Alex Wagner, what a MSNBC 'TYPICAL' nutcase, this blockhead moron DIMWIT imbecile wrenches & bitches for everything as she runs around in pink xxies hat; NOW she is upset with JD Vance about Kentucky
burial plots, claiming Vance's desire to be buried in the family KENTUCKY plot is full of multiple “Easter eggs of white nationalism.” Well, well, you twisted dolt, must be hard waking up in your head
You leftist asshole freaks are so deranged it is very understandable how ordinarily leftist supporters are now running to Trump…this Wagner is matched in stupidity in her writing most of the time only by the likes of Joy Reid and the utter anti-man, anti-Trump venom nonsense spewing from Whoopi…you media people represent some of the most deranged Americans, filthy evil feral animals…Democratic leftist vitriol….Ann Coulter is right to showcase this nutcase Wagner and his psychopathy, and I share here piece…support…if you wish:
Start here:
‘From Mediaite:
MSNBC’s Alex Wagner accused Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance of dropping multiple “Easter eggs of white nationalism.”
“[T]here were some sort of Easter eggs of white nationalism in the speech…he went on a long sort of paragraph at least about this plot in eastern Kentucky, where his 7 or 6 generations of his family are buried, and his hope is that his wife and he are eventually laid to rest there and their kids follow them.”
Wagner specifically complained that JD believes HIS history “should be determinative in the story of the Vance family, is the history of the eastern Kentucky Vances and not the Vances from San Diego, which is where his wife is from and where her Indian parents are from.”
“In America,” Wagner huffed, “it doesn’t always have to be the white male lineage that trumps that, that defines the family history.”
Instead, Wagner demands that the Vance family story be based on Indian patriarchy. Usha’s maiden name (Chilukuri), is, of course, the last name of her father, which is the last name of his father, which was the last name of his father, etc.’
India has a far bigger population than the US but doesn't seem to have achieved much although has its caste system with untouchables etc and a history of expecting women to throw themselves on funeral pyres etc plus is where Savitri Devi once lived. Savitri Devi is the woman who was one of the founders of modern neoNazism and who founded a sect of Hinduism which believes that Hitler was literally God Incarnate. Despite its huge population I'm sure India could fit in one more nutjob. Perhaps Alex Wagner should relocate to India to fight against patriarchy and white nationalism.
I received a ten page letter from my best friend and in it she concluded "People are stupid and that is why I enjoy myself being alone. I understand her because she is correct. Note the airheads who look under the beds of the nation for racists but say nothing about the moslem migrants and fake refugees whose holy book has throughout it the counsel to "kill the infidel wherever you find them." They do not say anything about that bigotry that uses itself as an excuse to murder and rape and enslave. Selective huh? More like sh*t for brains.