India has a far bigger population than the US but doesn't seem to have achieved much although has its caste system with untouchables etc and a history of expecting women to throw themselves on funeral pyres etc plus is where Savitri Devi once lived. Savitri Devi is the woman who was one of the founders of modern neoNazism and who founded a sect of Hinduism which believes that Hitler was literally God Incarnate. Despite its huge population I'm sure India could fit in one more nutjob. Perhaps Alex Wagner should relocate to India to fight against patriarchy and white nationalism.

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very nicely stated, I agree

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I received a ten page letter from my best friend and in it she concluded "People are stupid and that is why I enjoy myself being alone. I understand her because she is correct. Note the airheads who look under the beds of the nation for racists but say nothing about the moslem migrants and fake refugees whose holy book has throughout it the counsel to "kill the infidel wherever you find them." They do not say anything about that bigotry that uses itself as an excuse to murder and rape and enslave. Selective huh? More like sh*t for brains.

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We are living in times unlike no other, but in hindsight, historically the Reset has reigned like a nightmare with wars and genocide and Revolutions. The upcoming 4the Industrial Revolution, AI, CBDCs, 15 min cities, UBIs, Digital IDs, WEF intrusion in all Governments around the World, more Lockdowns and jabs, slavery of humanity and ultra wars to send our men to the meat grinder needs smashing to pieces. People have changed, they are more insular and fearful than ever before. As for the push for migration, the hidden agenda and the guilty party pushing the mass of people from all corners of the globe into the West is the name no one is permitted to mention. It’s all available and easy to see.

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You are a very observant and intelligent man or woman...you have things accurately figured. If you are a woman I would not be surprised, if a man, I have respect for you. Either way, join the ranks of those herein I see as aware and discerning.

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We are not in ordinary times. It is evident we are into a very dark era in human history. It seems obvious now there really are metaphysical forces of evil, and they are manifested in some very bad people. There is no middle ground. Good people need to realize what is happening. Resist. Pray.

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some miserable people just have to find something to pick on

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Meh. I’m not into pence. Oooops. I’m mean Vance. 🤔. lol.

Same cookie cutter cutout as Obama and Vivek. All are intel community puppets. They are duping all of us.

How long before Trump is harmed or impeached again so they can make Vance president?

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Absolutely correct. He will be il Presidente one day soon, when ole Trumpian decides it’s time to hand over his reins to the young Buck Hillbilly.

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"....must be hard waking up in your head."

Great line - gonna steal that. Have a few lefties in mind to which it applies beautifully. Have a great weekend One and All !

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Another howling wolf from the left.

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Now Kentucky itself is evil? What?

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What a bunch of Buxxxshxt Msnbc spews out of their evil mouths!

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Paul, you have good morals and I enjoy reading your Substack input. You’re always spot on. Short and sweet. I supported Trump, but not happy he is forced to announce further destruction of Gaza if hostages aren’t released. Means more slaughter for innocent men, women and children, blown to pieces. Humanity is lost. Let’s see what happens going forward. Trump is not evil btw. His hands are tied.

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AleX Hates-A-Whole-Lotta-Stuff and is a master of coded language.

Example: when AleX sez "..Easter eggs of white nationalism.." what he means is:

"Easter": To AleX this is a Christian Hate Fest

"Eggs". Though available in brown are produced by Male Rape

"White" always/only represents: Enslave & Subjugate

"Nationalism" = Knot Seize

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