbels

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What has happened with De Santis' and Ken Paxton's inquiries into the jabs? Why haven't we seen at least an interim report?

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it too was bull shit...smokescreen...IMO a game...screen time...I am sorry....until I see something, its all the same.

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I didn't know in March there's a doctor in Florida who's been petitioning the courts to have the jab stopped in Florida he petitioned to several places his name is Dr sansone has anyone heard of him he posted it on his substack. Really disgusting especially after what the surgeon General said about the shots why aren't they stopping them completely? He's doing this on his own as lawyers would cost a fortune

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Sansone is a clinical psychologist. He's petitioned for an end to the jabs. Quite a story, he's done heroic work, no doubt he's been nettlesome to the vaccine pushers. He's a true blue American, he is deserving of our thanks.

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That explains why most people that got the vaccine then got the virus multiple times over

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this mRNA shot was a fraud unlike anything ever seen

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Where is the good evidence that's relied on for claiming the shots saved lives? Crap evidence from poor research design riddled with methodological flaws is not enough. These bastards demontrably lied and did so repeatedly about the vaccine contents remaining at the injection site and being cleared from the body within a few days and about injectees becoming a "dead end" for the virus etc. Is there anything they haven't lied about?

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there is no such evidence...they lied about everything, key being the vaccine and content stays at deltoid or axillary lymph nodes or there was no reverse transcription of the mRNA into DANA etc. all lies...and the thing is, they knew, all of it

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Moderna and their benefactor the FDA strike again:


Quoting the article:

"On May 31, 2024, Moderna received FDA approval for their mRNA RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) Vaccine mRESVIA(R). This was done without the full dossier of safety information required for a routine approval including 2-3 years of observation for standard vaccines, and at least 5 to 15 years of observation for genetic transfer technology."

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Thank you!

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What part of the vaccine causes damage? Just the Spike protein…I know all about the lipid nano particle distribution. Do we know if mRNA itself is toxic, Or antigenic, or just inflamatory ….. what induces the cytokines ? What decreases or increases the interferon (s) or intrleukins……. A good reference?

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I think all of it, I think mRNA itself...the inventors said so that it was not safe...

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Karen Kingstons substack.

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Good questions.

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POTUS Trump says it--OVER AND OVER!


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You may be totally correct. I would say, however, that evaluation of Trump's 4 years in the White House indicated his rather rabid support of Israel, something I eschew. Trump, worst of all, could have far more effectively contested the election malfeasances but he did NOT. He chose to let the issue sit in the corner. Result? He became a sour grapes loser thanks to his own ennui!! He's more comfy blaming others for his "bad luck". That stated, who do we vote for if 2 stiffs are running for the office? Stiff #1 or stiff #2? Too often we have virtually no choice, realistically, to choose a president who does the will of the citizens. Trump conspired with Bibi to shovel aside the International Criminal Court regarding the issue of vaporizing the murderous performance of Israel on various issues. It's called tilting the table. My opinion is that Trump is just another bum who will disappoint us sooner or later. People choose to see only the good side of the equation, but the bad side is merely hidden from view, but it exists.......

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Lying by way of liars and those complicit in murder.

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What is amazing is that we've trodden over the same ground over and over, yet we have no indictments and convictions, do we? I'm sure we can thank Merrick Garland for much of this protection racket lawlessness. US is leaking oil from a zillion places, how long can the machine keep going?

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Your observations are accurate, Yes the thing, "merrick garland" (even its name is an abomination) is corrupt, partisan and criminal. He looks like a snake with glasses and his color betrays the bile of his leftist poisonous bigotry with its gargantuan tendency to create nausea so strong that it gags the maggot. After all. that "thing" was what ovomit and moochelle wanted on the Supreme Court. The machine will keep running until the driveshaft from the motor has bearing failure that demonCRAPS are too inept to repair.

The same problem exists in Canuckistan and most western nations today.

The corrupt CYSTem knows the enemies of freedom and justice exist with their own democrapic dedicated dunces in a shadow government run by ovomit, the worst fake president God ever strung gut into. There will be no convictions or indictments save what we all see as the fool biDUMB stumbling around like a drunken sailor and calling time outs to change his diapers.

We all know the damnoCRAPS are the problem.

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keg - along with the spineless Repugnants that go along with the Demonrats

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Does this include 45 or does he get a pass?

Fair question Dr

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Trump hasn’t had the chance to explain what happened. He was busy fighting the lies like the pee pee tapes that no one has ever seen, Robert Mueller’s probe into the Russian election collusion, the Trump Tower scandal of the Obama administration wire tapping his office etc. etc. The court cases, investigations, and gag orders has prevented the American people from hearing Trump’s side of the story.

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The Mueller investigations into Trump cost something like 31 million bucks. Money well spent? Or, a typical travesty for which we continue to pay blood money as they skewer Trump over and over.

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Wouldn’t it be prudent to believe that the Russians, Chinese, Ukrainians, Iranian etc. all are trying to interfere in our elections? Biden, Romney, the Clintons, the Obamas, Hunter Biden, they all are grifters and everyone knows it. Trump was the only person who was NOT involved in Russian or any other foreign or non foreign collusion.

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Like, if you vote against a Zionist like Biden, you are necessarily anti-semitic?

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You are so far out in left field, you are sitting in the stands MJ. Being hyper focused as you apparently are on one point isn’t serving you well.

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I do not think T will get a pass. Dr. P might disagree.

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Already has, so far. It’s worrisome that this issue could be turned against him. If he would only get ahead of it ? It has yet to be a problem. I fear it’s only a matter of time. Luckily he is basically the only option!

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In contrast to a lecherous murderer (Clinton) who bombed Serbians, the ovomit criminal who committed sedition, and a murderer who was considered a probable assassin of JFK, POTUS Trump was not and is not guilty of any crime but did what was beneficial for the USA and its citizens. The treason therefore applies to any who acted contrary to the best interests of the nation and the focus needs to be on the ovomit and moochelle, the fake gardener, who both committed treason against the USA and its people. The reality is that ovomit was not and is not legally a candidate for POTUS. The ASSministration these interloping idiots was composed of included other seditionist criminals backed by what is referred to in scriptures as workers of iniquity that God hates. Many of them proved that corruption was not just the territory of soy boy soppish ingrates but also of black people who ramped up corruption and treason unequalled in the entire history of the USA. Those who voted for the ovomit, like those who voted here in Canuckistan for an ample assed lying criminal and fraudulent fool, were just as stupid as the voting block demograph of educated univerSHITty young women who thought his ugly pie face easy to look at and his qualifications of being an ASSistant drama teacher adequate. This tended to prove that degrees in womens' studies were as useless as teats on a constipated boar and that common sense was not common nor encouraged in higher education.

The question I have been looking at in every western nation is why are the same destructive policies imposed as if by rote on every western nation?. Why is multiCULTism embraced when western nations already have too many snaggle toothed useless, unemployable, net liability fake rapugees?

The consequences of enabling LIEberal loons to run nations is undeniable but I still hope in the case of Canuckistan that turdo will step off a curb into the path of a runaway Mack truck while Singh a song is attached to the ample ass of the boy king while simultaneously sucking and blowing at the same time building credits for the golden pension that is his only selfish reason for illegally enabling a pointed headed imbecile to stay in office.

The world knew this colossal enemy of Freedom and Justice was an odiferous asswipe spawn of a fake father and a hippie mother with less sense than God gave a dysfunctional constipated billy goat when the fool paid a terrorist moslem guilty of murder, over ten million dollars. Meanwhile the lying loser is responsible for the MAID program to be offered to penniless and homeless veterans while uncivil servants delusional and criminal are enabled over decades to criminally harass innocent people, with the cooperation of the corrupt OPP. Exercising freedom of expression and opinion is a crime now in Canuckistan. The OPP tend to cooperate with such leftist loons as do the prejudicially biased court of gammelgagging goofballs who illegally and prejudicially persecute innocent people while sucking the left contaminated teat of the hoplophobe beast while simultaneously squeezing dead seagulls in both hands while lip locked over the anal area in order to inhale such flatulent gases in hopes of masking the stench of rot that emanates/starts at the head of such malignant anti God moronic moochers of the public weal.

The order of the day here in Canuckistan is corruption and malignant moronicity of the alphabet club where bestiality is even on the menu of the twisted twats who embrace wokist wonkery at every turn.

Thus the raison d'etre of the mentally crippled crowd is a tendency to insanity led by the LPC and NDP as joint rulers of a nation in decline whose soy boy leader and his ASSinine ASSministration of winners such as Freeland, Virani, bLIAR, Mendocini, etc whip out silver spoons from their rear pockets to scoop and shovel the leftist vomit into their mealy mouths as the puke drivels out of the mouth of turdo in a torrent reeking of hypocrisy that gags the proverbial maggot.

I do not say this lightly but the combined IQ of the total LPC headed (pun intended) by a "bi" slime minister is a total of minus 4 and the appeal of same is less than that of a three day old road killed skunk.

The gears of Truth turn but they turn slowly, yet will in the end, catch the skin of these political ingrates and drag them in, destroying them in mind and body, with the spirit dealt with by the Judge who acts also as Jury and Executioner.

The die has been cast and hell again enlarges itself to make way for the criminals of the LPC and NDP. There has never in history of Canuckistan been a dual junta of corrupt fools illegally holding power. Silly Singh, and jackass justie have surely been passed sentence on but stumble over their feet to do worse still.

History will not be kind to this pair but will group both along with guilbeault and label them as the "Three Stooges." A more corrupt threesome God has not strung gut into and have never existed in such twisted and pitiful existences.

Pee ERRor, fake father of turdo should be pleased with the mess he made in an obscene act of procreation of the worst sort, but there are many who say with utter disrespect that Maggie should have crossed her legs or slept with another hippie. There is still the suspicion Castro was and is the father of turdo. I have no opinion on that score but do believe justie to be the most twisted facsimile ever of a ruling slime minister.

Long live Trump, but may trudope meet a fast end.

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Yes Sir!

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If it wasn’t for the unvaccinated

As a healthy control group.

(That is, If everyone was vaccinated)

They would ALREADY

Be quarantining the “vaccinated” .


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A flyer went out with these names below. I’m sure you have some of these people listed.

Rochelle walensky - CDC Director

Anne Schuchat - CDC Deputy Director

Sherri Berger - CDC Chief of Staff

Mitchell Wolfe - CDC Chief Medical Officer

Jeff Reczek - CDC Director, Washington Office

Jeff Zients - Covid Czar

Andy Slavitt - Covid Senior Advisor

Xavier Becerra - HHS Secretary

Rachel Levine - HHS Assistant Health Secretary (Transgender)

Albert Bourla - Head of Pfizer

Mikael Dolsten - Pfizer Chief Scientist

Stephane Bancel - Moderna CEO

Tal Zaks - Moderna Chief Scientist

Larry Fink - Blackrock CEO

Rob Kapito - Blackrock President

Mortimer J. Buckley - Vanguard CEO

Drew Weissman - Perelman School of Medicine

Anatoly Alstein - Chief Scientist, Gamaleya Institute

Alexander Gintsburg - Director Gamaleya Institute

Joanne Waldstreicher - Chief Medical Office, J&J

Michael Rosenblatt - Chief Medical Officer, Merck

Klaus Schwab - Executive Chairman, WEF

Yuval Noah Harari - Head Advisor, WEF

“Blackrock and Vanguard are the two largest shareholders of both Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline as well as practically all the media”

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Not only did these vaccine jabs save nobody, Governments even included those already naturally immune through prior infection, still coerced to have 3 or more jabs.

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Exactly! All studies shown that it made you more susceptible to covid....covid was the jab as there was both mRNA shedding as well as the produced spike shedding from the mRNA jab. These have been criminals who have created the "$$$$hit reset". These people are so called elitists but they are not elitists as they are scum!

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Sez you......

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Is it me or could this fakery be put to rest by simply "putting up or shutting the F-up"? 1. Show us the independent studies that the Jab works as advertised; actually proves to have benefit (i.e. prevent the occurrence or spread of the disease); actually mitigates the severity of the disease (btw how people make this claim I'll never know); and the adverse reactions/consequences are well below medical norms. Until then...Please STFU. Pax

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