Waiting for a reply to this from Trump-can-do-no-wrong advocates......................

People keep insisting that "Trump fell for the LIES that the Covid Crime was".

Okay, so why didn't YOU, and I, and thousands of others fall for the lies? Are we much smarter than Trump? Were we able to see through the lies, and Trump could not? But there's more .........

Okay, so let's grant that Trump "fell for the lies" at that time in early 2020. It's now nearly 5 YEARS LATER - 5 YEARS!!! So, is Trump **STILL** falling for the lies? Has Trump *missed* the mountains of evidence PROVING that it was all a lie? Kindly explain, HOW CAN THAT BE?

Don't forget: Trump had (and HAS) THOUSANDS of sources (intelligence resources), both private and government, supplying him with information that neither you or I have access to. Yet, with our meager resources we were able to cut through the lies. Trump could NOT? HUH???

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we could be smarter...but leave room for things we do not know...was he threatened? but your question is critical for he is an incredibly educated smart man

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'Okay, so let's grant that Trump "fell for the lies" at that time in early 2020. It's now nearly 5 YEARS LATER - 5 YEARS!!! So, is Trump **STILL** falling for the lies? Has Trump *missed* the mountains of evidence PROVING that it was all a lie? Kindly explain, HOW CAN THAT BE?'

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honestly I cannot defend what you ask there for you are right.

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truth is he knows. I do not think he or even Bobby Jr.'s silence can be explained rationally...we are in a situation where we have to work with ideally not the best situation but the only situation. I cannot forgive any of the people who have gone silent after waging the battle...all to get money and jobs.

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If Trump *was* threatened, and caved-in to those threats, then he is **NOT** the man for the job! Think about it, to save his own skin and/or that of his family, he **CHOSE** to screw the entire country/world, harming/killing tens of millions of men, women and children. Do we want **THAT** person back at the helm? Think hard.

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we don't know, there are many theories around but the issue here is what was done with COVID was wrong, proven wrong, failed, all of it. an IFR of whatever it was of 0.002-0.003% depending on what you look at. Near 0 persons 0-75 years or so. No healthy child in USA across 5 years died from this, not one. Same in other nations. This was a pure PCR manufactured lie. Our challenge is had we done nothing, most people would be alive today. The main issue is Trump is flat wrong to be saying OWS was a success, and the mRNA vaccine worked. It did not, saved not one life. Moreover, his silence, his campaign silence, his convention silence, and Bobby Jr.'s clear silence (some say quid pro quo, I do not know) is what is most troubling for on top of that are very questionable picks for health agencies and while I trust and support Bobby Jr., his silence is disturbing and stunning. a 180 degree turn and he has lost much credibility. So add all up, and then the talk of self-disseminating vaccines, 2nd generation, new and improved mRNA vaccines, more to come, with a goal of transitioning away from all vaccines to mRNA...it is shocking. Whatever it is, Trump continued say that his OWS and his beautiful vaccines worked is very wrong and I argue is harmful to the nation...people continue to take the vaccine and they can be harmed so this makes no sense for he knows it failed and harmed. So I too am at a loss.

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Dr. A, join the VERY long parade of people that are confused & lost!

Which is why I've concluded that T47 had *BETTER* hit the ground running with a boatload of positive actions on a NUMBER of fronts, not just on a single issue. He had better do so!

If Trump fails to do that, if weeks and months go by without SUBSTANTIAL actions on multiple fronts, I'm certain that he's going to catch HELL from every side. People are **NOT** going to cut him any slack (I know that I WON'T!!) and the BS "excuses" of "he didn't know how deep the swamp was ... he was betrayed ... he was lied to" ... etc.) have worn themselves out.

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My sentiments exactly!

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You have to remember Margaret that the high IQ countries that didn't take the shots were Communist countries like China and North Korea. And the Russians didn't take the shots either. Trump was never going to follow their lead.

It wasn't just in the US under Trump that these shots were rolled out. It happened in low IQ countries with dumbed down populations almost everywhere and even in some high IQ counties like Canada and Japan.

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this is correct

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my argument is fault is here and wrong done and mistakes too...but it is way past time for Trump to talk the truth. the issue is he is not malfeasant, he is not a bad man nor did he do this, he did not bring COVID or the vaccine but he approved it all...and it has been 5 years of harms and deaths and he knows and it is likely one of the key issues is he is afraid to admit wrong or just cant. he is afraid what it will do to his name but his name is being destroyed now...even those who voted for him will turn...in time. when they realize another pandemic and more mRNA and mRNA will now transition out all vaccines. that we were really fooled and conned.

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Your information is inaccurate China & Russia made & administered the jabs. China lost over a million customers after the shots were administered & WuHan had their 5G turned on & UP when the people started to fall. the two are related. The graphene oxide & nanotech that self assembles platforms, receivers & transmitters in the body directly relate to 5G. Look up WBAN as well while you are at it.

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Pretty sure Bourla and Bancel are either Americans or Israeli-Americans and they made the jabs. China and Russia made traditional inactivated virus vaccines and protein subunit vaccines. The Chinese treated SARS-CoV-2 with HIV antiretroviral drugs, believing that it was an immune suppressing and oncogenic virus and that "covid" was the prodrome for a HIV like illness that would eventually result in AIDS. But I'll look up the information you've referenced.

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BS. Birx has publicly admitted that she and Fauci and comrades, lied, manipulated and used every avenue of subterfuge to pass off this hoax. Where the hell would Trump be getting viable, credible intelligence when the IC was united against him? CDC has likewise belatedly admitted that they fabricated all the protocols *the science* demanded. Stop the stupid nit-picking, using specious BS as the basis for that. It's tiresome, and you should have the self-respect to not unload your apparent penis envy of Trump.

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'BS. Birx has publicly admitted that she and Fauci and comrades, lied, manipulated and used every avenue of subterfuge to pass off this hoax. ' This is true too

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you are right that all was aligned against him but he had Atlas, myself, he had good data...Tori, I admire and respect people who come to the table with facts and a cogent debate and not insult. I was there Tori, I saw first hand how they all conspired against Trump...from the inside. but the fact is it has been 5 years and he cannot say that OWS was a success and the vaccine was a success...this is wrong. he is wrong each time he says it. he has to stop and he has to initiate fixing the wrongs. no one is nitpicking, we are having needed debate. informing each other. I sense you are one of those with your head up 47's ass for a reason...see you insulted me so I am afraid I must return it in kind. I am not Jesus and this is my stack. Merry Christmas though.

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Okay, so you wish to believe that Trump is a certifiable idiot, not able to discern truth from lies even when THOUSANDS of people -- including doctors and others specialists from around the world -- were screaming "IT'S ALL A LIE!!!"

Yeah ... okay ... I get it. "Trump-can-do-no-wrong" Fine, carry on and have a nice day.

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great response Jorge, Trump also is no idiot. Trump is academically smarter than most. Trump has done wrong, he brought OWS and the mRNA vaccine...the problem is the insistence it was successful and saved lives and apparent continuance of more of mRNA...its coming...Trump IMO is a good man, I think badly treated but he means well to USA and his nation and flag...I respect him for that...but he was terribly wrong with OWS and the vaccine and must move to fix it...the picks so far are worrisome. they are mRNA hawks and OWS sycophants. it is filthy IMO

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A heck of a lot more people including doctors and other specialists were screaming that the shots were safe and effective and saved 100s of millions of lives.

There may be more doubters than was the case initially but the majority of Americans still believe in the shots.

Look at that dumb shit neocon (jihadist facilitator) "DS" (more like BS) who thinks Trump should be sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and you ca.n see w.hy Musk thinks Americans are retarded.

81% of Americans raced out to get the shots even though the Democrats initially said, before they got the reins of power, that Trump would roll out a kill shot.

The Democrats only started saying it was a beautiful vaccine when they took over

Trump's not a scientific thinker. He knows jack shit about research methodology but has access to the best methodologists in the world.

He was hearing from Fauci and Birx that the shots were the elixir of immortality.

He's had at least three shots and probably more and for sure thinks those shots did him no harm and that adverse effects were very rare, mild and transient.

He thinks he is in perfect health and the shots have done him no harm and have actually done him good.

He sees millions of people walking around with boosters coming out their ass and to him the fact that they are all still vertical says those who didn't take the shots are a bunch of loons.

So he's probably going to roll out an OWS 2 with new and improved shots.

Harris would have rolled out OWS 2 as well.

Would you prefer to be injected under Harris to being injected under Trump?

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excellent phrase: "Trump's not a scientific thinker. He knows jack shit about research methodology but has access to the best methodologists in the world."

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this is our conundrum: "He's had at least three shots and probably more and for sure thinks those shots did him no harm and that adverse effects were very rare, mild and transient.

He thinks he is in perfect health and the shots have done him no harm and have actually done him good.

He sees millions of people walking around with boosters coming out their ass and to him the fact that they are all still vertical says those who didn't take the shots are a bunch of loons.

So he's probably going to roll out an OWS 2 with new and improved shots.

Harris would have rolled out OWS 2 as well.

Would you prefer to be injected under Harris to being injected under Trump?"

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why we could not put this down...people remain confused. but they are not understanding the coming pain...harms

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Option 3 NEITHER they both are bio weapons COMPLY YOU DIE.

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Not sure what you're trying to communicate here (?), so let me just say this:

Yes, a LOT of doctors and specialists were screaming the LIES. You and I heard the lies, as did Trump. So why did WE figure it out, but not Trump? I ask again, are we "smarter" than Trump? Do we have access to more intelligence sources than Trump?

I myself worked off of my own model - a model that predicted that something REALLY evil would be upon us - and then there it was, as predicted.

As for the *claims* that they've gotten 2, 3 or more (real) shots and boosters, those are UNPROVEN claims. I myself don't believe them.

Lastly, jabs under Kamala or under Trump amount to the same thing. They'll have to strap me down. I expect to be among the first to be taken out.

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Jorge, bring up an image in your mind of Fauci holding a syringe. Change that image to a beautiful woman, even Birx or Walensky if that's easier. Picture yourself making love to that beautiful woman. Then you will understand how Trump feels about the shots. I think he has faith in the shots, trusts the shots, deeply, passionately believes in the shots. I think he's in love with the shots. Love is blind.

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Love may be blind, but cold, hard numbers are not. If a few people die following a vaccination, that can be attributed to many causes. But when it's THOUSANDS, or TENS even HUNDREDS of thousands, then even the blind can "see".

I've tried very hard to give Trump the benefit of doubt - to the point of contorting myself into a pretzel. Even that falls short. In light of the known hard facts, only TWO kinds of people could fail to connect the dots and start yelling "Bloody murder!!": (1) a certifiable *moron*, or, (2) someone that 'approves', maybe because they're in on it. I do not believe for a second that Trump is the former.

As for the possibility that Trump has been "threatened", I've covered that.

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IF he's talked to RFK which he has HE would have told him about the danger of the bio weapons LONG ago. I'm sure he would have seen VAXXED 1 2 & 3 at the very least. Or Died Suddenly anybody can look up the facts vs the lame stream bought & paid for FALSE narrative of TRUST THE SCIENCE, SAFE & EFFECTIVE, AT THE SPEED OF SCIENCE....Only a fool would fall for all that BS, besides he would have the best advisors if his brain doesn't work as well as MILLIONS of us. Interesting how the kill towers are not in the neighborhoods Gates & Trump live in. NO 5G damage for the owners & controllers.....just of the slaves. See SaveUsNow.org.uk if you haven't yet factored frequency into the ScamDemic Planned Demic symptom aspect of things.

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You are ridiculous. Trump is owned by Isrhell he is a Judas goat leading the nation to slaughter the man speaks out of both sides of his mouth, You have been played & how would you know what Trump's penis looks like anyhow to comment on if it was even worth being envious of? Did he get into your pants too? LOL the man won't show his tax history because they reveal the millions he has had to pay out for his philandering & sex offences to MINORS. both boys & girls, he loves anal sex & Blow Jobs or so the records show. The Great Deception, even many of the elect will be fooled. Look into the man deeper, you will be shocked with what you find. Look into Trump & Noahide Laws & his Bring the Death Penalty Back rants. Scary stuff.

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My feeling is that RFK Jnr said he prayed deeply on his decision to join Trump because he knew he would have major compromises to make..and as a man of integrity he had to go deep to see if he could live with this..and decided better to be inside the fence than locked out watching from the sidelines. And I for one am thankful he made that decision.

Im in Australia and have nothing more than a computer and standard internet and had much of the scamdemic pieced together from relatively early in 2020 - so Trump is well past the “i was lied to” excuse.. as with all of the resources available to the President of the United States he definitely had access to inside intelligence.

His reasons for not acting on it are another thing..

..many try to attribute good intent to OWS.. but as I have seen my own mum murdered by the experimental gene modifying bioweapon injections - and am myself unwell from vax shedding.. and millions around the world dead or securely injured from it - I find it hard to find the “good” part.. Trump also continues to say “I guess you could say im the father of tge vaccine”

Everyone with a working brain knows OWS was a crime against humanity - and the agenda it kicked off is still rolling..

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'He definitely had access to inside intelligence'...you say this with a straight face? The same intel *resources* that coalesced to work against him in a functional coup? Seriously?

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Fair point - if you have no ddea what he had access to and think Trump is just a dumb and easily manipulated fool - but I seriously doubt that’s the case - (and yes I say that with a straight face).. maybe he is also deaf & blind - because the death and injuries from the covid vax are out there in droves.. yet still he claims they have saved lives. Even if they did save lives this MUST be weighed against the risks - and its not supposed to be an even contest - save 1 million so ok to kill or harm 1 million - NO - the threshold is way, way, way, way, way, lower..

.. but sometimes people just love having their idols and it makes them blind to all sorts of things..

The mind is like a parachute.. it only works when its open.. so im waiting to have Trump prove himself by his future actions..

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The word from Mar a Lago central is that Trump will never disown or disavow OWS, perhaps because of ego or other reasons. I think Bobby realizes just how bad and bought off the congressional big pharma cesspool really is and may be trying a side or back door tactic by focusing on the poisons in our food. Time will tell but on this Paulie, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed in DJT.

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Let’s get RFK confirmed first, then push. Remember there are still people going for these shots, as hard as it is to believe pulling them from the market scares them - they will need to be educated gently and unfortunately that will take some time. There are still people wearing masks as hard as that is to believe too.

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At some point (the sooner the better), we have to stop treating grown men and women as clueless children or "snowflakes." And tell them point blank the Truth about the utter failure of mRNA-LNP covid injections and their direct role in the deaths and severe disabilities of millions of infants, children, and adults worldwide.

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Yep, see those maskers out and about every day. Just got off a cruise and there were definitely a few!

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If any of them say they saved lives, I will be the first to put soap in their mouth and wash it well. Perhaps they can start by stating the facts that it was a miserable failure that cost people their lives from in the mother's womb, children, teenagers, adults, and elders. They already had it made in North Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to the many sectors of the world assembled in China and brought back here. I almost forgot Fort Detrick; they have also been making stuff for years. Anyone else behind the agendas should also have their mouths washed well with soap I don't care who or what they are. I am with these people, but they are to start spouting off rubbish. They are also in line for well-washed mouths. We are tired of the balonie and lies it must cease now!

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We had 2 choices in November election. We chose the only viable one. Do you really believe that President Trump will not do what is right once inaugurated? Please tell.

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You do not support him more than I...I have said here I trust. I think he will. But he must come clean on the deaths from OWS and the vaccine. The picks so far raise serious concern...Save for RFK Jr. I am concerned. And even he is silenced. so you are ok with silencing? in what sane place is that acceptable? why would they be silenced?

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so I do not understand your question based on my writing.

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no doubt 47 was the best choice and only choice. But I am not a head up the ass person.

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there is no silence from me when death is involved and wrongs.

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explain what you mean...for I am asking 47 to do the right thing...we cant even do that?

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Dr Paul your integrity shines!

Call ‘em out - feet to the fire!

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As a social scientist, I guess the Trump team doesn't know what they can or cannot do. There will be too many variables to factor in.

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I'd say the Trump Administration should forge ahead fulfilling Trump’s campaign promises and not worry about permission. Biden never did and consistently went so far as to knowingly take actions against the law, calculating he'd at least get what he wanted temporarily until the legislature or judiciary stopped him.

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5 years and the nightmare do not stop. The criminals double down. To many useless eaters they claim. The dumb sheep do not question

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None will prove the "vaccine" saved even one life. Millions across the globe proving the shot killed or injured. How long before the cartel will face justice?

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Trump guarantees himself a horrific midterm election cycle, essentially only a 2yr second term, and obliterates any chance of Vance 2028 if he tries to do OWS 2.0 with H5N1.

If DJT doesn't want to say OWS was an utter failure then he ca "say it without saying it" by shutting down all the H5N1 bullshit on day 1.

He does NOT get to ignore SARSCov2 OWS and promote H5N1 OWS. If he does that, he is done. Vance is done. MAGA is done.

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so well stated I have to repost all: "Trump guarantees himself a horrific midterm election cycle, essentially only a 2yr second term, and obliterates any chance of Vance 2028 if he tries to do OWS 2.0 with H5N1.

If DJT doesnt want to say OWS was an utter failure then he ca "say it without saying it" by shutting down all the H5N1 bullshit on day 1.

He does get to ignore SARSCov2 OWS and promote H5N1 OWS. If he does that, he is done. Vance is done. MAGA is done."

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He's not even in office yet, and you are psychically divining what he's going to, or not going to do? No, MAGA is not *done*, on those grounds. You want it to be, it appears.

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DJT is his own man. He can chose to do or not do anything. That's not the point.

If..if..Trump 2.0 represents the "great awakening" or "America's Golden Age" then the Deep State, in its entirety, must be massively degraded... massively... or all is for not. Trump is but a blip in time for the Deep State/NWO agenda (aka they). "They" have been playing the long game for a VERY long time (long BEFORE the Declaration of Independence), have near unlimited resources, and have generational level assets imbedded at all the societal-lever choke points.. and they are patient enough to wait out Trump (aka any ground loss under Trump will be regained next administration) Yeah. That's the real world, The real USA. That's who runs our country...not POTUS or Congress... "they". The four years of Biden presidency clearly demonstrated the relative insignificance of POTUS compared to the Deep State. The POTUSes who seriously threatened the Deep State agenda were killed...by the Deep State (Lincoln and JFK).

Our Republic, Our Constitution was always supposed to be very insignificant central govt with the majority of the power held with the States, closest to We the People. That is what Trump says he wants to do (return the power back to the people, the States), that is what MAGA represents to me.

"They" and MAGA cannot coexist within the same USA. Its not possible to thread the needle. Its all or nothing. Literally.

Believe me when I say that if I am the last one standing on the hill fighting to save our Country... for my family, for you, for everyone... then I will stand.

I do not wish for MAGA to fail. I pray that all that is great with America is yet again fully realized... I love this Country and will fight till my last breath to save it.

Every society has inflection points that forever alter its course... DJT next administration is one of those inflection points. The first two years of his term will irrevocably change America on a generational level... for better or for worse.

So yes.. I unapologetically stand in the breach against the Deep State demanding ALOT from DJT..more than anyone else. He is at the tip of the tip of the spear. He cannot pull punches or seek conciliation. He must confront and begin in earnest dismantling the Deep State.

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excellent remark: "Yeah. Thats the real world, The real USA. Thats who runs our country...not POTUS or Congress... "

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very smart person "The POTUSes who seriously threatened the Deep State agenda were killed...by the Deep State (Lincoln and JFK)."

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beautiful words "Believe me when I say that if I am the last one standing on the hill fighting to save our Country... for my family, for you, for everyone... then I will stand."

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...does NOT get to ignore....

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That is gross negligence. When are you going to put him on your poop list?

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Speak it, Doc! We can only hope that many learned from the first time and not fall for it again.

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asymptomatic transmission pushedvin uk too

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Enter the sickness company, we will make bank pushing unless snake oil remedies

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95% of big pharma is a LIE!

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Covid debacle killed thousands of small businesses and continues to destroy. Government is the problem. The media provides cover regardless of party. Does anyone in DC get a question about unlimited funds for Ukraine, Israel, and much more. Nothing for the US taxpayers, look at North Carolina and Hawaii.

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