The elderly and retired hard-working individuals who never took a cent from the government while providing for their families DESERVE our "entitlement" support. They earned it.

Not the young lazy good-for-nothings who contribute zero to society yet receive welfare, food stamps, and free, well, everything. Nor should illegal aliens receive ANYTHING from the U.S. or state governments. (They should be unceremoniously dumped onto the other side of the southern border.)

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Paul, everyone on of us who have worked for years have paid into Social Security and Medicare, which is no different than the public pension funds that do the same for those who participate in them. The problem is it has been used as a slush fund for years by crooked corrupt politicians and given to people who DO NOT QUALIFY! These are not ENTITLEMENTS. As Kathleen commented, then you have the billions or trillions given to all these dead beats for their entire lives and now the illegal aliens are getting more than any American from our corrupt government to come in and destroy America. You are wrong on this one! Had we been able to invest those funds into 401(k) or other retirement plans than we could have managed this money without it being taken with no option for an alternative. SSI has never been mandated like the pension funds to maintain sufficient balances because the corrupt Federal Govenrment couldn’t keep their hands off of it. This is where the problem has been for years.

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"You are wrong on this one! Had we been able to invest those funds into 401(k) or other retirement plans than we could have managed this money without it being taken with no option for an alternative." My takeaway from the article matches the second sentence I just quoted. Therefore I don't think Paul is wrong on this one, though his framing and summary may have been easily misinterpreted to blame the victim (e.g. middle class people with long careers about to retire).

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There is a way to solve the problem, but it would threaten the overflowing coffers of some VERY powerful people, and it would challenge MOST people, who aren quite reluctant to change. We could extend the average person's health-span, and therefore the number of years people could work, and at the same time we could greatly reduce the amount of money we give to Big Pharma and Big Medicine.

To achieve these goals, we must do the following:

1) Eat _real_ food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).

2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.

3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.

4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.

5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.

6) Exercise moderately.

7) Sleep long enough each night.

8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.

9) Pray.

10) Communicate with friends.

11) Consume fermented foods like natto, kimchi, sauerkraut, Greek Yogurt or Icelandic Skyr...

12) Take supplements like C, D3, K2... if you think you're not getting enough from real food.

13) Eliminate the need to take _any_ Big Pharma products for _chronic_ conditions.

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Paul, social security is paid by employees; yes, we have a political problem when Nixon pulled us off the gold standard forcing inflation, and more, but the original problem began with tool FDR during the 30s; all funding problems caused originally by idiot Princeton Wilson and his early CFR punk, House. Medicare is ALSO paid by the insured however they're paying currently, as in after the age of 65, if I recall, and that fee amounts to 1500.00 per year per individual; so 3,000 or so for husband and wife. Any abuse of the system is caused by the medical establishment itself and pols like Pedo and Bush that throw waste money instead of policing white collar MD criminals (the very same that insist upon bioweapon vaxxes and child-tran mutilations, and more.) I have several and I mean MANY elderly relatives; all living in FL, ofc. :) I can report my great grandfathers, grandfathers and all elderly uncles pay all medicare fees while they REFUSE to go to see any MDs. Wives all do, as if you didn't know.

We can NOT attack EITHER of these agencies. Veterans is yet another sore spot with poor records and way bad history, being military, ofc. Can't touch these guys, either.

All the above is related to 16th amendment and act of congress setting up criminal central banks back during Wilson then strengthened during FDR's total disruption and lies, ignored until Johnson's foolishness.

First act we must to is return to our Constitution that INSISTS Treasury controls the money supply, just as Jackson and Polk did giving Americans ZERO debt, as in NOT paying interest to Federal Reserve, linked to international Central Banks, resulting in our 1.5 Trillion dollar interest payment PER YEAR caused by all Presidents since Wilson now grown out of control during rig's occupation of the White Crack House.

Also, we now have over 800 military bases OUTSIDE the USA designed to control the flow of oil spice. We do NOT need any. NONE. We also have over 6000 domestic military bases none needed except at borders and NOT ONE LOCATED NEAR BORDERS.

The above frames out the problem. The problem; Take down central banks, Trilateral NWO, CFR NWO and bureaucrat deep state NWO, then regain control over our college NWO admin, the latter by simply taking all their patents and place those profits into Treasury. Much more, but the above is enough for now. btw, all American intellectuals fully get all the above. Not like everyone is stupid, but the damn CFR controlled fake mainstream news, using TV mind control, among other things, suppress the truth, as usual. :)

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people should get those who paid into the system, I am just trying to help share the system is in trouble

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Paul, CFR fake news is using SS, Medicare and VA as SCAPEGOATS to cover many of your most excellent points regarding Rogue HIS, FDA and so on. You haven't yet touched upon GMO disasters promoted by the FDA, if I recall. Be advised that our FDA was compromised early by Nazi Pharmas concerning vaccines that were never needed, in terms of ass inoculations (SV40, so on, Salk and Sabin) but the glaring example of FDA atrocity was recorded with their attack upon Wilhelm Reich. Controlled Wiki had a nice abstract of Reich, if I recall, probably yet there as FDA is yet low profile. Study of Reich's work is amazing. So much going on that's lost in history.

btw, in addition to my comments above on medicare, my elderly relatives ALSO pay supplemental medicare insurance (United something) that costs MORE than Medicare: 4000 per year for husband and wife. Total cost of insurance is at least 7k per year for two, at this time.

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So, Paul, what can an individual do at this point to change this for themselves? Take their Social Security check and Put money in a stock index fund? Do the same with your required minimum distribution from your IRÁ? Minimize the medications you are taking? And do everything that ‘An Ominous’ suggests in this thread? All of the above. I have already retired, worked until just shy of 72, delayed taking my SS PENSION as long as I could, and stayed on company health insurance until I retired. We have ~$3,500,000 in retirement assets (until the CBDC takes them away), and our financial advisor’s computer program says we have a 99% chance of outliving our assets (I assume that doesn’t depend on SS payments continuing). So I guess my question is more along the lines of how can I not contribute any more to the coming disaster (and preserve assets to pay for medical care when Medicare goes belly up)?

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I find it hilarious that the SSA used to have a web page explaining how they weren't a Ponzi scheme: https://web.archive.org/web/20041001200512/http://www.ssa.gov/history/ponzi.html. In fact, the SSA website does still mention Ponzi a few times: https://search.ssa.gov/search?affiliate=ssa&query=ponzi.

While technically I agree with them, in practice it appears the SSA is describing a distinction without a difference.

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