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About pilot mandates-- this protest video may have been pounded down by the algos, but it's still on YT. Check out the spirit!


March 3, 2022 Indianapolis, Indiana, USA



Josh Yoder is co-founder of US Freedom Flyers www.usfreedomflyers.org. This was a rally speech he gave for the The People's Convoy of truckers, which protested the covid vaccine mandates with a convoy and series of rallies from California to Washington DC.



JOSH YODER: Hi, good evening. I'm so happy to see all of you here this evening. It absolutely warms my heart every time that I'm in a group of patriots like this.

The reason everyone's here tonight is because you're standing up. Finally. We've been waiting for so long across this country for people to stand up.


For me this journey started in August, August 6th, sitting in a hotel room in Chicago. United Airlines had just come out with a mandate for their employees. They said, you're going to get this jab or lose your job.

At that point there was no federal mandate. I spoke to a couple of friends and decided we had to do something about it. So we stood up and formed an organization known as US Freedom Flyers.


You may have seen the meltdowns that happened at Southwest and American Airlines.


JOSH YODER: They blamed it on clear weather in Florida.


JOSH YODER: You know it's really pesky. But it turns out, when you mistreat your employees, you take their rights for granted and you think you're going to bring tyranny into the workplace and to people's lives, they don't take it well.

And I'm happy to say, we still have a lot of patriots in this country who stood up and didn't just say no, they said, hell no, we're not going to take it!


That, hands down, is the most effective thing that we ever did.

On November 22nd we filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration. We're suing them.


This is the federal contractor clause that mandate that all these airlines, large trucking companies, sea shipping and rail, they're hiding behind it, they're saying, hey, it's not us, it's the government, they're making us do it.

So we said, OK, no problem. We're going to help you out, we're going to get rid of that and see what you do when you stand on your own.

We're currently out of 27 airlines, 5 rail companies, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, most of them have backed down. They've accepted relations to medical exemptions but to this day we do still have 4 airlines who have stood on these, so we're going to have a mandate regardless of what the federal government says and we're getting ready to file lawsuits against them as well.



That part of this trip across the country with these truckers is that the American Spirit is not dead. It has been amazing. I'll be honest, I've been really concerned over the past six months, especially. I was afraid that the American Spirit was dead. But I can tell you, driving from California—


JOSH YODER: —all the way out here to Indy [Indianapolis] I think I counted less than seven overpasses they didn't have Americans standing on them with flags.


This is one of the most powerful things I have ever been part of!

[Applause, standing ovation]

I can't even tell you how proud I am to be an American right now, the fact that you're all here.

[crowd chanting, inaudible]

This is the people's convoy, it's about you! We are going to take this country back! [inaudible] is just like you standing up with us.


I want to give a huge shout out to the truckers. I'm obviously not a trucker, I'm an airline pilot. I actually come from a family of truckers, that's one of the ways I got involved in this. I have a lot of faith in this nation, all the citizens of the United States. You know we see what Canada did, they're standing up. This is happening all around the world. So many people are fed up. This is about all of us—

MAN'S VOICE: We're fed up!

JOSH YODER: —humanity, standing up for human rights for each other. And I would just encourage you, never underestimate the power that you make or have as an individual. When you stand up and when you do the right thing, you never know who you're going to influence around you. And that's what you're seeing, you're seeing people who stood up, and everyone's rallying around those people, and we're changing the world.

Thank you so much for coming out this evening.




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