According to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll (July 7th), it is 47% Trump, 44% Biden. How can 44% still think Biden is capable of running the country for four more years? The polls are bullshit, and the election will again be stolen. What are you going to do about it America?

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My perspective is that the biomasses of brain dead univerSH* TTY students and woke wankers of witless whackery will vote for biDUMB. Fools repeat their errors.

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The polls showed Le Pen even further ahead in France than the NYT/Siena College poll shows Trump to be ahead in the US. The result in France was defeat for Le Pen a thumping victory for the Jean-Luc Melenchon led far left Communist-Socialist-Center Alliance. Get ready for Dems to win the Presidency, House and Senate in a landslide. Expect AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Presley, Bush, Casar, Lee and Ramirez to play a central role in running the country along with the zdem POTUS after the election.

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I just hurled all my food on my keyboard, allow me to clean it up...I will come back shortly...that would not be a nightmare, that will be the end of USA. we cannot allow that. we need to use the ballot box and polls and courts properly

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The pathetic 🐑'll aint gonna. 😑

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Your💯 right about it being a game. It's theater. Everything is scripted. Nothing is real.

If they want him gone now (they do) it's because he's "out lived" his usefulness to them. We should oppose them.

We must not let them remove that piece from the board.

If we call for his removal they get to blame us for what comes next.

Example: Defunding The Police.

They (the rat bastard politicians) start the public call for Defunding the police. Then the public takes up the cry to define the police. The police are then Defunded and crime explodes. Then the public cries for the crime to be stopped. And the same rat bastard politicians who started the call to Defund the police which started the problem now offer the solution and the solution always removes your freedom.

So no Dr. Paul, if they want it we must oppose it. You wanna go after them on elder abuse charges, that's fine because the media are mandated reporters and have clearly failed in their duty to report. So let's start charging people.

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for sure we will be charging people and this is what scares them, they must stay in power...but I see what you mean....good point.

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Tries to remove our freedom and cost taxpayers in the end. I'm sure that's their game. Great word for the politicians! They don't give a damn about the American people. All they do is send out stupid emails about donating. The NERVE!

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Well said! Truth 😑

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This debate (and this entire 4-year Biden presidency) is a ritual humiliation of the United States and of all its patriotic citizens.

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great point, we were discussing that recently, a prolific writer here DECODE raised that point...too...excellent it was fascinating

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Next question: What ENTITY is so extremely powerful to be able to humiliate the U.S.A. in this shameful manner?

So where does the *REAL POWER* reside? It's not the D party. It's not the R party. Which by the way are both 2 wings of the same "Uniparty" bird. Both D and R answer to a higher power, definitely not the people whom D and R theoretically represent. Is the real power in the Swiss Banks, the "neutral" country that NEVER gets bombed or attacked, not in WW1 nor in WW2, while the citizens of the countries surrounding Switzerland e.g. France, Germany, Spain, Italy and England suffered DEATH and DESTRUCTION.

But NEVER Switzerland with its banks, whose Swiss guards with their pretty little red, yellow, and blue drag costumes, also guard a small enclave within the nearby city of Rome. Go figure ...

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Sadly, these media commentaries filled with blatant lies covering up Biden's mental decline work on a lot of people that never bother to watch the debates. When all is exposed, in a just world, these media companies should be sued for election interference. However, they won't be because Obama amended the Smith Mundt Act in 2014, making it perfectly legal for them to lie and spread propaganda. Why Trump did nothing to rectify the situation whilst complaining about fake news is beyond me and makes me question whether we're all being played.

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excellent points

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It all had to become overtly obvious to the sane. It is broadly speaking a play, The Greatest Show on Earth. Trump could do nothing worthwhile on his own as we all play our part.

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boom, well said here...thank you

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Some may ask who was that president, many may say we cannot recall it was so long ago. Too many have died from crazy inventive things that weren't that good at any time. Please, let's not forget to remember the past from history for it may even sneak up on us and bite us where it really hurts what can we say for treasonous poisonous people got bit by the GLP-1 gila monster that was all the rage from them creatures around the world for beauty and vanity money may not buy it when it has side effect of adverse reaction of death. Please, check the black box warning to reduce the risk, thank you.

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excellent, that OZEMPIC WEGOVY GLP-1 is dangerous stuff, not a weight loss drug.

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"Joe Biden will be remembered by historians as one of the finest presidents in American history, but this election is about the next four years, not the last three and a half" - Florida DNC member Alan Clendenin after joining calls urging Biden to step aside

Every Dem I've spoken to says the same thing, which is that Biden is the Greatest Of All Time, the best of men and of all Americans, the greatest the US has ever produced and deserving to be on Mount Rushmore. But it's time for Kamala.

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How many of those Dems would be willing to change Biden's soiled diapers?

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Probably all of them. They eat shit. It's what they do. They're Dems.

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Also, the insult "Shove it up your ass" doesn't work with them because liberals love putting things up their ass.

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Awake - and they are masters at spreading it also

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But not before separating the pinworms and roundworms from "la marde" first.

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Dr. Jill won't even do it!

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I hear lies ad continuum up here in Canuckistan from turdo, freeloader Freeland, and the LPC whackos in the ASSministration of a compulsive liar.

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yes, in many ways Canada is in worse shape

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Ole Brain-Fog Joe had the questions in advance and he still blew it.

Useless. Pathetically useless.

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I couldn’t agree more with you Dr Alexander. Honestly, I don’t think Joe knows where he is or what’s happening around him.

We’ve watched Joe call out the name of a congresswoman, who had tragically died 2 weeks earlier!

Yes this is beyond ridiculous, but worse, this is absolute elder abuse! I have much disdain for Joe Biden! He’s been nothing short of a horrendous human being!

A horrible father, brother son and grandfather! How could anyone like this man! He hasn’t a “toenail clipping” of integrity! He’s a career political grifter! He’s sold America out! Need I go on?

What bothers me most, is there’s a “shadow government” able to control and govern, implementing everything bad for America! This is happening all over America! And Europe!Americans have been “sold down the river” of no return!

What’s worse is, there’s a “shadow public-private” partnership, responsible for the “ills” thrusted upon America! Badly I might add. Think about how many companies are “woke”? Every major company in America! And abroad! Yes there’s a handful of “Tractor Supply” type companies still refusing, but the majority are and continue to push this “woke agenda” on the world! Why?

For power and money!

So how’s this going to change? Can this be changed? And who’s going to change this? No matter how much we call out Joe Biden, he’s quite “useful” for those who are trying to collapse America!

And should they become successful, should they overcome obstacles “We the People” throw at them, well it’s

“game-over and lights out”! Isn’t this why, we’re watching so many “are you kidding me” moments? “How can this happen again”? Situations play out? Or “how are they getting away with this”? Over and over, question after question, but not a single answer! Guess work, that’s all! Guess Work.

Each time I ask myself any one of these questions, I come to the same conclusion. Joe Biden! IMO, the fix is in! We’ve been had! We’re being played! America is being systematically destroyed!

I hate saying this. But it’s simply true!

I would die for our country, I would literally throw my life into the “fires of hell” if I knew there’s a chance of saving America! And I believe millions of people would do the same. I certainly believe you would as well Dr Alexander.

I honestly don’t think Joe Biden is relevant. When you consider the big picture. He’s been used so the “Globalist Elites” can “Divide & Conquer” America! Remember, if America goes so to goes the world!

And have they ever used America? Absolutely, every day “We the People” are being used more and more!

Every single day, something new appears. Yes they’re using us and America! The past few years have been nothing more than a “setup”! A test run, whether Americans would comply or die as I like to call it! What happened? Americans complied and Americans died! Sadly the “Globalist Elites” won round one!

From Covid lockdowns to wide open borders and to now under UN and American control is a “multi-tier” migration of migrants and militants! And an entire world, of criminals and jihadist, gangs and cartels all entering America unchecked!

Think about the amount of potential damage can be done, which could be inflicted, which is being inflicted and happening today! All because of a few things I mentioned above! Overwhelm any nation and see what you get! Chaos! Unchecked and uncontrolled chaos!

Illegal migration is one thing. Sovereign nations do not allow this to happen! For a multitude of reasons. Why then is this being allowed to happen in America? One reason I see very clearly is to takeover America! And by China!

Call me crazy, call me nuts, when you look at the numbers, the amount of compromised politicians, president, congress and add to this list State Governors, what could possibly go wrong? This picture isn’t very good!

China has purchased entire towns virtually inside America! Why? And next to our military bases! Why I ask? Check out the “Morning Star” Compound in Texas.

This is a perfect example of why I believe China is being facilitated by our own government to “takeover America”! And this lists are quite large! The numbers of “Chinese Military Age Men” quite large!

Yes Dr Alexander I respect everything you do for our country. And everything you by keeping the “spotlight” on high!

I just don’t believe it matters anymore whether Joe Biden is pooping down his leg or falling upstairs!

As sad and despicable this situation is, I have disliked Joe Biden his entire “Grifting Career”! He’s a “Career Criminal”! IMO, the man stole millions, sold out America, his family and if the “guillotine” was still in play

“OFF WITH HIS HEAD”! That’s how I feel about Joe Biden!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Joe Biden, Kamala “you ain’t black” Harris or President Trump! There’s something so deeply orchestrated, organized and with precision as in military style precision, which is in process and is being executed as I write this!


To “Distract & Deflect” while they “Divide & Conquer” these “United States of America”! Our nation “We the People” love! Our nation, a worldwide powerhouse is being “slow boiled” reduced in world standing, and is being turned into or “reimagined”into this chaotic battlefield!

A “hodgepodge” of various ethnicities, as mentioned above, who eventually will be at one another’s throats! Some have already begun. All is happening and is perpetuating an overwhelmingly

“Globalist Agenda” ultimately fulfilling a desired

“One World Order”!

God help America and the American People!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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AJR, again, I tell you start a stack, I will promote, get a good name etc...your writing is strong, excellent points...your explanations and views are excellent and look, people may not agree but at least you have one and can defend it...but please keep with us, we love what you do...I think you write for many Americans....thank you

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Thank you Dr,

Your encouragement hasn’t fallen on deaf ears.

I appreciate your support so much Dr.

I am almost ready to start my own stack as you’ve been saying.

I can’t thank you enough Dr!


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biDUMB was always from birth a useless demented waste of skin and air.

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Do you actually believe that we have not gotten the point…..how condescending

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Dr. Alexander: The video is not working.

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Matt Orfalea on X: ""Sharp as a tack" https://t.co/xI6BaoBUnH" / X

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try this

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